Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Abigail Wainwright. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Abigail Wainwright. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, junio 09, 2013

Alto Consejo de Orión - Desintoxicación de las energías al movernos a niveles de existencia más elevados - Abigail Wainwright - 01-06-13

72-Humanity dos

Saludos, queridos.n Muchos de ustedes están experimentando periodos intensos de desintoxicación justo ahora mientras la vibración de la Tierra continúa elevándose a mayor velocidad.

En verdad hay un flujo de luz entrando en la atmosfera de la Tierra que es extremadamente intenso y esto significa que estarán liberando eso el cual ya no les sirve en proporción más rápida que antes en éste reino de existencia.

Pueden estar sintiendo energías muy inusuales e incomodas dentro de su cuerpo. Los patrones de sueño se alteran, problemas digestivos, calambres en el cuerpo y dolor, irritaciones en la piel, cambios de humor, depresión, etc.…

En otros momentos puede que se sientan el otro extremo del espectro o que brota una alegría, amor, gratitud, calma, paz, conocimiento y sabiduría interna.

lunes, junio 03, 2013

High Council of Orion – Detoxification of energies as we move into Higer levels of existance - Abigail Wainwright, posted June 1, 2013 dear one. Many of you are experiencing intense periods of detoxification right now as the vibration of earth continues to rise at ever increasing speed. There is indeed an influx of light entering the earth’s atmosphere that is extremely intense and this means you will be releasing that which no longer serves at an even faster rate than ever before in this realm of existance. You may be feeling very unusual and uncomfortable energies within your system. Sleeping patterns become distorted, digestive issues, body cramps and pain, skin irritations, mood sings, depression etc… At other moments you may also feel the other end of the spectrum also surface such as feelings of joy, love, gratitude, calm, peace, knowingness and inner wisdom.

A Message From The Cosmic Light Beings - Abigail Wainwright - June 3, 2013

A Message From The Cosmic Light Beings

This message has reached YOU through divine synchronicity. This has reached you because we feel YOU need to know just how beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, talented, special and needed YOU are on earth. At times you have doubted yourself and your worth on this planet. Please do not listen to those who doubt your self worth and light; for it is not within higher truth, but a projected shadow cast from their own self doubt, pain and limited beliefs toward themselves at this point in time. This is a confirmation to your heart and soul that you are truly LOVED and VALUED within the Cosmos for just being YOU. We know you are doing so much good on this planet and it is time to know the truth! YOU are magnificent and valued beyond measure for all you are doing to assist this planet! Although some of your fellow earthly beings may be masked and unaware of your unique work and contribution you put out into the world, there are many beautiful beings around you NOW who are supporting you and are very grateful for all that you do. Keep being YOU, shine your light uniquely and without justification… and know that YOU really do make a difference for earth, humanity and universe. LOVE is the answer. We are ONE and we are LOVE.
~ The Cosmic light beings through Abigail Wainwright