miércoles, mayo 15, 2013

From the Light with Love - Gillian MacBeth-Louthan Tuesday, 14 May, 2013

Losing the past and disconnecting from the Now offers opportunities that could not exist otherwise. The new age, the old age, all age becomes unnecessary as humanity makes a U-turn into a place of reconnection. The communication lines between humans are fragile and strained like a butterflies wings. Seeing oneself mirrored in others has become painful. Most now avert their eyes not wanting to see what is right in front of them. The oneness seems miniscule as humanity huffs and puffs and blows the illusion down.
Time, stars and climate rewrite themselves in harmony with new laws on this new playing field of light. Each door you open will take you down another highway of self into a multidimensional portal. Fractured parts of human evolution now seek to be united called into oneness. This will keep everyone  busy scooping up missing parts of self. Each person is escorted into all faces of their Eve and Adam/atom. Original blueprint is laced with future possibilities.  To become your true presence you must walk in the stars.  Realities are challenged doing hand to hand combat. Time rushes by without even a wave, as the tornado of dimensional change has us riding our bikes against the wind.

Shanta Gabriel – Connecting To Archangel Sandalphon – 15 May 2013

shanta-gabriel-teacher-guideConnecting to Archangel Sandalphon from your Base Chakra is like being held in Wings of Pure Love and Safety.
This calming and soothing presence allows you to truly feel how protected you are and know that it’s safe to move into  life. At the same time there is an increase in your vitality, an ever-widening structure that fuels and nourishes you in your earth world.
Chakra 1 - Archangel SandalphonWell-being is the energy frequency of Archangel Sandalphon.
During this shift of the Ages, Archangel Sandalphon has become available to help anchor the extreme intensity of the new frequencies on the planet. Archangel Sandalphon has been called the Guardian of the Earth and holds the planet in the palm of his hand, and is also known to be concerned with the welfare of humanity. (I use the term “he,” but these massive, exalted Archangels really do not have gender.)
Sandalphon nourishes and supports us while we create flexible foundations for life in the new 5-D world. Through connection to Archangel Sandalphon, this expansive Being holding the presence of Nature that births all of life,  there is an expanded energy that allows you to feel cared for, whole and held in loving protection.
Guided MeditationEnjoy this 4-minute guided meditation that offers you a personal experience of Archangel Sandalphon.Link to Archangel Sandalphon Guided Meditation
The full meditation mp3 along with study materials from Shanta’s Archangel Study Program is available for purchase in our Resource Center. Please see details here.
I just did the Sandalphon meditation.

By far, the best chakra meditation I ever experienced!!!

Expansive, divine, peaceful, powerful, loving, embracing….

I never experienced my root chakra in such an expansive state.By the end, I was visualizing my root chakra
as this huge red and green plant like a lotus,
the green embodying the strength and vitality of a young, new plant.

~Susan, California
http://www.thegabrielmessages.com / link to original article

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Love Your Mother – 15 May 2013

grass womanYou enter my womb as I enter yours. You open up portals within me as I open up and experience portals within you. You each represent a part of my life force, a part of my flesh, a part of my heart. You walk within the sacred sound, your soul upon my body as I sing in the very cells of your being. From beyond time known you have adored me, you have wept upon me and for me. From beyond space you have come as a star in the flesh you are a part of my heart.
Awaken the stargate of your own heart. Stop waiting for that perfect day, the perfect mate, that perfect understanding. Do not squander your dreams, your heart, your feelings, and your message. Do not hold onto what inherently screams inside of you, but sing it from the treetops and the mountaintops, and from the very rooms of your soul. Don’t hold tight as you have in the past to the secrets, the messages, the truths for it is now time to partake of all that you have known. Sup upon it and prepare a banquet, a wedding feast as you commit parts of your own soul into marital bliss beyond your human understanding, of heaven and earth.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 15 May 2013

sheldan2 Kan, 12 Moan, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return with more to tell you. The coming changes in your reality are vital because they acknowledge the grand shift in consciousness that you are going through. Every single aspect of you is subtly changing, beginning with the shifting configuration of your RNA/DNA. Some of you are being exposed to a very accelerated amount of change while others are undergoing gentler shifts which require a minimum of bodily discomfort. Those presently experiencing lesser amounts of discomfort are scheduled to move into more pronounced ascension symptoms in the early summer months. In short, all of you are being altered at the pace and types of change specified in your individual life contracts. However, the general level of discomfort is programmed by Heaven to increase during the course of the summer months. This summer marks a very special moment in your history: disclosure is central to our overall planning and we dearly desire to have this requisite formally announced. It allows us to address you directly and to begin planning the next steps in your return to full consciousness.

John Smallman – Jesus – It Is As Though You Had Confined Yourselves Within A Minute Dwelling With No Windows – 15 May 2013

john-blog-pics-0135The spiritual realms – Heaven, Reality where all of creation is – is watching with joy as the cloud, the fog, the ephemeral mist in which those in the illusion have chosen to hide themselves from our Father and from Reality starts to dissolve. Its dissolution was assured as soon as it formed, but only when those within it chose to allow it to do so.  That decisive and irreversible choice has now been made, and from here forwards humanity is determinedly and spontaneously involved in releasing all the aspects of themselves that maintain and support the illusion – the illusion in which it seems to them that they are so firmly and inextricably enmeshed.

How The Shift Will Happen - by Owen K Waters ■ May 12, 2013

http://www.davidicke.com/images/stories/Oct20120/the-shift-1_11.jpg --- Spiritual Dynamics Newsletter
The ancient Mayan culture gave us more than the Mayan cosmic cycles. They were an early test case for the process of physical ascension that the entire planet will experience in the near future.

Their information on cycles made us aware that December 21st, 2012 was when several long-term cosmic cycles of influence upon human consciousness come to a close, all on the same date, and new cycles began. There is a 5,125 year cycle, a longer 26,000-year cycle, as well as some even longer-term cycles, which all converged on that one date.

John Smallman – Saul – Was Has Become “Unfashionable” And Will Shortly Be Unthinkable – 15 May 2013

john-blog-pics-0135Humanity’s progress towards awakening is proceeding apace, and that is because you have reached the point in the process where you had previously decided to allow an enormous acceleration to occur in the rate at which you accumulate knowledge.  Knowledge accumulation reduces ignorance and the limits that ignorance imposes.  No longer are any subjects taboo.  No longer is there any prohibition that prevents researchers from investigating the fields that interest and intrigue them.  This freeing-up of orientation is accompanied by enthusiastic encouragement for those with new ideas that they wish to develop, leading to a mushrooming, expanding flow of information between diverse fields of knowledge, which further accelerates the accumulation of knowledge.

Wes Annac – Keeping Darkness Fed: It’s Time To Wake Up – 14 May 2013

(Photo: Darkness, largely fed and accepted)
I went to go into a channeling this morning, and found the connection was very shallow. Little purity of information was coming through and overall, the process felt much more mind-centered than heart-centered as it is intended to be.
Of course this has happened before, and any channeler who is well-practiced in their own right can usually recognize when their connection is just too shallow in that moment to proceed with the communication.
In my case; I try to find reasons why the connection could be shallow or why I’m just not receiving the fruitful, intricate impressions I’d otherwise joyfully receive. For this morning specifically, a few different reasons surface why the connection just isn’t as strong or pure as it usually is. One reason is my tiredness on this morning; depletion or lack of energy can lead to a lack of enthusiasm in the mind to purely interpret the impressions being received by the heart.

martes, mayo 14, 2013

Call for Action- Short Message from Higher Self and Multidimensional Ocean – May 9, 2013 by Laura

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” Edmund Burke
Hi guys,
For the 1st time in over 2 weeks, I am getting a small message from “upstairs” as it were J.
There is a call to action for the lightworkers, I am told that the time for action is now.
What is meant by action?
Action can be done through many dimensions, on many levels, personal or with a wider range. Any true change begins with oneself. If everybody was willing to do meditation every day, once in the morning, and in the evening, and trying to come back to a more connected states regularly throughout the day, the results will be rapidly visible on a planetary scale.
This state of inner connection to the light, to our Higher Self, to love, to understanding and to higher knowledge (for a lack of a better word), would have consequences on our daily lives.
Being connected to the light, for even a few seconds during our day, would bring light into our lives, and would result into the needed action.

Suzanne Lie – Message From The Arcturians – The Alchemy Of Creation -Transmutation Of Consciousness – Arcturians And Illiaem – 14 May 2013

ArcturianDear Ascending Humans,
We will speak to you today about the alchemy of creation. Alchemy is a process of changing matter by raising its resonance into a higher frequency. Hence, the alchemy of creation is actually transmutation. In the third dimension, creation is a time-bound concept, which is the polar opposite of destruction. However, beyond time there are no opposites, no birth and no death. Instead, there is transmutation.
One form of transmutation is the process through which encasements of consciousness (bodies and/or form) raise their resonance into a higher frequency of atomic and/or energetic oscillation. In a physical body, the atoms of third dimensional matter spin to a higher frequency, resulting in a higher resonance.

Valerie Donner – A Message From Master Hilarion – 14 May 2013

hilarion2On May 1 in my Monthly Meeting with the Masters Class, we worked with the Master Hilarion. He said: “Don’t be discouraged dear ones. The best is yet to come. You have climbed over many hurdles and there are still more along the way. You have high expectations for there is a lot of good coming your way. End your heartaches and disappointments from the past. Release the illusion and hold onto the great expectations. Much will be demanded and much will be given. This is your moment of truth. Step up and be heard. You are the ones. You are ready. The Earth is ready. You can alter the path. Do it. Heal your hearts and you will be free. . . There’s no place like Home. You are letting go of the old Atlantean energies and bringing in the Lemurian energies. The Golden Age is upon you. Circumstances and conditions will constantly change with layer after layer of good falling upon you.  It will be like the Promised Land and something to behold. . . .You will be hit with a thunderbolt like lightening. It will instantly alter the course. It’s not my way but thy way. Each will be free to decide. You are heralding in a new age. Quick responses are needed. Yes or no.”
www.thegroundcrew.com / link to original article



Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

pearflower.jpg - 36487 Bytes
This article or channel was originally given as an individual channel for a client. Archangel Michael asked me to publish it as an article, with the client's permission. He felt that the information given here is important for all humans who are going through the "completion" phase of the Ascension process right now.
The client originally asked two questions that were interrelated for her. The first was about the deep depression she was feeling, and about why she felt that she did not want to be here on the planet any more. I have been receiving an increased amount of mails from people saying much the same thing. Where, they ask, is the Joy and the Fun?
Then she asked about a soulmate relationship that had seemingly been brought to her almost as an answer to her prayers, but that had caused the collapse of her present partnership and had not brought anything else in the way of joy and love at this time. She felt confused and a little cynical and disillusioned about this as well.

High Council of Orion – Frequency Changes - Channeled by Karen Doonan - May 14, 2013

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iVn0jYGK88s/ULdM9mE29sI/AAAAAAAAA6k/K7Wid8aH65E/s350/Karen.JPGChanneled by Karen Doonan
Dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support ALL at this time of heightening energies and shifts in frequency. As many of you are aware the moon and the increase in new earth frequencies has allowed for higher dimensional timelines to open and to become available. It is vital at this time that you do not allow your human logical mind to try to teach you that the earth is the “same” and the options and manifestation of your dreams is somehow contained, this is not TRUTH. The movement of SOUL groups across and within planet earth energetically will now be done PHYSICALLY, ALL are being aligned at this time and all are now communicating to heightened levels. Many of you may now be wondering which is dream time and which is waking life and we guide for you to allow your human vehicle to find balance. Now is not the time to allow the human logical brain to take over once more, the heart KNOWS TRUTH for the heart is seeded with TRUTH and now this must be the guiding LIGHT for ALL at this time.

Are You at Your Transition ‘Whatever!’ Point?

http://lifetapestrycreations.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/life-tapestry-creations-brenda-black-photo1-e1352058178407.pngChanneled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Summary of Brenda’s May 12, 2013 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman: Due to technical difficulties, there is a long pause near the beginning of this channel.  Many energies will be pummeling your beings in the next few days. Don’t be surprised if you short-circuit electrical/computer systems or ‘space out’ for a few seconds. You’re collecting energies for a major shift at the end of May.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: “This Week’s Energy Theme – You are Healed and Healing”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” BlogTalkRadio.com show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled materials.

lunes, mayo 13, 2013

Hundreds Watch As UFO With Bright Lights Hovering in Sky! - Amazing UFO Sighting!

The manuscript of survival – part 309

You have by now gotten used to the idea of reading words given to you through an intermediary such as the channel we are using. However, from now on, we also want to urge you all to try to communicate directly with us. And when we say ”us”, we refer of course to the collective known as The constant companions. This is of course just to make it easier for you to open up to all of this, for if we had asked any of you to just pick out a name of an entity you wanted to communicate with, it might have left you stymied in so many ways. So, that is also the reason we have chosen to appear in the form of a faceless and nameless collective. You see, you have all the ability to connect with ”the other side” as many like to refer to us as, but until now, it is one that has been reserved for a small number of people. And the reason for that is easy to explain. Mankind have been on a long journey to reach the point they are at today, and now, finally, you have made yourself ready to truly step into your true roles as citizens not just of this planet, but of all of Creation. And this journey has been one fraught with many perils and disturbances, and as such, information has been controlled in so many ways. We know that this is not news to any of you, for you all know well that here has been a lot of manipulation going on behind the scenes as it were, and this road that mankind have travelled down for such a long time, is not the road that mankind set out on from the beginning. But now, much has indeed been rectified, and as you all know, your own personal journey have been a vital part of this restructuring of your planet. For without the clearing and enligthening process you have taken upon you, nothing much would have changed at all on this, your home away from home as we like to call it, and mankind would have been forced to continue their journey torwards and over the precipice to certain destruction.

Matthew Ward – 13 May 2013

MatthewWardWith loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We know it is difficult for you to feel elated about Earth being in fourth density when violence still has a firm place in your world, and you wonder where the promised Golden Age is.
Earth crossed the threshold of her Golden Age when she entered the safe harbor of fourth density almost six months ago, but many of her residents who accompanied her have not reached that density in spiritual and conscious awareness. So it is understandable if you feel discouraged by what appears to be little progress toward a peaceful world.
Yes, we have mentioned these feelings before and now just as then, never is it with criticism. In all truth, we could feel the same if we saw only what you do, but we have the immense advantage of being able to view Earth from this exceptional vantage point.

Yeshua ~ See Yourselves As I See You: Magnificent Beings of the Divine ~ Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 12, 2013

Hello dear ones, Light of my Light, Love of my Love. I come before you today in humble reverence for your unyielding perseverance in this very important mission that you have consented to take on for the service of all. To watch you all has been enlightening to us all in the Celestial Realm. To see you spread your wings of divinity is music to our ears, salve to our souls. In heartfelt allegiance, we continue our journey forward together.
The road has been long, but look around you and you will see much progress within and without. You have reached a new phase in your development and in carrying out your service to humanity - the service you have long held very deep in your hearts.
You have opened up new vistas and avenues of existence, especially of late, when a huge shift happened in many of you. You are beginning to see your purpose and mission and choosing your path. You are realizing by now that in doing so, you must leave much behind. But consider all that you leave as just training wheels that you have joyfully taken off in order to fly more steadily into your true vision of life.

A Pleiadian Message About Our Inner Guidance. By, Bella Capozzi. May 12, 2013.

images-1As healers and intuitives, I believe that the some of the most common questions we get from our friends, family and clients are in relation to opening the lines of communication between themselves and the Higher Realms.  They want to know why they can’t hear their Angels, or they want to sharpen the skills that they already have in order to understand them better.  What most people don’t realize is that they already are getting this information, and they just need to learn how to recognize and interpret it.  This type of communication can manifest itself in such a variety of different forms, as is explained in the message from my own team of Guides, below.  While I did originally receive the message last summer, the information seems to me to be even more appropriate right now.


Seeking Guidance From Within

Originally received on July 8, 2012.
There is no guidance more trustworthy than that which comes from within.  This is the voice which speaks to you from the heart.  It is the sudden warning you receive in times of peril, an inner knowing of where to go and how to get there,  or an unexpected answer to a nagging question.  It is all of those things and so very much more.  Over time, you came to know this gentle guidance as Angelic intervention or a loving Guide coming to your aid; and yes, you were quite correct in assuming that it was indeed our voices you were hearing.  Yet have you ever considered that this wisdom is not originating only from a source outside of yourself, but also from someplace much closer?  Is it possible that this is knowledge that you have had all along, but has been kept hidden from you by the lower vibration and limitations of the 3rd dimension?
meditationEntertain the notion that you are without limits and wise beyond anything you could ever imagine.  That you are your higher-self.  The higher-self is not some lofty, separate persona existing far away and apart from who you are at this exact moment-you, who are alive and whole and thriving within the confines of the human bodysuit.  It is not a finer, happier being living a carefree life across the galaxy, while you do battle on the denser planes of Earth.  Not at all.  The higher-self is the portion of your being which exists in wait for the time you are able to merge with it as one.  Indeed, it is conscious and timeless, and it experiences everything you have ever done.   Behind the amnesiac veil is where you will find it, and it is becoming increasingly integrated in your human consciousness with every passing day.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion's weekly message May 12-19, 2013


Beloved Ones,

These are the days of endurance, steadfastness and of the exploring of the different aspects of your many faceted selves. Take the time to sit in stillness, in quietness, to open your heart, your willingness and allowance for further insights that may come during these moments. Be willing to go beyond the confines of your former perceptions of self, to step into the unknown with courage and persistence. Look beyond seeming appearances of the outer world to the world that exists within you. There are treasures waiting to be discovered, claimed and tapped into; the treasures of the spirit.

Behold in these moments the magnificence of your true Being and try it on for size. Bask in the glow of your shining spirit. You are beginning to comprehend the unlimited nature of your Being and the tremendous power for good that you hold to make a decided difference in the world around you. In whatever way you are called, it is the time to make choice to begin your new journey into uncharted territory. As you ride the waves of change, stay steadfast in your alignment to your higher presence. Many hearts are opening as you do this. You have been experiencing the pull of polarities within you and this is a common experience for many souls during these times. Remember that it is what you resist which keeps you in these conflicting energies.

On the Horizon – channeled by Ron Head May 12, 2013


We will speak today of this newest influx of energies, centered around your month with three eclipses.  This will accelerate the societal changes already begun to a rate not seen before.  Some will be bewildered by this.  Those who have already progressed well into their awakening process will feel some vindication for the convictions they have jealously guarded for so long.

This also signifies, to great extent, the changes in your universe which are soon to bring about inner evolution and outer situations you have dreamed of, intended, and requested of your Divine Creator.  You who recognize what is, in fact, well underway, may be impressed with the rate of change you are seeing, but we tell you it is as nothing compared to what is on the horizon.

Leslee Hare and Aseorkha – Telepathic Communication with Sirians - May 12, 2013

Thanks to Spirit Train Chronicles
Hi, Everyone,
I’m very happy to share with you a new method I’ve found, and some results I’ve had, for connecting. This method I learned from my friend Aseorkha, and it’s intended specifically for connecting with Sirian Beings.
After using this method for a few days, I invited Aseorkha to join us here on STC, and he’s also set uphis own blog where he’s placed the content I had found on One Vibration. Below is a link to the first set of instructions in his blog – please pay him a visit! (There are 14 Parts to this topic on his site.)
On May 3, I tried this method for the first time. To help me with the process, I created a copy of the connection diagram so I would have it for easy reference on my phone:
In the days that followed, I learned why I had been guided to blur the edges of the shapes: it all comes back to fluidity, perhaps especially water.
On this first evening, I sat and connected with my usual Guides, to check whether I was on track in feeling like this might be a useful exercise. I got confident “Yes’s”, so I began reviewing the steps given.

Leslee Hare: GLS Salcys – Additional Information Gathered - May 12, 2013


[Konstantinos: GLS stands for Galactic Light Ship and STC is for the Spirit Train Chronicles blog]
(From Leslee)
In the past two weeks, I’ve received  a large amount of new information about ships, beings, connecting, Cities of Light, and Earth Changes. I wish I could do a mind download to get it all posted for you!
On this post, I’m sharing some updates I’ve made to the page here on STC for the GLS Salcys. You may either read the content below, or visit the page at the link below.
Many thanks to Aseorkha for sharing this connection with me! Please check out his new blog where he shares much more.

Leslee Hare: Something is wrong – Do you feel It? May 12, 2013

(From Leslee – I really appreciate the info included in this post, and it resonates a lot with how the past 3 weeks have gone for me! However, I’m not sure I’d use the word “Wrong”; I think “Different” more aptly describes what I’ve been getting. I’m also sharing, after the article, a comment I made on Laron’s site. Lots of love to you all!)
(via Laron at transients.info, via Ted Twietmeier)
An interesting take on the feelings that some of us may have around something coming up for us.
Via rense.com, 8 May 2013 (Thanks Troy) - There is something “in the air” these days and many people are feeling it. Countless people everywhere felt it months before 9/11. Now that feeling is back. A better understanding of this feeling may eventually provide warning about an upcoming explosive event in our future. For some readers this entire article will be a bit “out there.” But that is just the nature of this subject. There is some repetition in this article to help the reader understand this intangible subject.

Andy Bojarski ~ My Higher Self: 50 Things To Do Now To Raise Your Energy Vibration - May 11, 2013

VibrationRaising your energy vibration and consciousness is very important in these shifting and changing times. This is even more important in the times ahead as a lot of cleansing and releasing will be coming for the collective consciousness.
At any given point in the NOW, your energy vibration is always based on how you feel. Your emotions always reflect your thoughts and if your thoughts cause you to feel good emotionally, then you are in a high vibration energetically. So always have positive thoughts.
That is so important. You are always deciding what your energy vibration is, nobody else. Here are some things that you can do to increase your consciousness level and energy vibration:

John Smallman – Jesus – To Trust Is To Be Free -12 May 2013

john-blog-pics-0135An intense and creative shift in humanity’s perception of itself is happening all across the world in preparation for your move into full consciousness, full awareness of who you are and of your eternal inseparability from God – Who created you to enjoy infinite and everlasting peace, joy, and happiness.  Peace, joy, and happiness are states of mind.  Modern psychology has informed you of that, and it has been well demonstrated, especially by those who have moved from depression and anxiety into peace and contentment by changing their minds and their perceptions.
Everyone has the ability to change their perceptions, but until quite recently it was thought that an individual’s perception – his view of life and the opportunities it offered him – was basically fixed: a state of existence into which he was born and with which he had to deal to the best of his abilities.  Now it is generally recognized that everyone does have the freedom to change those apparently given attributes for something more in line with their desires.  It is a recognition that you are each masters of your own destiny, that how you experience life is a personal choice which you make in every moment.  Yes, you all have different and indeed unique limitations – physical, intellectual, and creative – which vary from one to another, but they do not prevent you from altering the beliefs and the perceptions through which you view the world, your world.

John Smallman – Saul – When You Do Not Feel Peace, It Is Because You Are Choosing To Be Part Of The Illusion – 12 May 2013

john-blog-pics-0135Here in the spiritual realms we are enthusiastically observing the enormous and rapid progress humanity is making on its path of spiritual evolution.  This has always been the divine Will, so your rapid progress was always expected. Nevertheless, it is indeed a joy to see it happening.  The very intense work that you Light-bearers and wayshowers are doing as you address and release the issues that are coming up thick and fast for you, and for humanity generally, is being most effectively implemented, and all on Earth are benefiting due to your efforts.
This is a momentous time to be experiencing life as a human.  Many are depressed, as they suffer or observe the suffering of others, and feel quite helpless . . . unable to experience any form of consolation themselves or to offer it to others.  The suffering seems too grave, too deep for anyone to bear.  But the darkness will lift because there is only the Light!  Deep within yourselves is the path to joy, to glory, and it is inevitable that you find it and follow it, because it is your path, the path that you chose and prepared for yourselves before incarnating.  Hold on to your faith, your knowing that there is only Love – and It will find you!

DL Zeta: Becoming One within Ourselves Leads to Oneness with All Others - May 11

We are in an amazing time filled with new potentials that offer each person the possibility to experience their highest visions and gift the world with amazing new ideas, innovations, works of art and discoveries.
The key to living along timelines where our highest and best exists is to unite our physical and energetic selves. As we become one within ourselves, we’re able to unite with the gifts and talents we have cultivated throughout the history of our soul. Cultivating inner oneness allows us to do all this and more.
The greatest challenges we face are those that arise from a state of inner separation. This is what happens when we choose to see ourselves solely as a physical being. When we limit our experience to only that which we can observe with our physical senses, we cut ourselves off from a great amount of the assistance we would otherwise receive from our energetic self. It is through the union of our physical and energetic selves that we’re able to access fifth-dimensional timelines aligned with our highest visions and dreams.

Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ May 12 – 19, 2013 ~ Remove Yourself from Being Limited and Become Limitless ~ via Received by Julie Miller

Every day is an opportunity to look deep into the areas of your life that brings dissatisfaction. When you focus on these areas, you are greeting a potential to expand these areas by increasing the distance of your comfort zones, making them wider and possibly dropping them altogether. It is important dear ones to comprehend dissatisfaction is not a new concept for you to learn, you have experienced this more than once. We have seen many dear souls become indifferent and oftentimes stagnant in their own growth as a person and dissatisfaction also has created delays in your ability to make healthier decisions. When you are feeling dissatisfied, feelings of woe take over, and a sense of hopelessness becomes a companion. Remember dear ones, even your thoughts are choices. If you ever feel hopeless, it is only because you have thought it and made it so. When feeling dissatisfied, you are expressing that there is no way out of the current situation and causing limitations within your own Self when in fact you are limitless.
Gabriel Channels SaLuSa

1 - None of you is here to stand watching things happen without giving your share of aid. Dear, you were prepared for a long time before you reach where you reached. Now it’s time to take on your true nature, your true latent Divine Potential into you. Yes, you know that, you know you have this power, but many of you wonder how to use it, or just don’t you say: "I know I have, but I can’t" ? - Yes, you can, my beloved! It’s your nature, you’re used to pick own a tremendous force from your inside to help someone when he needs help, you’ll be able to lift a truck if you see it on a dear someone, so dear, you can. Now we request you to become more and more into a meditation state, increasingly seeking contact with your Higher Self to all this potential become aware in this dormant portion of your human brain.


domingo, mayo 12, 2013

Jahn J Kassl - ASANA MAHATARI - Life on 5D-Earth - May 12, 2013

channeled by Jahn J Kassl, May 6, 2013
first published on May 10, 2013 in
Translation: Björn Kurt
We have written and published so many essays in the past how we envision life in the 5th and higher dimensions that we must have explored all aspects from our limited human point of view. The rest pertains to the category “cosmic surprise”. And yet it is always a great consolation to read about the bliss that is soon awaiting us from a source coming from the higher dimensions who knows what he is talking about. In this time of endless waiting for the miracle to occur, one is thankful for any confirmation that all the sacrifices in this last incarnation have not been in vain and that we will be hugely rewarded for this. In this sense enjoy this presentation of Asana Mahatari about life on the new earth in the 5th dimension.

Jahn J Kassl - The Ascended Masters - Life on 3D-Earth - May 12, 2013

The Ascended Masters
channeled by Jahn J Kassl, May 7, 2013
first published on May 12, 2013 in
Translation: Björn Kurt
by Georgi Stankov
When you read this message, please bear in mind that all catastrophes and other terrible events that are described in this channeling will only occur on earth B after the ID split as also confirmed one more time by Dorie’s HS in her last message:
Just two weeks ago many of your visions of the earth changes returned, but this time you were without fear, for you understand these changes will occur in stages, with the final devastating destruction to occur only on Planet B during the ID split.
The ascension scenario includes the collective experience by all humanity of some initiation events on this earth A/B, which will have a “hang over” on the ascended earth A/B after the ID split as the ascended masters explain in their message on “Life on 4D Earth“. It is imperative that some collapses must be experienced by that portion of humanity, which will move along the timeline of the balanced earth A/B. These events will happen immediately after the ID split and will lead to the final abolition of the old Orion matrix at the economic, financial and societal level, before the new enlightened society can be built. None of these events will cause much destruction or a huge death toll, but will only help cleanse the collective survival fears of humanity that are still deeply stored in their DNA and cells.

sábado, mayo 11, 2013

Karen Doonan: High Council of Orion – Meditation for Release - May 10, 2013

This meditation is shared with ALL at this time in order to help you RELEASE, each one of you will have a different frequency and vibration that now calls for release and we invite you to share this meditation freely. Please do this exercise as often as you need and it may help to journal the experience in order for you to then consciously become more aware of what you are releasing and dissolving at this time.
Dear ones we come to guide and support as ALL now are asked to anchor the new vibrational frequencies and light codings that are now available. We ask for you to hold the intention to release all that no longer serves and to allow the emotions to find flow.

CItizen Hearing on Disclosure Press Release


If the Congress won’t do its job, the people will.
May 9, 2013
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Committee
Seeks UN World Conference on Possible Extraterrestrial Presence
Washington, DC
On May 3, 2013 members of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Committee and Hearing witnesses representing ten UN member nations met at the National Press Club to draft a statement seeking United Nations review of evidence of a possible extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
The result is the following communiqué:
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Washington Communiqué May 3, 2013
From April 29, 2013 to May 3, 2013 researchers, activists, political leaders, and former members of military services and government agencies representing ten countries gave testimony in Washington, DC to six former members of the United States Congress.
After hearing this testimony these members issue the following statement:
Whereas: given the unfolding scientific understanding of the number of potentially life supporting planets within Earth’s home galaxy, it would be the height of arrogance to assert that humans are the only sentient beings within that galaxy;

The Ascended Masters: Positive Change is Unavoidable - Wes Annac - May 11, 2013

Channeled through Wes Annac-
The Divinity and sovereignly of humanity will be understood in the time ahead and currently, a plethora of awakening souls upon the surface of your dear Earth are already beginning to find and discover their own personal Divinity and the miraculous things they can do.
Every one of you carries the pure power of the Creator in your hearts, and what we mean is that you possess a raw higher dimensional strength and ability to do and manifest so very much that for the most part, you’ve been led to believe you are unable to do or manifest.
Your abilities are truly unlimited, and we have always wished for you dear souls to know this.
We have taken incarnations on your dear Earth for the very purpose of helping you to uncover, discover and experience you natural Divinity and now, a plethora of souls are incarnate upon your world who will go down in your history books, just as we did, as souls who incarnated to help initiate the widespread awakening taking place.

"March Against Monsanto" Planned for Over 30 Countries - May 11, 2013

March Against Monsanto has announced that on May 25, tens of thousands of activists around the world will " March Against Monsanto ." Currently, marches are being planned on six continents, in 36 countries, totaling events in over 250 cities, and in the US, events are slated to occur simultaneously at 11 a.m. Pacific in 47 states. Tami Monroe Canal, lead organizer and creator of the now-viral Facebook page, says she was inspired to start the movement to protect her two daughters. "I feel Monsanto threatens their generation's health, fertility and longevity. I couldn't sit by idly, waiting for someone else to do something." [The full March Against Monsanto mission statement can be read here.] An organizer for the march in Athens, Greece, Roberta Gogos, spoke about the importance of the events in austerity-impacted South Europe. "Monsanto is working very hard to overturn EU regulation on obligatory labeling (questionable whether it's really enforced in any case), and no doubt they will have their way in the end. Greece is in a precarious position right now, and Greece's farmers falling prey to the petrochemical giant is a very real possibility." Josh Castro, organizer for Quito, says he wants to protect Ecuador against Monsanto's influence, too. "Ecuador is such a beautiful place, with the richest biodiversity in the world. We will not allow this Garden of Eden to be compromised by evil multinational corporations like Monsanto. Biotechnology is not the solution to world hunger. Agroecology is." Partners facilitating the organizing of March Against Monsanto include The Anti-Media, Activists' Free Press and A Revolt - Digital Anarchy. Major sponsors include GMO Free USA, NationofChange and Films for Action. Official website: www.march-against-monsanto.com .

Stan Deyo on VeritasRadio.com | Impending Earth Changes & The Mysterious, Roars, Cracks, & Booms

10/05/2013 This is Segment 1 of 2. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio. To listen to Segment 2 of this exclusive interview, subscribe at http://www.veritasradio.com to watch the rest. Veritas is censorship- and commercial-free and survives on your voluntary subscriptions. Thank you for supporting our work. ~Mel Fabregas S y n o p s i s Stan Deyo has an uncanny ability to forecast seismic and volcanic activity, but he also knows history, and having held an above top secret security clearance, he is aware of how the united states conquered anti-gravity propulsion since the 1950s. Imagine what we can do now. Is the planet getting ready for a change? Could we be rapidly approaching a time where wars may be a thing of the past, but one world government via 10 regions decided by the United Nations be a reality? Is the planet expanding and that is why we are hearing mother earth roar, crack and boom? What do the Hopi and even NASA know that they are not discussing? Why has Stan's ability to extrapolate information for his forecasts been limited? Could comet ISON be the Blue Star Kachina the Hopi talked about and what could our solar system experience during its passing? What are the safe areas to endure any possible man made or natural calamity? These are some of the questions addressed during this interview.

Caroline K.A. - Pleiadian Message: Return to Your Heart Center, That Which is Your God Self - May 11, 2013

Through Caroline K.A.
We are with you again dear hearts.  We are the Galactic Federation, and we come to you today as messengers of divine truth, and guidance which is needed at this time as your awakening rapidly approaches.  Many of you continue to search within your beautiful selves, and at times from outside sources for the truth of who you are.  We say to you, your truth lies within, and only there will you find it.
We come to you as brothers and sisters; your family of light.  No matter what outwardly occurrences seemingly shake your world momentarily, we ask that you remain centered and balanced at all times.
We understand as you forego the experiences and lessons of your agreement within duality, there will be times of upwards, and downwards spirals along your journey.   Remember, above all else, the truth you seek, lies within your hearts, for this is where you will find restored faith in yourselves, trust, and above all immense and unconditional love.

8 US Soldiers Disappear removing 5000 yr old Flying Machine from Afghan Cave

Vimana Temples of Ancient India

Depictions of vimanas ( Sanskrit for "aircraft") from various temples throughout India. The architectural feature that appears to represent a "UFO" or spaceship is actually called a vimana. The ancient Vedic literature is filled with deceptions of these flying machines that are said to have taken part in great cosmic wars of the gods. music is Steve Roach-Mantram

11th NEWS REPORTS 2013: UFO sightings, conspiracies, strange phenomena...

07/05/2013 As we explained in the video trilogy, Alcyon Pleiades, whilst we await the longed-for entrance of our planet Earth and the entirety of humanity into the photonic rings of the sun Alcyone, as well as the arrival of the extraterrestrial beings from the Rescue Brigades, especially the Pleiadeans and Sirians, there are countless global events taking place all over the world, a series of huge political, governmental, religious and social changes that are essential for the urgent eviction and de-activation of the visible government and the Shadow government, as well as that of the invading aliens on our planet. In addition to these fundamental points, we refer to facts, the majority of which are extremely unfavourable to mankind. They are events that are worsening through natural and meteorological imbalances, social situations that are increasingly dramatic and critical, provocations and declarations of war in several countries, crises and conflicts everywhere... There are also conspiracies and hidden plots, a greater amount of UFO sightings, strange and luminous phenomena that are more and more evident and occur in more places, etc. From now on, we would like to periodically inform those who have been following Alcyon Pleiades about all this, by means of a compilation of current news and documents of great interest that very often have not been reported by official means or go unnoticed but which are crucial to know the reality of the times we are living. Video by ALCYON. http://alcyonpleiades.blogspot.com/20...

THE EVENT 2013 : OK !! Cards on the Table : All we know about the event : UFO Videos : Will It Happen ? When Will it Happen ? What will Happen when it happens? - lightworkersxm.wordpress.com

Most of the questions We get these days are about The Event : So as always We will come clean and let you know all that we know : Excellent UFO latest compilation video at the foot of this article: Here are the most common Questions received in the last month: 5) How do you feel about all the changes leading up to The Event 4) Does this ( incident) signify the trigger for The Event? 3) When do you expect The Event? 2) What part are you playing in The Event? 1) What is the Event? Well the answer to the last question is, ”The Beginning of the arrival of The New Golden Age”. The event in our eyes is a complete change of the current slave system of supressed technological knowledge and good health and the complete stop of ‘senseless damage for profit’ that is being done to our mother earth. This is best summed up in The Book “Blueprints of Cosmic Consciousness” by Tony Kilvert on the Tab Above this article on the main page or : Link here : http://lightworkersxm.wordpress.com/blueprints-of-cosmic-consciousness/ To counter deception and misinformation the first thing to do in any research is look for an illuminati version of the Event and there are some : There is a failed TV programme series called The Event which is so bad that we cannot show clips on here. Then there is this : It is typically eventful and subliminal self made version of a cartoon, which is,well, poor but you decide.

Rejoice, the end and the beginning is close - Archangel Raphael trough M. Gamma ~ 11.05.2013

(Translated on the 11.05.2013, original language German)
Today we want to address the subject of healing and the relationship with your inner attitude. Your inner attitude is very important for your healing. This fact is recognized and accepted since decades by your science.
Well, the whole attitude towards the disease, the pain and similar goes much further. Your inner attitude should be regularly checked by yourself. The attitudes to all the things around you have an impact how and what you experience. It’s not just the Illness, the pain but also how you perceive your environment. Your inner attitude has a great affect how you perceive your environment. Be aware that you created your reality at any time with the help of your thoughts. It is not only your illness or your pain; it is much more.

The manuscript of survival – part 308 - Aisha North - May 11, 2013

As the days and nights pass by, the magnitude of what you have become part of will start to seep in in so many ways. Yes, this does entail some rather intense personal clearings, but at the same time, it also signals the start of a brand new era. Not just for each and every one of you, but also for this planet. You see, as we have mentioned in an earlier missive, this connecting and gathering that you have been focusing in on, is not just something that you have been partaking in. For this is indeed a global event, or rather events, in more ways than one, as there are other groups just like yours in the middle of going through this same deepening of relations. And when we say relations, we refer to both the personal one, the one where each and every individual get a chance to delve deeper into their own core than ever before, but we also mean this process of connecting, or rather, reconnecting, both with their own aspects ”behind the veil” as it were, and indeed with all the rest of Creation. But this is also a process of connecting and weaving together so many individual people scattered across your globe into a myriad of these webs of light, just like the one you now feel yourself so deeply attached to.

Bella Capozzi – Archangel Indriel: A Mother’s Day Message - May 11, 2013

❀ Beloved Hearts, I am Indriel.  If you think know me not, do be aware that it is because you simply remember me not.  That is all.  You know me and know me well, sweet Angels of God and goodness.  You know me as protector, guide and as a source of sudden inspiration-the inspiration which propels you forward towards the purpose for which you came to these great lands.  You needn’t remember me, for I ask only that you be still on occassion, observe and listen to the wisdom of your heart.  I step forth in these times as a helper of the Lightholders and the teachers.
And that is you, Dear Hearts.  You are the change the world has been waiting.  It is you who are the tangible proof, in full and glorious embodiment.  Look towards one another, and before your very eyes is the evidence of that change, the evidence for which you have so long been crying out.  Do you understand what I am telling you?  The visible proof is in the transformation of the people, however maddeningly slow you perceive the process to be.

Body, mind and soul – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 11, 2013

My child, you should strenghten all three areas. You know you aren’t your body, but you are your soul that has a body and a mind. That means that you must nourish your body, your mind and your soul to stay completely healthy. Focus your attention on all three areas equivalently, then you will remain harmoniously and in balance. The quality of the respective nourishment is of course important too. Your body wants healthy high vibrating food like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds; your mind wants to be employed and challenged, so that it won’t be bored too easily and your soul wants also good high vibrating food through meditations, stays in nature and conversations with your Higher Self and your spiritual guides. Your conversations with me, your Mother, are food for your soul too. Come to me, my child, that I can nourish you. I love you ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/

Another Short and Happy Reminder - Wes Annac - May 11, 2013

We Live in an infinite Universe of perfect harmony. Every worry; hate; concern; stress; they are all illusory aspects of an equally-illusory reality that we have been immersed in for so long, we’ve forgotten anything else exists!
We are pure spirit energy, undergoing a temporary human form and while little everyday stresses may pile up and attempt to change our perspectives, we are reaching a point where we simply know better than to allow them in.
Even as I was writing the sentences above, my child accidently knocked into my acoustic guitar and made it fall over.
In the past, I could have perhaps been frustrated over this happening and the usual mental, egotistical concerns could have arisen (awh now I’ll have to retune it, I hope it’s not hurt, etc.) but truly, rather than frustration arising toward my dear child, I see an Angel in human form who made a mistake, and who promptly worked to fix it (he picked it up and put it back perfectly where it was).
Anger, stress and frustration truly do not have to put us in a bad place, and can rather act as catalysts for our ultimate understanding of their illusory nature and of the illusory nature of this reality we find around us. The most brimming of joy and happiness can truly be found and accessed within us, and I believe some of the channels of late have been telling us similar things.

High Council of Orion - New Horizons.- Karen Doonan - May 10, 2013

Greetings dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support as the new earth frequencies now dissolve the veils from across your inner vision and allow the broadening of the whole spectrum of human existence to unfold. Many of you are now more than fully conscious with respect to the new earth and we come to guide in detail around the ways to manifest within these new frequencies in order that you may play with the new energies and begin to come into wholeness around all that you can and will achieve by creating from within these energetic landscapes.
We guide in order to confirm for many of you have been receiving clear guidance from your guides and star families but the human logical brain may now cry out for confirmation of the information and knowledge shared. Take this dear ones, our words as your confirmation for ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE. We come to highlight the changes to the new earth frequencies and the results that will begin to manifest for you and around you as now move into place and begin to gift to the human race that which you incarnated to gift upon planet earth.
The first aspect of creating within the new earth energies is to fully align with your heart space, often many of you are in chaos when it comes to decisions but under the new earth frequencies listening to and responding to your heart space will allow the KNOWING that sits at SOUL level to be anchored more fully within your waking human life experience. No longer having to rely on the comments or the remarks of others whom you share your human life with, basing all of your decisions on how you FEEL will see manifestation of your dreams unfold rapidly within your waking human life experience.


Jahn J Kassl - ASANA MAHATARI and the Ascended Masters - Life on 4D-Earth - May 11, 2013

channeled by Jahn J Kassl, May 7, 2013
first published on May 11, 2013 in
Translation: Björn Kurt
Beloved Brothers,
Beloved Sisters,
Beloved Brothers and Sisters from Eternity!
This is the message I address to all of those that will inherit the fourth dimensional level of Being – for those who want to enter this dimension and for those who chose to experience a part of the drama of this ancient 3D world.
Time? No. Space? Yes. After you made an almost unnoticed transition to the fourth level of Being of Creation, you will realize that any notion of time has faded. Time – what are you? And very quickly you shall adapt to the new circumstances.
The reason for this is because you will recognize the old familiar 3-D Earth in many aspects of this Level. Which is as follows:
1) Wars are still part of the daily business in this world.
2) Destruction is minor, yet the fear scenarios are all the more powerful! Why?

Holly Hawkins Marwood – High Council of Orion Message: Ascension & the Zone of Freewill

Channehttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OY9fTzt0czc/UQdnufUGeBI/AAAAAAAAW80/tKF_sf4MC10/s1600/pleaidians.jpgled Ascension Message from the High Council of Orion May 7th 2013.     Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Paul Marwood
Audio file is available at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/high-council-of-orion-channeled-message-7th-may-2013/
Ascension & the Zone of Free Will
“Greetings, Dear Ones. We are the High Council of Orion.
Today we would like to discuss the concept of Ascension yet again. For all worthy topics have multiple layers and can be returned to and reviewed and renewed, in terms of consciousness, over and over and over again knowing that every time you connect with the information, while the topic may sound the same, you are hearing it in a different moment. The messages share are different, so it is a completely new experience yet again!   Many of our messages talk about connecting with your heart, learning to hear your soul, and from that point of view, shifting your experience of the world that you’re living in.
There are some who might say “Well, that’s not lofty enough. That’s not Ascension. That is not spiritual enough for it is not allowing us to transcend this reality or jettison ourselves out of this reality.” There’s a consciousness that is pervasive that there is going to be a magic wand, a moment in time, where all human cares, worries, concerns will be jettisoned. Yet that is counter to the energetics of free will on your planet. For on a planet of free will, within a consciousness zone of free will, by definition, there is always choice, which is exceedingly empowering when it has to do with the things that you want. Yet, when there are things that don’t feel so comfortable there is a great desire to have “magic” come in and make it poof away!

Blossom Goodchild: May 10, 2013

Blossom: Hello again ‘up there’! I know you are aware of the amazing Galactic Channellings translator team. Many say they feel you are with them as they translate. They have asked if they may ask you a few questions and it would be my pleasure to be able to do something in return for all that they do for ‘US.’
GFL: Good morning to you and each one. Indeed this is agreeable and we shall do our upmost to answer precisely … to avoid confusion.
Great. Thank you. The first question concerns the experience of specific changes in our physical bodies or any symptoms that may associate with our bodies during the ascension and the speeding of the vibrative frequency, and if  you can give us any advice about the symptoms and how to treat them?
Well, we would address the matter by saying this. Your bodies as you know are your temples. They are your housing for this life experience. Throughout time much has been laden upon these bodies … causing them to have to overwork and be underpaid! That which your body requires is not found in fast foods and fizzy drinks. It is not found in addictions of varied sorts … it is found in nature. It is grown from within Mother Earth. It is sourced from trees … yet we feel we are telling many that which they already know.