“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” Edmund Burke
Hi guys,
For the 1st time in over 2 weeks, I am getting a small message from “upstairs” as it were J.
There is a call to action for the lightworkers, I am told that the time for action is now.
What is meant by action?
Action can be done through many dimensions, on many levels, personal or with a wider range. Any true change begins with oneself. If everybody was willing to do meditation every day, once in the morning, and in the evening, and trying to come back to a more connected states regularly throughout the day, the results will be rapidly visible on a planetary scale.
This state of inner connection to the light, to our Higher Self, to love, to understanding and to higher knowledge (for a lack of a better word), would have consequences on our daily lives.
Being connected to the light, for even a few seconds during our day, would bring light into our lives, and would result into the needed action.
Choosing to look away
Many people deliberately choose to look away from what disturbs their peace. I was reminded today of a great quote from Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Albert Einstein also said something similar: “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”I understand that “evil” may not quite be the best word used, but for a lack of a better word….
I am told that now is no longer the time to look away from our fears, even when they manifest into the outer world. Even if it brings our energy level temporarily down, we will recover from temporary state. I am told that it is now necessary to look into the places were dared not look into before.
Only the light can heal the past, can heal what lies in the shadow, again on a personal scale, but also on the scale of our societies.
There is much for the lightworkers to heal at this time, much to heal from the collective unconsciousness, this is the job we were sent here to do: the bring light where there is shadow and darkness. This is the contract that we agreed to. Time to fulfil those contracts is upon us dear universal lightworkers.
The time for our personal growth in a bubble is also necessary. I am reminded today that the light and the connection to our inner self will help us find the right balance between protecting ourselves from the outer world, and spreading light, knowledge, helping others, doing peaceful and kind awareness rising around us, or doing activism. The light will help us find the right balance between the inner work and the outer work. Even if the outer work may only mean for us to lend a helping hand to someone today, to give a smile, to feed a lonely animal, to feel the love and to give love unconditionally to those around us. Small steps in the right direction on a planetary scale is what is needed now. Small, gentle, and kind moves.
Be aware that just knowing, seeing and wishing is sometimes enough to make the change and raise awareness of the collective unconscious. Seeing is enough.
Love and hugs
Laura and Higher Self.
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