Kryon on opening of the portals May 24 – 26
At the set dates (May 24 – 26) we plan on swooping down into the depth of the earth fields and activating crystalline bases that are lying underneath the water in the seas and oceans. By you bein...g in a state of mediation and while you are raising the vibration of the human race, this will allow us to enter the depth of the earth in order to open up the portals of light and flood the earth with more light and love.. However be prepared that there may be more cataclysms, for the energies will be changing.. For much pain that has been stored within the earth will be released.
The reason for you to be there in a meditative state is to neutralize the dark energies that are going to be coming up to the surface, by sending out the love and love & light vibrations, you are going to be counteracting the negative effects that are going to be released from the earth and humans. There are places on earth that hold much negative energy still and these energies must be released, by the planetary adjustments and by the planetary changes and movement, this allows much of the light frequency that is necessary to break through the barrier of the dark.
Send the light and love to your loved ones, to your immediate circle of friends, for everyone will be affected in the upcoming days. The energies will bring up that which is lying dormant within your soul, many implants will be released, and you will need to deal with whatever comes up, thus we ask you to remain in balance and in light. Strengthen your energy fields, dear ones by not fearing anything that may come your way, for you are protected indeed by great forces at play.
We are working behind the scenes making things happen, while you our earth crew, our beloved brothers and sisters are the ones at the front lines.. Keep shining your light into the dark, and we shall perceiver. We love you. We are with you. goodbye for now.