Each day is a new day, one to be celebrated and greeted with love and gratitude. As each day begins, so does your ability to choose every part of your day in all areas. It is true, some of the changes you make may appear to be small, but even the smallest of change that is filled with optimism and hope cultivates within each of you dependable characteristics that are nourished through your choices and the nourishment dear ones is the love you give your Self that is felt by those around you. Embrace all the changes that upon you and rejoice in the changes that are yet to appear.
It is essential to the current path of your incredible life journey to learn how to be unaffected by some of the changes that you are creating. Yes, we encourage you to notice them, but let them pass as more are coming and we encourage you through our love and support to be confident with how you learn to cope with any new development that may change the course of any situations you may currently be involved in. How you react and respond to sudden obstacles does affect how your journey will proceed – by remaining positively filled with Hope and Faith you will succeed and liberate your whole being into contentment.
It is important to once in a while to observe yourself and how you handle sudden change, or any kind of change. By carefully observing yourself, you will recognize any particular method that requires fine-tuning or replacing with more efficient and effective methods that will help you handle all changes in a positive manner.
We encourage each of you to simplify your views and attitude in regards to your life’s journey and all the areas you actively take part in every day. We observe many of you being swallowed by the bombardment of information that is coursing all around you. Allow your heart to guide to what is important right NOW – focus on one or two things at a time and stay with what your heart has drawn you to for as long as you need; there is no rush to your journey. Don’t compare your development and growth to those around you, you will grow and develop at your own pace in your own way. Your decisions dear ones affect the changes you bring, so does your mindset and how you handle the change even if you know and accept the change is good. Stay in control of each situation, not allowing any changes to get the better of you.
It is essential dear ones to already accept that change will come – always. Your life is about changes and choices and how you adapt and react to each one. Changes will never stop occurring; they will always be a part of your life. We support your ability to bring balance and renewed Hope and Faith into each instance whenever things go not according to what you planned or envisioned. Even when things are going great, always be prepared for those “just in case” scenarios when plans begin to show signs of deterioration. You elevate the amount of stress and disappointment by how attached you become to the success of any outcome. Sometimes things do get out-of-control and there is not stopping once certain things are set in motion, but how you deal with the sudden change will provide you with much insight to your own inner self that will later develop into wisdom. Hold on tight to the changes, sometimes they bring bumpy rides, but once over the growth you have received is immense and deep joy settles in from the depth of your soul and filters into your heart that glows from the outside in the form of self-satisfaction and happiness.
When you add a new addition to your routine, it is good to reflect occasionally on how to respond to possible changes that may arise. Take time to think about possible changes and how they could cause issues in other areas that you are part of. Think honestly and truthfully, how you would react to a sudden change and how you would cope to bring about a positive solution.
It is important dear ones to truly accept that there is no way for you to anticipate everything that is to come up along your journey. Embrace the unknown as it brings much of the changes that are important for your Spiritual Growth and Personal Development. There will be changes you will face from situations that are not to your liking, but they help build who you are becoming. Begin building a non-defensive strategy that is aimed at all changes and treat each change that approaches as a friend that can be disruptive and loud, but you love them anyway.
For many dear souls, they tread on change with trepidation yet change is good, never bad. Once you move away from the fear, you will soon realize that with each passing step you take, you will begin to feel more confident and your Inner Strength will supplement your energy to continue. We know how easy it is for many dear souls to see changes as doom but when you change how you look at life and embrace all changes as friends with love, this fear of change diminishes and what is replaced is a fervor of positive and optimistic thinking that everything will be fine. Be prepared dear ones for anything, and you will benefit when all commotion has settled.
Make the changes you bring about become a necessary instrument for your growth to help better yourself. Allow the approaching changes gauge your journey and direct which course you are going to take that resonates with your spiritual heart. Recognize which areas in your life that would benefit most with changes. We ask you to try to visualize possible outcomes knowing already that there is an infinite amount of possibilities. When you visualize you can add possible obstacles and the methods you would use to diffuse the obstacle efficiently and effectively. By visualizing possibilities, you provide yourself with certain knowledge on how to fix any problem that may come your way instead of trying to correct your symptom to the problem.
Remember dear ones, the changes you make are partnered with your choices and will have a great effect on your health, your home and work life. As you bring in positive changes to your life, treat your Self with compassion and love. Your body is your temple. Nourish this temple with sustenance that is pure and untainted. When you are able to Unconditionally Love your whole Self, then you will be able to Unconditionally Love all others. Bringing change doesn’t begin with any other person but you. Recognize and admit that change is necessary and will promote positive growth in all areas of your incredible journey.
When positive change and HOW you react to change is balanced and you are living from a peaceful state, the love that is your life will blossom into new levels that were not there before. Within relationships, sometimes changes can seem quite drastic to the other person. Introduce changes slowly and include the other person or people that are closest to you. You cannot force your beliefs on others, but by including them, and through your peaceful but active demonstrations that radiate Love and Light, they will see the changes you bring are good.
This is one area which we encourage you to “expect” and that is change. Expect changes because they are relevant and always occurring. Remember your journey never stops changing – embrace each change and rejoice in the unknown, even if the unknown brings unexpected changes to current situations. Teach yourself how to cope positively and always be prepared. There is nothing in your journey to regret as each step you take is filled with endless learning opportunities and each one is helping to develop and redevelop you into the beautiful being you are constantly becoming.
And so it is…
I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller