May 23, 2013 I had an interesting flashing Light Pattern suddenly
appear in my physical vision for about fifteen minutes. It manifested
early that morning while I was hooking my car’s battery up to a charger
because the battery was dead, again. I got the car battery charging and
made my way back into the house to view this new anomaly I was seeing in
my field of vision and discern what it was and what was happening. It’s
a good thing I couldn’t drive right then because this Light Pattern I
was suddenly seeing was highly distracting because it flashed rapidly
the whole time it was visible to me.
The flashing Light Pattern I saw in my field of vision looked like a beautiful, sixth dimensional (6D) geometric pattern of graduated black and white triangles of Light, each flashing very quickly in sequence. This Light Pattern was in the shape of a large crescent with the bottom of it wider and it gradually reduced in width up to the top where it eventually became just a point. But it was the rapid flashing in sequence of both the bright white and black triangles of Light that was fascinating. It sort of reminded me of those deep-sea creatures that give off bioluminescent light from their bodies that flash in sequence. My large crescent-shaped Light triangles flashed sequentially much the same, only a lot faster.
Back inside my house I experimented a bit with what I was seeing. I tried closing my right eye to see what, if anything, that did. I could still see the same image in my left eye. I reversed this and closed my left eye and still saw it in my right eye. I closed both eyes and could still see it exactly the same that way too. I tried physically moving my eyes up, down, right, left, circles, diagonals etc. to see if that altered the Light Pattern I was seeing and it did not — it was there no matter what I did physically with my eyes. And I should add, this visual “anomaly” caused zero pain while I was seeing it and it was visible for about fifteen minutes only and stopped as abruptly as it started. Once I’d experimented with the flashing Light Pattern I was seeing this way, my next step was to observe it from a higher level of awareness to discover whatever I could out about it that way.
What I became aware of using this method was that this Light Pattern “anomaly” I was clearly seeing was merely another (albeit substantial) Ascension related multidimensional, energetic, and DNA upgrade I was receiving. The only thing that made this time any different from the hundreds of other times these Ascension related “upgrades” have happened to me over the past fourteen years was the visual “anomaly” I was seeing the entire time. However, this really was no different from when we receive energetic/DNA upgrades via the Ascension Process but we hear it (physically and/or clairaudiently) as some unusual sound in our inner ears, or we feel it as energetic pressures or pains etc. in different places in our bodies and chakras. It’s all the same Ascension Process, it’s just that this particular “upgrade” was, for me, perceived visually as this interesting pulsing Light Pattern.
As soon as I saw this pulsing Light Pattern my Crown chakra area experienced greatly increased pressures and expansion, and my physical head and brain felt those whirring sensations and had that semi-pleasant feel of half numbness and further expansion. My inner ears were buzzing and ringing again from this too as usual. I sense this Light Pattern anomaly upgrade is one of those new tools I’ve mentioned coming in now and continuing via the June 2013 Solstice, and ongoing throughout the 2013 Third Trimester.
Now that we’ve gotten through the interesting visual anomaly part of this latest Ascension evolution “upgrade”, let me next share the embodying and acclimatizing phase of it. Because, after the nice left-brained, physical analytical part, and then the nice right-brained, higher awareness discernment part comes the part where I, where you, where each of us has to embody it all physically. 1 and a 2 and a 3 and a … OUCH! THAT REALLY HURTS and takes some TIME!
Fast-forward about four hours into May 23rd after I’d spent 2.5 hours trapped at my locale automotive store having my car battery tested and finally buying a new one, breathing in all the automotive chemicals in the tires and other auto parts and liquids etc., which on a good day totally wipes me out and makes me physically sick all on its own for about two days just because of the toxic chemicals in those products! I finally get back home and my head hurts so badly from this particular Ascension-related upgrade that it’s eat a little something and promptly fall into bed time. From that point on I became more sick as I dealt with both the Light Pattern anomaly “upgrade” and the toxicity from my being in the automotive store too.
Those of you who’ve had these types of repeated head/brain/skull/Crown chakra pains and pressures caused by higher frequency cosmic/galactic/solar Light Energies coming in, primarily through the Crown chakra, know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s a head pain and pressure that nothing reduces or makes go away; you simply must physically live through the Process and embody another larger than usual energy “upgrade” that naturally causes your physical and other energetic bodies to change, to evolve. And needless to say, these larger than usual changes typically hurt and/or make you feel sick, weak, exhausted, beat up, bruised, sore and achy etc. and typically are followed by other Ascension symptoms or side effects. These types of extra potent incoming cosmic/galactic/solar energies usually make me feel like I’ve got the “Ascension Flu” again with mild chills, body and bone/joint aches etc., severe headaches, head pressures, brain pressures, facial pressures, Crown and Brow chakra pressures and changes, spine pressures, High Heart amplifications and so on. And of course, what would all this fun be unless we included another serious round of diarrhea? Yeah, typically I always get a minimal half day or longer bought of diarrhea due to transmuting some old lower density and/or embodying some NEW higher frequencies. It just is what it is and this latest round was bad!
The only reason for my sharing my recent accounts of this latest Ascension “upgrade” slam-fest was because of it’s sheer intensity plus the interesting and unusual visual image I saw that was the start of it. Other than that, it’s Ascension business as usual! Today is May 25, 2013 and I’m still dealing with the results from this particular Light Pattern visual energy upgrade I saw early morning May 23rd. I wanted to get this written sooner but I’ve been pretty sick and in pain and not able to move too far away from the toilet for the past two days. Isn’t this fun?! Oh well, whatever at this point right?
May 25, 2013
Because the first Comment I just received on this article was from another of those “Consciousness Police” people who believe they know what’s happening to you and to your body, (well done David in Conn.), I’ve closed Comments on this article because I’m not in the mood to indulge small minds with big egos who have zero respect for other people and what they go through.