This is a momentous time to be experiencing life as a human. Many are depressed, as they suffer or observe the suffering of others, and feel quite helpless . . . unable to experience any form of consolation themselves or to offer it to others. The suffering seems too grave, too deep for anyone to bear. But the darkness will lift because there is only the Light! Deep within yourselves is the path to joy, to glory, and it is inevitable that you find it and follow it, because it is your path, the path that you chose and prepared for yourselves before incarnating. Hold on to your faith, your knowing that there is only Love – and It will find you!
Feeling lost, abandoned, is a state of mind that hides the Light from you, because you search frantically for an outside light to assist you, to comfort you, and yet the Light you seek is always within you, patiently waiting for you to slow down and return to your center where everything you have ever sought is enfolded in the Love that is your core, maintaining you, cherishing you, and supporting you through all the dreams and nightmares that have terrified you, seemingly for so long.
You are not lost souls adrift in an ocean of darkness; you are brilliantly shining jewels in the divine field of Love that is God. In your fear and your anguish, which are intense because you have made the illusion so real for yourselves, you have chosen not to see the Light of your souls, that inextinguishable Flame that is the eternal Light of God within you. You are eternally and inseparably connected to the Source of all being, your heavenly Father, where all consciousness has its existence. When you do not feel the peace and the security of that truth it is because you are choosing to see and be part of the fearful illusions that your mind has invented on your command.
The process that humanity is now undergoing is the release of all those old and stale images – images produced eons ago when you played mindgames in which you inflicted intense pain and suffering on others as you chose the experience of separation from your Source in an insane attempt to prove to yourselves that you did not need Him, did not need anyone, were complete in yourselves, and that you could live happily, productively, and most successfully without Him.
He is Love, and you decided to invent the opposite, but there is no opposite. Love is all that exists. So you effectively enclosed yourselves in a sheath or cloud of darkness – another concept that is impossible to create – which hid Reality from you so that you could play your games. And in that darkness you found doubt, dread, and terror. At first it seemed that you could impose these horrors on others at no cost to yourselves, and you got a certain perverse sense of pleasure or satisfaction in doing so. But it quickly became apparent that in the illusion no one was safe, everyone was in jeopardy, and in every moment conflict was present as catastrophe waited to engulf you.
And yet you continued to seek safety in conflict, convincing yourselves that it was possible to destroy those whom you believed were out to destroy you, and by doing so restore the peace and order for which you yearned. Finally, you have realized that conflict inevitably leads to further conflict regardless of the intent with which it was entered into. It is becoming undeniably apparent that to engage in conflict is to engage in it endlessly. And so you have chosen, collectively, to awaken from the horrific nightmare, but because of your experiences you find it hard to release the attitudes and behaviors which for so long you have believed were essential for your safety and for the safety of your loved ones. Attitudes and behaviors which tie you firmly to the illusion.
Nevertheless, you have realized that you must release all that is unloving, all that is in opposition to the divine Will of your Father, because only Love has any validity, any Reality, and yet you fear . . . . That is why you are receiving such an abundance of help from those in the spiritual realms. Release of all that is not in alignment with Love is the essential step you must take to break free of the entanglements of the illusion, and we are here to help you release the fear that encourages you to hold on, and even attempts to persuade you not to let go.
Collectively you have made the choice to embrace Love, and to release the unreality that seemingly opposes It. You cannot fail in your endeavor because you are fully, nay infinitely, supported in your intent by God, Whose Will is never in doubt because It is always achieved. Prepare yourselves for joy to surpass all joy!
With so very much love, Saul. / link to original article