Through Caroline K.A.
We are with you again dear hearts. We are the Galactic Federation, and we come to you today as messengers of divine truth, and guidance which is needed at this time as your awakening rapidly approaches. Many of you continue to search within your beautiful selves, and at times from outside sources for the truth of who you are. We say to you, your truth lies within, and only there will you find it.
We come to you as brothers and sisters; your family of light. No matter what outwardly occurrences seemingly shake your world momentarily, we ask that you remain centered and balanced at all times.
We understand as you forego the experiences and lessons of your agreement within duality, there will be times of upwards, and downwards spirals along your journey. Remember, above all else, the truth you seek, lies within your hearts, for this is where you will find restored faith in yourselves, trust, and above all immense and unconditional love.
For many years, we have long communicated, and joined with others of Earth in loving partnership and trust. Your persistence in bringing to justice those who kept you locked within the confines of the illusion will be dealt with according to what would be considered for their greatest good all within the process of restoration of their light self.
Although these souls may be of the lower vibrations, they too are working towards growth and enlightenment, just as you are, and they too, need our compassion, forgiveness, and love which will guide them in the direction of eternal light.
We wish to send encouragement, and hope to all people of Gaia. It is our full intention to guide you, not tell you what to do, for this would be imposing on your free will, and this is contradictory to Universal Law. Although in the past, this may have seemed a foreign concept to some, having lived within duality for so long, no one should impose their free will upon another, for everything you chose to create, to perceive, and to belief from here on out is about choice. The choice is yours, and it will always remain this way.
We again ask, that you trust in the power of you, that which lies in the center of your beautiful hearts, and to trust in the beauty of what is unfolding within your self, and throughout your world.
Where there is hope, there is light, and we as the Guardians of Light will ensure the dark energies who are now retreating ever so rapidly will not evade the immense light and love which is weeping the planet at this time.
We ask you to trust with all your heart the great goodness which is happening everywhere across your planet although your news media, and heads of government do not allow the full story behind the scenes to be made known, we are here to tell you, and this you will see, love and light will overcome the dark. Gaia will be restored to her pristine condition and you dear hearts, will make it happen. You are the creators, you have the power, and it will be so.
There are those Lightworkers who double their efforts in revealing the truth to, and for the people. We highly commend them for their brave efforts. The people must know the magnitude of what has been withheld from them for far too long. The people, must take back their rightful power, their individual power, and as a collective. We urge everyone to stand together in this quest for truth.
Change is occurring everywhere and within the hearts of many. We look forward to when we meet again, and yes we say again, for many of you have been present with us, your family of light at different intervals throughout all time, including the present. When we are reunited in physical form, without fear, and without judgement, it will be a glorious day for all.
Dear hearts, Go within to your heart center. Feel your heart, feel the love as it expands throughout every fiber of your being. Listen to the low hum which comes from within. This is the song of your soul self. It is there, waiting for you to discover it once again. Your entire physical body will light up with loving energy, and your truth will be made known soon. You are all children of God. His love is within each and every one of you, unconditionally, and for all eternity. How can you deny this truth once it is felt with every fiber of your being?
With this knowledge of God’s love which is so profoundly deep within you, the falseness of who you think you are, will suddenly over flow with immense love, and the depleting constructed forms of self, opinions, misconceptions, self judgments which in turn bring forth anger, doubt, despair, and frustration will be released as well. You will see, feel and be, your truth, that which is much more than you can possibly imagine.
This practice of fully entering your heart center, your God source, will bring you closer to your awakening as you experience the essence of the true you. Many of you are already experiencing this return to heart, to your true origin and we ask that you continue, throughout each day, and night. Remember who you are dear ones, for your awakening is coming.
We shall speak again soon, may you go in peace.