Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Caroline K.A.. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Caroline K.A.. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, octubre 03, 2013

The Sacred Space of Your Heart, Channeled by Caroline K.A. - October 2, 2013

Channeled by Caroline K.A.
There are many areas upon your planet which are known as sacred sites.  These are areas of great energy many may feel when in their vicinity, which create an undeniable, and glorious connection to all life, and creation.
When contemplating the creation of sacred space, whether in your home, in a wooded forest, or while sitting under a beautiful tree, it is important to remember the location of this sacred space is not as important as many of you have been led to believe.
All places in nature, where there is natural wonder, and beauty are indeed sacred.  All one must do is look out the window of your homes, or within your gardens at the birds, the flowers and trees. 

miércoles, septiembre 18, 2013

Staying in Our Center For the Coming Times Ahead - Caroline K.A. - September 17, 2013

Posted and written September 18, 2013 by Caroline K.A.
When I woke up this morning, the first physical sensation my senses tuned into was a feeling of over all peace, like after a good nights rest. Not only that, but I noticed everything seemed quieter than usual, especially inside myself.  The relentless buzzing in my left ear was faint, and far away.  The tingling in my legs from the knees down finally ceased, and the vibrations in my body hadn’t kept me awake as they usually do.   Something was different!
Peace and well-being are always welcome in my arena, although it does seem odd, especially after weeks/months of emotional upheaval and uncertainty while adjusting to big, changes in my life, to suddenly find myself enveloped in the tranquility of silence, rather than annoyance, exhaustion, irritability, or fear.

sábado, agosto 24, 2013

Learning From Experience, Written by Caroline K.A.- August 24, 2013

Written by Caroline K. A.
Dear Reader,
I hope to find you well, and in good spirits.  Although I haven’t been reading many of the channeled messages lately, or other reports as to what’s going on along the spirtitual highways of ascension, from what I have read, September is going to be a big month in the way of  inner change.  The words “awakening”  jump at me from the texts, as I read some of the messages, and this ispired me to write what follows here, so if you feel so inclined to do so, read on………..
August has been a powerful month especially during the full moon which is presently on its way into the waning gibbous phase, to which I am very grateful for at this moment.   This month’s full moon energies have been particularly unsettling in many ways, and I’m wondering if this is so for some of you?

lunes, agosto 19, 2013

There is no Separation: There Never Was - Caroline K.A. - August 18, 2013

Science-and-Spirituality Channeled Through Caroline K.A.
Dearest ones, In regards to channeled messages, there is no harm in asking to speak with a specific light being, but may we remind you, we are all one, and as Archangel MIchael has specifically mentioned this concept to our scribe, and to many of you, we shall repeat it once again.

miércoles, julio 31, 2013

Distributing Peace Throughout the World and Within Yourselves: Channeled Through Caroline K.A. - July 31, 2013

Distributing Peace Throughout the World and Within Yourselves: Channeled Through Caroline K.A.

Hands touching a globe
Channeled through Caroline K.A.  July 31, 2013
We come to you today with information which may greatly illuminate your hearts, and it is our fondest hope that it touches your very core, and within every cell of your physical being.
We are here to speak with you regarding a topic which concerns all those upon Gaia, in reference to your distribution of peace, and your sense of oneness with all life which is needed now, throughout your world, and it is needed to be recognized within the hearts of every man, woman and child.
Peace is a word with a powerful meaning behind it for it is the main catalyst, other than love, needed for the restoration of not only faith in yourselves, but in the restoration of your beloved planet Gaia.  When internal peace is present in your Auric field, a sense of calm, and tranquility is radiated out to all whom you come in contact with.

sábado, mayo 18, 2013

Ego and the quest for truth Channelled Through Caroline K.A. - May 16, 2013

Dearest Souls of Gaia,
We wish to speak with you on the subject of truth, and the great necessity which is upon you now to release that which no longer serves you.

We say this in reference to your ego mind, and the immense importance at this time to find peace with every aspect of you; your ego self.
Ego will never entirely go away, but once you are aware of its strategy, and the depth of its manipulative ways, ego will no longer have control over you.

There will be no attachment of feelings, or emotions to its repetitive chattering, at times so relentless, to a point where you have often found yourselves once again, wading within the dark pool of doubt, and despair.

sábado, mayo 11, 2013

Caroline K.A. - Pleiadian Message: Return to Your Heart Center, That Which is Your God Self - May 11, 2013
Through Caroline K.A.
We are with you again dear hearts.  We are the Galactic Federation, and we come to you today as messengers of divine truth, and guidance which is needed at this time as your awakening rapidly approaches.  Many of you continue to search within your beautiful selves, and at times from outside sources for the truth of who you are.  We say to you, your truth lies within, and only there will you find it.
We come to you as brothers and sisters; your family of light.  No matter what outwardly occurrences seemingly shake your world momentarily, we ask that you remain centered and balanced at all times.
We understand as you forego the experiences and lessons of your agreement within duality, there will be times of upwards, and downwards spirals along your journey.   Remember, above all else, the truth you seek, lies within your hearts, for this is where you will find restored faith in yourselves, trust, and above all immense and unconditional love.