Posted and written September 18, 2013 by Caroline K.A.
When I woke up this morning, the first physical sensation my senses tuned into was a feeling of over all peace, like after a good nights rest. Not only that, but I noticed everything seemed quieter than usual, especially inside myself. The relentless buzzing in my left ear was faint, and far away. The tingling in my legs from the knees down finally ceased, and the vibrations in my body hadn’t kept me awake as they usually do. Something was different!
Peace and well-being are always welcome in my arena, although it does seem odd, especially after weeks/months of emotional upheaval and uncertainty while adjusting to big, changes in my life, to suddenly find myself enveloped in the tranquility of silence, rather than annoyance, exhaustion, irritability, or fear.
I’ve learned to take things as they come, one day at a time. Life continues to bump along, although I sense things are starting to smooth out now. I’ve learned to go with it, and what a treat it was to find myself feeling rested, and shall I say, centered this morning? I felt a familiar sense of balance emanating from within. All the old worries, and fears which began about six months ago regarding what lies ahead, or what may be lurking in the shadows at the next corner on my journey through life no longer weigh on my mind. Besides, there are no shadows. There never were, only the ones I chose to create.
Once the smoke screen comes down, all the frayed and crumpled layers of self judgement, and all the programmed misconceptions we’ve taken on as our truth begin to fall away until finally we can see clearly again, as to the truth of who we are, and the sense of connection to all life, seen and unseen, in this dimension or another, brings us together as one, just as it was meant to be.
There’s no need to fear the changes occurring within us or around us if we are living from our heart center. I call it the seat of our soul, the one place we will always find comfort, and guidance when in the midst of what seems to us as chaos during these current times.
My soul body has been directing me to my heart center more and more lately, and I’ve learned to trust its gentle guidance. Six months ago, I was ready to throw in the towel, and raise my white flag high in the air for all to see, but gradually I’ve learned to rely on my heart center once again, and it’s there I always find solace, and it’s also where I find balance, and strength.
As our bodies are flooded with light energy, and cleansing takes place, the layers of guilt, shame, regret, doubt, and unworthiness, all of it, crumbles away. A new light of truth is brought into our consciousness, and with it, perhaps there will be adjustments we have to make within our lives, some which may require great courage on our part, but it is all for our greater good, even if in the moment we don’t quite understand where the greater good lies, we will eventually.
When we truly understand what is happening within our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, we’re able to cut through the fear, and proceed ahead, all in accordance with the divine plan. With understanding, there also comes knowledge, and this is the basis of a strong foundation for which we may need to stand on, one which will support us when the unexpected comes flying around that next corner, even if it knocks us off our feet for a while, we’ll have the strength to stand again, and carry on. Our heart center is the place where we’ll find balance, strength, love, joy, understanding and the deep-rooted knowledge to get us through these crucial times in our spiritual development. This is the place of oneness with all life.
My life has changed completely, and no doubt it will change some more, but I’ve found the best thing to do is to have faith, to go with the flow, and not fight it anymore. There is a plan for all of us, and if we chose to ignore what was meant to be, or to allow fear to keep us from stepping into our rightful shoes, then we may find ourselves swept away with the current because, in a sense, we are turning away from our divine truth. It’s either two steps forward or three steps back.
It also takes great courage to be here at this time, and participate in the ascension of our planet. It’s not for the light of heart. It is also a great privilege, and equally so, a blessing. I hope you agree when I say, “We’re here to see it through, to put our trust and faith in what was meant to be, in the divine plan for each person on their individual life plan, as well for the collective of Gaia.” This, we agreed to long before we entered this grand life time of learning, and growth.
The coming times ahead will divulge their secrets, and their truths, but if we remain centered and balanced within our hearts, all will be well. Our bodies and spirit will take shape, and mold together as one with the divine energies of light, change, freedom, and abundance which is rapidly coming our way.
Many blessings to all of you, and may you stay centered in your heart, and in the seat of your soul.