“This may/may not be exactly on topic, but I have to share and I wanted to share on the new blog… This experience is absolutely NEW for me. I woke last night and my entire body was shaking, electrified, like never before. I’ve experienced what feels like electricity running through my body for years, but generally it would be in a specific area and noticeable but subtle at the same time. I could still function and no one in my vicinity would be aware of anything. But last night my entire body was shaking like crazy. I just completely let go and it went on for about an hour. My cat’s reaction was interesting as she is sort of “touchy”and usually if I disturb her sleep at all she gets out of bed and comes back in a few minutes. Last night, she stayed on her pillow next to me and held her paws on me the entire time. I had the thought that she thought I was purring – but I know in reality she probably had a better idea than I what was going on. In the midst of this I heard children laughing outside – upon my eventual investigation – after the shaking – there was no one there. As soon as I looked out the window there was nothing and the voices stopped...”
That Comment was by Morgean
under another article but I wanted to include it here and talk more
about some of the recent changes and/or tremendous amplifications of
some of the old Ascension symptoms. Thanks Morgean for sharing about your amplification of the inner body vibrations ♥ or Rewiring as
it’s been called in years past. (Some other Ascension Teachers have
called this the MerKaBa and/or Ka body and/or Lightbody etc. I’ve called
the Process of us incrementally embodying more and more Light
and all the dramatic and necessary changes to our physical bodies, our
central nervous system, our two divided brain halves being rewired
(unified) and so on the Body and Brain Rewiring, but we’re all talking
about the same Ascension related Processes.)
I wanted to write about this earlier but
because I’m living this Process and recent completion of the Nine Month
period on September 21-22, 2013 too, I’ve been abnormally exhausted
(didn’t believe it could actually become worse than it has been!),
abnormally achy with those old ascension flu symptoms, head pains and
pressures in different areas and other symptoms — one of them being a
tremendous amplification of the inner body vibration
that Morgean mentioned. So even though I’ve wanted to write about these
changes and amplifications since September 15, 2013 when I first got hit
hard, I’ve been so affected by them myself that I couldn’t sit at the
computer and do much of anything other than get the bare-bones creating
of HighHeartLife done and do the other daily/monthly
physical chores I have to. As usual, I’m adapting (we all are) to these
changes and amplifications because I’m now able to get back into it… yet
Over the years I’ve written multiple articles at TRANSITIONS (see link in sidebar under Blogroll) about the ascension related Body Rewiring and Brain Rewiring
processes. I’ve written about how I’ve observed this inner body
electrical-like vibration or buzzing sensation in my body since around
2001 or 2002. I’ve talked about how it started out all those years ago
as a localized inner body electrical-like vibration in my core that
quickly pulsed on/off, and how over the years it spread out and up
towards my head and eventually became a constant whole-body phenomena. I
wrote about how it has evolved from a localized inner vibration to a
growing whole-body vibration that’s constantly been amplifying year by
year. I’ve also written about how this inner body Rewiring energy storm
sounds to me when I’m in that half-asleep/half-awake state, which has
been a constant growing roar like what I’d guess a tornado might sound
like. [See TRANSITIONS for these Archived articles.]
Since 2011 this inner body vibration and clairaudient roar of energies has been steadily amplifying and became a whole-body vibration that’s amplified into whole-body shaking.
Then on September 15, 2013, this inner body shaking got turned up a few
more degrees and seemed almost violent in its NEW intensity. Let me add
quickly that this particular ascension related symptom has never been physically painful, just strange feeling and sounding. It’s the only ascension symptom that hasn’t been physically painful!
When I felt this latest amplification of the inner body shaking
which (for me) began on 9-15-13, I knew that as we approached the end
of the Nine Month period and crossed over into the NEW, that we were
entering and embodying a higher level of this ongoing Process and would
be experiencing NEW changes with some old ascension symptoms. This will
of course still be a highly personal situation just as the past 25
Ascension years have been. There will be periods where we’ll enter NEW
phases of embodying and adjusting to and learning about certain NEW
abilities, energies, awareness etc., but we’ll continue living this
ongoing Process individually so there will continue to be slight
variances to all this. In other words, your mileage may vary and that’s
perfectly normal.
What I’ve gone through since 9-15-13 has been another substantial amplification of inner body energies shaking combined
with us completing the Nine Month period and entering the NEW on
9/21-22/13. It feels to me, as of this writing, like we’re still in transition into
the NEW and that it’s going to be this way for a while. Since the
9/21-22/13 Shift Point there’s been a pristine inner silence I perceive
as a lack of the old Evolutionary Cycle energies and
blueprints or templates and many multidimensional players. In other
words, we’re so in the NEW now that my ears are ringing constantly from
the vastness of IT — the great creative potential of IT — the wide open
Divine spaces of IT. Our creative cosmic school and playground has
just gotten a lot larger and it feels wonderfully spacious even though
the constant high-pitched ringing sounds in my head of cosmic vastness
are a bit too much sometimes! I’ll happily adapt just as I always do…
just as we all will.
One of the reasons for my lack of more specifics now is due to this continued transitional state. When
there’s more news to tell I certainly will share what I’m aware of. But
for now, we’re still very deeply affected by the Shift Point transition
and entrance into the NEW cycle and its blueprints and the vast
potential to create anew that lies vibrating before us. Some of us are shaking from this NEW potential and NEW energy we’re housing now. This inner body shaking reminds
me of being in an airplane on the runway waiting to take off. As the
pilot increases the the fuel to the engines the whole plane increasingly
roars and literally vibrates and shakes. Then, the pilot releases the
brakes and the plane roars down the runway and finally lifts off and
becomes airborne. It feels like we’re doing the same thing.
As always rest when you need to, sleep or
nap when you need to, do no-thing when you need to, sit in your High
Heart and remember who you really are, and say the great mantra from
Cosmic Awareness as often as you need or want — ‘I am the I AM that I am. I am the I AM that I am. I am the I AM that I am.’
September 29, 2013