viernes, mayo 31, 2024
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 31, 2024
Time marches on and countries are taking sides for their safety and preparing for a likely war. It is a wise step to take in a world that is in a turmoil and breaking down. It is yours and it has been for many years with no apparent care for other life forms. You have a duty whilst upon earth to look after them yet many species are disappearing at an alarming rate through neglect. The situation is not helped by climate changes that are also taking their toll. You should know that if you upset the balance of nature it will rebound on you in next to no time. Accept your responsibilities and take action before it is too late.

Natalia Alba - As we continue healing, reconnecting - May 31, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Jamye Price - June Ascension Energies – Right Alignment - May 31, 2024
Blessed Being, the density of life on Earth is at a turning point of a season of Life.
Just as a season changes, it is back and forth for a time. Not truly an end or a beginning, merely moments of maybe.
You are bending a long cycle that turns through terrain unknown.
Yet its core is the subtle self connecting separation.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday May 31, 2024

There are times for movement and times to stay still. That is the natural ebb and flow of the universe. Because human beings have been taught to glorify doing, they often will do anything rather than understand the value of being.

Daniel Scranton - The Andromedan Council of Light - What the June 2024 Energies Will Bring - May 31, 2024
“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.
You are on the precipice of so much there on Earth, and much of what you have been asking for is coming to you energetically throughout the month of June. The June energies are going to be about helping you to know yourselves more as energetic beings. There will be an amplification of what you may know of as your energy signature, or your vibrational signature. That means you are going to know yourself viscerally more as the Source Energy Being that you are.

jueves, mayo 30, 2024
Natalia Alba - We are stepping into a new energetic month - May 30, 2024

Beloved ones,

Judith Kusel - The energies now streaming in - May 30, 2024

The energies now streaming in, go into our very soul's deepest core.
I was told that each such symbol, has carries immense information and knowledge which is activating our souls at a much higher level.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday May 30, 2024

Dear Ones, for every time you can choose beyond fear, you allow your soul to discover even more of itself and your divine vastness. You get to see beyond the contraction and constraint, into expansion and freedom. Another word for expansion and freedom is love. So every time you choose to move beyond fear, you are moving further into love, and that is always what we wish for you – to move further into the experience of love. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - BEING CENTERED IN INNER PEACE - JUNE 2024
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being centered in inner peace.
Inner peace is a quality that can serve you well during times of strong incoming energy.
When these energetic changes occur, they affect humanity as it strives to adjust to the new frequencies. Each individual responds in a unique way. Some may go with the flow, while others may have more difficulty.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - More Signs & Evidence of This is Coming - May 30, 2024
“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We know how well you all are all doing there on Earth, and we attempt to convince you that you are doing well when we connect with you in this way. When we connect with you in the astral plane, you are much more open to seeing your planet as doing very well, because you are able to see the bigger picture. You are able to see how everything is working out for the best, no matter how it might look. You are able to see the necessity of certain circumstances there on Earth and how they all benefit the whole of humankind.

miércoles, mayo 29, 2024
Natalia Alba - As we heal, clear, and transform our light bodies - May 29, 2024

Beloved Ones,
As you know, our essence is an electromagnetic one, as multidimensional beings, we are made by our female and masculine fields, in our light body or Merkabah, essences that are directly related to our male sixth-dimensional body, and seventh-dimensional ones, and corresponding shoulder portals, where true activation and polarity integration takes place.

Jennifer Hoffman - Time for an Energy Cleanup - May 29, 2024
I was thinking was thinking about what is going on in the world today and we can call it Crazyville but that is a symptom of ascension. As I have said, dis-integration is part of the descension process and the last phase is chaos before we step onto the 4D bridge.
When we have had so much going on it can be easy to lose track of ourselves and our journey, what we are supposed to be focusing on to get ourselves to that next step and what is on our path.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 29, 2024

Why not give your brain a holiday from worry? How do you do that? Get present. Do something you love that absorbs you. Have a new experience. Give your worries to your guides, angels or Source to take care of for you. Declare the day a vacation day for your mind, and gift it the experience of the Now moment, and you’ll be surprised how incredibly rejuvenating it is. In fact, you just might want to do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that… ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Is Earth a Prison Planet? - May 29, 2024
“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.
You are taking your spirituality very seriously, and many of you are separating that which is spiritual from that which is material or physical. Not all of you, but many of you do this, and you do it because you can feel the trappings of the physical reality beckoning you towards them. You can remember hedonistic lifetimes where you were all about the pleasures of the flesh and wealth and power, and you seek to avoid those traps to such a degree that you tend more towards the life of the renunciate.

martes, mayo 28, 2024
Judith Kusel - A profound message from Lord Melchizedek - May 28, 2024

A profound message from Lord Melchizedek
Love, the Power of Love is the Central Universal Key, not only to raise the consciousness levels of every single Soul, but indeed to access the Highest Knowledge at Universal and Omni-Versal levels.
The purity of the Soul, the purity of the intention of the soul, should it gain access to such knowledge, is Universally understood as the central unlocking of all Wisdom and Knowledge, as well.


Natalia Alba - We are moving towards the summer - May 28, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 28, 2024
Grace and ease come from embracing both the ebb and flow of the universe. It is peaceful acceptance of whatever is being energetically supported at any given time. There is no resistance or efforting on the path of grace and ease, just a flow of faith and trust that moves at its own perfect and divine tempo that is the joyful dance of co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - The Most Satisfying Experience You Can Have in a Body - May 28, 2024
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We know you as you truly are. We see you in that space of your Divinity reigning supreme over your experience of reality. We know that you are coming to a time where you will share that experience of yourself that we have of you, and we know that we are here to help you to ascend to that level of consciousness. We know that you are ready to toss aside the consciousness of the old self, the limited self, the self that clings and that believes that this is all there is.

lunes, mayo 27, 2024
Blossom Goodchild - Conversando con la Federación de la Luz - Mayo 26, 2024
Blossom: ¡Hola! Probablemente sean conscientes del video que hice la semana pasada y de una nueva Energía que está surgiendo. No pude entender... quién/que era (n) ellos/eso… . Sin embargo, ciertamente la Energía se sentía muy Alta y muy fuerte. Me preguntaba si tenía que agregar algo sobre esa canalización en particular.

Natalia Alba - Luminaries White Races - Genetic Rehabilitation - May 27, 2024

Luminaries White Races - Genetic Rehabilitation
Beloved Ones,

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - Liberar la Energía de Tu Familia Biológica
Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua
Queridos amigos,
Soy Jeshua, su hermano y amigo.
Estoy muy cerca de ustedes y todos son muy queridos para mí. Estamos conectados desde el corazón, y con esto me refiero a una conciencia que conoce el todo en su extensión mayor.

Brenda Hoffman - Relax Into New Solutions for 3D Issues - May 27, 2024
Dear Ones,
You are not in 3D anymore, so those issues that feel out of control are of little consequence because you now have the skills to jump through or around them. But your solutions will not necessarily be 3D.
Many of you are concerned about financial issues and hope that a lottery ticket or some long-lost relative will provide the answer. Solutions that were appropriate in 3D are not quite right now.

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - A Simple Exercise to Master Your Mind - May 27, 2024
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
And I am here to teach you. I am here to guide you. I am here to assist you in welcoming in the newer consciousness. You are ready to elevate yourselves to a higher level of vibration, and you are doing that in a variety of ways. One of the ways is through entertaining new thoughts, different thoughts than you had previously entertained in your consciousness. Here is an exercise that you can utilize to do just that.

domingo, mayo 26, 2024
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You are never far from the Light. It is as close as your breath. - May 26, 2024
You are never far from the Light.
It is as close as your breath.
Your breath is your connection to God. Breathing is the first thing you do when you arrive on the earth, and the last as you depart. Your breath feeds your body and mind the oxygen it needs to exist. Your breath also holds the power to create an expansion in your energy so you can be aware of your link to the Source of all life.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Blueprint to & Map of the New Earth - May 26, 2024
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an enormous amount of respect for you all there on Earth and your journeys, because we have been observing you for a very long time, and we know how many challenges you have faced there on Earth. We are excited, however, about what is to come for humanity, because we also see how much you create from each and every hardship you face, each and every time that you do not succeed. And those of you who are awake realize this. You know how reality works, and you know that there is more than one reality, and therefore you are the ones to lead humanity into the light, the knowing that the perfect planet and society you have co-created together is available, and it is available right now.

sábado, mayo 25, 2024
Natalia Alba - As we continue embodying our female and masculine principles - May 25, 2024

Beloved Ones,
As we continue embodying our female and masculine principles, opening our shoulder portals, reconnecting ourselves to our angelic essence, healing our energetic body, and helping our planet in the same process, we release eons of distortions and soul disconnection.
These processes involve physical sensations that are not easy to deal with. However, this is - the majority of the time - a physical sign that we are removing false beliefs, implants, imprints, and many other memories from our light bodies.

Blossom Goodchild - The Federation of Light - May 25, 2024
Welcome to you, Blossom. Welcome to Each One present at any given time of receiving this transmission.
We are aware, Blossom, that you and others may be keen to ‘give name’ to this Energy. Yet, as White Cloud mentioned, did he not, that ‘name’ is not of consequence? The message given, however, indeed … was/is.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Report - May 25, 2024
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...
Beloved One, God's Love is constantly streaming to you.
God's Love is streaming to you through others.
God's Love is streaming to you through your experiences.
God's Love is streaming to you through your body.
God's Love is streaming to you through your feelings.
God's Love is streaming to you through your mind.
So, what happens when people are unkind to you, experiences are unpleasant, your body gets sick, you feel negative emotions and your mind wanders to the worst case scenarios of your life?
The truth is, that your Ego is also constantly streaming to you.
It is streaming all judgment, attack, lack, scarcity and the looming threat of death to you.
While God is reminding you of your immortality, your Ego mind will try everything it can for you to perceive all negativity through others and yourself.
As you are interacting with the world of Illusion and you begin to pay attention, you will see, when the Ego is acting or when God is acting.
What can you do, when you see the Ego in action through others or yourself?
The first step is to remind yourself that the Ego has created your Illusion experience and both, the Ego and the Illusion, are not real.
Only God and God's world is real.
When you notice an unpleasant thought or interaction with your body and others, say in your mind "This is not real. Only God's world is real."
It is important not to say this out loud to others, as it will mobilize the Ego even more.
When you say "This is not real. Only God's world is real." it begins to remove the power you gave to the Ego and the Illusion.
Then, you will have moments, when you feel at peace and in harmony with yourself and your experience.
Someone might say or do something nice or loving.
Pay attention to that.
This is God acting through you and others to stream his Love to you.
You are a beloved child of God and you are beginning to perceive it.
You can choose to allow God's Love into your life through your thoughts, feelings, words, actions and interactions with others.
You can choose to let God act through you to uplift your world, and to lift you out of the illusion into the Higher Dimensions/Heaven on Earth.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Asara Adams

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - May 24, 2024
Las cuestiones preocupantes están llegando a un punto crítico y vuestros líderes son conscientes de que la paz mundial está en juego. Los países tienen que decidir a qué bando apoyar para asegurarse algún tipo de protección. Es una escena fea que tendrá un efecto directo sobre muchos de ellos, que ya están sintiendo los problemas creados por la escasez mundial de productos esenciales. No podemos saber cuál será el resultado, pero utilizaremos nuestra influencia para evitar que se convierta en algo más grave. Lo que está ocurriendo es típico del final de los tiempos, cuando se revela lo que estaba oculto. Lo más preocupante es la intención deliberada de cambiar las fronteras de los países para obtener beneficios, y a expensas de las personas que se verán directamente afectadas.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Best Way to Get the Answers You Seek - May 25, 2024
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have a perspective that we like to share with all of you on just about everything that you are living there on planet Earth. We love to share our perspective with you because we know that it broadens your minds, and because when you encounter higher-vibrational energy, it also expands your hearts. We do not come to you to give you the one and only answers to your burning questions. We come to you to offer you an invitation to exist in higher states of consciousness. Others are offering their perspective to you, and when you encounter that perspective, you must ask yourselves whether it resonates, whether it feels right, whether it takes you into a higher state of consciousness to choose to accept their invitation.

viernes, mayo 24, 2024
Aurora Ray - Warrior of Light Wanted for 5D Ascension - May 24, 2024
In the mystical realms of spiritual awakening, there exists a profound calling—a beckoning to embrace one's inner warrior of light. It's not merely a journey of self-discovery but a pilgrimage towards a higher dimension, a realm where consciousness transcends the limitations of the physical world. The warrior activation is when the cosmic symphony orchestrates the evolution of the soul.

Natalia Alba - There are times when the power of many as One - May 24, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 24, 2024
Matters of concern are coming to a head and your Leaders are well aware that world peace is at stake. Countries are having to decide which side to support to ensure they have some form of protection. It is an ugly scene that will have a direct effect on so many of them who are already feeling the problems created by world shortages of essential produce. We cannot tell what the outcome will be but will use our influence to prevent it escalating into something more serious. What is happening is typical of the end-times when that which was hidden is revealed. Most worrying is the deliberate intent to change countries borders for gain, and at the expense of the people who will be directly affected.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday May 24, 2024

When you come into a vibrational range of energy, new potentials become available to you. Those new potentials are just a starting point. Understand as a co-creator you can absolutely assess those new opportunities.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Do these potentials match you vibrationally? Do they honour who you are and what you wish to achieve? Do they offer expansion and match where your soul wishes to go? If not, give gratitude for the aspects that do work for you and feel good and supportive as your feedback to the universe, and let the rest go.

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - How to Work with the Violet Flame - May 24, 2024
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
This is an introduction to my energy and my essence. I am most associated with the violet flame, and I would like to help all of you understand that the violet flame is you. It is within you; it is all around you. It is the way that you connect to the highest frequency energies that you have available to you. You are meant to recognize that everything and every tool that you have available to you is an aspect of you, and the violet flame is an aspect that assists you in whatever way that you would like it to assist you.

jueves, mayo 23, 2024
Natalia Alba - As you know - May 23, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday May 23, 2024

Dear Ones, it can be disheartening when there are acts from others in the world that are cruel and designed to feed fear. You could interpret disheartened as meaning knocked out of your heart centre.
As your world continues to evolve and there are events and behaviours that are difficult to understand through that process, we urge you to continue to be pioneers by staying centred in love, to continue to allow your beautiful and tender hearts to shine and show the way, for that is the way to anchor peace on your planet.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Transformations Between Now & 2025 - May 23, 2024
“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been recalibrating the energies that we are sending to you because you are capable of handling so much more than you were just a few years ago. You have been experiencing root chakra upgrades that have been initiated by your Mother Earth, and she has been expanding your capabilities in terms of what you can receive from the higher realms. She is also helping you to cleanse and clear out those root chakras with pulses that are sent up from her core.

miércoles, mayo 22, 2024
Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿El Alma Evoluciona? ¿Qué Aspecto Tiene Tu Futuro? - Miércoles de Sanación 27 de marzo de 2024
Miércoles de Sanación 27 de marzo de 2024
¿El Alma Evoluciona? ¿Qué Aspecto Tiene Tu Futuro?
Alma Antigua: ¿cuál es tu futuro? ¿Cómo es?
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Quiero continuar con toda esta discusión sobre lo que les he dado ese mes. Otra vez les diré esto: los viejos sistemas no generan automáticamente energías nuevas. Los viejos sistemas no crean nuevas revelaciones. Los viejos sistemas suelen repetirse a sí mismos. ¿Han visto algo de eso en el planeta? Lo han visto.

Aurora Ray - Discover Your Cosmic Roots: Find Your Starseed Origin by Exploring the Secrets in Your Eye Color! - May 22, 2024
We're about to unravel distinctive eye colors, unearth memories from planets beyond, and unravel the metaphysical threads that might just connect you to the stars. Ready for the next chapter in our celestial adventure? Let's dive in!

Natalia Alba - Since we started this year of monadic integration - May 22, 2024

Beloved Ones,
Since we started this year of monadic integration, many of you have been working with the conscious reconnection to your soul, and monad, embodying your unique soul purpose and higher levels of consciousness. A process that my Guides call Galactivation. This symbol I have received is for those who are guided to work with it and are undergoing a process of monadic integration.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 22, 2024

Dear Ones, we understand that it can be hard to wait in faith and trust for your manifestations to take on shape and form. But holding the space for their creation is even more important than the original inspiration for the dream is.
If you just found out you were pregnant, you would not insist the baby be born immediately. You would understand that it is in the midst of a process of growth and gestation, and that takes time. You would create the perfect environment for all of that to occur and would know that rushing it would be harmful. And despite your excitement, you would trust the process and divine timing, knowing when the time is perfect your baby – your new creation – will enter the world.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Place of Ultimate Power - May 22, 2024
“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are awakening to the truth of who you really are more and more every day, and you are helping those around you do the same by holding that knowing in your consciousness. You are there to have experiences as the Source Energy Self, to see the world through the eyes of that which many call God. And you are there to create. Once you have an experience, you must decide how you want to frame that experience. When you eventually get to the perspective of Source, you then become a much more effective and powerful creator being.

martes, mayo 21, 2024
Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Existen los Extraterrestres? ¿Hay una Familia allí afuera? - Miércoles de Sanación 20 de marzo de 2024
Miércoles de Sanación 20 de marzo de 2024
¿Existen los Extraterrestres? ¿Hay una Familia allí afuera?
Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
¿Son reales? Y si es así, ¿dónde están? Y si es así, ¿cómo son, cuál es su aspecto? Y si es así, ¿por qué no los han contactado aquí en este planeta?
Esto es otro en la serie de misterios de la vida que comenzamos este mes. Si tuviste algo que tú pudieras decir, “Querido Espíritu, dime lo que necesito saber. Querido cuerpo, dime lo que necesito saber”, todas estas cosas se revelarían, pero este realmente no es el caso, no todavía. Podrías decir entonces que hay un filtro de tiempo involucrado para la humanidad; y lo hay. Y lo hemos dicho antes; un filtro de tiempo, que puede revelar cosas cuando deban ser reveladas.

Natalia Alba - Shoulder Blades Activation Light Code - May 21, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Judith Kusel - I was asked to attend an Intergalactic meeting - May 21, 2024

I was asked to attend an Intergalactic meeting two nights ago and this was held in huge pyramid with a massive circular meeting room, more like an auditorium. Intergalactics from all over the Universe where represented here. It was fascinating to see them all.