sábado, noviembre 05, 2016

John Smallman - Saul - You are free beings, utterly unlimited, just as God intended - 11/05/2016

Humanity’s awakening is proceeding apace. Keep on holding and renewing the intent for it to occur because it is you, humanity, who are doing the waking! God has not set an alarm clock to rouse you from your dreams because that would be interfering with your free will choice. However, I assure you that He will be there, in fact all in the spiritual realms will be there to greet and honor you with an absolute abundance of Love as we commence the celebrations that are due to start immediately you awaken.

The excited enthusiasm and anticipation that we are presently experiencing is boundless because we can clearly visualize your astonished amazement and stunned delight as you wake up. It will not be the sort of groggy eye-rubbing awakening to which many of you have become accustomed as humans, instead you will awaken into Yourself, the real You, and find yourselves vitally alive and filled with and enveloped within the field of boundless Love that is You and God.

Selacia - Prepare for Next Energy Threshold - Nov 5, 2016

We are traveling through some very difficult and chaotic times right now. If you live in the U.S., a lot of that is focused on the crazy elections, but no matter where you are it's much more than that.

Humanity is stepping into a new energy threshold soon, with choices that need to be made about the kind of world we want. The choices involve big issues like honoring each other and our planet. Decisions need to be made about how we can sustain life for the next generations, and about how we can evolve into beings able to coexist peacefully with one another.

The decisions on the table are big picture for the collective. While many of these decisions will be made by policymakers, individuals like us are a big part of the mix.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday November 5, 2016

Acceptance and unconditional love is what is required to transform relationships on your planet. The sooner you are able to get comfortable with those elements, the sooner you will be able to finally experience the deep, heart-centred connections your soul craves. As always, the change begins within. Why not start today? ~Archangel Gabriel

Asara - Adama of Telos - Holding the vision of the New Earth - November 5, 2016

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

We are with you, as you are moving forward into your sovereignty.

Holding the vision of the New Earth is right now more important than any illusion of your experience.

MEG BENEDICTE - “11:11 Stargate Portal is Open!” - Nov 5, 2016

The energy is amping in intensity in the planetary collective, as polarized forces are battling for control. We see examples of this battle playing out in the US election and UK’s Brexit vote. The opposing parties and their followers are rigidly entrenched in righteous indignation. Neither side has humanity’s best interest in mind. As the battle escalates, the New Earthers are receiving divine intervention in galactic support.

According to Times of India, “Scientists at the world’s largest and most sensitive cosmic ray monitor, located in India, have recorded a burst of galactic cosmic rays that indicates a crack in the Earth’s magnetic shield. The burst occurred when a giant cloud of plasma ejected from the solar corona struck Earth at a very high speed causing massive compression of the Earth’s magnetosphere and triggering a severe geomagnetic storm.”

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - 'The Art of Creative Living: Believe it or NOT' - Part Two - Nov 2016

'The Art of Creative Living: Believe it or NOT'
Metatron-Tyberonn Channel Nov 2016 - Part Two


The Key Evolvement Principles for Accessing the Law of Creation are:

1) Expanded Programming of the Brain - Knowledge into Belief
2) Release of Ego-Personality Control to Divine-Mind Aspect of Higher Consciousness
3) Understand & Maintain Auric Circuitry & Ovid Solidarity. (Metatronic Keys)
4) Activate the Mer-Ka-Na Crystalline aspect of Pituitary, Pineal, & Thymus
5) Consistently Maintain Balance & Clarity

It is essential that you understand that the 3d brain, the ego-personality aspect incorporated in your physical 3d biology is programmed for 'survival' in a primary coding. It is the 'survival' code that brings in the warning signals that involve cautions often experienced as fear and doubt. The frontal mind, the ego-personality aspect, is engineered to dominate your 3d consciousness, in order to allow linear time flow and survival within the physical plane. The challenge is that to arise above 3d consciousness you must rise out of ego consciousness and flow into Divine Mind within the Seat of the Soul, the gateway into Divine Mind. The brain is in 3d, the mind is of higher dimension, and within higher mind is your Divinity. The brain operates in 3d and in a manner of speaking, its 3d programming is somewhat dominant in the field of duality. It operates in a more confined paradigm, and to expand into mind, you must operate 'outside the box' to engage your true creativity.

Blossom Goodchild - Galactic Federation of Light - Nov 5th.2016

Hello my friends from elsewhere. Firstly I would like to thank you for the last message which included the coded Light Language and the explanation of it. What a response it had! Wow! Very, very exciting.

Welcome to you, Dearest Lady and to all who happily receive our messages of Light that we are so very excited to bring through … always. We knew, in gentle humility that there would be great effect from these codes and there certainly is much more to come.

For those who did not /do not necessarily FEEL major activation, we ask you to not to be of concern in any form. For it is most likely that your body system takes a little while longer for it to be absorbed, integrated and then activated. Rather like perhaps taking a tablet of your world’s concoctions that seem to work more quickly on some than on others.

viernes, noviembre 04, 2016

Jenny Schiltz - Energy Update: Leaving the Human Behind - November 4, 2016

The energies of the 11/11 gateway are already upon us and it is as if we are being squeezed though the eye of the needle. All that is not truly our soul is being shown so that we can make the conscious choice to leave it behind. In conversation with my team they explained that the human is being released. When I pressed them on what that means they went on to say that what is considered human is our duality, lack, limitations, and fear. What is not considered part of the human is our personality, our likes and dislikes. Who we truly are is not going anywhere, what is leaving is all that we are not.

Ute Posegga-Rudel - OUR GOD-SELF: HOW TO KNOW ME - 04 Nov 2016

Añadir leyenda

VIDEO (recommended)

MY Beloveds,

I AM often telling you Who I AM.

It is My always present proclamation where past and future do not exist.

But how do you truly find Me, how do you come to Know Me? How do you penetrate the veils and transcend the realms of mind!

Can mind transcend itself? Try it!

As long as you observe mind there are two! You, the observer, and the observed, the play of mind.

But I AM not two! I cannot be observed. I can only Be You. All things AS objects vanished. Can mind ever imagine that!

Recognize mind itself by its dual condition.

Shelley YoungDaily Message ~ Archangel Gabriel - Friday November 4, 2016

La imagen puede contener: texto

To choose not to love, to wait to see what another does first, to watch and observe before you deem it safe to give, is to never give anything the chance to become its full potential. We understand that many of you have been hurt by the absence of love from others, but we urge you to BE the love you are, to show up with your love and to allow it to shine, for that is the only way you can be seen in your truth, and to draw to you the perfect matches that can mirror that back to you beautifully. To hold yourself out of love, Dear Ones, will only continue the experience of the absence of love, and we want so much more for you than that. ~Archangel Gabriel

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - November 3, 2016

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council working full time with the Earth Council.

We are busy with a wide range of projects that are important to the earth’s progress with ascension. Some of you might be aware that we monitor all that is going on with the planet including the elections and the array of events that could be potentially out of line. We are a group of experts on ascension and have legions of talented Galactic’s who are assisting us with the process. You would be amazed at the focus and importance of this hour.

Maryann Rada - Arcturians through Anica Colinion of the League of Light - Just When Things Look Dark - November 4, 2016

We emerge from our silence with regard to your current world drama to join with our comrades of the League of Light to speak to you now. We are Arcturian humans in alignment with the highest attainment of your world’s human population. We do not wish to use any designation other than this for now, as the important thing is what we wish to say, not what we are called, in your now-time.

Your world barely has a moment to catch its collective breath before another gasp arises from the sidelines to command your attention. This is as has been discussed, as time holds more of a dynamic position as these tempestuous times of transformation turn up the intensity. We echo earlier admonitions, to relax and allow, and add to that once that has been mastered, that it would be well for you to open up a little more to the idea that humanity will soon be very much changed on a fundamental level. This is what we would like to bring into your awareness now.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, November 04, 2016

Time is passing faster than ever and matters upon Earth are gradually reaching a climax when its destiny must alter course. Out of the uncertainty will come a positive change, that will leave you in no doubt that Humanity is destined to step firmly on to the path to Ascension. There was never going to be any other outcome, as sufficient people have turned to the Light and raised their vibrations. Anything less would most likely have resulted in another abrupt ending to the Age that would be viewed as a disaster. The few have made it possible by firmly holding on to their success in rising up into the higher vibrations. It is now simply a matter of maintaining that position until the level reached takes them into the higher dimensions. You call it Ascension, and a sign of your spiritual progress that has lifted you up out of the lower vibrations. Be assured that this time is rapidly approaching and events will confirm it to be true.

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Michael - Seeds of Creation - 4th November 2016

I, Archangel Michael, come forth to speak with you about the Seeds of Creation with the purpose of awakening your inner remembrance. Every soul upon the Earth now is connected to or extends from those who anchored the Seeds of Creation into the Earth to bring forth life, experiences and journeys of evolution.

jueves, noviembre 03, 2016

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 7/7/16 Illusions and Delusions

Selacia - Gifts in Your DNA -Uncovering Secrets of Your Past- November 3, 2016

Did you know that within your DNA are secrets to understand your past, including pinpointing reasons for key life decisions and troublesome issues you haven't been able to resolve?

Yes, within the field around your DNA is a vast treasure! Encodements are there from past experiences, vows and agreements, and genetics passed on from your ancestors.

Why is this important? The field around the DNA can be read by trained intuitive healers who know what to look for and can not only pinpoint roots of troublesome issues but heal these things at a core level. This is life changing! Also, separate from healing is the gift of having more awareness of why you chose your career, your partner, or even the place where you live.

Brightest supermoon to be closest to Earth in 68 years

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - WE ARE THE TRUTH - 11-3-16

Beloved Arcturians,
Wow, this has been such a VERY challenging time. I will meditate a bit and then see what you have to share with me today. Thank you in advance.
What I received is the below poem:

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Aventura Kryon en Lemuria Austral (2) Lago Tekapo - Aventura Kryon en Lemuria Austral (2) Lago Tekapo

Aventura Kryon en Lemuria Austral (2)
Lago Tekapo
Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Lago Tekapo, Nueva Zelandia, del 21-27 de Octubre de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El oyente no puede apreciar esto; nuevamente pedimos el permiso de los ancestros para dar un mensaje corto y bello sobre el ser humano.

Esto, este lugar, no es un misterio, y aunque el agua haya llegado y se haya ido muchas veces por diferentes razones, y los glaciares hayan avanzado y retrocedido, este lugar ha sido visitado muchísimas veces por muchos. A veces el agua se controla de cierta manera, de modo que la línea costera no es exactamente como la ven ahora. Pero queridos, el lago en general ha sido un lugar para hacer exactamente lo que están haciendo ahora; sentarse por un momento y sentir esta hermosa energía.

Si en este punto del tiempo, con este día sin nubes, en este lugar donde normalmente no es así, si yo les dijera: ¿Pueden sentir la energía? ¿Les gustaría permanecer un momento simplemente absorbiéndola? La mayoría de los humanos dirían: "Sí, podría quedarme todo el día." Y esa es la energía de que hablamos.


Kryon por Lee Carroll - Aventura Kryon en Lemuria Austral (1) - Aoraki/Monte Cook - Nueva Zelandia, del 21-27 de Octubre de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

En este lugar sagrado pido a los ancestros su permiso para dar una verdad que no ha sido revelada, para honrar lo que ha sucedido aquí y toda la energía de aquí. Lo pido para la civilización que está aquí en este planeta y ha pasado el marcador de 2012. Lo pido en adecuación con todas las cosas y los honro grandemente por su respuesta.

Más que un "sí" rotundo hay una celebración; la celebración tiene miles de años. Para quienes ahora están escuchando y no están presentes, decimos nuevamente que no tienen verdadera idea de la energía aquí presente, que es de enorme honor, belleza, benevolencia y compasión.

Estamos sentados al pie de una montaña muy importante; en Nueva Zelanda se la llama Monte Cook; Aoraki es el nombre que le dieron los indígenas de aquí, que la conocen bien, y representa muchas cosas. Es un nodo de los pleyadianos. Ahora bien, retrocedamos y hablemos de cosas prácticas. Hay varias cosas de las que quiero hablar hoy.

Brenda Hoffman - ¡Cree en Ti! - 31 de Octubre 2016

Traducción: Elizabeth Cohen
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


¿Están descubriendo la alegría y la diversión de expresarse de formas que, hace apenas unas semanas, no imaginaban hacerlo? ¿Están descubriendo nuevas alegrías y reajustando otras? No tiene importancia, porque gran parte de su día esta ahora focalizado en estar alegres, aunque aun no hayan reconocido que es así.

Permítanos explicar. Tal vez se preocupan por algo, aunque lo peor no haya pasado- o están focalizados en lo terrible que es su vida en este momento porque se rehúsan a ver o a sentir la diversión que hay en todo.

Por supuesto, nuestras palabras están produciendo enojo, incluso furia, dentro suyo, pues no ven diversión en su vida.

Mahala - Planet Alert November 2016 - November 2, 2016

Here we are in November already and in the midst of the presidential race in the United States. I think the whole world is watching with interest to see what happens. Right now there is an energy in affect that causes surprising events to happen unexpectedly. There is also the energy in effect of Mars making a square aspect to Uranus, which is still conjunct Eris, the planet that rules chaos. There does appear to be a lot of chaos in the world right now and much more local violence. Mars Square Uranus also activates explosions of all kinds.

Lena Stevens - Noviembre 2016 - Pronóstico Mensual - 1° de Noviembre de 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


El tema principal para Noviembre es el PERDÓN.

Este es el gran dejar ir, la terminación última, el soltar.

Estamos agotados de la lucha, la culpa, la crisis, el juicio, la deuda, de ser víctimas, de sentirnos en deuda, de la ansiedad, la preocupación, y del estrés.

Deseamos desesperadamente un camino más gentil y más compasivo para la belleza y el equilibrio, y finalmente estamos dispuestos a hacer lo que haga falta para llegar allí.

El perdón es algo grande con lo que estamos trabajando este mes, y en los meses por venir. La definición real de perdón es donar, de modo que algo pueda ser liberado para avanzar. Sin el perdón no hay avance. En tanto no sean capaces de perdonarse o perdonar a otros por lo que "ellos le hayan hecho a ustedes", "lo que ustedes le hayan hecho a ellos", o "lo que se hayan hecho a ustedes mismos", se están poniendo a ustedes y a otros en posición de rehenes, y nadie es libre de avanzar. Estamos en un momento de tremendo potencial para avanzar y de la elevación de la conciencia, pero si no podemos perdonar no vamos a ir a ningún lado.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - 11:11 - The Lifting - November 3, 2016

The 11:11 doorway will issue a time out, not for bad behavior but for examination of the new patterns of light. Like a spider’s web, messages are hidden sculpted in sacred geometries and codes. What is sacred seeks an outlet a place of shelter. As we move past the previous markers of this years limitations, we begin to dimensionally float like an island in a gust of hurricane force wind. Everything floats like ivory soap causing all of us to feel a little nauseous like altitude sickness and seasickness wrapped in one big burrito.

We truly have become almost Island like, moving ever so slightly with the changing dimensional tides, no longer attached to any outcomes. Everything tries to right itself like an upside down cake. The winds of change are dominant and push us in directions we would not choose on our own. Like a multi colored autumn leaf, we allow that 'which is’, to buffer our shift. We are quickly learning Dimensional riff is not a place for sissies.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday November 3, 2016


When you decide that you are going to create the life of your dreams, a very interesting thing happens. Your soul sends out a clarion call to your dreams, and your dreams call out to you as well, creating a magnetic pull that can only culminate in the completion of co-creation that honours your truest desires.

The activator for all of this is your decision to live beyond what you have experienced thus far, and your willingness to accept that it, or something even greater, can become your reality. ~Archangel Gabriel


Estamos pasando ahora a través del portal de la densidad de la 3D y la 4D para entrar a las dimensiones de la 5ª a la 7ª, pues se están abriendo nuevas fronteras para la humanidad.
Son nuevas fronteras en la ciencia energética, la tecnología, y con ellas la habilidad para trabajar con frecuencias vibracionales y materia o formas vibracionales mucho más elevadas.
Cuando uno se mueve de una octava dimensional a la siguiente, tiene que romper a través de las barreras que existen entre los diferentes estados dimensionales.
Por consiguiente, el tipo de materia o formas que sostuvieron la forma en las dimensiones más bajas no la pueden sostener en las dimensiones más elevadas.

Marilyn Rafaelle - El Grupo Arcturiano - 23-10-216


Queridos míos, vemos que muchos siguen estando confundidos en lo referente a las condiciones del mundo.
Sepan que están siendo testigos en estos tiempos turbulentos de la emergencia de viejas energías largo tiempo suprimidas y ocultas que necesitaban ser expuestas a fin de que fueran observadas, evaluadas y cambiadas.
Nunca teman ver directo cualquier apariencia, ni se escondan de ellas ni pretendan que no se han dado cuenta de ellas; noten que son el sentido material de un Universo espiritual, imágenes formadas a partir de las creencias de la dualidad y la separación, impersonales y sin ley espiritual que las mantenga en lugar.

Kryon "Conceptual Consciousness"

miércoles, noviembre 02, 2016

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro de la Consciencia Global de Gaia Día 3 de la Conferencia –por la noche - Letra A - Queenstown, Nueva Zelandia, el 15-27 de Octubre de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta es la reunión de despedida, expresada con alimento de Gaia, y no será muy larga; el mensaje será breve. No necesariamente va a ser un resumen. Les preguntaré si realmente tomaron conciencia de lo que han sido los mensajes en estos días.

Hemos hablado sobre su genealogía química; hemos hablado sobre el Akasha; hoy hablamos sobre el hecho de que Gaia, la misma Tierra, está ingresando a un lugar distinto, porque hasta el magnetismo va a cambiar. Y si ustedes integran esto, se darán cuenta de que hay algo aparte de ustedes de lo que estamos tratando de hablar.

Les pregunto, cuando van afuera, cuando van a esa parte tan hermosa, si se sientan en el césped junto al lago, les hago esta pregunta: ¿Es solamente hermoso, o les habla y les contesta? ¿Hay algo del planeta que tiene una energía con la que se pueden relacionar, que es ustedes? ¿O se colocan aparte y solo celebran su belleza? ¿Es posible que cuando caminan en un lugar silvestre, el viento susurre sus nombres y los pájaros canten sobre quiénes son ustedes?

Emmanuel Dagher - A Time of Completion - The End of the 9-Year Cycle - November 2016

A Time of Completion - The End of the 9-Year Cycle

November 2016

Dear friend,

We are in a pivotal moment in humanity’s awakening journey, one that is changing the landscape of our personal and global reality forever.

The Door to Completion

2016 (2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9) is a 9 Universal Year in numerology. The number 9 represents the frequencies of completion, reflection, and service.

You’ve probably noticed these themes (especially endings or completion) showing up big time this year, in the outer world and in your own life.

With cycles of Universal completions and endings, we are always asked to fully face and resolve any unfinished business in any areas of our lives that need tending to.

These include the areas of health, relationships, and patterns of behavior, including how we treat ourselves.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - El Arte de la Vida Creativa - ¡Créase o NO! - Octubre 29, 2016

¡Saludos, Maestros! Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino, y los saludamos cordialmente, individualmente, en un vector de amor incondicional.

Suele decirse que los humanos aprenden cómo trabajar, pero no cómo vivir. Y en la Nueva Tierra de 2016 y después, es esencial aprender cómo vivir y vivir abundantemente. La vida no se hizo para ser una existencia mundana de trabajo mundano, en la que "trabajamos y luego morimos". La vida es ciertamente un don precioso, y se ofrece una oportunidad, de hecho un "Arte", para aprender a manifestar una vida jubilosa y abundante. Pero aprender el equilibrio del arte de la vida requiere esfuerzo. Porque ustedes están aquí para aprender la creación responsable... y a crear con alegría.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 2, 2016


Just as our greatest joy is serving you, you can find your greatest, truest, deepest sense of joy by being of service. Simply surrender your day to being of your highest service, and then see how many opportunities present themselves to you to make a difference.

When you surrender into being of your highest service, you become a willing helper, a non-resistant and loving aspect of Source energy, a guide on earth, available to be aligned to help, whether it be through a simple, loving act of service such as a smile or a helping hand, or a beautiful intervention to something more serious.

You do not need to run around looking for opportunities or people to save. All that is required is to surrender into the flow of your day with a willingness to help, and the universe will line up those intersections in whatever way is most appropriate.

Your actions do not need to be grandiose to make a difference, Dear Ones. The simplest act of kindness sends ripples across the universe. And even if your day seemed to offer no opportunities to be of service at all, you can rest assured that your BEingness was your contribution, and that, always, is more than enough. ~Archangel Gabriel

Ailia Mira - the Council of Radiant Light - Hope, Liberation & the Rise of the Creator Gods - November 2, 2016

Message from the Council of Radiant Light

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Beloved Friends,

It is easier for you to know yourself when you are still more often. Spending a little time in stillness, regularly, can greatly assist you in coming into sovereign alignment.

When you are still, you allow yourself to settle in a very deep way. So we’re speaking of being still, without agenda, without things to do. Letting yourself be present and notice what is around you and yet kind of merge with the moment with no ideas about later or next, or before or anything other than just being still.

To be in stillness like this is a living meditation. To be in a moment like this and in this way, you can tune to the vastness you are. In this way, you become receptive, through your alignment and you are deeply nourished like when you sleep.


Traducción: Mary García
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Amados maestros, aunque no lo parezca desde su punto de vista, las maravillas se están transpirando lo largo de este Sub-Universo. Por ahora muchos de ustedes son conscientes de que su galaxia, y en particular su pequeño planeta, son el punto focal de estos acontecimientos trascendentales. Antes de la creación de su planeta, se decretó que se convertiría en el punto cero o el foco central para un nuevo esfuerzo creativo -mediante el cual el Reino Angelical, los Dioses Co-Creadores, los Grandes Seres de Luz y la Semilla Estelar de todo el Omniverso enviarían adelante Fragmentos de su esencia a la Tierra, y por lo tanto, que iban a traer su Luz, su sabiduría y su deseo de ayudar en el cumplimiento de Gran plan del Creador.

Hasta cierto punto, toda la humanidad y la conciencia del Alma de la Tierra están llegando hacia el interior y más alto nivel de conexión con nuestro Padre / Madre Dios, mientras que el Supremo Creador es la apertura de la vía desde el núcleo de su Ser a través de los Multi-Universos -los Grandes Soles Centrales , las Multidimensiones, y los muchos Reinos de la Creación con el fin de incorporar y cosechar la belleza y la magnificencia de lo que se ha forjado por todos nosotros en el nombre de nuestro Creador Omnipotente. Aquellos de ustedes que están firmemente en el camino de la Conciencia Espiritual en Expansión, se dan cuenta de que están viviendo tiempos únicos y sin precedentes.

Ron Head - The Council - Who are you? - November 2, 2016

Who are you? – The Council

There are several essential, related, and underlying truths and concepts in all of the information that we have been bringing to you for quite some time now. When we use the word essential, we mean exactly that. But it is not merely essential for you to understand with your intellect what is being said, but it is also essential that you know, in the deepest part of yourselves, that these are truths.

Until you have learned what real power is and where it lies, until you have learned who you truly are, until you know these things, live them and breathe them, the awakening must continue.

Kryon - Auckland, New Zealand

Nancy Tate - St. Germain - Listen to Spirit - Channeled Audios (MP3) - November 2, 2016

Listen to Spirit

Channeled Audios (MP3)

11-02-16: St. Germain speaks through Nancy about how the energy is with us all right now, and in the times to come. At the end of the message Cassie barks in tune with what St. Germain has shared with us.

martes, noviembre 01, 2016

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 1, 2016

If you find yourself feeling an emotion that is uncomfortable, we advise that you stop and ask what about this situation is making me feel unsafe? Is that true? Is it related to this lifetime? Does it come from this experience or something that has happened before? Emotions always carry a wealth of information for you. If you stop and examine the emotion, you may be surprised by what it has to tell you.

Once you have stopped and explored the emotion, ask yourself what can I do to make myself feel safe in this right now moment? What do I need that I can give myself? Assume the role of being your own loving parent, best friend, and guide. Take all the time you need to fully process the emotion and love yourself in the process.

We understand you have had many hurts and have many energies coming up for acknowledgment, release, and healing. We wish for you to know that there is not one thing that you do not have the skill to handle. If things are coming up, it is because they are ready to be loved and let go, once and for all, and that is a wonderful thing!

What is left behind is you – sparkling, vibrant, divine you that you had trouble seeing under all those old layers. Finally allowing that you to shine brightly and lead the way is true freedom and is a glorious thing to behold and experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón -2017 El Año Próximo - Oct 30, 2016

Saludos, Maestros, Yo Soy Metatrón, Angélico de Luz, y me uno en esta sesión con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Los saludamos en un vector de amor incondicional, en el momento exacto del “ahora” en que leen estas palabras.

Y así hablamos de las tendencias y probabilidades del 2017, el Año Cinco de la Nueva Tierra. Sin embargo, deseamos enfatizar que ahora, más que nunca, el futuro es co-creación de ustedes. Es una fluidez de probabilidades que sigue siendo un “blanco móvil”… no fijado, en términos de ustedes.

En 2017 continuará el patrón de “Crisol”, de liberación y reaparición de energías no resueltas, en plena inercia, y combinadas con las fuerzas astrológicas y las inserciones holográmicas. Este es un requisito de limpieza, una purga necesaria para que surja la nueva edad dorada que empieza en 2038.

Lena Stevens - November 2016 Monthly Forecast - Nov 1, 2016

A monthly support audio Mp3 with Anna and Lena will help you with further discussion, suggestions, exercises, shamanic support, icaros and guided visualizations. This month’s Mp3 includes useful guidance and support for some of the important opportunities and challenges for the month. Click on the Buy the Supporting Audio above to purchase or for more info.

Note: if you are reprinting or sharing any part of this forecast please include author and web information to comply with copyright law.

This is the big letting go, the final completion, the cutting it loose.

We are weary of the fight, the blame, the crisis, the judgment, the debt, being victims, feeling owed, the anxiety, worry, and stress.

We desperately wish for a gentler more compassionate way of beauty and balance and are finally willing to do whatever it takes to get there.

The KEY To Unlocking The Matrix - Ley Lines -

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - Celebrate this Era of Liberty, Prosperity and New Governance! - November 1, 2016

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System 

from Planetary Activation Organization
The past month has seen the beginning of successes that are to lead to the new NESARA Republic and the disbursement of the large global prosperity.
We give thanks and blessings to Heaven for how well its grand plans are succeeding in altering this land for the Light. How momentous the coming months are to be!

7 Men, 18 Tzec, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The process to separate the illuminoids from the people continues to move forward. The new NESARA Republic is quickly surrounding all who somehow remained loyal to the USA, Inc. government. This is just the beginning of an operation that is to take down at last those who for so long illegally ruled America. In this new time, America is slated to take its place alongside those who so bravely fought to bring in this set of GESARA governments. We salute all those brave men and women who gladly sacrificed themselves to allow this new time to happen. The global RV is swiftly to become a worldwide reset of currency, and also the legal start of a new financial system. The final death of this arrogant cabal is indeed to be a Godsend for the people of this world. It is finally to permit all who were to be forerunners of a new prosperity to partake at last in this process. It is, moreover, allowing us at long last to petition the world's governments for a "declaration of understanding" about the nature of this glorious first contact mission. This global affirmation is only the first and most important part of our initial announcements.

Best Crop Circles Season 2016 - BEST CROP CIRCLES 2016 - UFO 2016

Jamye Price - November 2016 Ascension Energies - November 1, 2016

October review - Change!
The energy of October had a strong resonance of change. I noticed mine physically—Ascension symptoms were abundant! I also noticed a lot of throat clearing happening for many (unexplained dry cough, sore throat, clearing a phlemgy throat, etc.). In October some had sudden geographic or job changes.
Perhaps you noticed the change on the world stage. From an energetic perspective, much of that is still about exposing corrupted and destructive intent. This means humanity is evolving into more empowerment because as a whole we are stepping into more responsibility with our governance. It’s a slower process than the individual process, but the two are intertwined.

Christine Meleriessee - Maestro Thoth - Su Yo Superior se vuelve la imagen espejo de lo que ustedes se quieren volver - Octubre 2, 2016

El Maestro Thoth comparte su perspectiva sobre cómo refleja la Ley Universal de la Relatividad las lecciones que debe enfrentar un Iniciado en la Senda de la Maestría.

En este mensaje, parte 2 de 2, el Maestro Thoth da su perspectiva. El Maestro Toth está a la cabeza de la Oficina del Comando de la Totalidad Unificada que está trayendo todas las líneas de tiempo y los panteones de las agendas individuales y de grupo de retorno a la Integridad / Totalidad.. Se invita a todos a llamar a la [Oficina] de la Totalidad Unificada para retornar sus propias líneas de tiempo a las de la Unidad de la Fuente.
~ Transmitido por la Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Canal Integrativo

Bendiciones a cada uno de ustedes en el momento presente.
Soy el Maestro Thoth hablando aquí sobre la relación que tienen entre su Yo Divino y el Yo Físico. 

Tal vez algunos individuos no entiendan la correlación con el Ser Espiritual que se están convirtiendo, pues esto puede ser experimentado de un modo no auto-complaciente dentro del Yo Emocional.

Esto se debe a que cuando permiten la plena integración de su Mente Más Elevada en su Mente Física, esto se vuelve un momento de “Éste Es Justo Quien Yo Soy.”

Así que entonces no se dispara el Cuerpo Emocional con ninguna emoción específica.

Se vuelve un momento de reconocimiento desde la Mente Más Elevada, casi como si hubiera estado en ese estado de condicionamiento por bastante tiempo. 

No hay una respuesta emocional a la relación. Esto se debe al hecho de que el Cuerpo Emocional y el Cuerpo Mental se han vuelto Uno; no hay un disparador específico ni en la Mente ni el Corazón. 

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro de la Consciencia Global de Gaia Día 3 de la Conferencia – en la tarde - Letra I - Queenstown, Nueva Zelandia, el 15-27 de Octubre de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nuevamente los que escuchan pero no están presentes, no tienen idea de la energía del salón. Se podría saborear el aprecio; algunos podrían llorar con la energía que ha ocurrido solamente en la celebración de estos últimos momentos en que se han cantado unos a otros con amor, en que se aprecian unos a otros, dicen hola y dicen adiós. Todas estas cosas han preparado la escena para que sus corazones se fundan un poquito.

Queridos, otra vez repetimos que esta conferencia en particular es única y distinta de cualquier otra en el planeta. El énfasis está en la asociación con Gaia, y en ella los indígenas están grandemente implicados por su sabiduría de los ancestros. Es el modelo. Y entonces hay una conexión entre todos ustedes - todos ustedes.

Lo que haré ahora es llevarlos a un pequeño viaje, si lo desean, si me siguen. Y la letra será la "I"; y no es lo que ustedes piensan.

Dejen que les pregunte algo: lo que ha sucedido en este salón en los últimos minutos, la celebración, el canto, el baile, ¿cuán lejos habrá llegado? Fuera del salón ¿alguien se dio cuenta? Realmente.

Jennifer Hoffman - Estemos satisfechos - 26 de Octubre 2016

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

La vibración energética que alcanzamos representa el aprendizaje y el crecimiento que hemos acumulado a lo largo de nuestro trabajo de sanación, gracias a nuestra disposición a ascender y a alcanzar la plenitud a través de nuestra transformación. Cada existencia fijamos una intención de sanación y crecimiento y, cuando conseguimos llevarla a cabo, podemos continuar hacia niveles más elevados del ser. Podemos sentirnos satisfechos con el trabajo realizado y estar orgullosos de nuestros logros, ya que hemos conseguido mucho con cada nivel de crecimiento que hemos completado. La satisfacción es una faceta de la gratitud, un regalo que nos hacemos al reconocer cada paso de nuestro viaje, y también un aspecto importante de nuestra misión del alma. Nuestra satisfacción nos ayuda a cerrar ciclos y a reconocer que hemos hecho lo mejor que podíamos hasta ese momento, y también nos abre a los nuevos potenciales que se encuentran más allá de ese punto.


by: Breanne Katherine

There is a grand shift taking place on the planet at this moment in time. People from all walks of life, all over the face of the Earth, are awakening to their true power and inner calling. The beginning seeds of this movement first began back in the 60’s and 70’s when flower children were born, spreading their message of peace and love. Afterward, the global awakening of the collective consciousness truly began to pick up speed during the supposed ‘end of the world’ prediction based off Mayan calculations.

Yet December 21st, 2012 was a stepping stone. An official marker that began the tail end of ‘The Age of Pisces’, and our current ventures into the start of ‘The Age of Aquarius’. Essentially, the cusp between both ages, the transition between the two, and the transformation into new levels of thinking and new-age ideas. The end of one era, and the beginning of another.

Mike Quinsey - de mi Ser Superior - ...diversas formas de vida - 28-10-2016

David está conduciendo a los Trabajadores de la Luz para que conozcan las diversas formas de vida dentro vuestro Universo.
Los cambios están progresando bien y en la medida que estos se establecen el poder de las Fuerzas oscuras está disminuyendo, hasta el punto que se están quedando confundidos e incapaces de controlar los acontecimientos como antes.
En cualquier suceso sólo se les permite cierto grado de libertad para llevar a cabo su plan para controlar el mundo.
Ellos no tendrán éxito, porque el final de los tiempos ya está escrito y la victoria de la Luz es inevitable y está asegurada.
El periodo en el que estáis ahora está lleno de cambios potenciales, llevando todos ellos a la elevación de la Humanidad y a su lugar en la Nueva Era.
El escenario está establecido y es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que los responsables de dar las noticias se sientan empujados a comenzar a daros información verdadera.

Linda M Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst - “Your Special Path” – November 2016


“Your Special Path”
November 2016

Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, along with a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light. Today, we wish to discuss your special path.

You are a unique Being of Light. You burst forth from the Creator with Love and Light. You contained all of the universal aspects and attributes needed to help you carry out your special mission. Throughout your many incarnations, you have continued to develop special qualities, and you have used them for the greatest good of all.

Each individual has a unique path and mission. In each incarnation you have carried out your special mission. This has led you to develop many additional qualities and attributes that are contributing to your mission and to the greatest good.

You have used these qualities in each lifetime as you have moved along your path. You are playing your special part in the great tapestry of life and universal creation.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 01/11/16

Posted on November 1, 2016 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 30 de Octubre al 6 de Noviembre 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


A medida que se esfuerzan en mantenerse en equilibrio y balance durante estos días con todo lo que está ocurriendo dentro de sus esferas de resonancia, encuentran que las energías intensificadas están teniendo su efecto, no sólo dentro de sus propios sistemas, sino en todos los que están en su ámbito de influencia. Las energías de la dualidad están fuera de control y es importante que recuerden su propósito de sostener la Luz en estos tiempos. Es muy fácil para ustedes, que son sensibles a las energías que les rodean, entender que los sentimientos que han estado sintiendo son principalmente aquellos que se están experimentando a un nivel de conciencia colectiva. El miedo y la duda corren desenfrenados en estos tiempos – recuerden esto - y reconéctense con su centro y enfóquense en lo que son y lo que ustedes representan.

Kryon "New Zealand Adventure" 2016, Part IV

lunes, octubre 31, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Arcturian Answers to Human Questions The Arcturians Through Sue Lie - 10-30-16

Arcturian Answers to Human Questions

Messages from 10-28-16

Dear Arcturians,
Something “died” last night, and something new was reborn. I had a dream, or vision, or reality in which it occurred. I cannot remember the details of the dream, and I don’t think the details are important.

What I do remember is the feeling that I had when I awoke, which was just a few minutes ago. Can you assist me to remember the dream, the lessons, or whatever it is that was forgotten and is now remembered?

Dear Suzille,
Of course we can assist you to understand the deepest memory of your morning dream of death and rebirth. Indeed, the dream was about “death and rebirth,” which is often an invisible, yet ongoing, theme for everyone’s third dimensional incarnation.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Allow the unfoldment - Daily Message ~ Monday October 31, 2016

Dear Ones, the universe is always responding to your intentions and requests. You just simply must allow enough time for your desires to come to fruition .

For example, if you gave your order to a server at a restaurant, you would not continually change your mind and order something different after a minute or two because you didn’t think the original order had been received would you? To do so would only keep you hungry and unfulfilled! At some point you would have to give the people behind the scenes time to receive, prepare, cook, and deliver your order. You would have to trust in the system.

The same it is with the universe. Allow the unfoldment! Settle in and enjoy your time as you are waiting for your order. Trust that there is an entire team whose greatest purpose and joy comes from serving you and seeing your delight as your dreams become reality. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jennifer Hoffman - November 2016 Energy Report - Oct 31, 2016 |

As we end another rather challenging month it’s tempting to ask when it will all be over. That’s not a good question to ask right now because it implies that we’re the passenger on this ride and we have no control over the outcomes. But we are the driver and we have all of the control, as we’ll see in November. From October’s 1 energy we move into the 2 of November but this is 2 reduced from 11 (November is the 11th month) which is the integration of spirit and matter, of human and divine. Are we ready to reap the rewards of our efforts now, or are we waiting for permission to sit at life’s victory banquet? It’s up to us and we’ll find out in November that the rewards are there but we have to step up to the podium and claim them for ourselves. November can be a ‘joy ride’ if we’re willing to let go, lift off, and shine on.



En este mensaje, parte 1 de 2, se da la perspectiva de Lord Melchizedek.

~ Transmitido por la Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Canal Integrativo

Saludos y Amor a cada uno de Ustedes: Soy Lord Melchizedek trayendo el ‘Sacerdocio’ (Priesthood) de Melchizedek para ayudarlos a entender la Ley de la Relatividad y su posible significado en relación con su senda para ganar la Maestría.
Todas las Leyes Universales representan las Iniciaciones, pues sin ellas no tendríamos una guía específica de cómo lograr la Maestría.
Muchos individuos no se dan cuenta de esto a menos que hayan estudiado textos esotéricos que fueron los primeros en traer esta información.
Creo que según los estándares actuales muchos de los iniciados no entienden realmente cómo aplicar las leyes en sus propias vidas pues no se les ha dado la oportunidad de estudiarlas para su uso personal.