lunes, marzo 16, 2015

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - Optimal Report for 3/16 - 3/22/15

Keywords for the week: Authenticity. The Uplevel. A New Path Appears.

Hello friends. We're looking at a major power window in the Cosmic Weather for the season, and for the year in general. With over 60 solar flares last week including a large X2, the Universe's trailer to the main show has been something else.

You've been probably hearing about this last pass of the Uranus/Pluto square energies for quite some time now and not just from me. Yes, it is a pretty big deal. One of my friends described it well when she noted that "with every pass we have done an uplevel." Well not everyone, but definitely the people in what I affectionately call the CLB (Conscious Love Brigade.) Looking back to 2010 it's evident we are clearly not even close to how we were vibrating and manifesting at that time, and it's a good thing too. It hasn't been easy and at times it's been downright harrowing, but we're still here and that means everything.

Suzanne Lie - About The Corridor-- Nuri, Suzanne and the Arcturians

The Countdown to March 20, 2015
Spring Equinox and MUCH More

Transcription of Conversation with Nuri Akyol on: 

Hello everyone this is Sue Lie and I’m here having a conversation with Nuri Akyol and we’re just going to have this conversation and see how it turns out.  We wanted to share it with all of you, as a kind of role model that it’s absolutely fine to sit down with people that can take it and converse about what’s happening in our reality.  There’s a lot of different feelings now aren’t there Nuri?
Nuri:  Absolutely Sue.
Sue:    Isn’t the energy so loud, so fast, so hot, and so intense? Have you recognized that?
Nuri:  I have to say – in different ways. As we were talking about earlier, my dreams are more and more intense, and I’m able to remember them more. It feels as if I’m resolving some stuff. Maybe some karma is being released on a different level. There are some things going on now. It’s a roller coaster ride.
Sue:    That’s interesting because I was just emailing someone that was not aware of the process.  They were a newbie and wondering why they were having such unusual feelings.  What I was saying was that we are opening our Portals of Ascension NOW and having to clear them out.  I came in, and it was a blessing or the curse, remembering my other lifetimes. What a mess!  There’s a lot of accumulated fear. 

Brenda Hoffman - You’ve Jumped in a Rabbit Hole - March 16, 2015

Dear Ones,
You anticipated a future of ongoing joy once you mastered your mountain of general fears. Such has not necessarily been true for the past few weeks. Given all that has happened to and around you, you can only conclude that this transition is not a reality or you have not advanced as rapidly as those who seem to be racing ahead.
This transition is reality and no one is wiser or better than you. Of course, you have been told such in many ways the past few months, but still you wonder – why you are not manifesting what you desire instantly, why have you not found love, a community or other pieces important to you.
It is not logical to you that you have worked diligently on new you for years and yet do not experience or feel anything new – including the great and ongoing joy promised by so many channels.
Perhaps you believe you are much as you always were – maybe a bit more wise, but that wisdom could as easily be the result of age as anything channels promised.

Jennifer Hoffman - Doorknobs and Hinges, Portals and Pathways - March 16, 2015

If you follow me on Facebook, you know that my office painting project turned into a massive doorknob and hinge overhaul  throughout my house. Once the office was painted, I noticed how shabby the doorknobs and hinges were. Since they’re 40 years old, it was time for a change. I couldn’t replace just one set, I had to replace all of them or they wouldn’t match. And the hinges needed an upgrade to, as they were old and they needed to match the doorknobs. Doorknobs are used to open doors, and hinges allow doors to open, what a great metaphor for this time. But as I discovered, replacing doorknobs is quick and takes 5 minutes. Replacing hinges is not so easy.
Excited about my doorknob and hinge replacement, I made a trip to the hardware store to buy a dozen doorknobs and 18 sets of hinges. I started with the doorknobs and was excited that it went so fast. Within less than an hour I had all of the doorknobs replaced. Then I started on the hinges and things slowed down a lot. Each door has 3 hinges, each hinge has 6 screws that have to be removed, the new hinge put on the doors (with 6 screws) and then attached to the door jamb (with another 6 screws). The doors came off easily enough, then there was a problem when I tried to put them back on.

Meredith Murphy - Message from the Archangel Michael - March 16, 2015

Beloved Friends,

Today we turn our attention to those you love, to the people closest to you.
For some of you those relationships have not tracked with your own growth as well as you might have wished. For some of you, you actually have a void space in what we might think of as your closer relationships for you don’t have closer relationships right now. They don’t exist. For others you have perhaps consciously chosen or unconsciously chosen not to create partnerships or relationships out of a sense that your emotions and you, will settle at some point and then these things will happen and then you will find your tribe.

Spaceships All Around Earth - Proof of An Alien War With Mars - P1

Four UFOs Leaving Earth Caught on Tape by Space Station

domingo, marzo 15, 2015

Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn - El Paraíso Aprendido - La Idea Equivocada de la "Caída de la Gracia"
Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Arcángel de la Luz... y los saludamos en un vector de Amor Incondicional.

Querido humano: una de las suposiciones más confusas para la humanidad en ascensión es el concepto de la "caída de la gracia"... la representación interpretativa de que la humanidad retrocedió en su evolución hacia un estado de "des-gracia", de pecado original. Debes reconocer que elegir la experiencia de la Tierra como Universidad de la Dualidad es un curso con credenciales increíbles... y no es para los débiles de corazón. La vida en el plano terrestre es difícil, eso es una gran verdad. Pero no estás enfrentando las dificultades de la dualidad como un castigo. Las pruebas de la dualidad no son una sentencia que se te impuso porque te "caíste de la gracia." El reino de la polaridad no es el Paraíso perdido... más bien, es el Paraíso aprendido.

La mayoría de tus religiones organizadas enseña que la humanidad una vez conoció la perfección y vivió en un hermoso Jardín del Edén paradisíaco y perdió todo por el "pecado" cayendo dentro de la densidad de la experiencia de la Tierra a través de acciones erróneas. En tanto es verdad que la humanidad usa filtros en la realidad 3D, esa realidad 3D es un curso en Maestría. La tercera dimensión es como un trampolín que enseña la co-creación responsable. Enseña que el pensamiento enfocado en la creencia manifiesta la realidad... y la co-creatividad se aprende desde abajo para arriba.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 15 March 2015

marilynraffaeleMARCH 15, 2015
Dear ones, we greet you in this time of new beginnings–springtime. Many of you are exhausted, having been inundated with the issues of winter weather and sigh with relief as you see more of the warming sun which is bringing with it powerful new energies. Be prepared to experience some shifting within as well as to observe it in the general awareness of the world which will be accompanied by some weather related issues.
A new and powerful consciousness is being born and as with all births is accompanied by some pain and difficulty, much of which is dependent upon a willingness or non-willingness to embrace change. Many are discovering themselves no longer able to blindly accept the political nonsense with its accompanying rules and regulations. The self serving and adolescent behavior of many so called “leaders” is helping to open the eyes of many. It is a time of awakening and the accumulated blinders so many have lived with and taken for granted, are coming off.

Theresa Crabtree - 10 Communication Tools: Day 195, Men 13 - March 15, 2015

1.   Make sure you have the full attention of the person to whom you wish to speak. Ask them if this is an appropriate time to have a conversation. It would be good to give an approximate length of time you expect to converse. Thus, you are more likely to have the full attention of the one you wish to communicate with.
2.   When you are in conversation with another, give them your full attention. Many people are performing several activities, including doodling while others speak. This is a sure sign that your thoughts and interest are not in the Now moment and are focused elsewhere.
3.   Stay focused on one topic to avoid confusion. When appropriate, repeat what the speaker is saying in order to gain clarity. This may seem tedious, but can avoid confusion and emotional upset if the meaning is understood.
4.   Avoid unnecessary chatter. This tires out the listener and is likely to keep him tuned out. Keep your conversations to the point and relative to the issue at hand.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 15 March 2015

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
As you each follow your own star and go within often, you begin to enjoy sitting in the stillness of your soul where there is peace beyond understanding. This is your special place, your sacred sanctuary, your sacred Temple. This sacred place makes everything you are passing through worthwhile and relevant. Therein lay worlds of infinite possibilities like golden treasure waiting to be found. You can remember all that you have ever known and experienced within this sacred space, you can reconnect with your true and authentic self, the innocent self, the liberated self. The inner life is calling to you during these times and many of you are answering that call. Much will be discovered, pondered upon and assimilated as you discover the roots that connect you to the Divine. Once this divine connection occurs, there is nothing that can ever tempt you to go back to the way it was. All is becoming clearer, all is changed.

Judith Dagley – Finding The One Person Who Can Change Your Life – 15 March 2015

judith3.10.15 A Message for NOW from Judith and the celestial team—
If You are searching for that one person who will change your life–
look in the mirror. 

 Beloved, the truth stated above is SO BIG and SO PROFOUNDLY TRUE that one can miss it entirely. Quite literally, it boggles the 3rd dimensional brain, so either gets tossed out entirely or conceptualized– usually as one of those cliches that sound nice but mean nothing (as far as the brain is concerned, that is). If that is what the quote we began our message with seems like to You– hang on to it because it means You’ve struck gold.
Pan for it until You find it, and PERSIST! Say the words aloud. Shout them, sing them, dance them. Write them on your mirror, or better yet, on your face. Paint your wall with them. Meditate into them, let your mind wander around in them.

Armada of UFOs caught in daytime sky in California

sábado, marzo 14, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - ¿Estás Usando Todas tus Herramientas? - 8 de Marzo 2015

Por Jennifer Hoffman

8 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Cada experiencia de vida viene con herramientas e información que podemos utilizar para crear el siguiente paso en nuestro camino. A menudo, estas herramientas no se ven muy útiles, no sabemos que las tenemos, o no sabemos cómo usarlas. Y a veces vienen de una fuente que no creemos que sea útil, por lo que no las reconocemos como proveedoras de las herramientas que necesitamos, ya que a menudo son las personas menos colaboradoras en nuestra vida.

Avanzar más rápido (y eso es un término relativo) es más fácil cuando nos fijamos en todas nuestras experiencias esperando encontrar herramientas útiles para ayudarnos en nuestros próximos pasos. Luego tenemos que utilizarlos a todos ellos con la intención de ser más eficientes y eficaces en cómo limpiamos nuestro camino. Recibí este mensaje este fin de semana cuando estaba usando las herramientas de jardín que mi madre me dio para limpiar mi jardín y me di cuenta de que yo no estaba usando todas las herramientas para crear mi resultado (conseguir recoger todas las hojas). Una vez que me di cuenta que tenía todas las herramientas que necesitaba y formulé un plan para utilizarlas de manera más eficaz, terminé el trabajo en un tiempo récord.

Wes Annac – Stay True To Your Mission – 14 March 2015

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
We have to be strong in the face of temptation or depression, and as hard as it can be, we have to stay true to our mission when we don’t feel like we can persevere.
We have to be able to return to love, the center of it all, when we have trouble cultivating the positivity and selflessness that help us make other people’s lives better.
Negativity and depression might routinely surface and try to keep us from our work, but it’s essential not to let them take root in us.
I was excited the other day when I rediscovered ‘karma yoga’ and the idea that we can use creativity, selfless service and nearly constant activity to achieve enlightenment, because I felt like I finally had some things figured out.
I struggled with the idea that the only way we can spiritually evolve is to constantly meditate or dissolve fully into nothingness, because a lot of conscious people feel like they’re here on a mission to uplift the world, which requires a lot of work and contradicts the advice we’ve been given to ‘become nothing’.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 14 March 2015

Aisha North Series 1 - 5

So here we are once again, ready to impart another message into your system. And yes, we do choose these words with care as we want to remind you all that these missives come in many flavours if you will, and even if the words we deliver are the most prominent ones to your human mind, what lies between them is in fact the main ingredient so to speak, the main vibration that will affect you the most. And so, know that whatever it is you think you see, it is once again merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg, and even if this will not come as a surprise to any of you at this stage, we know it is important for us to keep reminding you all of everything that is taking place behind the human facade. Not just in you, but in all.
For now, what may look like a relatively tranquil pool of light is in actual fact a deep pocket of intensely charged super conductive energy, one that will help you not only to literally move mountains, but also help you to jump ahead in ways that will elevate you above any obstacles that may still seem to clutter your intended path. And the way it will do this, is by helping you to see that there are indeed alternative routes ahead, routes that may not seem obvious at a cursory glance, but will show themselves to be a much more viable option in the long run.

Blossom Goodchild – 14 March 2015

bloss arizona biggerHello there. I wondered if today I could ask you about something that is ‘interesting’ me more and more. Sometimes, when out amongst people perhaps, I FEEL so very much like I am sitting in the middle of some sort of computer programming. That is the only way I know to describe it … and as if those looking down upon it are finding ‘The Game’ quite ridiculous in a way. Are you able to talk to me about this and perhaps give some clarity? I would if possible, prefer for you not to speak through me today, as I feel there will be questions I need to ask. Oh! Sorry! Good morning.
And Greetings of the Highest Love to you also.
This matter is indeed an intricate one … and not one to be entered into Lightly. There is room for much confusion due to the enormity of the scale upon which it exists.
Firstly, we would care to address a certain document that you have been sent to read. How did it make you FEEL?

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Update And A Divine Vision – 14 March 2015

Mijn fotoDear friends,
I am writing from my smartphone – still waiting to own again a laptop. Managing my internet life from a smartphone is a real unpleasant ordeal though, which I try to avoid as much as possible. And formatting is almost impossible.
It is an interesting experience to have lost everything and not being able yet to replace it. Whereby my lost artwork and writings,  that I created over many years, cannot be replaced of course, with all the money of the world.
This total loss makes
me wonder whether I was really of service to humanity – or perhaps the opposite: whether my work was not pleasing the common mind of the esoteric scene, or even those who would like to suffocate the light.

Natalie Glasson – Recalibrate Your Perspectives By Mother Mary – 14 March 2015

With new vibrations anchoring into the Earth and awakening from your being with each day, a frequency of simplicity is rising akin to a phoenix from the flames to attract and draw your attention. The vibration of simplicity present due to the greater anchoring of light brings forth a new valuable wisdom and a new perspective with which to observe yourself and your reality. With all the many shifts and awakening occurring within your being at this tremendous period of cleansing and purifying in order to resonate in greater oneness with the Creator, simplicity brings you back to your centre. Many of you may experience the presence of your centre, core, essence or soul, whatever you wish to label it, with greater power and resonance. Those who are shifting beliefs and perspectives which no longer serve them may find it difficult to return to their centres, they may feel as if they have lost their centres, as if it has been misplaced and can longer be found in the same space as usual. This is because your entire being is recalibrating, your essence, the core of your being, is expanding therefore it takes a larger, more expansive and open perspective to recognise the core of your being once more.

viernes, marzo 13, 2015

WAKE UP film BEST EVER 2014, life changing, honest, freeman

Méline Portia – Master Merlin – Flow And Abundance: A Different Approach To Work With – 13 March 2015
Merlin speaks:
And how about your flow of abundance? Hmm?! Isn’t this what the entire Human race is concerned about at this time? Yes it is, and do you know why? I will tell you why. It is because money is part of the old fabric, of the old programs that humans have set up and participated in along with its creation. So now that you feel stuck and dependent on it, it gives you an overall feeling of restriction and being imprisoned like a slave, isn’t it so?! Well in truth that is not far from the truth.

The truth is that as Humanity comes to understand its needs and those needs that have been made up for themselves in order to rely on something that is outside of them, there is a crack appearing in this belief system and in these creations. It is showing that this is not the way it should have been. So all outside resources will come to fall away and cease to exist. And as these do, what now? What to rely on now and what to do?

Healing Transmission From The Galactic Family

KRYON 2015 "The Door - A Parable of WO" - Lee Carroll

SaLuSa - March 13, 2015

A whole series of changes lay ahead of you now that the dark Ones plans have been thwarted. They can no longer dictate the course of Humanities future, and can only concede their position to the Light. It has meant that progress can now more or less proceed unheeded or impeded, and activities can be more open and made known to you. There is much to do and our plans are to produce results as soon as possible. Hitherto we have had to be guarded where our they were concerned, but now we can let you know without any great fear. You will also see more of our craft openly moving through your skies, where previously we have mainly kept our cloaks of invisibility on to avoid any confrontation with your craft. We now await recognition from your political leaders but know that many are scared to be revealed for what they really are. However, in time all will be revealed and no individual will find any hiding place. The higher vibrations are no place for any lesser Beings as there comes a point when only the truth can exist. The dark Ones have had their day and in spite of all you may know about them, as with any other soul we offer them the opportunity to turn to the Light without any recriminations. They will however have a long way to go to fully recover their position in it.

Alcyon Pléyades 26-1ª: Ocultación de vida y viajes a Marte. Obama en Marte.

jueves, marzo 12, 2015

Parallel Worlds Exist And Will Soon Be Testable, Expert Says


Is there another you reading this article at this exact moment in a parallel universe? Dr. Brian Greene, author of The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos, believes that this freakish quirk of nature may exist; and he discusses its amazing possibilities in this 3-minute TV interview.
A growing number of cosmologists agree with Greene that we are but one of many universes and at least one of these other worlds lies close to ours, maybe only a millimeter away. We can’t see this world, because it exists in a type of space different from the four dimensions of our everyday reality.
MIT’s Max Tegmark believes this multiverse model of ‘many universes’ is grounded in modern physics and will eventually be testable, predictive and disprovable.


Dana Mrkich - Solar Flares Injecting Bonus Energy - March 12, 2015

With 7 M Class Solar Flares over the past few days and 1 X Class in recent hours, no matter the kind of week you have had I'm sure it has been an energised one!

For some of you that may mean lots of physical energy and mental clarity. For others it means just the opposite, and that is because these flares act as a kind of 're-wiring you exactly in the way you need' influence. If you need rest, they try to get you to rest, so you are going to feel lethargic. If it is time to act, they will give you that booster shot of motivation and inspiration you need.

It is also common to feel a mixture of the two: that is, a lot of adrenal action pumping through you, while the mind is feeling unable to focus or concentrate or anything. This is usually a good sign to just slow down and take one hour/minute at a time. Sitting down for a few minutes as you focus on your breath going in and out works miracles when it comes to regaining a sense of balance.

Conversation with Geoffrey Hoppe & Jim Self

Benjamin Fulford - March 9, 2015: Historical black swan event imminent

There are now many undeniable signs that a historical black swan event is imminent. The exact nature of this event is uncertain but it involves the end of a system of governance dating back thousands of years and the emergence of a new paradigm for humanity. Since the global occult leadership links their machinations to celestial events, there is a possibility this event will be connected to the March 19th super moon and the March 20th solar eclipse.

This comes after a March 17th election in Israel that is expected to end Zionazi rule of that nation. The humiliation of Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu during his uninvited US visit last week was a clear indication of this. His speech was not broadcast by the main US news networks and was greeted with anti-Nentanyahu demonstrations by Jews in New York and Israel. To top it off, a former Mossad chief accused him of persistently lying about the so-called “Iran threat.” It is even possible Netanyahu was secretly ordered to commit political suicide with that speech.

The other sign that it is not business as usual was re-organization of the CIA that was announced last week. The CIA is now under the control of the Defense Intelligence Agency, according to Asia based CIA sources. The contents of the reorganization and the new mission statement of that agency are all in line with Pentagon thinking. Just who was purged from that agency has not been made public but CIA sources say the top ranks of the formerly Bush controlled Directorate of Operations have changed. This has cleared the way for a further purge of the Washington D.C. cesspool.

miércoles, marzo 11, 2015

~Gnostic Archon Parasite~ Removal And Prevention ~

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - The Human Soul Revealed - December 13, 2014

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. We wanted to pause a moment to allow the entourage to come in, and for those who are sensitive here to feel it. It is so difficult to give information that is beyond what you expect. Even after it is given, it's unknown whether it sticks in your minds or not, for some of the information is advanced.This is the last channelling of the year 2014. The last two times I have sat in front of you, I have given summaries; however, this really isn't a summary at all. It's "the next step." I'm going to call it “The Human Soul Revealed." The information really begins to explain something that is unexplainable, but we must tie it together, and I wanted to do it this year.

Kara Schallock - El Poder de la Actividad Cósmica - 9 de Marzo 2015
9 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Cada vez que hay actividad en el cosmos, nos elevamos un poco más en vibración y consciencia. Como ya saben, la consciencia es saber que eres Divino. En el grado en que esto sea Verdad, o no sea Verdad, para ti así es como va tu vida. Y sin embargo, hay una oportunidad tras otra de descubrir Quién eres. Esto es la llamada del Alma para que despiertes; a veces la voz es fuerte y a veces suave. Todo depende de ti. ¿Estás escuchando o necesitas una llamada áspera para despertar? Este fin de semana pasado (marzo 7 y 8) tuvimos una gran explosión solar que emitió algunas llamaradas solares muy poderosas. ¿Son llamados de la Fuente a despertar? Puede que hayas notado que hubo una cantidad masiva de actividad solar en los últimos años. Son mensajes de tu Alma-Origen, tu Divinidad, para despertar más. Sin embargo, la manera de los humanos de mirar todo es enfocar sólo sobre el evento superficial. Vayan por debajo de la superficie y pregunten: "¿Cuál es el mensaje para mí?"

Sarah Varcas - Eclipses and their Seasons - Mar 11, 2015

Eclipses and their Seasons

 Total Lunar Eclipse Dec 20th over Alaska December 2010

Eclipses occur in groups of two or three within an eclipse season which lasts for 36 days. During this time any Full or New Moons occur as Lunar and Solar Eclipses respectively. An eclipse season occurs while the Sun is within eighteen degrees of one of the Moon’s Nodes, that is the points on the Moon’s orbital path where it crosses the path of the Sun. Eclipse seasons arise every six months.

Eclipses are us!
Generally speaking, eclipses get a bad rap, no doubt due to the fear they provoked in days gone by when total eclipses plunged people into blackness and the life-sustaining light was eradicated by a seemingly all powerful force. These days we are better informed of the cosmic mechanics of an eclipse. We know the light, be it solar or lunar, will return, and we can marvel at the event if we are lucky enough to experience it, without fearing for our very lives in the process. But still within the collective psyche lies the fear of eclipses and all that they may bring to our door.

Judith Kusel - The Way of the Mystic – Sacred Union - March 11, 2015

There are always those who seek the higher pathways in life, rather than the lesser.  They seek the ultimate state of Being, which then becomes the quest to experience the Divine essence, the infinite state of bliss, or existence itself, through the medium of going ever deeper within.
It is that reconnection with the soul, the soul group, but more than this, the reconnection with that energy which is the pro-creative energy, the alchemical fusion which transform the mundane into the extraordinary, the sacred, the magical, and therefore the sublime.  Once one experiences the supreme state, one cannot walk the lesser pathways for one has spanned the higher octaves of Being, and therefore has glimpsed the ultimate bliss – that state, or consciousness of the Divine.
The Ancient Mystery schools knew this, and therefore the High Priestess at the birth of a child, would not only read the soul records, but would confer with the Astrologer Priests and birth crystals were programmed to accompany the child for the rest of its life.  With this reading it was already defined if the child had incarnated to be trained and to contribute to humanity by serving in the temples themselves.

Selacia - Soul Agreements and Living Now

red heart small

Soul Agreements and Living Now  
by Selacia   

With times this intense and next week's fiery Equinox and other energy events just around the corner, you may have asked yourself more than once: "Did I really sign up for this?!" Consider that this question is much more than a rhetorical response to these crazy times. In fact, contemplate how this idea is coming from a deep place within you, a wise part of you that understands why you chose to be alive at this pivotal time in history. Consider that this quantum part of you, having boundless foresight, orchestrated a series of soul agreements that led you to now.

If this sounds too outside the box, continue reading for the bigger picture. Life events are not random - they often occur because of soul agreements you made long ago. These usually are not conscious and they cannot be analyzed or approached in a linear way.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, 
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh 
with the affections and lusts. Bible, Gal 5,22-24
Everything that is alive is born of the Spirit, the Love 
for all emanates from the Spirit, and whoever works 
out of the Spirit is truly God’s child and God’s 
messenger on earth, and to those human Beings 
bliss befalls on all paths.

martes, marzo 10, 2015

Kryon - Lee Carroll - El Clima Introducción - Dallas, Texas, 1º de marzo de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Les digo otra vez: Yo sé quién soy, yo sé quién está aquí. Hay tantos que oyen esto por primera vez y al instante de oír hay juicio; el juicio proviene de todos los años en que la vieja energía ha prohibido que una cosa tal pueda ser real. Todos los siglos que has vivido, literalmente con una tapa puesta sobre ti, un techo para tu creencia, y ese techo proviene de lo que llamaríamos atributo de vieja energía. Crees lo que crees porque nunca lo has visto de esta manera. No todos ustedes.

Uno de los atributos, de que hemos hablado una vez tras otra, es el de la nueva humanidad, en la que esto que hoy ven no tenga que ser escudriñado, discernido a tal grado, o juzgado, porque sabrán que es la manera en que la familia habla con la familia.

Quick The Enlighened master on 10th of March 2015

 Quick update..

- We reached a state of energy that allows us to activate the
   manifestation law...

- All the timelines are ready now to integrate into one timeline..
- The obstacles and borders began disappearing between dimensions..
- Liberating the "hostages" in the solar system at its peak...
- The rift between the physical and ethereal planes {cosmic anomaly}
   begin to recover and need little 

- The necessary preparations for the reception of the event from inside
   the earth are at its peak...

- We are very close to the phase of remarkable changes..

PLEIADIAN PROPHECY 2015 - 2017: World Revolution!

lunes, marzo 09, 2015

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - There Has Never Been a Time When You Were Alone - Mar 8, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
There has never been a time when you were alone, no matter how you felt.
As we evolve into true multidimensional beings, there are times when we are feeling empty, disconnected and even abandoned. This can usually mean we are about to take a leap in energy to a greater expression of ourselves. As intriguing as that sounds, it can be profoundly uncomfortable.

We are in a powerful time astrologically that is encouraging us to liberate ourselves from our old ways of being. There are shifts in energy occurring within us that are requiring us to have the faith and trust enough to let ourselves expand into new aspects of life even when they are unknown to us.

These feelings of disconnection are the indicators that we are about to move into a more expanded level of being, just as electricity in a house needs to be shut off in order for new wiring to be put into place.

Benjamín Fulford - 9-03-15. Evento histórico de cisne negro inminente 09 mar

09 mar
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
Ahora hay muchos signos innegables de que un acontecimiento histórico de tipo cisne negro es inminente. La naturaleza exacta de este evento es incierta, pero se trata del final de un sistema de gobierno que se remonta a miles de años y el surgimiento de un nuevo paradigma para la humanidad. Dado que el liderazgo mundial oculto vincula sus maquinaciones a eventos celestes, existe la posibilidad de este evento estará conectado con la súper- luna del 19 de marzo y el eclipse solar del 20 de marzo.
Esto viene después de las elecciones del 17 de marzo en Israel, que se espera ponga fin al régimen zionazi de esa nación. La humillación del primer ministro israelí, Benyamin Netanyahu, durante su visita a Estados Unidos sin ser invitado la semana pasada, fue una clara muestra de esto. Su discurso no fue transmitido por las principales cadenas de noticias de Estados Unidos y fue recibido con manifestaciones anti-Nentanyahu de Judios en Nueva York e Israel. Por si fuera poco, un ex jefe del Mossad lo acusó de mentir sobre la persistencia de la llamada “amenaza iraní”. Incluso es posible que se le ordenara secretamente a Netanyahu que perpetrase su propio suicidio político con ese discurso.

What Do You Mean The 3rd Dimension Is Going Away? BY Jim Self - What Do You Mean The 3rd Dimension Is Going Away? BY Jim Self March 9, 2015 the Age of Aquarius approaches there is an increasing urgency to this message because we’re all, literally, running out of time to play in the third dimension.
In simple terms, the habit of thinking and feeling and behaving that we know of as the third dimension is going away. Everyone is shifting into a fourth dimensional consciousness and experience, and then into a fifth dimensional consciousness and experience.
However, most people on the planet are not prepared for this Shift. But it is happening nonetheless, and for those who are unaware of what’s going on it will not be an easy or comfortable experience.
Yet this can be a wonderful, enjoyable time as well. With some basic information about what the Shift is, and what “dimensions” are, and with simple tools to help manage our thoughts and feelings, everyone has the ability to evolve their consciousness and move gracefully and joyfully into these higher vibrational realms.

Sandra Walter – Alignment With The New Light – Activation – 9 March 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Alignment is a primary theme of 2015. Obviously the energies coming onto the planet for the Equinox – Blood Moon Gateway are of a MUCH Higher frequency. It is vital to stay peaceful, relaxed, and aligned with your Higher Levels as this New Light does its work throughout the next few weeks.
I AM experiencing dramatic revelations, and visits from Masters and Galatics with clear direction on the Gatework unfolding here in Shasta. It is a powerful Leveling Up for me and my mission, and I feel completely capable of the task at hand. Strong anchoring dates presenting: March 7, 13-15 as stepping up frequencies for the Equinox – Blood Moon Gate.
This is a remarkable passage for the Light Tribe; please stay focused as the light steps up in intensity. We are holding a massive field of Light for the Shift and Ascension right now. Know this, feel this, honor it with integrity. Accessing the multidimensional Self takes on a whole new meaning as we merge consciousness. Take care to surrender to the Now of it as the Light levels increase.

Carla Thompson - The Elohim: The Divine Badge of Courage - March 9, 2015

by Carla Thompson, March 9, 2015
The highly compressive energies of the February 21st portal led to sweeping changes in our perception, not only of ourselves but of the reality around us. Here we experienced highly compressive and unrelenting energies through to the end of February and into early March. This entire time has been another gift of massive deconstruction that has made way for the truth to reveal itself in yet another expansion of our consciousness.
The Elohim have a very strong message for us: Share truth from a strong foundation of courage!
“The World as you knew it has now changed. Your life, as you knew it to be, shall now be of greater beauty. Your Being, as you knew it, drops the old attachments that your mind truly knows to have no more value nor benefit to you along this road to enlightenment. True freedom has been graced upon you!

domingo, marzo 08, 2015

5 Documented Cases of Possible Time Travel

Méline Portia Lafont – Some Shared Revelations Concerning Light Body Activation – Dreams – New world – Current Stream – 8 March 2015

What a time! What a buzzzzzing time it is indeed. My body feels like a vibrating ball of light at times while I AM experiencing all my cells buzzing literally. It is as if my physical vehicle is electrified and ready to step into a whole new form. Light body actualization, beloveds!!! “This is it”, I was thinking! “This is the real deal here what many of us have been talking about for so long”. NOW I can feel it on my cellular level as never before. VERY physical thus.

I have been experiencing so much it feels as if I have been dragging the entire world with me. Sounds familiar?  Well we do in a sense. I have been down at least 1 week every month since October 2014: unable to perform any energy work. My goodness, this is intense and I hear intel coming in saying that we are only at the beginning of it. YAY, hooray! Let’s go! (read: okay lets find some strength  ).
The results of all these intense waves/ alignments/ shifts/ “shake-ups”/ releases / cleansings/ downloads/ and so forth, have been amazing in the sense of being in AWE at times but also feeling upset. Upset in the sense that you have this feeling of: “I don’t want this anymore! Not like this! This has to stop, NOW !” So you decree out loud what it is that you do not partake in anymore and what you stop creating. Nah! so it is, so it has been said! This supports the “decreation” of your old values and realities.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 7 al14 de Marzo, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


El paso del tiempo se acelera o más bien, tiene esa influencia en sus vidas. Hay muchas épocas de la historia de la Tierra que están entrando en alineación con la línea de tiempo actual, y la información y el conocimiento que se había perdido en las brumas de la antigüedad se están trayendo de una forma revisada y actualizada. Se está produciendo un proceso de integración y también una recalibración a la nueva realidad de la Tierra de todo y de todos en el planeta. Es un momento difícil para muchas personas en todo el mundo y las actuales y constantemente crecientes energías les crea la necesidad de re-evaluar y reajustar sus prioridades, metas y objetivos. Esta actividad continuará realizándose a lo largo de los próximos años, al tiempo que cada individuo avanza de acuerdo a su propio nivel de crecimiento y expansión. Durante este acelerado proceso de crecimiento para cada individuo, habrá muchas paradas y arranques en el camino. Es el deber de cada persona conocerse a sí mismos y sus ciclos personales y planetarios y así comenzar a trabajar al unísono con ellos.

Judith Dagley - CHANGE - 3.7.15


Do not be afraid of CHANGE.
Do not fear the NEW because you assume it will NOT be NEW.
The NEW can never be OLD.
It can only appear to be old if one is afraid of CHANGE.

NASA lies on the dwarf planet Ceres

Ron Head - No one can do it where you are better than you can. – The Council - March 8, 2015

The Council
Our message today will concern forgiveness. Once again we are speaking of something that is not new to most of you. However, it is an important thing for you to consider at this time.
You may think that you have spent more than enough time on this in past meditations, past healing practices, past inner explorations. And for a great many of you, it is true that you have been very conscientious regarding the forgiveness of others. Some have even worked quite a bit on forgiving themselves. Some have understood the necessity of digging out their resentments toward the universe and even divinity itself for past situations. And these are all commendable. However, it is now time to revisit the whole concept.

Graham Hancock - The Duality Conundrum - Confronting Evil - Exploring Consciousness- HD 2015

Starseed and Royalty Survival: How To Recognize Implants And Tags

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer,
Many people on the planet are having a more difficult time surviving and staying balanced and centered than others. There are several individual reasons for this; however there are some patterns that are apparent as to why some people are targeted by over others for implants or tags. It is important to have the information on this in order to have the power to recognize and get rid of mind control implants and tags that may exist within yourself as well as in others around you.

What is an implant?

An implant is a mind control device “planted” in the physical or etheric body of a person that allows for triggering emotions, thoughts, words, and actions. Until a person begins to be aware of what is happening with mind control, most of the time the only clues that people have are a loss of memory of doing or saying something that is not typical. Sometimes there could be an unexplained loss of time or a “blackout”. Everyone incarnated on the planet is susceptible to this programming at one level or another.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 8 March 2015

marlene1-1March 7-14, 2015
Beloved Ones,
The passage of time accelerates or rather, has that influence upon your lives. There are many epochs of Earth’s history that are coming into alignment with the current timeline and the information and knowledge that was lost in the mists of antiquity is now being brought back in a revised and updated way. There is a process of integration that is occurring and also a recalibration to the new Earth reality of everyone and everything upon the planet. It is a challenging time for many people throughout the world and the current and constantly increasing energies brings to them the need to re-evaluate and reset their own priorities, their goals and objectives. This activity will continue to take place throughout the coming years, as each individual moves forward according to their own level of growth and expansion. During this accelerated process of growth for each individual, there will be many stops and starts along the way. It behooves each person to know themselves and their personal and planetary cycles and then begin to work in unison with them.

Meg Benedicte - Global Ascension Reboot March 20th
The global preparation plan is now in place and opening the gates to heaven so all souls that were trapped in the karmic reincarnation cycling can return home to Source Creator. We are being given a chance to decide if we want to stay to seed, plant and grow our New Earth civilization or return home to our soul group. Many souls are still on the fence right now and need to decide which direction they are pointing.
I’ve decided I want to experience the Merkaba Light Body in its full crystallization before I return home. I need to see that all the hard work of the past 20-40 years is in place and working. In 2012 I moved to Mount Shasta, the root chakra on the crystal 5D grid, to join other grid workers to anchor and ignite our New Earth template. All the pieces are in place…all the Starseed Souls are anchoring Divine Light to the new grid and many Souls are contemplating how they would like the New Earth paradigm to materialize.

Jahn J Kassl - GIFT OF FREEDOM - Part II, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - Mar 8, 2015

Message from the Light Reading 
on February 27th, 2015 in Vienna
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,

I am amongst you! Now and for all time!

In these days, weeks and months, you are in the process 
of receiving the gift of freedom. All tasks in this world 
experience refinement, because everything is detaching 
from your heart what has blocked your ascension to the 
Light so far. The current transformation flow is unique, 
the present power, which enables any change, which is 
all penetrating, and the actual intensification on all levels 
in this world is the sign that the end of this work nears.

Steve Quayle - Nephilim Demon Antidote - February 2015

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 8 March 2015

AishaNorthOnce more the anticipation will seem to be rising alongside with the incoming flux of energetic missives coming your way, and rightly so. For once more you stand on the cusp of a momentous occasion, one where you will all feel elevated in the very best sense of the word as these projections of light continue to very literal sense beside the more esoteric one, for in this, no one nor no thing will go untouched. For once again, you will all be painted with that same brush, the one that delves out broad strokes of shimmering light that again will serve to unfasten quite a few of the old skeptics along the way. You see, there are still those clinging steadfastly to the old ideas within, and so, for every new stroke of light that comes along, they can choose to take it as a stroke of luck, or for what it truly is, a statement of the fact that you have already entered the New in every way.

UFO Photos the Government Can't Debunk. (UFO OVNI)

UFO News: Huge Imperial Shuttle Type UFO Near The Sun. March 1st, 2015 (UFO OVNI)

Steve Quayle - What Lies Ahead In 2015

The Pleiadian Network - Pleiadian Message - Feb 19, 2015

Good afternoon, we are here. It is February 19, 2015, Thursday, day after New Moon in Aquarius, and it is Chinese New Year, The Year of the Sheep – The Year of the Wood Sheep.
Let us begin.

We will continue with the theme from our last recording, the idea that you are moving into 2015, you are moving into a new density, a higher octave, and the idea that the solid world that you live in is not so solid. Now, we talk about this a lot, we have been talking about this for a long time about how you’re not a solid world, and yet many of you, many of your friends, many of your neighbors would challenge that and say, “Of course we’re in a solid world!”

sábado, marzo 07, 2015


Blossom Goodchild – 7 March 2015

bloss arizona biggerGood morning to you. I’m FEELING on a much Higher vibe than I have been of late, so I am looking forward to a chat with you today. I’m presuming this works for you?
Indeed. As we always express, we are delighted to ‘catch up’ with you and all who choose … in LOVE … to follow the conversations that we have together.
That’s grand my friends. Grand. What would you care to speak of?
We would like to speak of that which is KNOWN as Bi products.
Well, that took me by surprize. Continue forth …
With Love for Each One and with Each One in Love … we would like to discuss circumstances that can insure your productive movement into the Higher vibrations that await you .
Ok … I FEEL like I am nodding off … Let’s go for it!
( I did record an audio … yet, for reasons unbeknown to me … the quality is really poor and just not audible … so I have transcribed it here.)


Michael´s Teachings - Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution

Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution

According to many spiritual teachers, all human beings are, in reality, spiritual beings on a human journey. We reincarnate as human beings in order to evolve as souls.

Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individual expressions of All That Is.

It is a long journey, but that’s okay because the soul is eternal.
Soul Evolution

The soul’s journey is really a process of evolving. This means growing in consciousness, steadily progressing through different levels or stages of consciousness.

How do we grow in consciousness? Through taking on challenging experiences in physical form. These cause us to make important, “soul-searching” choices and call upon us to discover our inner resources.

But why in physical form? Why would a perfectly happy spiritual being decide to inhabit the physical realm with all of its limitations and difficulties?

Jordan Maxwell on Aliens, Angels and Demons

Theresa Crabtree - Beyond the Portals: Day 187, Manik 5 - Mar 7, 2015

BEYOND THE PORTALS   We are talking about the portals going from one Dimension to another. Several of the higher Realms cannot be accessed by humans, simply because the energy frequencies do not harmonize. Again, it is like radio channels on different frequencies.
You, in your human form are vibrating at a very low density. You cannot tune into certain Dimensions because your frequencies are at a wide variance. As you become a more conscious and loving Being, you may begin to tune into other channels as your frequency increases.
At first there may be static, then you can begin to hear unintelligible chatter until finally you have clear reception. When you merge once again with your Higher Self, you will be vibrating at a higher frequency. At that time, you will be able to tune into several of the Dimensions that are currently beyond your range.

James Tyberonn - Multidimensionality- Simultaneous Time - Crystalline Aura

James Tyberonn - The Coming Equinox & Total Solar Eclipse - Mar 7, 2015

2015 Key Focal Dates:

March 20, Total Solar Eclipse (New Moon)

March 20, 2015 - Equinox

April 4 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

May 27 - Saturn Trigger

June 21, 2015 Solstice

Stay tuned for an upcoming channel on the mega Equinox occurring on the Total Solar Eclipse of March 20th, 2015. This is an extremely codes astrological event laden with powerful energies.

Natalie Glasson – The Sisters Of Cosmic Awakening By Mary Magdalene – 7 March 2015

Greetings and love extends to each soul continuing their precious journey upon the Earth. I am Mary Magdalene; I comeforth with a gathering of souls known as the Sisters of Cosmic Awakening. These souls emanate powerful vibrations of feminine light, love and consciousness, their purpose is to awaken, heal and restore balance within the divine feminine vibrations of the Creator. Many of the Sisters of Cosmic Awakening have existed on the Earth, they have been known as the Magdalene Sisters and also the Burgundy Sisters. Their souls have been present for sacred moments of Earth and humanity’s evolution to support the divine feminine vibrations. As a gathered group of the divine feminine we come forth to share our light and consciousness with you, there is simply a need for you to invite us into your meditation or quiet time to be of service to your spiritual evolution and ascension.

Valerie Donner – A Channeling With Mira From The Pleiadian High Council – 9 March 2015

valerieDonnerA Channeling with Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner March 7, 2015
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.
         As you may know I am currently working full time with the Earth Council. Presently we are bombarded with numerous requests for counsel and guidance. There are many tricksters who are self-promoting or who are leading gullible ones down some paths that are not for their highest good. It is important for ground crew to remain discerning for these times can be somewhat tricky. This is part of the ascension process. It is one of ferreting out the truth from the false. “Beware of wolves in sheeps’ clothing.”
What we know as truth is that you are sincere in your desire to assist the earth’s ascension. We are in alignment with you. We are doing everything that we can to guide the process and to make it as simple as possible. A new system that is life sustaining cannot be built overnight. The foundation must be laid. The foundation needs to be strong and built upon the correct principles. We are incorporating universal laws and principles that work. It is exciting and exasperating too. We see that old programs with which you have been accustomed have to be demolished energetically prior to new structures being built. Step by step this is happening. Fortunately we do not have to go through your onerous systems to make change. Ours work systemically and are supported by the Light.