Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maestro Iluminado Ibrahim Hassan. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Maestro Iluminado Ibrahim Hassan. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, noviembre 14, 2016

The World Of Truth - EM-BS -The blue Pulse and the now moment - 13 Nov 2016

Posted: 13 Nov 2016 12:22 AM PST

The blue Pulse and the now moment

Each timeline carries within it “future and past”, and those future and past are moving horizontally in each timeline. as if there is a line in front of your eyes and the right side of that line is the future, and the left side is the past, all the micro and the Nano seconds of that timeline are related either to the past or to the future ,, and at a specific point of that timeline there is a point that works like a gate & a Zero point energy, this point works like an exit point and elevator to exit from this timeline to move to another timeline in another dimension , this gate point is not specific in the middle of that timeline , but it’s there in that timeline between past and future, and the main element that effects “ when that point be aligned for us and worked as elevator to send us from dimension to dimension” [ascension] is the now moment,, also our consciousness in that moment…

sábado, agosto 06, 2016

Enlightened Master Ibrahim H - Breakthrough phase - August 6th, 2016

After our entry into the Timelines Convergence; and the hard cleansing which was followed by, this had an impact on the awakening people of earth as follows:
Some of them clashed with the barriers of their inner sub-consciousness, thus hindering their spiritual progress, and some of them been helped from this hard cleansing in overcoming the obstacles of their inner sub-consciousness and their spiritual progress has increased and moved on, generally; this led to more awakening among the people on planet earth, and therefore it led to an entry in the breakthrough phase..

What happened & what is going to happen in the breakthrough phase?

martes, mayo 19, 2015

The Enlightened Master Ibrahim H. - The New Timeline & the beginning of the transition period...May 19th 2015

New Update..May19th, 2015

The New Timeline & the beginning of the transition period...

All main timelines have reached the convergence point that led to activate the New Timeline, which through it, all the previous problems in the universe will end..

Working on the birth plan for the new timeline, began since thousands of years, which when completed there will be a reset for all Timeline schedules, and the end of each obstacles that was tracked to the main problem that happened in the beginning of the creation to this universe...

The New Timeline was ready in 2014, but was not been activated, because one of its possibilities {which the timeline contained} will cause a big side effect to make it successful..{usually each timeline has both sides of Negative & Positive possibilities}...

jueves, mayo 14, 2015

Breakthrough!! On the way to Liberation.. by the Enlightened Master on May 14th ,2015

Breakthrough!!  On the way to Liberation..

There are lots happening now in our solar system, all the Light Forces with all their sectors as GFL above the surface, Resistant Movement on the surface and Agarthians under the surface are doing their best in a serious movement to reach the big goal which is the Liberation, and the Resistance Movement approved that their patience, anticipation and observation were not an attempt for the delay, but they were waiting for the right moment “to uncover the cards “ , and they start doing that NOW reasonably well..!

And of the most things that they have faced the difficulty to make it alignment before are “ the lack of awakening which influence the collective consciousness and mass critical point , do not assume responsibility by the decision-makers in the ground and avoiding chaos at the time of the event..

lunes, abril 06, 2015

The Truth... written by The Enlightened Master on April 6th,2015

The Truth...
The truth is not easy...
Realizing the truth needs a long spiritual journey...
In order to deal with the truth, you should exceed the Spiritual Mental Plane
Warning: if you are not ready for the truth, please don’t follow this Blog..
This Blog is a special request for those who are seeking the truth...
Watching this Blog; requires an extensive background of spiritual knowledge to absorb it...
If you were not as well, your journey in viewing this blog is finished here...
Please note:
This Blog was written in the form of points, because every one of these points needs a huge explanation & deep consciousness to understand..

lunes, marzo 30, 2015

Very important Update: The Presence of the Oneness/ written by Enlightened Master on Monday 3.30.2015

Very important Update: The Presence of the Oneness

News from the inner realm:

Our universe Long time ago was Light , and at a certain point, the Dark started to exist,  and affected the Light ......From that time; the universe was undergo to the duality [Polarity ] of The Light & Dark ....

The Light played his role in preventing and counteracting the dark,, and many Races had gathered to do this mission, until the GFL was formed {The Galactic Federation of Light} 4.5 Million years ago.....and lately at the timing of earth since 2003; the Oneness Conscious began to spread in the universe & to affect all the sectors, and began to grow more and more, began to affect the Light & Dark and began to contribute to solving the main problem dramatically in this universe..

domingo, marzo 22, 2015

Interview with the enlightened master about the current situation by/the blue Flare on 22nd of March 2015

More clarification about the current situation:
Q/BF: People need to know more details about the current situation of the Cosmic Anomaly & the Chimera Group...Specially; after the last update of Cobra and your last update.., as people understand from Cobra’s update that the cosmic anomaly is not healed yet, and you mentioned in your last update that the cosmic anomaly is completely healed…can you explain that?
A/ E.M: People should know that each of us is responsible for his update, and that none of us is responsible for the other updates
Q/BF: Could you please explain to us from your point of view about what Cobra mentioned in his last update regarding the anomalies?
A/E.M: Cobra mentioned an amazing information about  the history of the anomaly in general, of all its kinds, but not the current situation of the cosmic anomaly, he mentioned the current situation of the network of plasma implants ,, that’s why people were confused, because they didn’t pay attention to what he said..

jueves, marzo 19, 2015

Some of clarifications about the Avatara / written by the Enlightened Master on 19th of March.2015

I will add some clarifications about the Avatara:

Avatara is a divine being prepared to be the embodiment of the consciousness of the divine at the physical level at the right time…

As for all those whom I mentioned that will return to earth , yes they will return as ascended masters after the event, however; the embody of Avatara is not due to any Old TimeLine, It is an event node in the new TimeLine…..

miércoles, marzo 18, 2015

The current situation & the Presence of the Divine Consciousness / written by the Enlightened Master on 18th of March.2015

The current situation & the Presence of the Divine conscious

The cosmic anomaly is healed completely, and the test to pass the pulse through it was successfully done...

The universe with its new fabric of Time & Space works with all its energies...

The veil is surrounded with Light and waiting for your hearts readiness, to announce the breakthrough...

The Dimensions and the 7 realms are alignment...

The fleet of confederation stands ready, waiting for the sign...

martes, marzo 10, 2015

Quick The Enlighened master on 10th of March 2015

 Quick update..

- We reached a state of energy that allows us to activate the
   manifestation law...

- All the timelines are ready now to integrate into one timeline..
- The obstacles and borders began disappearing between dimensions..
- Liberating the "hostages" in the solar system at its peak...
- The rift between the physical and ethereal planes {cosmic anomaly}
   begin to recover and need little 

- The necessary preparations for the reception of the event from inside
   the earth are at its peak...

- We are very close to the phase of remarkable changes..

viernes, febrero 06, 2015

Plasma plane & the new energy network / written by the EM Ibrahim on 6th of Feb. .2015

Plasma plane & the new energy network

The operations are still ongoing in removing the plasma plane & closing the rift (veil) between the physical & the ethereal plane,  and there is a big operation took place in the last few days { in 3rd of Feb.2015 } to install the assembly point for the new energy network under the responsibility of the Pleiades first and then the Sirian, and the process has been successfully completed to establish this point which began in attracting the energies..

sábado, enero 24, 2015

Is the truth important OR not ???? ... written by/The EM on 24nd of Jan 2015

Let's think together...
(1) * Lies: the earth is round =There are no boundaries = Vast and scary space = Stay in the ground under the Veil = Do not recognize our brothers from space.
* The Truth: the earth is flat= There are borders= bypass memory scanning devices after border breach= Return Memory= Know the real history= The space is not scary= Recognize our brothers in space.
(2) *Lies: You are a human = the capacity of your brain works only 15%.
* The truth: You are a multi-dimensional being embodied in human form = the capacity of your brain works 100%.

jueves, enero 22, 2015

The event's node ... written by/The EM on 22nd of Jan 2015

The event's node
The operations continue in the penetration of the ethereal level, there is a great range of intervention from Goddess, Archangels and light forces through a special Portal that led to a huge stream of Light into the ethereal level, and will directly do some breakthroughs in the veil, and this matter led to the escalation of events in the physical level...We are now in the event’s Node, the physical level began affected by the manifestation energy. Overall the ethereal level & The Physical level are two sides of the same coin...

viernes, enero 09, 2015

The current situation in the ethereal level/ written by EM in 9th of Jan.2015

The current situation in the ethereal level

In 5th of Jan.2015 the major plans have been put to penetrate the ethereal level, consensus of the Light forces with its branches: the agartha in the inner earth, the resistance movement on the surface and the GFL outside earth..

In 8th of Jan.2015 the operations have begun, and we were in a big meeting with the feminine Goddess to open the portals to deliver the energies into earth, in order to support the Liberation processes, especially in some European countries in the North of Mediterranean, then the same will be done in The East of Asia, and there is an intensive operations to build an energy network in specific regions in Asia by the feminine goddess..

miércoles, enero 07, 2015

The Enlightened Master - What is happening in our sun? Jan 7,.2015

What is happening in our sun?
I will explain in points:

First of all, happy new circle…. the years of Galaxy’s Night have ended {the ending days are from 1st of Jan.2015 until 7th of Jan.2015} and on 8th of Jan. 2015 we will start in the daytime of the galaxy, the new circle is not only in the galaxy, but also coincides with the end circle since 13.7 Billion year (the Big Bang Circle), and the beginning of the new one..

The end of all Old Timelines with the end of the circle, and the beginning of the new timelines with the new circle...

domingo, diciembre 14, 2014

The situation at the Astral Level. written by the Enlightened Master on 14th of Dec.2014

New Update/ The situation at the Astral Level
By the end of Nov. 2014, the astral level was completely liberated from the Archons...

Between  [ 3rd of Dec. 2014  - 12th of Dec.2014 ], the process was in progress to heal the astral level after his liberation... During this period as well, the work was underway to finish the issue of cosmic anomalies that exist between the mental and the wisdom levels, in order for the blue pulse to reach the astral level without any barriers to complete the healing of the astral level, and this matter was very important before the ISIS portal activation, to help the completion of activating the ISIS portal successfully..

sábado, noviembre 29, 2014

Breaking News (The Astral Level) on 28th of Nov.2014 written by the Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan

Breaking News (The Astral Level) on 28th of Nov.2014
The difficulty of understanding of our brothers for what is happening now is the result of {that the people of earth are living in 3rd D Holographic World, isolated from the Real World around them (beyond the illusion Circle), and due to the sensitivity of the Situation and what is happening on the level of Liberation of Gaia “Planet Earth “outside the Holographic world, I will summarize the talk as follows:
My words directed for all generally & to those who have contacts outside the Holographic world in Particular:
1- A lot is happening at the Astral Level... Use your heart chakra and Astral Projection to contact there...

jueves, noviembre 27, 2014

Interview with The Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan on 27th of Nov.2014

Interview with Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan
 through the Blue Flare/Admin.of

The Blue Flare/admin.: We welcome you Master Ibrahim in this interview

E.M.: Welcome to you...

The Blue Flare/admin.: Through this interview, we will address to talk about the happenings and the developments that taking place in the ethereal & astral dimensions and their reflection on what happens in the ground now, also we will talk about The Event, The Ascension and Polar Shifting...etc. and we will answer some of the many questions that we received from brothers [ the followers of our social network  ]..
Are you ready, or there are some topics that you have reservations in answering them?

E.M.:  Welcome to you first, I commend on our dedicated brothers in the path of consciousness, who are keen to follow up on the big changes that occur around us, which in turn prepare us to enter into the new age, as for your question; there is no reservations in answering specific questions, but there are some topics that need depth in consciousness “Lessons in consciousness” and not an answers, but I’ll try to answer in brief...

viernes, julio 25, 2014

The End of Time for the Matrix / written by the Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan on 25th of July 2014

The End of Time for the Matrix

We have promised to keep you informed of important developments in case of occurrence and completeness... Here we are again to inform you of recent & important developments...

It is difficult to transfer events that occur in the higher realm of consciousness which depends on the depth of consciousness and understanding to the lower layers of consciousness which rely on information… The difficulty lies in the big disparity in consciousness among the masses of mankind, that’s why we have decided to put these new developments in the form of simple points to be a beacon for all researchers in the path of consciousness and for those who are waiting for the New Era {The Golden Age} in order to seek the facts out of it … and these developments were summary of a deep journey for us in the higher realms of consciousness and an inner journey in the last 3 months..