viernes, enero 10, 2014

Aisha North – The Manuscript Of Survival – Part 384 – 10 January 2014
As you have already ascertained, these incoming thrusts from your friendly neighbour, your Sun, will leave their mark on many of you, and no, we do not refer to the passing symptoms they will induce. Rather, we refer to the fact that the information all of these particles carry within them, and that will be deposited within your system, will start to make their voice heard in so many ways. Again, we refer to things that you will each be able to tune into on an individual basis, for the information we talk about, is not on a global scale, even if it will be perceived on a global scale, as these voices within will be heard by a large number of people and as such, the rippling effect from all of this energetic retuning will be heard far and wide.

Daytime Video, UFO Filmed Above Crater Lake, Mexico - Impresionante. Ovni esférico en el cráter del Volcán de Toluca, 4 de ene, 2014

Un extraño objeto esférico es captado mientras me encontraba de paseo en el cráter del volcán del Nevado de Toluca, una excelente grabación donde se puede apreciar a un objeto esférico subiendo y bajando en dentro del cráter del volcán de Toluca el 4 de enero del 2014, desconocemos que es lo que logramos filmar, nos encontrabamos a una distancia considerable del sitio donde se encontraba la laguna, pero por la fortuna de ver en ese momento a un objeto de forma muy claramente esférica, pero realizando movimientos muy extraños de ascenso y descenso. Se desplazo en un inicio sobre la superficie del agua y luego asciende y desciende al interior del cráter del Nevado de Toluca. Muy extraño avistamiento de un ovni al interior de un volcán en México.

A strange spherical object is captured while I was walking in the crater of Nevado de Toluca, excellent recording where you can see a spherical object rising and falling within the crater of the volcano of Toluca on January 4, 2014, know that's what we shoot, we were at a considerable distance from where the lake was, but fortunate to see at that point to an object very clearly spherical shape, but making very strange movements up and down. Was shifted initially on the surface of the water and then moves up and down inside the crater of Nevado de Toluca. Very strange sighting of a UFO into a volcano in Mexico.

jueves, enero 09, 2014

Suzanne Lie - Surrender to Self 0002

IN-Lightenment ~ Remember Who You Are, and start today to Love Yourself Free.- Debbie Erasmus - Jan 9, 2014

peaceful-state-of-mindI don’t know what else to say! What more can I tell people Michael? Please tell me, am I doing something wrong? This is my cry to him again this morning.
It is true that you can only guide people, the rest is up to them. My dear Mother says: “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink.” So true. So sad though don’t you think? I have said over and over again: “All you will ever need is within you. Go within or you go without. Things cannot magically change unless you first change yourself. All change starts with YOU. And it starts when you begin to love yourself unconditionally. No one is going to rub a magical genie that will provide all your needs for you. So I will say it again. These are not my words, but the words of Archangel Michael:

Valerie Donner – The Ground Crew – 9 January 2014

valerieDonnerDear Ground Crew,
Happy New Year! This year 2014 portends to be a big one according to the energies I am feeling along with what the astrologers are telling us. It is exciting because so much is happening with our consciousness, the Light and the truth. Let it all come out!
This is the year of the Light. As Lightworkers we are being called into the front lines. We will need to use all of our tools to help heal the earth and the rest of life. There are millions of Lightworkers on the planet weaving the Light through themselves and the planet. We are taking up our Light sabers to direct the most amount of Light to the places that have the least. There are plenty of places that need our Light.
I recently had the privilege of listening to Daniel Sheehan speak. Danny, as he is called, has had a 40 year career as a civil rights attorney and was involved with the Pentagon Papers, Watergate, the Karen Silkwood case, and many others. While at Harvard College before he went to Harvard Law School, he took a Government Class taught by Henry Kissinger and this is what Kissinger said:

Blossom Goodchild – 9 January 2014

bloss arizona biggerHello! What an interesting week it has been in my inbox. I have, as you know, been asking you to read along with me, the many hundreds of emails from people all over the globe, expressing the exact same FEELINGS as I put to you in our last communication. You have said that this was our agreement … for ME to let YOU know how it is for ‘US’ down here … and with all respect for you … that’s what I felt was needed to be done  … so I did it! I have to say … many, as I did … felt you were dumbfounded by my words … and that they left you unable to respond. So, now you have had some time to digest it … with all LOVE in my heart … I wonder what you have to say, on what seems to be a very important issue?

DL Zeta – Becoming ‘The One’ To Carry Out Your Visions And Intentions For The New Year – 9 January 2014

DLZetaBecoming ‘the One’ to carry out your Visions and Intentions for the New Year
Most everyone has experienced setting goals and intentions in New Year’s past that didn’t come to fruition. If you have unrealized goals, you may feel discouraged. You may have lost faith and confidence and begun to fear your visions will never manifest in physical reality. This creates further obstacles because fear dilutes the energy you need to live your dreams and may lead you to manifest realities you don’t want.
There are reasons our most cherished dreams and visions fail to manifest and once we understand them we can step past them. Now is the time to remove the obstacles that stand in your way so you can begin the process of re-envisioning your life as you move into this powerful and transformative year.
Bringing our ‘Selves’ on Board with our Intentions

Wes Annac – Unity And Service – 9 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
It’s time for every race, nation and person to see the importance of coming together and respecting one another. It’s time for instated division to be replaced with unity and an understanding of the crucial role we all play in creating a positive future, and it’s time for us to revisit ideas that aren’t as accepted as they perhaps should be.
How often are peace and unity discussed in the mainstream? Beyond the growing number of people talking about these ideas, how many people put any focus on them? It’s time to open our eyes and see that if we come together right now, we’ll progress at a much rapider pace.

Cómo Sanar La Relación Entre Lo Masculino Y Lo Femenino - José L. Stevens

Uno de los grandes temas de nuestros tiempos cambiantes y particularmente un tema para el 2014 es la sanación de la relación entre el masculino y el femenino. Esto puede parecer un tópico pesado para este momento del año pero mientras más pronto entendamos cómo hacer esto más rápidamente podremos iniciar el proceso. La ventana de tiempo es ahora, así que no debemos perder tiempo. Los días festivos pueden servir cómo un trampolín para comenzar. Recuerden que este artículo sólo rasga la superficie de un tópico verdaderamente enorme.

Marlene Swetlishoff - ARCHANGEL GABRIEL 2014 - January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014
Beloved Ones,
I would like to have discourse on the quality of love known as discipline. This quality requires a steadfast focus on the accomplishment of a goal or completion of a project and the inner sense of responsibility to see it through to the end. This quality is self directed and there is no one else who can employ this quality for another. As each person goes about their day, this quality of discipline is quietly used and the only way it is seen by others is in the end result of accomplishment and the success of a task well done or a goal well met. There is nothing in this or any other plane of existence that can come into being without this quality at work within each being. The true measure of a person is seen and recognized by the amount of this quality that is evidenced by the works that they do. It is a true love of self and of others to manifest this quality, for in so doing one can continually reinforce the feeling of self esteem and confidence that comes with success in a task that has been completed.

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: The Adventure of 2014 and the Possibilities – The New Earth Energies - Jan 9, 2014 - Las Posibilidades del 2014: Una Nueva Relación con la Naturaleza y con el Espíritu del Bosque - AA Miguel a través de Celia Fenn - Ene 9, 2014

by Celia Fenn, January, 2014 at: |
Beloved Family of Light, what a joy and a delight to enter into this year of 2014 in your new reality! In this message we would speak with you of some of the possibilities that are taking shape in your new earth timeline.
Firstly, 2014 will be a year of great change and transformation on the material or physical level. All focus is now on how the new energies begin to manifest the new earth as the gold frequency allows and supports a higher consciousness and a Higher level of vision and creativity.

SaLuSa - on Human Space Civilizations and on Governments- ET contacts by Multidimensional Ocean - 9 Jan 2014

imagesDear ones, we come to you once again to encourage you to go forward with your heart full of love in all situations and always.
It is understandable to have doubts and anxieties at this time in the Ascension process as we come to the end of this paradigm. Many of you were also present in the Atlantean times and fear that history will repeat itself.
Although this is a very small possibility at this stage, we can only emphasize the importance of focusing on a positive outcome for the planet and for all souls at this time.

miércoles, enero 08, 2014

Strong orgonite field very fast kills chemtrails. Germany 2014.

Aliens Spaceships - UFOs in orbit of the Sun - Observation of January 8, 2014

John Smallman – Jesus – A Major Turning Point In Humanity’s Spiritual Evolution Has Been Reached – 8 January 2014’s quest for meaning, the ever ongoing search for a life purpose other than plain survival in an environment that does not support your bodily needs without a lot of effort and focus on your part, is now becoming far clearer to you.  For eons basic survival was the driving force in human lives, but over the last few decades many of you have found yourselves in situations that are conducive to contemplation, to wise and thoughtful consideration of your religious, philosophical, political, and cultural beliefs and values – beliefs and values that had been imposed from without and which you had accepted unquestioningly.  You no longer do so and this has and is causing anxiety and doubt of a nature not previously experienced. The comfortable acceptance of rigid dogmas and of the judgments attached to them has been severely shaken and is leading to a renewed and enthusiastic search for true spiritual guidance, guidance that does not come laden with a set of personally motivated agendas from self appointed and arrogant authority figures that are in conflict with its claimed ideals.

Wes Annac – Musings On A Greater Personal Transformation – Part 3/3 – 8 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
Concluded from Part 2
I reached a point of inner conflict when I learned about zero point. If it’s really the one true answer, then why do I enjoy this physical reality so much?
Why am I so interested in the ancient and recent history of the place I live if at the end of the day, nothingness is the only thing that leads us to an undistorted spiritual perception? Why do I enjoy going out to nature and generally experiencing this otherwise dense and difficult reality?
Then, amidst my research, I found a quote from Adyashanti that I just have to share. Zero point enthusiasts, listen up!

Suzanne Lie – Meanwhile On Ascending Earth – Part 3 – Out Visit To The Mothership – 8 January 2014

After Sandy and made up in our bedroom, in our bed, we fell into a deep sleep. We were lying so close to each other, with overlapping arms and legs that we feel asleep in the same moment. As we later discovered, we had the same dream. In the “dream” we were back on the Mothership, but this time we sat side-by-side in the meeting room with beings from all over the Galaxy.
The room filled with human, as well as non-human, beings from all over the Galaxy. At the front of the room we saw the pulsing light-form of the Arcturian. When we say Mytre and Mytria standing beside the Arcturian we almost burst into tears. Our joint consciousness was thinking that we were having a wonderful dream. However, when the Arcturian seemed to be looking directly into OUR eyes, we began to wonder if, perhaps, we actually were on the Mothership.

Brenda Hoffman – You’re A Sparkling Star Within A Constellation Of Sparklers – 8 January 2014

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo
Summary of Brenda’s January 4, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re faster, wiser, stronger than any computer ever will be. You’re not limited to one area of expertise or one time period. You are part of the ALL. Computers will be outdated when you remove the filters that limit your knowing.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Why is Receiving a Dirty Word?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Even though you will access all there ever was and all there ever will be once you remove your filters of disbelief and doubt, all there ever was is greater now than was true during the earth life of any other Master. You are a shining star within a constellation of stars. You are the sparklers.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 8 January 2014

As many of you have noticed already, the very air that you breathe seems to have become slightly altered already, and more is to come, as that friendly neighbour of yours, the Sun, has once again let off a barrage of explosions that will fill your atmosphere with some rather interesting messages in the days and nights ahead. You see, these explosions or heavenly fireworks do you all a world of good, in every sense of the word, as the energy that is released during these spectacular shows are doing more than what they look like on the surface. As you are perhaps aware of already, all of these explosions come  laden with a whole lot of energetic debris if you will, that is being torn away from the very surface of that heavenly body and hurled out into space.

MANY People Vanishing Into Thin Air! WHAT'S HAPPENING?


Interview with Ben Stewart - Dec 2013

"Thousands of UFOs appear" on LASCO - update

martes, enero 07, 2014

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Welcome To 2014 – 7 January 2014

As the New Year births itself, with or without our permission we all come to the edge of ourselves seeking a new horizon a new vista a new view inside and out. 2013 seemed to chew up our soul a little, we all tried so hard and yet we still seem to have fallen short. We looked for the magic in every interaction and lit up like a christmas tree when we found it. We tried so hard to pass the magic along to another, yet by the time it reached them all the fairy dust had fallen thru our hands. We knew in our heart of hearts 2013 was a turning point year full of illusion and mirrors as the universe escorted us down the yellow brick road the hard way.  2013 was about ownership and stuff and what is it is worth and do we ever really own anything or does matter own us?

Karen Doonan - Birthing DREAMS into the New Earth - January 7, 2014

Many of you may be experiencing deep confusion at a waking conscious human level, unable to reference how you FEEL to what APPEARS to be happening around you. As you move through the dissolving of the old 3d earth a gulf will begin to appear between how you FEEL and what you experience, this seeks to challenge the human logical mind and seeks to help you understand that the old 3d earth IS a CREATED reality that no longer serves. However the human logical mind LOVES to present ideas as solutions to PERCEIVED problems and if you allow your human logical mind to take control over the HEART space the mind will create even more chaos that is seeks to teach is down to your inability to be in the “real” world.

Emmanuel Dagher – Energy Forecast January 2014 – 7 January 2014

 Emmanuelpeaceofficial1A Glimpse at the Gifts 2014 Will Bring 
January 2013
Happy New Year my Beautiful Friend,
It’s such a deep honor for me to connect with you again as we embark upon a fresh new year.
I have quite a few exciting things to share with you in this forecast! But before we dive into some of the gifts the year 2014 will usher in, let’s take a moment to reflect back on the blessings that the past year brought us.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – 2014 And Its Numerical Encoding – 7 January 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe number #20 in itself is a powerful presence. The #20 is our inspiration our guardian/ a universal service a call to action. 20 is about knowing both good and evil/ light/dark and consciously choosing the higher path.  The vibration of 20 is blessed with Gods protection. It asks for a king Solomon type of awareness, wisdom balanced with honor. Always doing the right thing when the wrong thing would be easier. Twenty is the death of the old, letting go of the cross and moving toward the crown.  #20 asks you to recognize the precious energy of time and use it wisely with love.
Number 14 is a Karmic number and not the easiest of energies to walk thru..  The great need in life for the vibration of 14 is to achieve balance, harmony, temperance and good sense.   They have the motivation to make a success in anything they do.  They are warm and creative and have a great deal of natural wisdom. This number is one of everlasting movement and brings trials and dangers from a great variety of experiences

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – Our God-Self: Create The World You Want To See! – 7 January 2014

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright  2014
Please Make a Monthly Subscription 
 and Donate!

This is the time for you to rejoice and not to complain!
This is the time to see the New, Refreshing Light, and to feel the Stillness of the Conscious Expanded Divine Heart.
By seeing and feeling That Which Is Divine, and Which is the Sign of My Own Divine Presence you make it manifest also for others to recognize!

AA Michael, Raphael with the Councils of Heaven - Heaven Indeed Does Have Feet And Hands, But They Are In Your Shoes And Gloves, Dear Ones –Ron Head - 7 January 2014

RonHeadMichael and Raphael with the Councils of Heaven
We bear a message today regarding the speeding up of the manifestation of those concrete changes on your planet for which you have been waiting so long.  There is, at last, an over-balance reached which allows your intents, those of the ones you term lightworkers, to override more of the negative that still remains.  Therefore you will see, or are seeing, an almost daily increase in change within your societies, and even your media stories.

Anna Merkaba - Another Wave of Awakening is coming - January 7, 2014

Another Wave of Awakening is coming

86f385e2f1bac1a431b3516100dc85ffI had a very interesting experience in meditation the other day. I’m being told that a huge wave of people is going to awaken again shortly and all of us who are here to guide and transmute the negative energies should prepare as it will be quite a hectic few weeks for all of us lightworkers who are focused on cleansing the human auras and energy gateways.
So, please be ready for more questions from strangers, for a bit more chaos happening all around you, and ground yourselves and those around you as much as possible, also drink plenty of water. Please begin wearing energy and electromagnetic protection stones if you have not done so already. The ones that work the best for me are Black Tourmaline, Obsidian and moonstone. As well as all the earth grounding stones.
Practice the cleansing and protection techniques that I keep talking about all the time, you can find them on my blog here:
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –

Denise Le Fay - First X-Class CME of 2014 - January 7, 2014

Because my head is hurting like crazy and the pain is traveling down into my spine, and my ears are ringing like a bell even more so than usual, I just checked to see what’s happened/happening. Here’s what I found:
gold hearts bar
“X-FLARE: Giant sunspot AR1944 erupted on Jan 7th at approximately 1832 UT, producing a powerful X1-class solar flare. First-look coronagraph images from the STEREO-Ahead spacecraft appear to show a coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site. If so, the CME is almost certainly heading for Earth. Stay tuned for updates as more data arrive from the NASA-ESA Heliophysics Fleet. Solar flare alerts:text, voice.

Sheldan Nidle Update from the Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy - Jan 7, 2013

6 Ik, 5 Chen, 9 Caban
Dratzo! We return with much to say to you. The many action items that are required for the global currency reset have been completed. The next items involve manifesting the beginning of a new worldwide currency system. Along with these alterations are the ones dealing with a new banking system. The present changes are only the barest of beginnings of a new reality for humanity. These series of changes will lead to new governance that will put an end to the UFO cover-up. This cover-up started in earnest during World War II and continued with the infamous incident at Roswell in the summer of 1947. Once this cover-up is lifted, we can at last communicate with you directly. At this time, we can explain those things that you need to know before our first contact happens. Each of you needs to understand a number of things about the preparations being made by our mentors to help you become fully conscious. This will be followed by a training that readies you to be a full participant in your new galactic society.

First Asteroid of 2014 Hits Earth Over Atlantic Ocean

Alien Warning Message Live on TV in UK-"We Come to Warn you About your Race and your Planet"

Meteor Outburst ALERT! Bolides, Fireballs and Meteors Sudden Increase 06 JAN-12 JAN 2014

Giant "Beacon" - UFO BASE over the North Pole of the Sun Review for 2013 - 2014


Michael E. Salla - Crop circle reveals comet ISON was spacecraft & July 2014 ET event - Jan 4, 2014

A crop circle that appeared 11 miles southeast of Salinas, California on December 28, 2013 contains three coded messages according to renowned crop circle researcher, Dr Horace Drew. According to Dr Drew, a retired molecular biologist who worked at Caltech and Australia’s CSIRO, one of the coded messages was to be vigilant about an upcoming astronomical event.

Staying Focused in Each Moment ~ Lord Adama’s Discourse for 2014 - Christine Meleriessee - Jan 6, 2014

water sereneHappy New Year to each of you.

2014 will truly represent to each of you the power of your consciousness and how to work within the framework of what you have been trying to achieve through 2013.
This is Lord Adama speaking from the Telosian Command Center.  I am deeply honored to connect with each of you on this fine day.  I want to share thoughts through this year that will help you to acknowledge what you have already been trying to achieve within your physical consciousness.  Focus is the name of the game for 2014, and it is important to continually understand what that may mean for each of you in different moments.

lunes, enero 06, 2014

Navigating January's Energies - Selacia - January 6, 2014

a message from Selacia
As you settle into the first several days of 2014, you are likely feeling a combination of enthusiasm and uncertainty about what’s ahead.

Indeed, there is an expanded level of optimism in the air, helping you to connect with inspiration and a new sense of confidence about life. Last year’s roller coast ride had some challenging moments for even the most advanced spiritual practitioners. Indeed, you likely welcome the lighter energy tone prevailing as 2014 begins.

Drink it in, breathe often, and stay present. For success this month, you will need to maintain your enthusiasm and your vision of the kind of life you want to have personally and in the collective with others.

Terapia Regresiva Vidas Pasadas y Karma (español)

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 383 - Jan 6, 2014
Now, you have all passed over that threshold where tomorrow has become today, and as such, you start over with a brand new set of coordinates with which to navigate. And do not worry, even if our words at times may sound overly confusing to you, you are more than capable of navigating these uncharted waters. For now, you all possess all the skills you will ever need to tap into in order to make what you have dreamed of for so long a reality. And never doubt dear ones, they are indeed there, deep within you all, and even if you have yet to make their acquaintance in full, never the less, they are there, ready and waiting for you to find them. And find them you will, when the time is right, and you are ready to utilize them in full.

Movie Time - Tiempo de Cine - Indigo- Subtitulada en español


Steve Rother - The Group -You Are in the Right Place - 15 December, 2013 - El Grupo - Steve Rother - Bárbara Rother - Están en el lugar correcto - Dic 15, 2013


Greetings, Dear Ones, I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.
You Are in the Right Place
I am not going to give you the whole lesson today and in a moment I am going to turn it over to my brother, eM. First I want to tell you about this because he is actually going to be talking about a subject which is my responsibility and my area of expertise. I know that you are all waiting to talk to him, so I have no problem with letting him come forward and bring the message in today. We are telling you this for a lot of different reasons because all of you out there have your little egos, your sense of self, and your own personal message. But I will tell you when you see it reflected in the world around you and you see other people saying what you were thinking; now you know you are in the right place because that is what happens at Home. You see, it does not make any difference whether I give you the message or the Time Keeper comes and give you a beautiful, elegant message, or whether eM comes in and gets you laughing a little bit. We do not care because it is still the same message. It is your heart, not ours. It is not about us anyway, it is about you. So I hope you enjoy this beautiful part but I cannot go anywhere until I give you one of my smiles…there we go. Got ya! Every single time—I get you every time, do I not? Good. All right.

Natalie Glasson – Celestial White Beings – Soul Awakening And Creations – 6 January 2013
It is with immense love that we, the Celestial White Beings, step forth to greet you today. We surround you in the love that is shared with us from the Creator enabling you to boost your own alignment and connection with the Creator.
It is a time of tremendous wonder and magic upon the Earth, there are many meaningful and powerful opportunities manifesting which will not only allow you to boost your inner power but your belief in the Creator within your being and reality.

Wes Annac – Musings On A Greater Personal Transformation – Part 1/3 – 6 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
The past couple of days, I’ve had trouble sitting down to write. The flow of ideas and concepts that’s usually so strong seems to have weakened for the moment, and I think it has to do with a potent phase of my (and our) inner transformation.
There’s so much I could communicate right now, but I can’t find the words to say it. I’m starting to feel a deeper, more powerful spiritual connection, and my one desire is to be able to really convey it to all of you.

Matthew Ward -6 January 2014

mattlast1_r1_c1Matthew Ward – January 5, 2014
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. With the December solstice came another powerful influx of light, as if to salute the year nearing its end and greet the new with a rousing cheer. And, if indeed a salute, how well deserved it is! Every time you acted upon a soul-level inspiration—something you considered only a nice gesture or “the right thing to do”—you added light to your world.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF) and Radiofrequency (RF): What are the Health Impacts?
by Alex Quinn

Particularly now that wireless communications are so closely integrated into our daily lives, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us.

Our cities, especially the larger ones, are perpetually shrouded in an invisible electrosmog, a ‘sea’ of EMFs through which we swim every day.

But does this momentous development in civilisation come with health effects – and if so, can we do anything to reduce them?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFS) are all around us, and come in two forms: ELF-RMFS and RF-EMFS
ELF-EMFS are produced by power lines and many domestic appliances, while RF-EMFS are produced by mobile phones and other communication devices
Both pose their own set of health problems
We provide some ideas of how to reduce your EMF exposure

UFO Report Strange Objects across ValPescara skies

Moving Spirit Orbs Filmed on Video

Pamela Kribbe channels Earth - Trust the Earth - Dec 2013

Dear friends,
I am the voice of the Earth. Feel my presence here within you and beneath your feet. I am present in your body; I flow through all your cells. And it is through your body that you are connected with nature, with everything around you that grows, lives, and breathes. Become aware of the living presence of nature around you here at this moment. Feel the trees around this building, the land on which this building sets. Feel the plants, the birds, and the trees. If you observe closely, you can sense how your presence affects those living beings, as well. Not only do you sense them, they also sense you. Even this building is alive because everything from which it was originally made contains the energies of the Earth. There is consciousness in everything around you. Matter is animated consciousness. Feel the energy, the consciousness, in this building, the history that it has and what you bring to it. You often underestimate the effect that you have just by being somewhere.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Björn Kurt
O Lord, make me an instrument of my
divine mission, so that I may fulfill what I came for. 

O Lord, let me see what IS so I may recognize
the light within me and also the darkness. 

O Lord, mold me so I may become a brave and
intrepid light warrior bringing the light to all people
and never receding from the dark. 

O Lord, let me share in your divine grace which
enables All and therefore everything becomes possible. 

O Lord, please stand by me,

domingo, enero 05, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Inner Body Vibrations, Ear Ringing & Head Pains - January 5, 2014

Like it or not the Forerunners of the Forerunners are still having Ascension symptoms in 2014. Old symptoms, new symptoms, but Ascension related nonetheless. I’m not going to waste time or energy complaining about any of them at this point… I mean, what’s the point right? … just list some of the current ones I’m experiencing that are highly amplified. As usual your mileage will vary because we’re all unique aspects of Source/God/Divinity and therefore will each experience these Light Energies — solar, photonic, galactic center etc. — and the changes they automatically create in us, our bodies and consciousness in our individual ways and times.

Kelly La Sha and Perry Mills - Our Road to Sovereignty - January 4, 2014

In order for humanity to truly claim its sovereignty from the suppressive patriarchal matrix, we must first understand the tiers of freedom that have been taken from us. Then we must examine the disease in our cultures that causes us to behave in ways that perpetuate our own suffering. Our movement of awakening requires us to start within and take responsibility for the ways we unconsciously give away our freedom and power to the machine of the dark matrix.

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Horus And Hatonn – 5 January 2014

NancyTateNancy: On our way back home from Bisbee today Bob and I saw over the Huachuca Mtns a huge, long cloud that was relatively narrow compared to the length. It stretched the whole length of the mountain range. There were also smaller cloudships in the sky over the whole area, for as far as we could see. After we were home for more than an hour they were still there, and more had come. We felt that this was not just a short occasion and so Bob took pictures and I tuned in again. I got enough info to tell me that a message was in order. You can see the pictures Here.

John Smallman – Saul – You Are Becoming Aware That You Are Not The Victims Of Others, Of Circumstances, Or Of God – 5 January 2014 Reality of the Oneness of all of creation is finally dawning on humanity, as is the importance of working harmoniously, creatively, and cooperatively together to heal yourselves from all the suffering that you have inflicted on each other, and to enable you to start healing and repairing the damage that you have collectively caused Planet Earth.  This growing and essential awareness is an excellent reason to celebrate because it indicates that over the eons much has been learnt and that from those lessons wisdom is growing.  Congratulations!  From here you can only move forwards because you have learnt far too much to allow yourselves to slip backwards into the unconcern and disrespect for one another and for your beautiful planet that has for eons been the norm of human behavior.

Why Pope Francis Worries the Rich – and Why They’re Threatening Him - Jan 5, 2014

Pope FrancisStephen Cook: While some of the ‘suggestive’ language here is not our usual ‘style”, I’ve included it exactly as it appears in this article, simply because it’s indicative of the ‘style’ of some of the elite it discusses. FYI – Kenneth Langone is an American businessman and investor best known for co-founding The Home Depot. He has an estimated net worth of $2.1 billion according to Forbes. It is also said Langone has contributed almost $150 million to various charities, interestingly his focus has been on Universities, medical research and training, education, and helping children. Thanks to Dennis.
By Joe Conason, Nation of Change – January 3, 2013

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 5 January 2014

marilynraffaeleDear ones, we of the Arcturian Group come in this new year of 2014 to bring you messages of love and light as you go forward. Know that in reality there is no time, it is a construct that enables you to learn in the third dimensional energy. These things you will come to understand more deeply as you move into the higher frequencies of ascension and remembering.
Know that all is proceeding according to plan even as you observe discordance in much of the world. What you are seeing is the surfacing and release of ancient energies–clearings that can bring final resolution and ending to the still resonating energy of ancient rivalries and wars. The Light brings to the surface and to conscious awareness those heavy, dense energies still in place in order that they might be resolved and dissolved for the Light will always disperse the shadow.

Remember to Sign the Petition to World Leaders: Tell Us the Truth in 2014 - Jan 5, 2014

An Open Letter To Governments Opening Titles-01Stephen Cook: In addition to the YouTube video, which is now really gaining momentum, and the audio and the text versions of the original An Open Letter to All the Leaders of Every Government in the World Please Just tell Us the Truth in 2014, I have set up a Change.Org petition.
You can sign the petition to “The World’s Leaders: Tell Us the Truth in 2014” here at any time:
Note: I did set up a White House petition originally, but it was limited to US citizens to sign. Hence this new one. So, please add your name, no matter where you live, and along with the video, the blog post or the audio, please keep sharing on Facebook, Twitter, via email, blogs etc.  If we want the truth from all our leaders, we need to make our voices heard. In Unity!
Also, please send it to your leaders in local, state and national governments, no matter where you live.
Let’s all ensure our leaders tell us the truth all the time in 2014. With gratitude for whatever you feel guided to do!
Here’s the link to share the YouTube version: Here’s the link to share the Audio-only version:
Here’s the  link to share the original text version at Golden Age of Gaia:
SIGN the Change.Org Petition TODAY:

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 5 January 2013 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 5 al 12 de Enero 2014

Beloved Ones,
We are moving into a time of accelerated changes and it will be a time of much information being given that will have humanity reeling from trying to comprehend what is occurring. The mainstream media will be involved in the dissemination of much of this material. It is the wake up call to all the inhabitants of the Earth and many lights will turn on within the hearts and souls of awakening humanity. This is a time for which you have been prepared and your calmness and equilibrium will be very necessary in keeping the balance in Earth’s energy field as the people cope to understand.

Aisha North - Welcome to this year’s first Gathering around the Pond - January 5, 2014

Dear brothers and sisters!
We have entered a new year, and we have entered some very new energies. And now, we will get a chance to experience them together. For this Sunday, we have our very first Gathering around the Pond of 2014. Here is what the CCs have to say about it:
“As you have already stepped into the new year, you have also started to get a taste of the new in more ways than one, and now, we invite you all to take that first collective dive into the pond of newness. For now, you have once again the opportunity to immerse yourself in the energies in the company of your fellow men as it were, as you have once more one of these special occasions to do so through what you have given the name of the Gatherings. These Gatherings are important indeed, as they give us all an opportunity to not only deepen the bonds that already exist between each and every one of you, but also the bonds that exist between you and the realms where we exist.

Jahn J Kassl - BACK TO THE FUTURE, SANANDA - January 5, 2014
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones, 

In these days “deceased human Beings” again inhabit all levels
of Creation. This means, humans, who until today had to wait for
another incarnation on their specific level, are taken to a world,
which is necessary for their development. In these days billions
of souls, soul portions and soul fragments, have received permission
to incarnate again. This brings a new dynamic into the time- and
space-continuum, because all levels, which mean, all 3D and all
4D levels, are affected by it. The dark forces attack these unresolved

sábado, enero 04, 2014

Suzanne Lie – The Seven Steps HOME – Childhood – 4 January 2014

SuzanneLieI woke up this morning hearing the words,
“The future has not been written yet, but the Matrix on which it is written is forever changed. Therefore, the future can no longer be like the past. In fact, with the new Matrix, the future can only be the NOW!”
I think one of the way to live in the NOW is similar to moving from our old house of time. In order to fully release this “house of time,” we may need to take a long look at how we came into this NOW.
I will share MY look into the past by posting a series of poem that were put into the matrix of one of my first book, “The Seven Steps to Soul.”

Unsealed Alien Files S02E07 Aliens and Civilizations


John Smallman – Jesus – You Truly Are The Beloved Children Of God Temporarily Lost Within The Confusing Maze That Is The Illusion – 4 January 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Another year has passed and humanity still waits for the event, the awakening, the move into full consciousness, yet nothing of note seems to have occurred to indicate that you are any closer.  Naturally doubts and suspicions arise.  Is it all pie in the sky, wishful thinking?  Or is humanity just a biological system, for instance like a colony of ants, in which a biological drive or determinant, with no real awareness of itself, causes a flow of energy or activity that produces, through chemical interactions, a large number of different directives causing the colony to split into warring factions. Warring factions with very different but strongly held conflicting beliefs. Is life in fact meaningless, godless, pure happenstance?

Wes Annac – Individual Fragments Of Source – Part 2/2 – 4 January 2014

wes-annac-300x229Concluded from Part 1
Claude Kelway-Bamber clarifies the inaccuracy of calling ourselves “sinners”, and we’re told that the burning flame will come into expression when it’s needed the most.
“If you are a ray of the sun you cannot mistake yourself for a tallow candle. This is why it is untrue and incorrect to teach men they are “miserable sinners” by birth. The body is not the man; his spirit is of God. However ignorant of the fact a man may be, his soul away in its dim consciousness knows this, and often in an emergency the “spark divine” asserts itself, and the man rises to the great occasion. It has been proved many times…” (1)
I really appreciate the line, “if you are a ray of the sun you cannot mistake yourself for a tallow candle”. For too long we’ve believed in a less-than version of ourselves and given our power away to something we’ve thought was higher or better than us.

LEARNING HOW TO BE 5D? - Telosians know how - Christine Meleriessee

AA Michael – As We Have Told You So Often, You Are Never Alone – Ron Head - 4 January 2014

RonHeadMichael with and for the Councils

Let us begin these messages for your year of 2014 with a new understanding of where this information will be coming from.  Nothing will, in fact, have changed, but we want to make it more clear to each of you where this guidance originates.
As you see above, I am speaking now for what we will call the councils.  Some channels call these groups, some call it other things.  But no matter what its name, it is the fact that each of you has, and in fact participates in, councils which guide you and every other sentient being on this journey.  You visit these councils.  Your higher selves sit here.  Your guides and your angels do, as well.