It is understandable to have doubts and anxieties at this time in the Ascension process as we come to the end of this paradigm. Many of you were also present in the Atlantean times and fear that history will repeat itself.
Although this is a very small possibility at this stage, we can only emphasize the importance of focusing on a positive outcome for the planet and for all souls at this time.
We know that many of you are still aware of the last great catastrophe on your planet, due to the planet travelling through the cycle of the procession through the zodiac, and a great number among you fear for the worst as the planet crosses many areas of space that are known for their create danger. Others fear astreoids, Earth’s polarity changes, and other foreseen consequences of this.
This is the reason why the cabal has focused on building deep basis underground to protect themselves from any potential cataclysmic event. Other factions of the cabal have focused their energy and resources on relocating on planet Mars once again. They have invested a lot of money into making parts of that planet suitable for habitation underground, but also on the surface of it.
Mars is still equipped with gravity and atmosphere, and certain parts of it are entirely suitable for life for humans. The reasons why you are not told of this, is because there are not enough spaceships in the secret space fleet to take many of you on that planet for survival.