For this is just a signal that something far more important than this little celestial greeter is on its way to you. And before you fill your minds with images from the long line of disaster movies your fellow men like to fill you with on a regular basis, we must hasten to add that what we are talking about, is nothing like that. For we are not referring to an actual object hovering in the sky above your planet, casting shadows far and wide in any aspect you may think of. No, we are talking about an influx of energetic particles, much like the ones that are coming your way from your neighbour, the Sun. But what we are referring to, is indeed the same sort of “substance” in the form of energetically charged particles, but these will be particles hailing from a very different source indeed, and that will have an even deeper and more profound effect on you all. And no, not as in breaking you down, if that is perhaps what you have felt like these last few days, we are referring to the kind of particles that will literally charge your engine, in the form of the energetic circuitry, and thus, will enable you to truly become fully connected once again.
So take some time to breathe deeply, and take some time to go back and re-evaluate what you have been through this last week or so, and we think you will all start to see things in a very new light indeed. Perhaps you should even take some time to go back and peruse some of the messages we have given you during this same period as well, for as we told you early on in this sequence of messages, there is much that lies in between the lines here. So if you do try to retrace your steps – and indeed ours – a little bit, we think you will begin to see something new emerge, both within, and indeed without. Indeed, there is so much going on now on all levels, you will all be hard pressed to take in more than mere fragments at a time. That is, the human part of you will perhaps be struggling mightily at times, but the rest of you are taking this all in and savouring it deeply.
For it will be like manna from heaven in every sense of the word, and so, even if you think that this last week has been all about physical incomprehension, fatigue and even downright exhaustion, it has been quite the opposite, if you look at it from our perspective. For we see the full picture, and we see how those old and dormant parts of you are starting to awaken, stretch and yawn and literally welcome in the new light. And as such, what has taken you to the brink of exhaustion, has also taken you to the threshold of complete and total awakening. So yes, look ahead, look above, but do not forget to look back, the better to see what you may have missed out the first time around. Or rather, the better to see what you truly have been given, and what you truly have received within the very core of your being.
(From Aisha: The CCs must be referring to the supernova M82, you can read more about it here.) / link to original article