Many of you at this time may be wondering why you FEEL as you do, anything from actual physical aches and pains to deep emotion that arises totally unannounced. Many of you may be placing this at the feet of the New Moon, whilst the moon DOES have an impact on the human vehicle, the human vehicle after all is made up of predominantly water, what is affecting the human vehicle at this moment is the increasing and expanding New Earth energies. What these energies are attempting to help you with is the breaking of the very dense shell that you have been TAUGHT to place around this your human life experience.
Today once more I was told quite adamantly by a friend “you cant do that”, whilst she was totally oblivious to the fact that I am doing it and more importantly that I have made a conscious choice to do it. Many of you may now be experiencing similar in your outer waking life with friends and family APPEARING to come from a place of concern and love for you but in TRUTH trying to place the anchors of the old 3d earth paradigms within your energy signature once more. So deep is the conditioning that is created within the old 3d earth reality that many are blind to what they are doing and how they are doing it. It is vital to become more consciously aware of what sits below the words that are spoken to you. For LOVE JUST IS and YOU ARE. As I have guided repeatedly the LOVE that IS is a frequency like no other, it is expansive and ever expanding, it is the very fabric of the universe, you are TAUGHT under the old 3d earth paradigms to fear love and then given a definition of what love is so that you “recognise” it. Therein lies the distortion for LOVE in TRUTH cannot be defined, for LOVE JUST IS.
For many of you at this time you may feel like love is being pulled FROM you and this is deliberate by the New Earth frequencies for you can only understand what something is by experiencing what it IS NOT. Life within the old 3d earth paradigms is not about love it is about fear and the different ways to anchor this frequency over and over again. Many people would state that they love and then seek to define WHY they love, this filters out TRUTH for LOVE JUST IS. At a SOUL level you only know LOVE, you came here to this planet at this time in order to understand that this LOVE can be recreated and anchored upon and within the planet earth and within the human race. In order to anchor this you must first of all allow SELF to anchor this frequency and for many of you this is the challenge for under the old 3d earth reality you were TAUGHT to build huge defensive walls around your heart. You were TAUGHT that in order to remain “safe” you had to patrol these walls, indeed many of your early life experiences may now be pulled out by your human logical mind as “proof” for these walls. All that these walls do is hem you in, they create a barrier between you and YOU, they keep you prisoner behind the walls.
As the New Earth energies now seek to flow at ever expanding and deepening levels many of you may now be experiencing pain in the heart space (obviously if you are worried seek medical advice!). The opening of the heart space involves the DISSOLVING of the walls that you are TAUGHT to build within the old 3d earth paradigms. The higher the walls you have built, the more intense the experience of the dissolving and at this time your SOUL will be presenting you with various scenarios, people and events in order to help you BREAK DOWN these walls. They are broken most often with tears and with a movement that is swift. It may be that you at this time feel your heart is breaking, this is illusion for what is breaking in TRUTH are the WALLS that you created around the heart space. It is not possible to break the heart space for the heart is designed to expand. However so long has it been contained and suppressed within the old 3d earth paradigms that the heart may have become weakened. This is the pain that you feel energetically for like any muscle that has not been used for some time it may need some exercise. View the heart as a balloon, as it fills with the LOVE that IS it will begin to expand like a balloon being filled with air. The higher and deeper the walls you have placed around your heart the more challenging it will be for the heart to expand for the walls will interfere with this expansion. This is felt at an energetic level and the touching of the walls by the heart will trigger various teachings that seek to teach you to keep the heart space UNFILLED and within the space that is left over by the walls. This is not TRUTH and is not supported by the New Earth.
Within the old 3d earth created reality you are TAUGHT to use and continually use your logical mind, the heart is almost redundant, it sits waiting for use and is bypassed by the teachings of distortion. When you begin to create and to live from the HEART there is a period of adjustment as your human vehicle begins to work WITH the HEART space and there are various symptoms that may arise within you as this happens. For many of you the ability to cry is something that you FEAR and I would ask why? tears can be shed over many emotions not just sadness, when was the last time you cried with laughter and happiness? when was the last time you ALLOWED SELF to be this open?
For many of you the shell has become your comfort, so comfortable are you within the walls you have created that you have begun to tailor your life experience to fit WITHIN these walls. The higher the walls and the deeper they are the more closed off to SELF you have become in TRUTH for the LOVE that IS seeks to FLOW through you, around you and within you. How many of you can state that you LOVE SELF? what does this statement bring up for you? do you feel that this statement is something that feeds ego? do you feel that you are not worthy of love? do you feel guilty? there are various emotions that may be triggered by this statement. In TRUTH unless you allow the full FLOW of the LOVE that IS through your entire human vehicle then you will not find the mirror to this LOVE in your outer waking reality. ALL deserve LOVE in TRUTH for that is what YOU ARE in TRUTH. It is not something that can be given to you, it is something that YOU ARE. This is one of the most extreme filters that the old 3D earth reality places within you.
It is not possible to expand energetically when you have placed deep, constrictive bands of frequency within your human vehicle, these are not seen by the naked human eye but they are there. You were TAUGHT at all moments to place them there and to re-enforce them within the old 3d earth paradigms. Now you are asked to release SELF from WITHIN SELF in order to allow for the expansion that is now offered to ALL within the New Earth. This release is at all times guided by your SOUL for your SOUL sees the expansive picture that you are creating in the higher dimensional frequencies, as you ALIGN fully with your SOUL you will begin to dissolve and to expand NATURALLY for this is your nature in TRUTH. The constriction of the old 3d earth reality is a CREATED CONSTRUCT, it is not who you are, it is who you are TAUGHT that you are.
You are asked at this time to allow the FLOW, for the magick of life is within the LOVE that IS, allow SELF to LOVE SELF and watch as the miracles begin to birth around you, through you and within you. FOR YOU ARE LOVE IN TRUTH and your SOUL seeks to show you this at ALL times.