As the energies now begin to heighten once more and the walls that you have been TAUGHT to place around your heart space begin to crumble and to break down you may experience a variety of emotions and physical symptoms. The last linear 48 hours may have seen you experience various symptoms at a physical level that you may have put down to your diet or to stress. KNOW that stress is a construct of the old 3d earth paradigms and many work at a level of stress that they are completely blind to.
The ability to breathe is a key that many hide deep within SELF, breathing is a key to the New Earth, how often do you allow SELF to breathe deeply? often the day will unfold with short, shallow breaths and this is not TRUTH.There is a relief that is felt on breaking ANY part of the shell that you have been TAUGHT to wrap around your heart space. The relief can be viewed in multiple ways for at many points during this journey you may have waited for the “hammer to fall”. I use this analogy deliberately for the old 3d earth reality TAUGHT you to EXPECT something terrible to happen should you deviate from the CONSTRUCTED reality and what is EXPECTED of you within this reality. As Mother Earth now begins to breathe freely and begins to adjust her vibration and come BACK into balance then this will flow through you, around you and within you. For many of you at this time there may be much “guilt” associated with the relief and this must be addressed and dissolved. It serves no one for you to feel guilty at relaxing when it APPEARS there is a world in chaos. For in TRUTH it is only by relaxing and breathing that the chaos can be LESSENED, it is the holding of breath and worrying that is CREATING THE CHAOS.
I want to share an experience with you that showed me the level of tension that exists as a background tension to the human life experience. As I have blogged previously a few years ago I lost my mother to cancer and she spent her last days in a hospice. Part of the “after care” package offered to us by the hospice was grief counselling and aromatherapy. It may seem at first glance an odd combination but the experience showed me tension to new levels. Once a week for a set number of weeks I attended the hospice where my mother passed over for an aromatherapy session. During this session it was explained to me the oils that were used and how they could help me at a physical and emotional level. What worked more than anything was the physical touch, the relaxation of my human vehicle, the letting go and the feeling of intense release at a physical level. I remarked after the first session how physically different my body felt, how my arms and my legs felt lighter and how I felt almost “floaty”. It was then explained to me that this is the natural state of the human body. This shocked me at the time as I realised how out of balance and how TENSE my physical body was at an everyday level.
For many of you the tension that you carry everyday will be filtered out by your logical human mind, indeed as you have “aged” and gone through the human life experience the tension levels will have built and you will have filtered out each level you have increased to. After all how many of you take “time out” to “pamper” self or allow yourself to relax? in an age where the keep fit industry is screaming at you to maintain that perfect figure how many of you are actually flowing and relaxing through the process? As I have guided previously the human body is DESIGNED to be in balance and to allow the flow of frequencies. Many people push themselves through rigorous work outs that WORK AGAINST the natural flow and design of the human body, thereby anchoring MORE tension and not releasing it. Whilst many of you may trigger at this and go into defense of whether you work out or not, it matters not, ALL CAN BREATHE and that is the key, it is the BREATH flowing through the body that will release tension, not how many sit ups you can do.
As you begin to allow the walls to dissolve you will begin to gain a new perspective on the human life experience, indeed as you begin to allow the FLOW of energies and begin to work WITH the natural rhythms that exist you will begin to expand naturally. Many at this time are in anxiety over “following” and this is negated once you allow the walls to begin to fall and to crumble, for there is a KNOWing that births through the heart space as it is allowed the expansion, it is to be remembered that you are the one who is allowing this and ONLY you can allow SELF to enter and to interact with this process. NONE can prevent expansion of your heart space, that is simply the illusion that the old 3d earth presents to you constantly within the old 3d earth created reality. CHOICE is available at all times, the walk in FAITH and TRUST begins the moment that you make the conscious waking decision to LET GO and to allow the human life experience to be interacted with. Life within the old 3d earth created reality is not an experience so much as a training exercise. LIFE BEGINS BEYOND THE WALLS as many of you are now beginning to anchor and to work with.
Expansion is eternal, the UNIVERSE of 3 is a naturally expansive energetic space, this is beyond the scope of the human logical mind for the human logical mind cannot imagine something that is expansive eternally. It states that there must be something at the “end” or the “edge”. In order to work with eternal expansion you must move fully into the HEART space and allow this to be FELT by you. Again I would remind you gently that to experience is to FEEL, you can read about an emotion and approach it from a logical point of view all that you wish but to fully understand the emotion you must interact with it and FEEL it.
At this moment in the expansive energies your human logical mind may attempt to pull you out of balance and hijack moments of peace by trying to persuade you that you need to be “doing” something and that you need to make plans and “have to” know what the next day brings. This takes you out of the moment and back into logic and linear and will work against you at this time. TRUST is built from within, it begins with the breath and continues to the HEART space where you will FEEL the safety that your logical mind is attempting to identify from out side of SELF.