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On January 30th, 2014 at 1:39 PM Pacific, 4:39 PM Eastern, 21:39 GMT we will experience the energies of the New Moon in Aquarius.
This the New Moon of Progressive Change as what we have experienced in the month of January is going to help us move into more changes by accepting the challenges with more ease and grace.
The New Moon energy is going to help us propel further by thinking outside of the box and detaching from our emotions and destructive behaviors. It is a time to let go of the old way of doing things and step into the unknown by reaching out to others. As Lightworkers, that can be a challenge as we only want to be with like-minded people and sometimes where we are located does not afford us the availability to spend time in group connections.
On a spiritual note, I take this energy to mean that it is time to reach out deeper with our spiritual connections. The first one is with our-self. I pose some questions: Are you connecting on a deep level to your Higher Self and what has changed for you? What did not work for you this month? Do you know how you can handle things differently within our own spiritual pathway?
Reflect deeply on each week in January and try to see how you have changed through each cycle. It is important that we see the changes that are happening within our consciousness and life to truly embrace the new essence that is awaiting for our arrival. Then take inventory on the elements that need to be removed and the ones you want to embrace. Allow yourself to look at your small achievements and reward yourself with positive energy. Accept the fact that you are changing even if it is very minute and no one else may see it as much as you. That is okay; you are the one that needs to confirm within your physical mind that “all is okay”.
Then, if you need assistance with understanding what these questions may mean or need to reach out, please do so within your meditations and prayers. The best place to ask for help from the Ascended Beings is when you are within your quiet space reflecting on what it is you need to change. Allow yourself to be within your breath awareness, the “in and out” of the breath represents the “no time zone”. It is within this space that we truly connect more fully to ourselves. Once you experience this, you will want to do it continually as it helps you to become more focused on your Higher Essence instead of your Physical Self.
Then, when you return into your conscious awareness, write down your experience. How did it feel in your body? Were you completely out of your consciousness or could you reflect upon your higher energies like floating on a cloud? Be specific so you can let your Higher Mind blend within your Lower Mind.
This is truly what this New Moon represents for each of us. We are within a time of great acceleration but also dramatic changes are going to happen within this Earth. We have to learn how to ground our higher essence within our physical system. If we do not do so, then we will be vacillating between our emotions and thoughts. Nothing can be achieved in this way of being. It is of the old paradigm of the 3rd dimension. It is n w time to take action.
As you work with this exercise, you will see that you are more positive and hopeful about your life situation. Elements will change to help you see your life more objectively without the confines of the old mind and heart getting in the way. You start to learn to access your Higher Essence, feel the love that you are on that level and fully extend it into your physical body. You will see healing occur for you in various ways. But you must make the first step and create your new reality.
Blessings for a wonderful moon experience.
In expressions of Oneness,
Rev. Christine Meleriessee
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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