“…why do I not have a clue about what my mission is supposed to be? And why am I so oversensitive…?”
These were a couple of questions I received in an email recently. I’ve received many such emails from people over the years about them not knowing ‘what their mission is’ consciously and feeling bad, confused or concerned over it. Because we’ve all had these questions over the Ascension years, I thought I’d focus on this again in an article instead of a private email in hopes of more people possibly benefiting from this information. Thank you Gro from Norway for your questions. ♥
Ascension caused Hypersensitivity
First of all, the feeling of extreme sensitivity or hypersensitivity to pretty much everything and everyone is a normal and common Ascension symptom. Ascension related Kundalini activation causes one to feel incredibly sensitive to most everything and usually for years. Transmuting lower frequency 3D density and Duality (which current Kundalini activation automatically triggers) causes one to feel incredibly sensitive. Simultaneously, embodying higher frequency Light energies (that automatically evolve the entire physical body, the energy bodies, consciousness, DNA, unify dualized brain halves, eyes and physical and nonphysical vision, beef-up the central nervous system, the endocrine/chakra systems etc.) causes one to feel tremendously sensitive or hypersensitive to most everything and everyone. The entire Ascension Process causes one to feel overwhelmed at times, profoundly exhausted, nearly comatose at times and wildly overstimulated at other times and all that and much more is perfectly “normal”.
There were years where speaking aloud caused my head to reverberate internally so painfully that I literally couldn’t physically speak. There were years where my hearing was so hypersensitive that I had to wear earplugs when I went into any store because the volume of noise in them caused severe physical pain plus overwhelmed me mentally and emotionally. I’d oftentimes be reduced to hunkering down in a corner for a while, hiding behind my shopping cart in tears and/or extreme anger at the unaware masses endlessly screeching like monkeys all around me. Evolution is painful and difficult, especially so when you’re trying to not look, sound, or act like it’s happening to you in front of people who aren’t experiencing it! But let’s not forget that I (you/we) Volunteered for the job.
What exactly is my Mission?
I realize that most people don’t have conscious memories of specific Ascension related “Mission” work. What I want you to understand is that it’s not important that you remember in ways you might prefer. What is important—especially now in 2014—is that you live what you are living; you embody what you are embodying; you anchor/ground/insert into the NEW earth and timeline the NEW energies of the NEW Evolutionary Cycle. That is and always has been your “Mission”. You my friends and fellow energetic spiritual co-workers are the living aspects and ways and means of the Mission in the physical dimension.
Milky Way Galactic Center “Fermi bubbles” burst January 2, 2013 producing massive NEW energy “outflows”. One year later in January 2014 these NEW energies are PHYSICALLY impacting earth, humanity, human consciousness and physical reality.
Divine Source threw out another grand cyclical energy ball and because of this there needed to be plenty of Volunteers incarnate within physicality that would be ready and able to catch and anchor that energy ball within that dimension. We Volunteers said we’d go to 3D and prepare to catch the NEW Divine cosmic energy ball being hurled out to seed the NEW into everything everywhere. There are other aspects of “YOU” working on this same “Mission” but they exist in and work from other dimensions, and they all help this aspect of “YOU” here in physicality catching, receiving the NEW ball.
The Forerunners are exactly that–the ones that go first, that ‘Path pave’, that ‘Wayshow’, that literally insert the NEW higher frequency energies which are the NEW blueprints for humanity into this planet, space, dimension and frequency range through themselves, their physical and energetic bodies, their expanding awareness, hearts, and evolving consciousness. They do this first so the NEW energetic blueprints of the NEW Evolutionary Cycle are “grounded” and inserted into the NEW earth Grid systems and the NEW human Grid systems. There really isn’t anything more important and necessary than this for current and future humanity and all life on earth and elsewhere too.
Your “Mission” has been—and very much in 2014 and beyond—is about being a living conscious receptacle and lightening rod for the NEW incoming energies. We embody and insert them into the NEW earth and timeline for humanity today, tomorrow, and in the future. Your “Mission” is to receive, embody, house, carry and Consciously Create with these NEW higher frequency energies in and through your physical body and being which inserts and anchors them into the NEW earth Grid systems as the NEW blueprints of the NEW Evolutionary Cycle. Now, how’s that for a Mission?
Please don’t worry if you cannot consciously remember specifics about your personal “Mission”. So long as you’re living and embodying the Ascension Process and new Astrological Age energies and consciousness–Aquarius/Uranus (Higher Awareness) and opposite Leo/Sun (Higher Creativity and High Heart)– then you’re doing your “Mission” work… and very well at that you should realize.
January 23, 2014
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