Summary of Brenda’s January 4, 2014 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’re faster, wiser, stronger than any computer ever will be. You’re not limited to one area of expertise or one time period. You are part of the ALL. Computers will be outdated when you remove the filters that limit your knowing.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for “Why is Receiving a Dirty Word?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
Even though you will access all there ever was and all there ever will be once you remove your filters of disbelief and doubt, all there ever was is greater now than was true during the earth life of any other Master. You are a shining star within a constellation of stars. You are the sparklers.
There have been several notable earth Masters. But they were isolated forerunners – stars that pointed you in the direction of this New Age. Even though they were bright stars, the former Masters were single entities. You are one of millions of sparkling stars allowing the light to be brighter than the darkness.
Your combined efforts with those of different philosophies and beliefs makes this an exceptionally brilliant evolution in so many ways. Previous earth Masters were most often isolated in their brilliance and love. They gathered others about them because of their love radiance. But once they exited earth, only the memories of their being continued. Some of their messages retained the love they wished to share – some did not. Those messages that did not shifted and changed to meet historical needs.
Such a shift was not terrible, merely appropriate for the times. To thoroughly explore the Old Age, the masses needed to feel and understand fear – and so they did.
With new earth, the opposite is true. All need to have access to new earth messages of love. Not messages designed for the times, but for the Ages, for the Universes. True messages filled with love that will not fade or create arguments of right or wrong as was true for the messages created after former Masters exited earth.
It is not an accident that so many channeled/spiritual/loving messages created minutes ago by your contemporaries are available at the click of a button. Or that the messenger is available for questions and sensory experiences.
All of today’s spiritual/new earth messages are correct for those accessing them. Some wish to believe in overtaking the dark forces controlling their beings. Some to believe in aliens in space ships. Those messages are available as are messages about the power of your inner-being, of joy and love. And all are correct for who you are.
The messages will eventually blend into one, but most likely not in this earth lifetime. Such is so for a reason.
Many wanted to be part of this transition – as well as clear issues from past and current lives. Some of those past and current life experiences include creating a fantasy world of what to expect in this New Age. Similar to those who create a personal hell after earth death even though hell is not a reality of the Universes.
Even though you create your own reality, that reality may be tainted by previous beliefs or experiences. That is not to say you or anyone is wrong – merely that you are processing your new earth changes a bit differently than others.
Eventually, all will access the same concepts and memories – but not today.
Allow yourself to process as you need to during this dramatic shift. For by trusting your inner-being, your heart, you will find the information you need for the moment. As you master that piece, another part of the puzzle will appear before you.
At some point in this life, did you not adore an athletic hero only to discover that your hero had performed some misdeed that shifted your thought processes? Do you not accept this as part of life? So it is for you now. Some of you began your new earth shift declaring that such and such was completely accurate – only to change your opinion as you increased your knowledge base.
Perhaps you feel this message creates a quicksand effect for you. To the contrary. Allow yourself to grow and expand. And allow the same for others. Perhaps some of your new earth friends seem limited in their acceptance of this shift. Others seem “way out there.” Both are right for who they are and what they are exploring.
Now you wish for us to tell you who is correct and who is making up stories. Neither and both. For indeed, you are all approaching this shift from your perspective and needs.
Maybe you are most interested in physical elements of the shift as you retain Old Age physical beliefs. The result might be non-textbook physical ailments which force/encourage you to look beyond today’s medical/homeopathic knowledge base. Or perhaps not. Perhaps you refuse to accept any cure is available – until you do not.
You are part of a sparkling brilliance. But a brilliance approached from your knowledge and interest bases – and willingness to explore. For the more you explore your area(s) of interest, the more your knowledge base will expand.
But then, expansion is not the goal of those of you now on earth.
Your goal was to introduce the new earth. And so you have in a brilliant, dynamic loving way.
Now it is up to you how much you wish to expand personally. Maybe you achieved all you wish to achieve – maybe not. Whatever your intent, you shared your brilliance in such a way that earth is now a sparkling part of the Universes in ways never possible before. You achieved your group goal.
It is up to you how much further you wish to shift. You will know this by the number of new materials you access.
There is no need to feel more accomplished than others for all are moving at the rate and direction correct for them. Perhaps forcing someone to believe your process will decrease their current earth life experiences and compel them to repeat those processes in another life.
You have no idea what others are exploring or why.
Your only mass connection in this lifetime was introducing new earth. And you all lovingly did so.
Now allow others to move in ways most comfortable for them – whether listening to their inner-being or society. It is their life and their direction.
You do not wish to have others’ thoughts and philosophies forced upon you. The same is true for others.
To force someone into your beliefs is to return you to a 3D world of right or wrong according to someone outside yourself. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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