sábado, agosto 03, 2013

Jesús - Realmente no hay mérito espiritual en tus actividades diarias - John Smallman - 26-07-2013

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Cada uno de ustedes tiene sus propios guías personales en los reinos espirituales, son los aspectos de su familia del alma y siempre están velando por ti y protegiéndote.

El corazón colectivo de la humanidad se abre hermosamente, ya que los trabajadores de la luz, los portadores de la luz, los Guías del sendero en todo el mundo siguen reforzando e intensificando su intención de alinearse perfectamente con el campo de Amor divino en el que todos están envueltos.
Es como si una nueva red de Amor colectivo se estuviese formando con gran rapidez por todo el planeta para integrarse y comprometerse plenamente con la red divina con el fin de llevar a cabo el largamente esperado despertar de la humanidad, y eso es exactamente lo que se requiere y lo que estás construyendo.

City-sized UFO hovering above Earth, Notice the many specs-of-light UFOs in the pic too.

La Madre Divina - María Isabel Henn – El Medio Dorado - 29-07-13

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Mi hijo(a), encuentra el equilibrio y mantente en él. 

Tus emociones aún te moverán por un tiempo como un péndulo, pero encontrarás más y más en medio.
Verás que el movimiento se volverá cada vez más y más lento y entonces parará en medio.
Quédate ahí. Es el Medio Dorado” como dices a menudo. Pero no te molestes contigo mismo si no se hace lento de inmediato. Mira tus emociones y deja ir lo que no quieras.
Tan simple, ya no pienses en ellas. Dámelas a mí. Yo las transmutaré con mi llama plateada en amor y te las regresaré en ésta forma.
Mi amor llenará tu corazón y lo hará descansar. Te amo mucho, mi hijo(a).
Tu Madre Divina
madre divina dos
Copyright © Isabel Henn. Se permite compartir éste mensaje en su forma completa sin cambios y mostrando el nombre del autor y el vínculo al sitio original.
Traducción: Gustavo T

Jesús - Tu cuerpo está pasando por un proceso de revitalización, de vigorización - John Smallman - 28-07-2013

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Yo: Buenas tardes querido Jesús. Gracias por tu último mensaje. Hoy me siento muy cansado, desmotivado, básicamente dormido de pie.
¿Me puedes dar información u orientación sobre lo que está pasando. ¿Soy yo, mi ego jugando a ser flojo, o qué?.
Sería bueno poderme abrir para escuchar lo que tengas que decirme, así que por favor ayúdame con eso. Gracias. Y, también me siento inusualmente irritable o enojado.
¿Ha sido esta emoción bloqueada o negada dentro de mí, y ahora está surgiendo para que la libere o no realmente no tengo que experimentar esto o no tengo la necesidad de experimentarlo?

Consejo de Ángeles y el Consejo Pleyadiano vía Goldenlight – El reinicio Global de todos los Sistemas en preparación para la Edad Dorada en la Tierra - 25-07-13

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Queridos amigos, he estado alejado de las canalizaciones por varios meses ya que me he enfocado en los asuntos de la 3era dimensión como trabajar, pagar mi renta, pagar mis cuentas, etc. 

Y ha sido difícil últimamente. Continúo leyendo mensajes concernientes a la liberación de los fondos de prosperidad y comencé a cuestionarme la validez de estos mensajes, así que decidí conectarme con mi Ser Superior, el Consejo de Ángeles y el Consejo Pleyadiano para pedirles una actualización de lo que está ocurriendo en éste momento.
Éste es el mensaje que me dieron, y aunque no me gusta postear mensajes de “predicción”, siento que es importante postear éste y dejar la cosquilla de pensar si debería hacerlo o no.
Lo canalicé hace varias noches. Por favor noten que lo tecleé en mi iphone al estilo de “flujo de consciencia” con poca puntuación y largas oraciones.

Ashtar a través de Philipp – “La comunicación en la Nueva Era”… CON AUDIO COMPARTIR!! - 24-07-2013

ashtar sheran dos
Ustedes saben que están a punto de entrar en un momento emocionante y lleno de energía.
La Puerta de los Leones está a la vuelta de la esquina y trae una ráfaga de energía que nunca se ha visto antes en vuestro querido planeta.
Todos ustedes se beneficiarán enormemente de esta explosión de energía.
Nos encantaría ver que se utiliza este tiempo para ponerse en contacto con nosotros.
Aprovechen este tiempo sagrado para conectar activamente con nuestra energía.
En lugar de leer canalizaciones como su forma preferida de contacto, trate de usar el enlace directo y sintonizar nuestras energías.

Konstantinos: Mensajes del Orden Cósmico del Infinito #2 - 29-07-2013

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[Hola queridos amigos y lectores. Ha pasado algún tiempo desde mi 'último' comunicado de mensajes canalizados a través de mí.
Estaba ocupado con exámenes, trabajando en asuntos de envío de muestras de mi trabajo al exterior, manejando asuntos personales y por supuesto estuve de vacaciones 3 días, del 6 al 9 de julio.
Antes de que proceda con este comunicado, me gustaría compartir mi experiencia de un avistamiento que tuve durante mis vacaciones el 6 de julio del 2013. Para mayores detalles vean el dibulo de abajo.
Ahora les voy a presentar la segunda parte de los mensajes de un colectivo que es conocido por mí desde hace algún tiempo como 'El Orden Cósmico del Infinito'. Para quienes gusten de ver la primera parte de sus mensajes, aquí está el enlace:

Alto Consejo de Orión - Encontrando Su Par Vibratorio - Holly Hawkins Marwood - 25-07-13

cambio dos
Saludos, queridos. Somos el Alto Consejo de Orión.
Al avanzar el tiempo, más y más de ustedes se están relacionando, y acercando, y experimentando el conocimiento, saber e información de muchas fuentes más allá de su planeta.
Muchos de ustedes escuchan información canalizada y resuenan firmemente con algunas, y no tan fuerte con otras, y estamos aquí para hablar de esto hoy.
Mucha de la información que está por ahí es precisa y mucha de ella es imprecisa, ¿y cómo saben cuál es verdadera?
Lo que les pedimos que hagan, primero que todo, es que al estar escuchando la información:
¿Cómo se siente su cuerpo?
¿Cómo se siente su energía?

viernes, agosto 02, 2013

Announcement for the Group of Natural Ascension / written by The Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan on August 1st 2013

Announcement for the Group of Natural Ascension
The difference between the people of the 5th Dimension & The people of the higher dimensions who are above 5th D {Natural- Ascension}

The people of the 5th Dimension:

They are qualified people consciously to the Ascension Process to the 5th Dimension, they are the remains of those who are called Mass Ascension “as mentioned earlier” , but will face difficulty in the process of transformation into the Light Body, where they will receive assistance from two parties to complete their own Ascension Process:

1- The first party through the Natural-ascension people, who will transform
before the {5th Dimension people}, we will explain this in the coming

2- The second party through the GFL {The Galactic Federation of Light},by
helping the rest of them after help from the first party, through taking
them into sophisticated Techniques related to the GFL on board of their
space vehicles...

Anna Merkaba – Message from the Agarthians 2d Aug. 2013

1000866_175031119345446_110450914_n~We the Agarthians are here to REMIND you of your mission at hand for which some of you have signed up before incarnating here on earth. Many of you have been hearing the call of the mother earth. Many of your own hearts have been opening wide to the new waves of eternal love coming form your mother Gaia, the healing processes have indeed been running deeply enrooted in the hearts of humanity. ~

SaLuSa via Madad – 2d Aug 2013

Madad SaLuSa 

We begin a new phase of relationship with you and some already feel it. We are preparing you for our coming and we want to be sure you understand what that means to you personally and to all of you together as a society. We are doing it step by step with no intention of overwhelming you or scare you. It depends upon your life plan when and how it will happen. Those of you who are ready to move on and reached certain level of consciousness might be surprised how quickly things will change towards their beautiful experiences they have been dreaming of for very long time. We ask you again to focus on your clearing, as it is most important for your ability to rise even higher. Do not hesitate to ask for help, because you are surrounded with so many Light Beings that are eager to help you like you have never been before. Feel this love that is pouring into you and allow it to go into every single cell of your body and do not let worries or doubts to stop you in doing so. Light and Love are the most powerful tools for your inner transformation and you will begin to see it also on the outside. Trust yourself because the only thing that is slowing your own process of change is the worry that you might not be able to do it. 

Abraham: The Key To Effortless Manifestation – Esther & Jerry Hicks – 2 August 2013

M. Gamma - From Pain to Illness – become aware of the message from your Body ~ Part 2 - August 2, 2013

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
…Continuation of the first part

Illness – and now !

out-sickFrom my viewpoint illness is to be regarded just as some continuation of some preceding body pains or ailments. In case I do not take any notice of any such signals from my subconsciousness my body has been left no other choice than to increase the dose of pain or to come forward with presentation of some sort of illness.
Serious diseases for example very often are due to some deeply rooted and prevailing problems which have been carried about already for some years. Also some traumatic experiences in early childhood may lead to falling ill at some later time and I am including here also psychic diseases.

Suzanne Lie – Remaining Fifth Dimensional – 2 August 2013

Aisha North - Welcome to the fourth Gathering around the Pond, Sunday August 4, 2013

Dear friends!
We have entered August, and even if July – at least for me – has been more eventful than most, I think we are in for another busy month. The energies continue to overwhelm us at times, and I think we all feel the need for some assistance to keep the balance now. And this Sunday, we get a new chance to get an extra boost, for then we have another Gathering coming up at 21:00 Oslo time. Here is what the CCs shared about it:

SaLuSa - La transformación de sus sistemas financieros y gubernamentales se están acercando a la meta final - MADAD - 02-08-2013

cofre de la habundancia dos

…..la transformación de sus sistemas financieros y gubernamentales se están acercando a la meta final y con tu conciencia cada vez mayor, serás capaz de aceptar todos los cambios que sean necesarios para completar con éxito este “largo viaje”.
Comenzamos una nueva etapa de relaciones con ustedes y algunos ya lo están sintiendo.
Los estamos preparando para la parte que viene y queremos estar seguros de que entienden lo que eso significa para usted personalmente y para todos juntos como sociedad.
Lo estamos haciendo paso a paso con la intención de no abrumarlos o asustarlos. Depende de su plan de vida cuándo y cómo va a suceder.
Aquellos de ustedes que están listos para seguir adelante y alcanzar cierto nivel de conciencia pueden ser sorprendidos por lo rápido que las cosas cambian hacia las hermosas experiencias que ha estado soñando durante mucho tiempo.

William LePar - The Council - Our Connection with God - In the Beginning - Friday, August 2, 2013

In this quote from William LePar's spiritual source they tell us that those of us in the earth plane or the material manifestation have lost, to a degree, our awareness of our true godly state. It has been partially severed. We still need this connection to survive, and it is our goal to strengthen that connection until we have recovered all of our awareness that has been lost over time.
This posting is a little longer than most of my posts, but I think that you will find the explanation very interesting. The last portion was posted previously, so what you have here is a more complete picture of The Council's explanation.
Questioner: You said, "In the beginning, at the time of the Fall, it was necessary to tap into God for our essence to create," and, if this is so, is it still necessary, are we still dependent on that?

Mahala – Mahalas Astrology Report For August By Dorene Carrel – 2 August 2013

mahalaGuest article by Dorene Carrel.
August is a moderately active month, highlighted by dynamic Jupiter aspects that can bring courage, confidence and a sense of adventure. Another Full Moon will occur in Aquarius that enhances community and collaboration, while Venus enters its own sign of Libra to bring more harmony and peace to our relationships. This theme is further activated by the Sun trine to Uranus on August 4, which encourages intuitive awareness and creative expression.

Jim Self Planetary Update – August 2013 | Mastering Alchemy

Jim Self Planetary Update – August 2013 | Mastering Alchemy

Planetary update – August 2013

Construction is Underway
The energies in this month, as July turns into August, are very subtle and yet there is a tremendous amount of shifting and rewiring in the mental and emotional bodies. It is as if there are a hundred vibrational strings of bandwidth in the third dimensional reality, and twenty of them are being removed. They are not the twenty at the bottom nor are they the twenty at the top, but they are spread throughout the whole one hundred. This makes for a change that is subtle rather than obvious.

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: You are now Ready to Weed Your Spiritual Garden of the Limiting Beliefs Which no Longer Serve You Aug 2, 2013

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of limiting beliefs. This message will in some ways tie in with our most recent message “There is a time for acceleration and a time for integration; both are necessary for your growth”. Many of you are beginning to feel the energy shift once again and you are starting to move through the period of integration, only to now be met with limiting beliefs that are manifesting challenging experiences which seem to be blocking you from manifesting what you desire. We would like to share with you our perspective in hopes that it may help you navigate through this energy in a peaceful manner.

Look inside of you more often dear hearts – Message from Spirit 2d Aug 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean


Message from Spirit 2d Aug 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean
Look inside of you more often dear hearts. Often you are turned to the outside world, with a considerable lack of inner contact. You read the news, you talk to your loved ones, you watch tv, you read channelled messages with no inner conection what so ever.
What good is it to look on the outside if there is no connection with your Source within dear child, we wonder?
What purpose does it serve to read light messages if one cannot listen to one’s own light?
The light you see constantly outside lives in your body, it is inside of you. You continually seek outside what lies inside of you already, what you already have dearly, but cannot feel, cannot know, because you are always facing the outer world with no awareness of your own divinity.
You seek light messages from ascended master, when you, yourself, are the light, you yourself are connected to all ascended masters, to all the universe, and when you yourself are an ascended master!
We recommend, with love, that at least for one day you listen to the Acended master that lives witin your own body, and only to that being.
The Source lives within, when you go within, you are connected to the entire Universe.
Be Joy, be one, be your own self.
Channel: Laura Multidimensional Ocean
Copyright © Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content, including the title,  is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included: http://multidimensionalocean.wordpress.com   andhttp://auroradreamflights2.wordpress.com/

WakingTimes: Accelerating Our Collective Emergence Into A New Paradigm - Aug 2, 2013


Paul Lenda, Guest Waking Times
While a few hundred years ago there were a handful of luminaries shining their light on the waters of human conscious awareness, today there are thousands upon thousands. I remember 7 years ago I had to practically go on a wild goose chase to “find the others” and now I see so many awakened intentional evolutionaries that it’s truly inspiring and hope-inducing.

Go into your heart – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn August 02, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, don’t wait for a savior. There is none to come. You alone are your savior. It was told already so often to you. You get all possible help, but the work on you, you have to do already by yourself. Nobody can do this for you. Only by the work on yourself you can grow and develop yourself further. This is something completely and utterly personal. You are on earth to learn your lessons that you have chosen so carefully before your birth. Now is the time to begin with it if you are still deliberating what you can do. Go into your heart and listen to the voice of your Higher Self. It will direct you, because it is YOU. Also your spiritual guide talks to you in your heart. And if you are seeking me, so you will find me there too. There is my place in you and there I wait for you that you hear and answer me, my child. In my deep eternal love to you. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/

The Ascended Masters and the Pleiadians: Ascension is Being Pioneered by Each of You - Wes Annac - August 2, 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
With so much brimming Love from the entirety of our collective, we are the Ascended Masters speaking with the dear Pleiadians once again.
Specifically, we’re speaking with the melded-together energies of the soul who’s come to be known as SanJAsKa, who represents the Pleiadian Councils speaking with you all in this moment.
We wish to express your constant evolution and the fact that you’re growing toward the higher dimensions in every moment. This has been addressed in our previous joint communication with the Hathors, and we bring it up to help you understand that you’re not growing away from the higher dimensions as some of you tend to feel you are.

jueves, agosto 01, 2013

Ovnis, sirenas o el detonante de la crisis: los misterios que EE.UU. no te quiere revelar - RT SEPA MÁS - Ago 1, 2013

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El gobierno de EE.UU. siempre ha intentado salir al paso de misterios populares como los ovnis. Uno de los sitios tecnológicos estadounidenses presenta una lista con diez asuntos que EE.UU. no quiere revelar al mundo, incluido el origen de la crisis.

AA Miguel - Ron Head - Es cómo ejercitan su poder - 01-08-13

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Miguel: En éste primer día de su nuevo mes, en medio del flujo energético muy intensificado en su tierra que incluso está siendo aumentado por las raras alineaciones en los cielos, una vez más están permitiéndose esperar casi instantáneamente redención en una nueva existencia. 

Y debido a que muchos de ustedes no encontrarán millones en sus cuentas de banco, autos nuevos en sus cocheras, ni oirán anuncios de esto o aquello en sus televisiones, ¿nuevamente echarán un grito al cielo?
Ya que se les dijo que hay ciertos cambios en el futuro, y ese cambio en verdad es en el futuro, se colocan en una posición de inmensa desilusión imaginando plazos en el calendario por cumplirse.
Antes y recientemente han experimentado los resultados de esto. Y aún así continúan permitiéndose quedar atrapados en ésta clase de pensamiento.

Your birth certificate was made into a bond,its worth billions! - Jeff Anderson

When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, pledged all Americans as collateral against the national debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that \"something\" is your credit.

Your value to society was then and still is calculated using actuarial tables and at birth, bonds equal to this \"average value\" are created. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars. These bonds are collateralized by your birth certificate which becomes a negotiable instrument. The bonds are hypothecated, traded until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes, and all that credit created is technically and rightfully yours. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number without the dashes. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number.


AbsoluteDataExchange – Open Letters To The Banking System – 1 August 2013

57d62-absolutedataexchangeOpen letter to the banking system of America and the World
ATTENTION: Immediate changes in effect regarding account no’:____________in the name of: _______________
It has been made painfully clear, to the general public, especially over the last few years, that the banking system in this country and, as a matter of fact, accross the globe is ruled by a very select few, who have terrorized the common people, in the last century or so, through their insatiable lust for power through control of the monetary system.
How is it that the federal reserve can print fake dollars at nausea to pay their bills and the US can even forfeit any payment, unpunished, while any ordinary Joe, even if they are only one day late with a payment, are being punished for this harshly?

Dana Mrkich – Q&A : Everything Has Ground To A Standstill For Me? – 1 August 2013

Dana Colour Pic NewA comment from Florence on Facebook that some of you may relate to: “It seems that everything has just ground to a standstill for me! I’m not depressed (far from it) but it’s like being in a bubble and observing the world and its happenings without being involved.”
My response: This is such a common feeling for so many people this year Florence and I’ve had lots of bouts of feeling like this. So much is in transition right now. While there are of course lots of reasons for this feeling depending on the individual, the image they’re showing me right now is that sometimes we need to be in a ‘commercial break/pause’ stage while others around us are playing out their various movie scripts.
There’s nothing at that moment for us to do other than just be, which can feel odd. And at other times we’re back in the movie. Something we will be feeling more of now are times when we are in the ‘new’ stage of being out of the whole movie schedule altogether and writing or living our scripts for the next phase of production, so that’s when you feel most alive with the passion button switched back to on. That said, nothing wrong with being offline for a while, yes it feels odd but your soul is probably enjoying the rest or at the least needed it. Just let it know you’re ready to be back online whenever it is!
(c) Dana Mrkich 2013 / www.danamrkich.blogspot.com / link to original article

Jennifer Hoffman: Why Am I So Unhappy With my Life and Does it Get Better? Aug 1, 2013

Dear Jennifer:  It seems like years have slipped away in my life, having been busy with a relationship and healing but now I am finished with all of that, want to go out and have fun but I have two problems, I have no idea what is even fun anymore and I have no friends to have fun with. I know I should do classes or go to events, but I really don’t feel like it as I have no motivation.  I also know that I should try to make friends any way I can, but I also don’t feel like doing that either because I know I am moving from here soon, so what is the point? Also I just don’t like people in my area.  Most people are not even close to my age and overall the people here are so different than me.  I’m not inspired by any of them and they are all not doing anything exciting with their lives.

Julie Miller – Archangel Haniel: Harmony is About Being - August 01, 2013

http://angelreadings.co.nz/files/2013/02/haniel-203x300.jpgTo have whole balance, one must be profoundly connected in harmony with their mind, body and soul – a place many strive to reach in every aspect of their journey, accepting all things as they are enabling themselves to embrace completely with new experiences.   Reaching a harmonious state doesn’t mean you are aiming for perfection or to achieve excellence in all things you do. Harmony is quite simple, it is to feel and to be, yet many find it hard to recognize.
Harmony is the feeling of completeness, total happiness and fulfillment of life as it is; you have accepted and found peace within all situations and grown in deep awareness that is fundamentally satisfying. When harmony is not recognized, there are vital steps one can take to be harmonized with themselves and with the world around them. Understandably fear is the worst enemy for many that struggle bringing harmony into their lives. It is essential to develop a way to transcend your fears, and begin a new path on your journey that will deliver you to your success one-step-at-a-time. Yes patience is a requirement since it does take time for certain changes of thought patterns and way of being to take effect, knowing nothing is impossible if you want to achieve a goal bad enough.  

Angelic Message: “Acceptance And Understanding.” By, Bella Capozzi. August 1, 2013.

425562_10151387210281667_1343537231_n❄ Dear Ones, you are yourselves Angels, one and all.  You wear amongst you clothes of many colors, many variations of self-expression and ideals.  No particular person’s path is exactly the same as any other, and this is true despite whatever outward similarities you should happen to perceive.  Unique and original as tiny snowflakes in the sky, are you.  No seashell is marked precisely in the same way, is this not true?.  No flower or tree is devoid of intricacies in shape, design, scent and hue.  United as one, sprung from Source, yet altogether forming a tapestry interwoven of threads of every texture and design.  Behold the beauty which is your joining.  There is nothing at all akin to you throughout the Cosmos!

Revealed: XKeyscore – The NSA Tool Collects ‘Nearly Everything a User Does on the Internet’ - Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian – July 31, 2013

One presentation claims the XKeyscore program covers 'nearly everything a typical user does on the internet'Photo: One presentation claims the XKeyscore program covers ‘nearly everything a typical user does on the internet’
Stephen Cook: More revelations from the files Edward Snowden has amassed are finally being made public. As the diagrams show, this program is insidious. And there are still many, many, more revelations to come…
By Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian – July 31, 2013
• XKeyscore gives ‘widest-reaching’ collection of online data • NSA analysts require no prior authorization for searches • Sweeps up emails, social media activity and browsing history • NSA’s XKeyscore program – read one of the presentations
A top secret National Security Agency program allows analysts to search with no prior authorization through vast databases containing emails, online chats and the browsing histories of millions of individuals, according to documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

NaturalNews – Jonathan Benson – New Bill Aims To Make ‘Smart’ Meters Mandatory For Entire Nation – 1 August 2013

Naturalnews-Logo2(NaturalNews) There is a sinister agenda underway to forcibly convert every standard electric meter in the U.S. to the “smart” variety under the guise of promoting renewable energy interests. And one of the latest pieces of Trojan horse legislation pushing for this ominous transformation is the Smart Grid Advancement Act of 2013, introduced by Representative Jerry McNerney (D-Cal.) and co-authored by Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-Penn.), which would force utilities all across the country to convert their customers to smart meters.

Merkabah Energies – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn August 01, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, work with the wonderful energies this Merkabah has brought to you. They are very strong and you can walk your further path with them and manifest your future. But be aware that also your maybe still existing negative thoughtforms will manifest with them. So pay attention to what you think and say. This only to your welfare, my child. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/



Giant UFOs and Anomalies around the Sun - July 31, 2013

Snowden granted 1 yr asylum in Russia, leaves airport to undisclosed location

Stunning UFO Appears In Picture Over Colorado Forest, July 28, 2013

Ashtar via Philipp: Update on Your Current Timeline - August 1, 2013

AshtarAshtar via Philipp: Update on your Current Timeline. July 31, 2013
The timeline communicated to you in earlier messages comprises of three trimesters from December 2012 until September 2013. You are now in the third – or last – trimester which has in store for you the most intense and extensive changes.
We have previously informed you that the prerequisite for our widespread appearance on your world would especially be the transformation of your financial systems. Furthermore, we have told you that the uplift experienced as a result of these transformations would increasingly enhance your ability to absorb the news about your Star Family. We will use this uplift to introduce ourselves to you, our brothers and sisters incarnated on the surface of dear Gaia.

Abraham Hicks – Exercising Different Emotional Processes – 1 August 2013

Andy Bojarski – My Higher Self: Where Exactly is the Ascension Gate? – 1 August 2013

AndyBojarski-my-latest-aura-pictureEvery being is on their own individual ascension path.  All souls will ascend.  That is the reason you are all here.  There are many portals and gates that are now opening up that are allowing energies to flow to dear Gaia and to you.
Numerous portals and gates have already opened up and allowed various energies to be absorbed by dear Gaia and by you.  Each energy has a different radiance and purpose.  All energies and portals and gates have a different and specific purpose for your integration and growth.

NaturalNews – J.D. Heyes – GlaxoSmithKline Now Admits Executives Involved In Criminal Bribery, Days After Denials – 1 August 2013

Naturalnews-Logo2(NaturalNews) First came the denials, then – finally – the admission that, yes indeed, some of GlaxoSmithKline’s senior Chinese executives broke the law in a $484.8 million cash and sexual favors scandal.
Britain’s Guardian newspaper reported on July 22 that the mega-drugmaker’s head of emerging markets, Abbas Hussain, had been sent to Shanghai in an effort to manage the crisis, where he apologized to Chinese authorities and pledged that his Big Pharma firm would be taking the charges against its personnel “extremely seriously.”
“Certain senior executives of GSK China who know our systems well appear to have acted outside of our processes and controls which breaches Chinese law,” said Hussain, who is the brother of England cricketer Nasser Hussain. “We have zero tolerance for any behavior of this nature.”

Crop Circle – Stadskanaal – Groningen – The Netherlands – 29 th July – 1 August 2013

Remaining 5th Dimensional - Suzanne Lie

The Most Important Ingredient for Ascension is : “You” ! – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 01.08.2013

Archangel Michael[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
Beloved humans here on Earth! It is the first time that I address you through this channel. And this will not remain only once but all that what is started today will be continued until ascension of all human kind here.
This Channel having received messages already from The Father, Raphael and Gaia as well – he at first did not want that I submit through him my messages too as he was of the opinion that it would not be advisable to obtain too many messages through one and the same channel.

VirtualLight #6 ~ ~ Beacons of Light Aug 2013

Cynthia Crawford (ET Sculptor) at Cosmic Reunion: Fourth Density (Part 1 and 2)

Cynthia Crawford (ET Sculptor) at Cosmic Reunion: Fourth Density (Part 2)

miércoles, julio 31, 2013

9 Key Components of the Shift Towards Higher Consciousness - Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times - July 31, 2013

No sell-by date – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn July 31, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
My child, why do still shy away from accepting my help or that of my beloved children, the Archangels and Angels? Are you afraid that we could refuse your request? No, my love, we are but so much looking forward to be able to help you. We offer it to you, yes. So reach for the opportunity and don’t just think you would be too small and trivial for us. For us is nobody too small or trivial. Oh no! You also don’t need to believe we would have to do more important things. What could be more important for us than to assist you? Nothing! We hear the calling of all, who ask for help. So, don’t wait any longer. This offer also hasn’t any sell-by date. It is valid in all eternity. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/

SaLuSa – “Merkabah” – 07.31.2013 – by Gabriel Raio Lunar


A new way of seeing life is growing rapidly within all of you. This is the picture of how well you have well anchored the energies that have come to Mother Earth every day, in favor of your awakening. It has been gradual to some and accelerated for others, it is according to your ability to accept things as they are.
Many of you have shown  yourselves impatient with the results that you judge few to everything we have announced to you. You must realize that the cycle came to the end, indeed, but your necessity to always evolve did not come to an end and you continue learning every day and you are just at one more exercise: learn to be patient, giving time to time.

The Orchidium: A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon Posted on July 31, 2013

Earth’s passage through the summer Solstice of 2013 was an energetic marker for the beginning of a new Chaotic Node.
As your planet undergoes increased climate change, you will see further increases in meteorological novelty and unusual interactions between storm fronts. What used to be called 100-year storms will happen more frequently. These types of storms are outer manifestations of Chaotic Nodes and the escalation of chaos arising from seemingly unrelated levels of existence.

Distributing Peace Throughout the World and Within Yourselves: Channeled Through Caroline K.A. - July 31, 2013

Distributing Peace Throughout the World and Within Yourselves: Channeled Through Caroline K.A.

Hands touching a globe
Channeled through Caroline K.A.  July 31, 2013
We come to you today with information which may greatly illuminate your hearts, and it is our fondest hope that it touches your very core, and within every cell of your physical being.
We are here to speak with you regarding a topic which concerns all those upon Gaia, in reference to your distribution of peace, and your sense of oneness with all life which is needed now, throughout your world, and it is needed to be recognized within the hearts of every man, woman and child.
Peace is a word with a powerful meaning behind it for it is the main catalyst, other than love, needed for the restoration of not only faith in yourselves, but in the restoration of your beloved planet Gaia.  When internal peace is present in your Auric field, a sense of calm, and tranquility is radiated out to all whom you come in contact with.

NaturalNews – Ethan A. Huff – US Government Spending $500k To Push HPV Vaccine That Keeps Killing Young Women – 31 July 2013

Naturalnews-Logo2(NaturalNews) Amid all the budget cuts and sequestration measures being taken by the federal government these days, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has somehow procured more than half a million taxpayer dollars to spend on pushing more people to get vaccinated for human papillomavirus (HPV). As reported by CNSNews.com, NIH recently awarded $544,188 to the University of California (UC) school system to research new propaganda tactics that may help sway more mothers to have their underage daughters vaccinated with Merck & Co.’s Gardasil jab.
Even though countless thousands of young girls around the world have been seriously injured or killed as a result of being poked with Gardasil, according to the latest available statistics, NIH is concerned that not enough young girls in California’s Los Angeles County are getting the shot — the vaccine industry is presumably concerned as well. So, the federal agency has tasked UC with evaluating new methods that might convince more mothers of underage girls to have their daughters vaccinated, all on the taxpayer’s dime.

Acknowledge Your Dreams - Ann Albers - Saturday, 13 July, 2013 (posted 31 July, 2013)

Rejoice! It is a time of great change upon your planet earth and while everybody seems all stirred up, we in the heavens do not consider that a bad thing. For in reality you are being given an opportunity now in your lives, and hearts, to create change. As always, this change must begin from the inside out.

You will no longer be able ignore the truth in your own hearts. You will notice areas in your life where you were "settling" and no longer wish to "settle." You will see clearly what relationships, situations, and thought patterns truly serve your spirit and which do not. You will feel the stirrings and longings of dreams long forgotten. As always, when truth comes to the surface, be gentle with yourselves. When you look at the difference between that which you long for and that which you have created try not to fall into despair, feelings of victimization, or a sense of inadequacy.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 338 - July 31, 2013

Dear ones, you have been under the spell of this huge influx of energy for quite a while now, but still, some of you will struggle to find your balance in all of this shifting and rearranging. That is only to be expected, for as you all have your own indiviual setup, your physical body and indeed your emotional one will act accordingly. In other words, you might find yourself sailing in a slightly different direction than those around you at the moment, but do not let that worry you. For you will feel within just what is right and what is not, and there is no need to try to force yourself against the wind. Or in other words, even if many around you report much of the same, there is no cause for alarm if you feel yourself drifting off in a very different direction. For these winds will take you just where it is meant for you to go, and as such, as long as you follow your inner guidance, you too will find that safe harbour you seem to seek so futilely for at the moment.

Dana Mrkich – Letting Go Of Worry, Letting In A Solution – 31 July 2013

Dana Colour Pic NewIf there is anything troubling you in your personal life right now, worry about a certain issue be it financial/health/relationships/other, or an unhappiness with how something is going, imagine yourself holding a balloon containing the issue/worry. Really feel it’s all in there. Now let it go.
Ask that the Divine/God/the universe/your Higher Self please handle it in the best possible way for the highest good. Once you’ve done this, in the coming days, follow any feelings or intuitive nudges that pop up. 
You may get the urge to do something, say something or go somewhere. You may feel compelled to meditate or journal on something in particular. In that moment of divine inspiration you won’t necessarily remember your balloon exercise, but later you’ll look back and think, hmm how interesting I did that balloon thing last night and this afternoon I made that realisation that has helped me, or I read that book that’s been sitting unread for months and turned to the exact page that had an answer for me.
Letting go of worry creates the space for us to receive divine guidance and insight, offering ideas on new actions to take and creative solutions we may not otherwise have considered. It ‘untwists’ our hose that connects us to all that we need including opportunities, meetings with those who can help us, synchronicities and miracles out of nowhere.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2013 / www.danamrkich.blogspot.com / link to original article

Saul - Your lives are about to change, drastically and forever! 07/31/2013 by John Smallman

When your move into fully conscious living replaces your present illusory state of existence, as it very soon will, you will be so engrossed with the new environment you are busy adapting to that your interest in “what is to come” will have evaporated, because you will experience it as being no longer pertinent or of interest. In this new “now moment,” there is no future, nothing to look forward to, because there is only the eternal, joy-filled now moment.  You truly have absolutely no idea of the wonders to which you will soon be gloriously re-exposed, when you awaken into your natural and divine state as fully conscious entities at One with God.

Jesus - Openness is the key to growth July 31, 2013 by John Smallman

Humanity’s arduous journey home to Reality is almost done as the energies that are assisting you approach their peak intensity.  They will then move you onwards into an energy realm that will sustain you in a totally new and inspiring way.  You have been in the process of preparing to integrate with this new (to you) realm for the last several decades, and a part of that preparation has been to encourage and enable an enormous increase in your awareness of the interconnectedness. . .in fact, the oneness of all that exists.  Your modern scientific research has been responsible for a vast expansion of knowledge that has led to a much-needed collective decision to question and then reassess many of the premises on which all your belief systems are based – religious, political, sociological, psychological, educational, medical, and even scientific – and bring about essential changes to them and to the way in which the knowledge they offer is interpreted.

Energy Gifts Are of Earth Forever - Brenda Hoffman - 30 July, 2013 (posted 31 July, 2013)

Dear Ones,
Thousands of words have been written and spoken about the miracle of the next few days’ “Lion’s Gate” energy burst. Many relay that you will manifest all you wish. That you will be healed. That you will move into joy.
But according to many, such manifestations are true only if you chant this or do that. There are rules for this major boost. If you review those rules/dictates/actions, you will realize that these rules are yet again society dictates. Of course, if these rules or actions feel joyful, they are right for you. But please do not believe that you must do this or that within a certain period or you will not gain the manifestation boosts many are touting.