domingo, junio 07, 2015

The Arcturian Group ~ Channeled by Marilyn Raffaele ~ June 7, 2015

marilynraffaeleJUNE 7, 2015

Dear ones, rapid change is taking place for many by choice as well as by need.  The path of evolution can  difficult  up to the point at which a spiritual transition takes place and truth becomes one’s state of consciousness and  begins to manifest at that level.  Much of what is being projected into world consciousness through the media, churches, government, etc., simply no longer resonates with many of you.   Long standing life styles and traditions often involving friends and/or family are beginning to  feel old and finished.
Some beliefs  are easily left behind and no one even notices, but frequently attempts toward personal change serve to activate a period of intense questioning, judgement, and criticism from family and friends. This may cause the awakening student to doubt or even return to what is familiar, but because he has evolved and is no longer resonating with the past, he will not stay in what is finished.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - June 7-12, 2015

Beloved Ones,
As the days move forward there will continue to be more weather anomalies as the Earth strives to bring balance within. There are many ancient energies that were buried in the past now being brought to the surface. These are recognizable as feelings of sadness, anxiousness and worry, for in the past, many were the people who lived in constant fear, for their lives were not their own. They were subjugated and literally owned by others who controlled their daily lives with an iron fist. There was no empathy or regard for the sanctity of their lives and their lives could at any time be destroyed.

Ron Head - AA Michael - Construction Area - June 7, 2015

You are, at present, beginning to reconstruct your world into the type of place that the very biggest majority of you have longed and prayed for across the last several thousand years. You have asked for it, and it is time for it to happen. Your world is now a construction site, my friends. But we cannot build a safety fence around it to keep you from experiencing the turmoil. We cannot issue hardhats. You are living in the middle of the work area. What we can do is help to remember the truth about what is going on if you will only give some little credence to our words.

sábado, junio 06, 2015

Aisha North - Giving the water a voice - 06/06/15

To me, water is a sacred substance. Not only is it a vital component of life, it is also an important carrier of information. So when I was given a clear message to begin to create art after almost four years of channeling written information, I was not surprised when I was guided specifically to get out my water colours and brushes. I was told it was literally a way of “giving the water a voice”, to allow the energies in the water to interact with the energies I was channeling, and to make them visible through my creative abilities.

Arcángel Metatrón a través de J. Tyberonn - Impecabilidad Cristalina: Danzar Con Las Estrellas

(recibida de en 2011)

¡Saludos, Bienamados! Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz, y saludo a ustedes, a cada uno y a todos, con respeto y conocimiento. Saludo a cada uno individualmente en el momento exacto en que lee estas palabras vivientes en la esencia vibratoria del eterno AHORA. Los abrazo en amor.

A medida que se acerca la anunciada Ascensión, todo se abre alrededor de ustedes. La naturaleza de su Semilla estelar divina se expande en los reinos de la Tierra; ciertamente están danzando con las Estrellas. Estrellas de esperanza, amor e impecabilidad. Queridos, nosotros los del Reino Angélico estamos aquí para apoyarlos, para ofrecerles visiones de guía; pero depende de ustedes dominar sus desafíos en sus estadías en la polaridad y la dualidad. Estos son su vía de aprendizaje; incumbe a cada uno de ustedes enfrentar y resolver sus problemas. Los asistimos poniéndolos en contacto con su propio poder. Nuestro propósito no es resolver los problemas por ustedes, o interponernos entre ustedes y su propia libertad de discernimiento y elección dándoles "respuestas," incluso en los desafíos más complejos.

The DuPont Bloodline: One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world

The DuPont Bloodline

There has been no consistency among the Du Pont family members in the spelling they have employed to write their name.

The correct variations in spelling the Du Pont name are as follows: Dupont, DuPont, du Pont, duPont, Du Pont, and du Pont de Nemours. In English the second syllable is accented. In French, neither syllable is accented. The name has tended to be spelled du Pont for the family and Du Pont for business.

I decided for this article to standardize the spelling in line with this tendency.


Sitting down to write about the du Pont’s reminded me of two other families.
Recently, John Coleman, a researcher on the elite, commented to me that when he had researched the Queen of Denmark he had discovered that the royal danish family was slipping away secretly from everyone and they were going to Satanic rituals. It is also noteworthy that 5 modern kings of Denmark have been the leaders of Freemasonry in Denmark, and the Danish royal family, princes etc. have been active Masons.
John Dale wrote a book The Prince and The Paranormal which goes into the secret occult activities of the British royal family, especially Prince Charles, but also many other royal family members too. Besides the secret occult activities of the British Monarch, they have been openly leaders of Freemasonry ( see the Appendix of Be Wise As Serpents for a detailed chart on this.) The du Ponts are similar to these families in that they too are a dynasty, they too have a very public image, and they too have a totally hidden life. In fact, the du Ponts have better control over the press’s coverage of them than the British Royal Family.

WAKE UP Meditation ~ Solara An-Ra

viernes, junio 05, 2015

Pleiadian Broadcast, May 2015

Alcyon Pléyades 28-1ª: Profecías de la Élite. Avisos anticipados. Películas apocalípticas

Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn - Abrazar La Soberanía Sagrada El Divino Sendero De La Calibración -

Arcángel Metatrón a través de James Tyberonn
Publicada nuevamente en 2012 (a pedido)

Saludos, Amados! Yo soy Metatrón, Señor de la Luz, y damos la bienvenida a los aquí reunidos. Rodeamos a cada uno con un vector de Amor Incondicional creado especialmente. Un vector de espacio no lineal que se abre únicamente cuando cada uno lee estas palabras desde su propio espacio y tiempo elegido.

La fase actual de tiempo lineal en tu planeta es una coyuntura de oportunidad singular para un autoexamen y una soledad por elección. Maestros, muchos de ustedes, especialmente los mayores de 49 años, el séptimo ciclo de 7, se encuentran en estado de soledad; sus cónyuges ya no están, se terminaron sus relaciones y contratos maritales. Y aunque este sendero a veces es bastante solitario, bastante difícil, y puede que resulte "poco natural" para muchos, tiene su propósito. De modo que les decimos que usen este tiempo sabiamente, que lo adopten. Están en la antesala de una gran graduación.

Eden Sky- Awakening to Galactic-Gaian Natural Time!

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Navigating Dimensions Book: Getting Present to Get "Unstuck" (pg. 116-117)

UFO News: UFO Seen Crashing In The Netherlands. -UFO OVNI-

Kryon "Evolution of the Human Soul" - Calgary, AB, Canada Saturday May 23, 2015

Kryon "Mini - Evolution of the Human Soul" Calgary, AB, Canada Saturday May 23, 2015

jueves, junio 04, 2015

Dana Mrkich - Floating-Free Energy and Life Stocktake - June 4, 2015

There is a big free-floating feeling in the air these days. The more our consciousness becomes centred in our hearts as opposed to our minds, the more an 'unplugging' of sorts takes place. It is an unplugging of our former paradigm, including an unplugging of old beliefs that held our reality and identity together. More and more our awareness and focus is being brought into NOW, and so you may be finding it really difficult, detached even, to think about the past or future in the same way you used to. Recalling memories might feel strange, and planning for the future might feel like you are grasping at clouds that keep changing every moment.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

The Love from All-That-Is covers you and my 
Love flows into your heart. So it is today and in eternity.
Beloved Ones,
This time adulates Life, even if death is everywhere.
The world is devoted to Love, Even if the fate of this 
mankind still needs to be fulfilled and thereby hate 
and darkness appear again.
Everything shows itself in the Light now and before this 
world has been entirely stripped off, it is necessary to l
ook, to accept, to dissolve and to forgive, because truly: 
Forgiveness heals souls and forgiveness heals the world. 
God’s Grace and the Light from Heaven flow relentlessly to earth, 
so that you may ascend and arise.You shall no longer meet death, 
you, who serve God and who bear testimony of the world of Light 
to mankind.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - June 5, 2015

Beloved Ones,
I wish to have discourse on the quality of love known as diplomacy. This quality enables one to engage in spiritual practice in the midst of life, one that can bridge the external world with one’s inner world. The practice of spiritual diplomacy is one that harmonizes by bringing agreement and understanding through the reduction of the fear level within others in order to bring about a more harmonious world. It is a high level of spiritual discipline that one practices by being a living example in order to bring others in the direction of a world of harmony and peace. By being mindful and aware of what is happening in each moment, one becomes aware of the greatness and wholeness of all life. By cultivating the understanding of the spiritual beliefs of other cultures that has made them who they are today, one gains new spiritual insights. They integrate the spiritual aspects of life by practicing these precepts in their everyday life. By the practice of open hearted and open minded awareness, one is available to life as it exists around them, in the conditions in which one finds them, but at the same time they are aware of the improvements within self that are needed. These individuals thereby change themselves and the world around them through the understanding that there is a chance to change a way of being in each moment of the current now moment.

Shocked Crowd Records Large Fleet Of UFOs Over Canada! Best UFO Sightings May 2015

Emmanuel Dagher - The Crystals Speak - June 2015

Dear friend, 
I’m excited to reconnect with you again. Sharing in this space, where we get to honor each other in this way, is one of the things I cherish most, and for that I am profoundly grateful.
I am also grateful for all the heartfelt messages I receive from you, sharing your own personal journey of how you came to be the miraculous person you are today. It reminds me that we are truly all in this together.
There’s a lot for us to catch up on in this Energy Forecast, so let’s get right to it.
The Gap Narrows
In the past few weeks, a resurgence of light frequency from the celestial skies has been pouring into every single corner of the planet. This light has also been pouring into our biomagnetic sheath (auric field), body, and mind.
For a while, it appeared as though the two worlds (the world of Unity/Oneness and the world of fear/lack that have operated in the context of duality) were headed in completely different directions, creating a large gap between them.

SolaraAnRa - June Solstice 2015: Accelerating Your Path

Benjamin Fulford - June 1, 2015: Will the revolution finally come this autumn?

There are growing signs that world events will be allowed to simmer away until this autumn when there may finally be revolution in the West and an end to cabal rule. In fact, it is the moral duty of all aware people to make sure this happens and the West is freed from Babylonian style debt slavery.

The most likely trigger for the revolution is now expected to be Greece. The latest news on that front is that Greece will “bundle” June payments to the IMF. What this means, according to British MI5 intelligence, is that “if Greece bundles it’s June payments, it defaults to the IMF in early July, this will be reported by the IMF Managing Director after 30 more days followed by some 3-4 weeks of procedural talks inside the IMF.” In other words the crunch will come in September.

The fact is the Western banking system, notably the mega-banks, are already bankrupt. They are bankrupt based on the simple fact that, as a whole, Western countries have been importing from the rest of the world, mainly Asia, for the past 30 years using their credit card and the card has maxed out. The Western banks have been pretending this is not the case by creating hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of derivatives. These derivatives have very tenuous links to real world things such as Greek people’s income so, something like a Greek default would be enough to send the system into terminal tailspin.

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de las Energías de Junio 2015 - 1 de Junio 2015
1 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Mayo fue un mes difícil que tuvo poco que ver con el retrógrado de Mercurio aunque fue un factor. Escribí en mi Informe de las Energías de Mayo que era un mes para ‘tomar acción’ y lo era, pero la acción tiene que ver con muchas cosas además de subirnos al auto e irnos. Hay que hacer mucha preparación y planificación que nos lleva a la acción y eso es lo que significaba mayo. Aunque estaba lista para lanzar mi cohete al espacio exterior, no había verificado para ver si todavía estaba en la rampa de lanzamiento con todos los sistemas listos para el arranque. En mayo, cada paso intentado de avanzar nos traía algo más que debía despejarse y que era necesario para poder alinearlos con e integrar lo que estamos ahora listos para hacer en junio. En junio tenemos algunos desafíos, los mayores relacionados con avanzar luego de un largo período de falta de movilidad y libertad, permitiendo que soñáramos en grande.

Cosmic cinema: astronomers make real-time, 3D movies of plasma tubes drifting overhead

miércoles, junio 03, 2015

Natalie Glasson - Synthesis of the Divine Feminine by Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary -June 3. 2015

Natalie Glasson Sacred School of OmNa Channelled Messages, Wisdom and Light

It is with the grace of the Goddess and the Divine Mother that we, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary greet you. We come forth as representatives of the purest vibrations of the sacred feminine aspects, qualities and expressions of the Creator, so you may absorb and activate the same within your being. Let us welcome the purest vibrations of the Divine Feminine aspects of the Creator into our present ascension knowing that acceptance will lead to synthesis within your being and the universe of the Creator.

Upon the inner planes we, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary, are communing in unison, joining our energies together with a focus of synthesising the Divine Feminine aspects we represent to create a powerful unified surge of Goddess vibrations and power, which will impact and alter the Earth and inner planes. We, Lady Quan Yin and Mother Mary, have always been focusing upon unity and synthesis between our energies as Mother Mary represents one aspect of the Divine Mother energies while Lady Quan Yin represents a different aspect. When these two aspects are united we are all able to recognise fuller and more complete vibrations of the Goddess. Mother Mary upon the Earth has been known as a western figure of the Divine Mother, whereas Lady Quan Yin has been known to represent the Eastern figure of the Divine Mother. Many may perceive the energies of Mother Mary and Lady Quan Yin as the same, they both hold a powerful resonance and embodiment of the Divine Mother, some may even recognise them as the same soul, however we are two souls representing two aspects of the Divine Mother vibrations. The synthesis of the Divine Mother energies is our purpose in order to unlock the divinity and power of the Creator, bringing forth empowerment to all aspects of the Divine Feminine whether on the Earth or the inner planes. When the Divine Feminine is restored and empowered this will allow for nourishment and enhanced vibration of the Divine Masculine, thus the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine will become equal in vibration encouraging a full and complete merge where the concept of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are dissolved becoming a unified vibration of the Creator where aspects are no longer recognised as separate identities. Take a moment to imagine how this would impact the Earth, inner planes and most importantly your perspective.

Sarah Varcas - Reporte de Astro-Energía para junio del 2015 - Despertar Creativo - 1° de Junio 2015



Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
El mes comienza con una energía subyacente fluida y creativa, suave y no obstante poderosa, que nos hace recordar las corrientes profundas que fluyen debajo de una superficie tranquila. Es tiempo de abrazar nuestra creatividad, sea lo que ello signifique para nosotros. No tenemos que ser Picasso o Beethoven para hacer esto. No se necesita ‘talento’, no hay que cumplir estándares. Simplemente permitirnos abrazar la belleza del mundo natural, la mirada del alma en los ojos de los animales o el suave movimiento de la respiración en el pecho de nuestro niño mientras duerme – todas estas cosas y muchas más nos conectan con la belleza creativa del universo que por siempre nos demuestra su asombrosa maravilla aun cuando sigamos ajenos, cabizbajos, ajetreados otro día más.

Archangel Michael - Aligning with Higher Will. Living in Higher ConsciousnessChanneled by Meredith Murphy - 03 June 2015

Higher Perspectives
Message from Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy

Hello Divine Beings of Love,
Welcome to this beautiful connection in light. We greet you knowing you are changing your lives in subtle, yet substantial ways.
As you allow yourself to look within your heart and feel and get in touch with the deepest reasons why you want what you want, you are aligning with your higher self and with higher will in ways that will powerfully shape your experience.
Upgrading your alignment with higher will taps you into expanded momentums of life. It allows you to flow more energy and higher frequency energy in ways that will allow you to experience more peace, more grounded centeredness and for your life to unfold with more grace.

Valerie Donner - A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - June 3, 2015

Greetings, I am Mira.
         You are maneuvering in a time of paradox. What you thought was true is no longer. You are learning to embrace life differently. Have you noticed how much what you believed is falling away? This is part of the ascension process. You must learn how to embrace new truths in every aspect of life. The third dimension is no longer the important energy or way of living. It is old energy. This is part of the reason that many are being guided to let go of things, relationships, jobs, issues, beliefs and what is no longer serving them.
Your higher dimensional selves are presenting themselves. You are becoming new through and through. We think you will like who you are becoming. As the old falls away you will be happier beings. You will welcome every opportunity to explore who you are. You will become radiant Light beings in service to Source.

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Junio del 2015 - 1 de Junio 2015
1 de Junio 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El tema para junio es “ACCION CREATIVA”

Aquí la mejor analogía y descripción del mes:

Digamos que tienen una habitación en su hogar y que sintieron la inspiración de cambiarla, remodelarla y mejorarla. Digamos que es la cocina. Han estado tratando de determinar cómo hacerla más acogedora en apoyo a la vida de ustedes. Pero el espacio es pequeño y no han encontrado una solución que mejore lo que tienen en la actualidad, que ha funcionado bien hasta ahora, pero necesitan que su cocina esté mejor alineada con algo que ha cambiado en ustedes recientemente. Se sienten atascados en cuanto a encontrar la solución.

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians - Which Earth Are You On?

Barbara Marciniak - Pleiadian Predictions 2017 - Religion and Disclosure

The Freeman Bloodline: One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world

The Freeman Bloodline

The amazing thing about this family is that it is not a family that people would have thought of as being one of the top thirteen; however, for me as a researcher of the elite and the Satanic hierarchy, the name pops up with surprising frequency. For instance, Stephen M. Freeman runs the Legal Affairs Dept. of the Civil Rights Division of the Anti-Defamation League (which is a daughter of the B’nai B’rith). The ADL is a dangerous organization controlled by the hierarchy. The illuminati drug money to fund this organization. Another Freeman is Walter Freeman who introduced the lobotomy into the U.S. with James W. Watts in 1936. The frontal lobotomy was a brutal method of mind control, that has been permitted to be done to us, under the disguise that it is of benefit to humanity. Then there was Simon Freeman an important intelligence officer. And the list goes on of people that are in key places with the Freeman name. But the most important position of all which removes all doubt that the family is at the top is that the late Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion was Gaylord Freeman.
Independent discoverers of The PRIEURE DE SION.

What is the Prieure de Sion? Are we sure it exists? How does this relate to the hierarchy? The Prieure de Sion (Priory of Zion) was unknown to the general public until 1982 when a book co-authored by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln came out. The book was entitled Holy Blood, Holy Grail and it offered historical proof that an organization called the Prieure de Sion was powerful and had existed since the time of the early crusades (1099 A.D.). In 1991, I came out a little more information on the Prieure de Sion. The organization is so little known to even my readership, that we need to stop and really examine the Prieure de Slon.

Return! Mysterious Planet Sized Object Invisible Caught By SOHO

martes, junio 02, 2015

Morning Message from the Arcturians June 2, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Retooling, Refining - June 2, 2015

Dear Ones,
Much more is happening within your being than you realize. Even though many channelers have stated something similar the past few weeks, we wish you to understand how instrumental this time in your transition truly is.
Most of you remain between two worlds – that which you know and that which you are trying to envision. Neither is clear nor comfortable. Think in terms of knowing that someone is inventing a new transportation form, but you cannot yet conceptualize what form that new creation will take. Will that new transportation form be an updated electric car?

Benjamín Fulford - 02-06-15. ¿Llegará la revolución finalmente este otoño?

02 jun
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:
Imagen: empresas que colaboran con la ocupación israelí:
Hay indicios crecientes de que a los acontecimientos mundiales se les dejará cocer a fuego lento hasta este otoño, cuando finalmente podría ocurrir una revolución en Occidente y el fin del régimen del cabal. De hecho, es el deber moral de todas las personas conscientes asegurarse de que esto sucede y de que Occidente se libera de la esclavitud de la deuda de estilo babilónico.
Ahora se espera que el desencadenante más probable de la revolución sea Grecia. Las últimas noticias en ese frente es que Grecia “agrupará” los pagos de junio al FMI. Lo que esto significa, según la inteligencia británica MI5, es que “si Grecia agrupa los pagos en junio, queda como deudor del FMI a principios de julio, entonces el Director Gerente del FMI, después de 30 días más, seguidos por unas 3-4 semanas de conversaciones de procedimiento dentro del FMI, informará de ello”. En otras palabras, la crisis llegará en septiembre.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones! 
Whoever recognizes the mote in the other’s eye, 
without seeing the beam in front of one’s eye, 
has still not stepped onto the steps of knowledge. 
Whereof does the spiritual path fail? What are the causes 
that only few human Beings rise above their lower self?

Lack in Trust and Hesitation 
As it is necessary to entirely devote yourself to a process, 
which requires this trust, devotion is only possible due to trust! 
If the mind, the great doubter, announces itself and if it is given 
great space, then the path to the Light can neither be continued 
or be completed. Trusting and being without doubt – 
who is capable of it? There are few, very, very few.

Sheldan Nidle Update - 6-2-15

“Many final changes are taking place to ensure the success of what we do. As we stated last time, what is happening is the last fading of a system that has ruled this surface world with an iron fist for the past 13 millennia… “…[the] new system already operates in most of Asia and is coming on board in many parts of this globe. It is this prototype system that we last alluded to. In Europe and in Asia, this alternative is becoming strong and is being used to exchange funds across this world. The US Corporation realizes this and deeply senses that its time of reckoning has come.
“At present, there is a legal system that has declared the US Corp as bankrupt. Likewise, its companion, the Fed has been declared bankrupt. This is to become official once various other aspects of a new financial system are fully in place later in the year. Thus, the old system is living on borrowed time. A most magnificent moment is nearly ready to blossom.

Suzanne Lie - MorningMessage 6 2 15

Les nouveaux horizons de l'Humanité - la vie à bord d'une colonie spatiale - The new horizons of humanity - life aboard a space colony

02/06/2015 Une fois la quarantaine terrestre définitivement levée et le Premier Contact accompli, l'avenir du genre humain s'étendra bien au-delà de sa seule planète bleue : ceux d'entre nous qui le désirent pourront prendre part à la " colonisation " pacifique de notre proche banlieue stellaire. Des endroits tels que certaines bases à la surface de Mars et d'autres locations non-divulguées du système solaire - autrefois bastions du complexe militaro-industriel d'Orion - sont désormais reconvertis en lieux de plaisance entièrement aménagés par la Confédération Galactique : tous sont en cours de préparation pour recevoir les premiers terriens dans un futur proche. Beaucoup d'autres citoyens du cosmos sont également invités à peupler ces colonies, ce qui en fera des modèles de cohabitation galactique harmonieuse. Comme nous l'avons entendu récemment dans une œuvre de fiction très inspirée : " La Terre est le berceau de l'humanité, mais on ne passe pas sa vie entière dans un berceau " dixit Interstellar. Qu'on se rassure néanmoins, la Terre demeurera toujours la plus importante de nos colonies spatiales. Musique : Allegri, Gregorio-Miserere Réalisation 3d : Rama ( basé sur l’œuvre littéraire " Rendez-vous avec Rama " d'Arthur Conan C. Clark Chaine Youtube associée : Je ne détiens pas de droits d'auteurs sur cette œuvre, qui est la propriété exclusive de Rama. Note : Ceci n'est qu'une vision inspirée de ce que pourrait être la vie à l’intérieur de ces colonies. S'imprégner de ces visualisations contribue toutefois à l'action des Forces de la Lumière à des niveaux subtils.

lunes, junio 01, 2015

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Cosmic Weather - Full Moon Report for 6.1.15

The Body Temple, the Light Bulb and Crystal Visions
Hello friends. Ah it’s that time of year again for the Full Moon in Sagittarius along with the Sun in Gemini. Though I normally don’t delve into the other planetary aspects too much in my Full Moon reports, I do mention what I think is relevant. In this case it would be Mercury (Retrograde) and Mars both currently in Gemini. This Retrograde period as predicted and expected has offered us much more than the usual communication irritations and snafus. That is, for the folks really paying attention and I know you are dear readers! We’ve also had a strong presence of Neptune which is including the energy of the “depths” which is adding to the transformation potential and “aha!” moments.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Clima Cósmico - Reporte de Luna Llena para el 2 de junio 2015 - 1 de Junio 2015
1 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Luna Llena en Sagitario: El Templo del Cuerpo, el Bulbo de Luz y las Visiones Cristal.

Hola amigos. Ah, es esa época del año otra vez para la Luna Llena en Sagitario junto con el Sol en Géminis. Aunque normalmente no ahondo demasiado en los demás aspectos planetarios en mis reportes de Luna Llena, sí menciono lo que creo que es relevante. En este caso sería Mercurio (retrógrado) y Marte, ambos actualmente en Géminis. Este período Retrógrado, como se predijo y se esperaba, nos ha ofrecido mucho más que las habituales irritaciones y meteduras de pata en la comunicación. Eso es, para la gente que presta realmente atención, y sé que ustedes lo hacen queridos lectores! También hemos tenido una fuerte presencia de Neptuno que está incluyendo la energía de las "profundidades", que se suma a los potenciales de transformación y a los momentos "ajá!".

Lena Stevens y Patricia Liles - Actualización de Luna Llena 2/6/2015 - 1 de Junio 2015
1 de Junio 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

Luna Llena el Martes, 2 de junio a las 10:18 Horario de Verano de las Montañas

Esta luna está energizada, es inspiradora y sostiene la acción creativa e ideas de cambio radical, solución de problemas y nuevas formas de abordar las cosas. Vigilen la impaciencia y estén atentos a la frustración respecto a no ser capaces de hacerlo todo a la vez. Permítanse sentirse inspirados y entusiasmados porque lo que se les muestra es muy poderoso. Hay tiempo suficiente. Hagan una cosa a la vez y háganlo con entusiasmo.

Este es un tiempo especialmente bueno para cualquier cosa que se haya sentido estancada, lenta y confusa, para encontrar un nuevo enfoque creativo y pueden encontrar que de pronto, tienen mucho más apoyo respecto a un proyecto que lo que habían percibido originalmente. Permitan que el apoyo los ayude y que el movimiento fluya. Ahora está a su disposición una ola de energía centrada en lo superior que puede energizar la actividad diaria hacia un plano espiritual superior pero hará que las cosas se sientan un poco fuera de este mundo y menos ancladas. Para tomar ventaja de la influencia centrada en lo superior necesitarán confiar en otra cosa que no sea su mente racional.


Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 31 de Mayo al 7 de Junio, 2015
Traducción: Esther Abreu


En la medida que pasan a un mayor despliegue en la aceleración de eliminar las capas de sus percepciones humanas, se abren a energías cada vez mayores que llegan para ocupar su lugar. Estas comenzarán a abrirlos a los dones que llevan dentro de sí y que ahora surgirán en las formas más deliciosas. Tendrá los pensamientos más inspiradores y edificantes, pensamientos alegres que los llenan de anticipación y entusiasmo por los nuevos comienzos. Dejen que el amor abra una puerta más a la verdad de sus seres y de sus vidas. ¡Cuán bendecidos son, en verdad, porque han dialogado con los ángeles! Cada día ellos les muestran la realidad de su presencia de muchas maneras diferentes y les otorgan validaciones significativas del sendero en el que se encuentran. También hay muchos ángeles humanos rodeándolos, que los apoyan y les hacen saber que siempre están ahí para ustedes.

Sarah Varcas - June 2015 Astro-Energy Report - June1, 2015

Creative Awakening
The month ahead comes with a fluid and creative underlying energy, gentle yet powerful, bringing to mind deep currents beneath a still surface. It’s time to embrace our creativity whatever that means for us. We don’t have to be Picasso or Beethoven to do this. No ‘talent’ is needed, no standards to be met. Simply allowing ourselves to embrace the beauty of the natural world, the soulful look in an animal’s eyes or the gentle rise and fall of our sleeping child’s chest – all of these things and many more connect us with the creative beauty of the universe which forever demonstrates its awesome wonder even if we remain oblivious, head down, rushing through another day.
In this sense creativity is not something we do but a way of being. In appreciating the many shades of green in the springtime trees, the symmetry of reflection in a shop window, the love that went into a garden we pass, we align ourselves with the power of beauty which awakens the creative spirit. Too often we are led to believe creativity requires talent, gifts and an end product whose worth is affirmed by others. In fact creativity is simply our body doing what it does to keep us alive and our heart reaching out to connect with the world around us. This heart response to moments of beauty is our spirit rising up to be one with them, to claim its place in the creative dance of the universe.

Lena Stevens - June 2015 Monthly Forecast - Jun 1, 2015


The theme for June is “CREATIVE ACTION”.

Here is the best analogy and description of the month.
Let’s say you had a room in your home that you were inspired to change, to remodel, and to upgrade. Let’s say it is the kitchen. You have been trying to figure out how to make it more of what you want to better support you and your life. But the space is small and you have not come up with a solution that is better than what you currently have, which has worked fine up till now, but you need your kitchen to be better aligned with something that has recently changed in you. You feel stuck around solving this issue.
All of a sudden, maybe through someone else’s fresh eyes, you have a breakthrough and see something you have not considered before; to make the kitchen bigger, to expand the footprint, giving you more room in which to create your change. Now you feel inspired and energized and ready for action. The action brings an element of chaos, as things are torn apart and rebuilt and you push into a new space. It is messy and you think it will never be finished. But you are patient and hold on to the vision that inspired you in the first place.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Gran Historia de Amor Introducción - Regina, SK, Canadá, el 24 de mayo de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Muchos no han visto esto antes; en estos pocos instantes les diré otra vez lo que suelo decir: que el cerebro humano pasa por muchas maquinaciones de procesos de pensamiento para verificar la situación que se les presenta. Su cerebro no la reconoce; nunca la ha visto antes; por eso no necesariamente están preparados para sentir las energías que emanan de aquí. Provienen de todas las direcciones, la realidad de esto no está en la guía de la vida. No es algo que les hayan contado, no es siquiera necesariamente posible, por lo tanto algunos pasan por todos los procesos lógicos del análisis intelectual. Fuera de lo que mi socio dice, ¿qué otra cosa podría ser?

Ute Posegga-Rudel - MESSAGE FROM THE WATER: I AM THE MIRROR OF HUMANITY - Sacred Water Worlds - Jun 1, 2015

Dear Friends,
I was walking on the shore of the Atlantic, blessing and embracing the waters with the love of my expanded heart. The forceful waves seemed to pause for a moment and suddenly, while some becoming very shallow, small and translucent, they caressed my feet with great softness.

I stood and asked the waters:

Who Are you?
Who ARE you!
What is your true identity!
What is your mission and your function!
What is your work on this planet!  

Selacia - Naveguen las Olas Emocionales Durante la Luna Llena -5 Sugerencias Para Esta Semana - 31 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Tenemos una poderosa luna llena esta semana, el 2 de junio, en el aventurero Sagitario, que crea el escenario para el surgimiento de algunas corrientes emocionales subyacentes impredecibles en su vida. Las relaciones estarán al frente y en el centro, con las olas emocionales girando y captando su atención. En este artículo les doy algunas sugerencias para navegar estas energías y mantener las cosas en perspectiva.

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 6-2-15

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Tuesday, June 2 at 10:18 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This moon is energized, inspiring, and supports creative action and breakthrough in ideas, problem solving and new ways of approaching something. Watch Impatience and beware of frustration around not being able to do everything at the same time. Allow yourself to be inspired and lifted by what is showing up most powerfully. There is plenty of time. Do one thing at a time and take that action with enthusiasm.
This is an especially good time for anything that has felt stuck, sluggish and confusing to find a new creative approach and you may suddenly find that you have way more support around a project than you had originally perceived. Allow the support to help you and the movement to flow. There is a higher centered wave of energy available right now that can energize the daily activity to a higher spiritual plane but will make things feel a bit otherworldly and less grounded. To take advantage of the higher centered influence you will need to trust something other than your rational mind.

Blossom Goodchild - May 30th, 2015. - Jun 1, 2015

Here we are again! Happy as can be … well much better than I was, that’s for sure. Hello … How’s life in your neck of the woods?

With all Love and Gratitude for ALL THAT IS … we say welcome to Each One.

It cannot be denied that such change is going on for everyone. So much coming up to the surface and such a feeling of ... well, there’s no other word … CHANGE. Yet, I am assuming it is not THE CHANGE that you have been speaking of, over the years?

Jim Self - Planetary Update - June 2015

Selacia - Navigate Emotional Tides during Full Moon - June 1, 2015

We have a powerful full moon this week, June 2 in adventuresome Sagittarius, setting the stage for some unpredictable emotional undercurrents arising in your life. Relationships will be front and center, emotional tides swirling and getting your attention. In this article I give some tips for navigating these energies and keeping things in perspective.
This will help you begin June in a positive and powerful way, reducing the likelihood of re-dos and fixes. In my 2015 Predictions article I described the need this year to update the status quo in your life. This includes relationships, so vital to your progress and enlightenment. I’m mentioning this now because this week’s full moon is likely to shine the light on imbalances in your relationships – to yourself, to others, and to spirit.

Jennifer Hoffman - June Energy Report 2015 - June 1, 2015

May was a tough month that had very little to do with Mercury retrograde, although it was a factor. I wrote in the May Energy Report that it was a month for ‘taking action’ and it was, but action involves a lot of things besides jumping in the car and taking off. A lot of planning and preparation has to be done that leads up to the action and that’s what May was for. While I was ready to launch my rocket into the stratosphere, I hadn’t check to see whether it was at the launch pad yet, with ‘all systems go’. In May, every attempted step forward brought up something else for clearing and that was necessary so we can be aligned with and integrate what we are ready to do in June. In June we have some challenges, the biggest ones being stepping out after a very long period of feeling a lack of mobility and freedom, and allowing ourselves to dream really big.
After the first five months of 2015 June may feel like an easy ride but that will be the surface view. Remember the ducks that glide so effortlessly across the water? We don’t see their little feet paddling furiously beneath the surface. Flowing with grace and ease is accompanied by a lot of consistent effort, commitment, and intentional focus. Last month I wrote about separating the ‘wheat from the chaff’, and this is what we’ll see. Who is ready for change and who isn’t? We find out this month and it’s time to walk the talk.

Top 10 MYSTERIOUS Secret Societies

domingo, mayo 31, 2015

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Reclaiming Your Power - May 31, 2015

The Gabriel Message for this week:
No one has power over you unless you allow it to happen.
This is a very interesting message to receive. Sometimes we are not even aware that we are giving our power away to another person.
The message is not speaking about physical safety so much as the everyday situations when we disrespect ourselves and lose energy in the presence of another.
It is not only people; we also give our power away to the circumstances of our lives. The often colorful meanings and labels we attach to these situations amplifies our emotional state and can throw us us off center.

Marlene Swetlishoff/ - Hilarion - May 31-June 6, 2015

Beloved Ones,
As you step into a greater unfolding in the acceleration of the peeling away of the layers of your human perceptions, you open yourselves to ever greater energies that stream in to take their place. These will begin to open you to the gifts you hold within you which will now surface in the most delightful ways. You will have the most inspiring and uplifting thoughts, joyful thoughts that will fill you with anticipation and enthusiasm for new beginnings. Let love open a greater door to the truth of your being and your life. How blessed you are, in truth, for you have discourse with the angels! Each day they show you the reality of their presence in many different ways and bring to you meaningful validations of the path that you are on. There are also many human angels who surround you, support you and let you know that they are always there for you.

Crop Circles 2015 - Fox Ground Down, Nr Blandford Forum, Dorset - UK - 30th may 2015 - UFO 2015 UK

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Evolución del Alma Humana Introducción - Calgary, Canadá, 23 de Mayo de 2015
Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hay una pausa; siempre la hay. Un espacio pequeñito de tiempo en que mi socio se retira de un modo muy especial; su consciencia - o sea su parte humana - se hace a un lado. Yo uso todo lo que él tiene, es lo que él siente como amor, uso su intelecto, su idioma, su razonamiento, su lógica, todo aquí, para interpretar este mensaje desde el otro lado del velo. Estos son los momentos de dificultad, siempre los hay, y le pido poner un pequeño mensaje cada día al comenzar, para que ustedes puedan sentir, y discernir, y comprender, y tolerar - o no - el proceso de canalización.

¿Qué significa para ti oír esta voz, y qué estás oyendo realmente? Realmente. Estás oyendo un ser humano con su voz, entregando una energía y un mensaje de lo que te está oculto y que incluso es cuestionable. Sin embargo tienes algo dentro de ti, y ese algo en tu interior, ser humano biológico, no es biológico. Esa pieza de Dios que es una energía dentro de ti, está en cada ser humano, y esa es la parte que te dirá si esto es correcto o no.

Natalie Glasson - Your Current Flight of Ascension by Commander Ashtar - May 31, 2015

May 29, 2015
This time upon the Earth, which will span all of your lifetime, is a period of powerful awakening. Everything within you has the opportunity to awaken and blossom into the magnificence of the Creator; this signifies that the same opportunities are available within your reality and experiences. Never before have we witnessed such powerful awakening at an accelerated rate and with a greater conscious awareness. You are beings of awakening, you are supporting the conscious development and evolution of yourself and those present upon the Earth in your future. It is time to honour the emergence of the divine taking place within your being as this will magnify your experience tremendously.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Alma Antigua mensaje principal - Bali, Indonesia - 29 de marzo de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Siempre hay un sistema, y en este caso particular el sistema honra al alma antigua. Queridos, ya les hemos dicho: los que marcan la diferencia en el planeta, en este momento del tiempo, son los que tienen más experiencia. Y cuando decimos más experiencia, nos referimos a quienes han vivido una y otra vez en la energía de lo que ustedes llaman la Tierra.

Al ser humano experimentado que ha vivido una vida tras otra, le llamamos alma antigua. Me gustaría decirles algo, si todavía no lo sabían: las almas antiguas son las que están despertando. Una alma antigua puede tener menos de veinte años o más de ochenta, no importa. Porque la "antigüedad" se refiere a cuántas vidas has vivido y cuán sabio eres hoy a causa de eso. Incluso ahora hay quienes preguntan: "¿Soy yo un alma antigua?."

sábado, mayo 30, 2015

Suzanne Lie - Roadside Assistance--Arcturians and Galactic Family - 5-30-14

Roadside Assistance

Arcturians and Galactic Family
YOU are the creator of your life, but you are also the editor. Furthermore, there are many versions and frequencies of your SELF who may or may not be in alignment.
When all the frequencies of your SELF are in alignment, you have a clear flow through which you can experience your Multidimensional SELF from your lowest to your highest expressions of SELF.
Whenever you experience an octave jump in your consciousness, all the versions of your SELF who are not prepared for that expansion will fall out of alignment with the sum/total of your SELF.
This lack of alignment will often create an initiation, illness, accident; life issue because the elements of your SELF that cannot keep up with the frequency leap of the majority of your expressions will “get you attention.”
This misalignment will need to get your attention because a part of you is being “left behind.” Therefore, it might feel like you are driving a car with a flat tire.

Fran Zepeda - Mother Mary: ”In Pure Love Essence We Breathe Together” - May 30, 2015

Received May 28 2015

Hello beautiful LOVE BE-ings that you are. I come to you with the sweet LOVE ESSENCE that you ALL ARE — Complete and Whole in your Love BEing… In your sweet Love Essence. You breathe, pulse, and radiate Love with all that you are. Consider this as you tune into your quiet, still Heart Center. Love is all you are and all you are made up of. You are whole and complete in this Truth.
Many of you are feeling and discovering this. It is taking over your Reality. It feels simple yet very profound. You have allowed your Love Essence to emerge and stay at front center of your life now. It is the sweetness of BEing that you all have strived for. It is the sweetness of many lifetimes of striving to know and capture your True Essence. You have arrived. Yet, you still doubt it.

The Bundy Bloodline: One of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines that Rule the World

Who and what kind of family are allied with the top 13 llluminati bloodlines? The Illuminati seeks to capture the occult power of powerful occult bloodlines around the world. They have intermarried with American Indians to gain the spiritual power resident within the leading spiritual American Indians. Various Indian reservations are used for llluminati rituals. They have been doing this type of thing for thousands of years

Powerful families around the world participate on different levels with the Illuminati. Some participate on a business level- such as the various crime (Mafia type) families around the world. Mafia families might not subscribe to the occult philosophy but they do recognize power and business. Some powerful families around the world participate simply on the level that they have been sucked into the world’s system and are dependent upon going along with the flow of the world’s system. An example of this would be the King of Nepal. The King of Nepal rules aver a poor Hindu kingdom. The British empire has done a great job in trying to make Nepal dependent upon them. Nepal was given British protection, their leading families were given British educations, and their leading tribe of warriors, the Gurkhas have been serving as British mercenaries. Should the King of Nepal break loose from his advisers and take an anti-NWO track, his throne could be taken away via revolution, or invasion. The NWO has the capacity to arrange for the Indian Congress Party to invade or some other destablizing factor. The British MI-6 and the American CIA have also stationed assets (agents) in the country. However, the trump card in sucking nations like Nepal in, is to create conflict like the Cold War and then apply Hegelian dialectics. Many nations around the world have been forced to cosy up with the British and Americans, because of the cold war. Secretly manufactured and secretly controlled international conflicts are a great way to take away the independence of some of the smaller nations. The King of Nepal has for many years feared invasions from either India or China.

10,000 Year Old Statue Contains Coded Message About Human Origins

Jennifer Hoffman - ¿Por Qué No Entendí Esto Antes? - 25 de Mayo 2015
25 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Al final de una experiencia o lección de vida invariablemente nos preguntamos “¿por qué no entendí esto antes?” ¿No sería más fácil pensar que pudiésemos haber hecho algo mejor, más rápido o con mayor facilidad después que lo terminamos? Porque una vez que ‘entendemos’ una lección o llegamos a un nuevo nivel de entendimiento, se nos olvida por donde comenzamos y no podemos comprender por qué nos llevó tanto tiempo llegar al final. El tiempo se condensa en ese punto de entendimiento y todo lo que lo precede parece una gran pérdida de tiempo. Entonces nos juzgamos y criticamos por haber sido tan densos porque en este momento, todo nos parece tan claro y fácil. No podemos entender el por qué no pudimos llegar a ese entendimiento antes, pero todo era parte del proceso.

UFO - I have linked this NASA photograph.

SPECIAL REPORT | S0 News May 30, 2015



Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation.  I am being joined by a Host of the Angelic Realm and the Divine Feminine, and we are bringing you a Message of Light.  Today, we wish to discuss focusing your thoughts.
In the current times of higher vibrational energy, it is important to focus your thoughts.  Much new energy is reaching your planet, and this brings the opportunity for you to manifest your desires much more quickly.  It also offers you the opportunity to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. 

Focusing your thoughts can be compared to selecting a television station.  If you tune your thoughts to a frequency of daily mundane situations, then this is what will fill your consciousness.  This is the vibration that you will send out, and this is what you will attract to you.  The stronger your focus on these types of situations, the more of these situations you will attract to you.  It is the Universal Law of Attraction that like attracts like.

Brenda Hoffman - Te Estás Reconstruyendo - 4 de Mayo 2015
4 de Mayo 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Cada parte de su ser está cambiando rápidamente de lo que era a lo que es. Algunos de ustedes cuestionan esta frase porque no han sentido la alegría al grado que esperaban – de la forma que su ser 3D entiende la alegría. En su lugar, su alegría está sucediendo en milisegundos mientras se ajustan al nuevo ustedes.

¿Alguna vez han comprado algo que no les parece bien solamente para descubrir que ese objeto era exactamente lo que anhelaban pero no lo comprendían? Así es con ustedes ahora. El temor, el descontento de querer algo hacia donde mudarse, todo es parte de ustedes convirtiéndose en ustedes.

viernes, mayo 29, 2015

A Message to Lightworkers – May 29, 2015 | Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers – May 29, 2015
The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:
Greetings! We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you once again.
We look out upon your world, and we are astounded — astounded at the changes in human affairs, astounded at the shifts and transformations in surface life on your planet, and greatly astounded by the leaps and bounds taken in the evolvement of your spirits’ consciousness.
We would say in fact, that though it appears little has changed from even one or two months ago, that this could not be.
For the astrological shifts and occurrences, the amazing Light pouring in via Alcyone the Great Central Sun, the incredible celestial tones and frequencies held constantly by the Angelic realms, who are circling Earth in ever greater numbers — all of this ensures that your Ascension is moving forward quickly — as quickly as it can, without throwing your physical aspect into shock.

SaLuSa - 29 May 2015

The old system continues to break apart as it no longer serves your need to expand your levels of consciousness. Also those who serve your interests are largely working with the old energies and whilst they remain, making more progress into the Light is a very slow affair. However the Lightworkers do have a voice and those seeking illumination will be drawn to those people who can guide them along a suitable pathway. Your intuition has a major role to play in guiding you in the direction that best suits your needs, and sometimes there is karma involved that may require you to experience progress in a certain way. Be assured once again that nothing of importance to your evolution happens by chance, and all experiences have their value. Sometimes the reasons may not be immediately apparent, but often in retrospect you can begin to see the lesson to be learnt. In these end times some lessons have been harsh, but you would be well advised to take note of the message they have given. However, do not worry about your degree of progress, as providing you handle your experiences with the intent to learn from them you will evolve. In fact, you would not have reached this far had you not been walking your path of illumination.

John Smallman - You are, always have been and always will be, ONE WITH GOD! 05/29/2015

Time is running out!  Time is of the illusion, of the dream or nightmare, and dreams themselves last only a moment.  Yes, they frequently appear to occupy long and ongoing periods of time as your expectations, anxieties, fears, and hopes fill your minds with “what if” thoughts that distract you from living in the now moment, the only “real” time that exists.  The now moment is the eternal moment, the moment in which you were created and which never ends, there is, in truth, only now. Any other time, although seemingly very real, is unreal. That is very hard for you to grasp as you struggle with the endless selection of issues and situations the dream state constantly brings to your attention, which was the whole purpose for constructing it.  It is indeed very confusing for you because of the extreme and inordinate limits that you placed on the human vehicles that you built for yourselves so that you could experience as convincingly as possible the state of separation from God, our divine Source; or even apparent complete abandonment by that loving energy field in which all of creation has its eternal existence.