sábado, febrero 07, 2015

Judith Kusel - The Collective healing of trauma associated with war…. February 7, 2015

As Librarian I have had to often deal with life on multiple levels and read what no-one else would read in a lifetime – mainly because I was forced to read things I would not normally have touched with a ten foot pole, and mainly because of curiosity, or because other people had requested books, and I started randomly opening them and reading it.  In that I forced to open my mind and expand my thinking – something which has truly stood my good stead the rest of my life.
I inherently am a gentle, very sensitive and loving soul.  To find myself then in Museum Archives on the KwaZulu-Natal Battlefields, where my own ancestors had been involved in, and having to classify battles, list biographical details of officers etc. and assist tourists with information – mostly from British regiments involved in these battles.

Amazing High Speed Cloud Orb Caught Over Avare, Brazil, January 31, 2015

Tom Kenyon - Un Mensaje Planetario de los Hathors - Feb 3, 2015

Un Mensaje Planetario de los Hathors a través de Tom Kenyon
Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

www. traduccionesparaelcamino.blogspot.com.ar

Arroyo de Luz Hathoriano

Los Hathors me han estado pidiendo durante semanas que publique esta meditación de sonido, debido al estrés agudo que experimentan muchos individuos, y que continuarán sintiéndolo en sus vidas.

Esta meditación de sonido es suave y sutil, pero sus beneficios son amplios, en cuanto te permite liberar suavemente la tensión que surge de tus circunstancias actuales, y si eliges trabajar con ella incluso puede ayudar a liberar la negatividad de tu pasado.

viernes, febrero 06, 2015

The 'REPTILIANS' - A Predator Species Among Us - Not for the Squeamish!!

Plasma plane & the new energy network / written by the EM Ibrahim on 6th of Feb. .2015

Plasma plane & the new energy network

The operations are still ongoing in removing the plasma plane & closing the rift (veil) between the physical & the ethereal plane,  and there is a big operation took place in the last few days { in 3rd of Feb.2015 } to install the assembly point for the new energy network under the responsibility of the Pleiades first and then the Sirian, and the process has been successfully completed to establish this point which began in attracting the energies..

SaLuSa - 6 February 2015

Turmoil continues upon your Earth, yet at the same time the Light is continuing to increase adding strength to those who are spreading the Light. We cannot yet predict when it will become the dominant force, but that time is fast approaching. With the ever increasing levels of Light there can be no other outcome, and it is noticeable that more people than ever are ready to actively show their support for the Light Workers. As time progresses there will be a coming together of many more people, and their work will help to hasten the true beginning of Ascension. We encourage you to remain safely within your Light, and to not get directly involved in vendettas against the dark Ones. They will meet an end dictated by their actions against Humanity over Millennia of time. They have set the path in motion that leads to their demise, and an end to their actions against those of the Light.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Spiritual Compass Reset” – 6 February 2015

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. Well, we have an interesting dance with Saturn and Mercury and so life lessons, communications during a Mercury retrograde. We also have a lot of Love consciousness coming up to the surface and that’s really more about Self-Love. So Saturday evening, that’s February 7 is a really good, strong day for Love and if you’re not in a romance, then maybe work with your Inner-Love for self.
A beautiful mantra, simply “I Love me”, “I Love myself”, “I love every part of me” or “I love all the parts of me”. Play with the words until you find something that just makes you zing, like kind of a full body confirmation, what I call a Yum!, that it is powerful and that it is working.
Now really what’s coming up here are Saturn lessons and Saturn has been billed as being a stern teacher however you can work with any thing in life “with grace and ease, please”. So where I am going to direct you is to look at Life itself as being your absolute best teacher.

Dana Mrkich - ¡Corrijan su Manera de Pensar! - 3 de Febrero 2015

por Dana Mrkich

3 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


¡Nuestras mentes pueden atascarse en un circuito, repitiendo frases que nos mantienen literalmente atascados! Noté esto el otro día, cuando otra mamá me contó que estaban pensando en tener otro bebé este año. Dije "Nosotros también lo estamos intentando." Pero de repente me impresionó mi tono - ¡era tan sombrío! Podría haber dicho "¡Nosotros también estamos atascados, triste, triste! Ay, Dios, ¿es este tono depresivo la vibración que he estado teniendo respecto al tema? ¡Obviamente sí! Con una inspiración nueva, tomé su ejemplo y reinicié la primavera en mi pensamiento.

jueves, febrero 05, 2015

Humans are Free: How Human Aura Energy Field is Created and What Keeps it in Balance - Feb 5, 2015

  All humans have brains, but there are not so many who know how to use them effectively in order to harmoniously evolve together with Nature.

There is also the human heart which carries out vital functions of the human body. Human heart has to go through the challenging process of refining the feelings and emotions so we can enjoy a quality life.

The argument of what is more important, the Human Heart or the Human Brain, has been a cornerstone between scientific minds and followers of the spiritual beliefs.

What should govern human life – rational way of thinking or emotions?

Should we listen to our intellect or follow out heart? It seems that it is almost impossible to combine both of them, just like fire and water. Too much fire can turn water into air and too much water can put the fire down.

However, if you really know how to use both, you can find the way for them to work in a powerful synergy and create a steam engine. Nevertheless, scientists would most likely argue that the human brain is more significant than the human heart.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Understanding the Dynamics of the Crystalline Flame ~ Lord Adama - Feb 5, 2015

roses whiteLord Adama’s lecture on the Crystalline Ray is excerpted from the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light, January 14, 2015.

Greetings once again.
It is wonderful to be with everyone this week. What a pleasure for me. I hope it is a pleasure for each of you. It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.
How are you feeling?
Allow me to intuit from each of you how the energies are assisting you or possibly infringing upon your personal space in these moments.
The Crystalline Flame is probably one of the hardest Rays to incorporate physically. It assists us individually when we are going through times of conflict. To be able to intuit this ray through our Full Body System is truly the opening doorway of the crystalline body. We all know that these elements do not just happen automatically.

Selacia - Prepárense para 2015, Año de la Cabra - Febrero 3, 2015

por Selacia
3 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Si aún no han notado la sensación más ligera y optimista del Año de la Cabra, la notarán al avanzar el año. El Año Nuevo Chino comienza oficialmente el 19 de febrero, un día después de una poderosa luna nueva que es una de las seis súper lunas de 2015. Esta combinación prepara la escena para poderosos cambios de consciencia e innovaciones a nivel personal.

A Message from Mira from the Pleaidian High Council through Valerie Donner - February 5, 2015

 Greetings, I am Mira. I am working full time with the Earth Council. We are in profound preparation. This means that we are busy and in the throes of change. You are the focal point and we are in place to serve the earth. Let’s all work together.
We like what we see with the consciousness of humanity right now. Many are awakening and getting their hearts opened and their eyes filled with surprises. There will be plenty of surprises for you as the ascension process continues. There is a lot that we can do together for the earth along with the assistance of the entire enclave of our space family, the Masters, angels and Archangels, inner earth beings, as well as the elementals and nature spirits. We have spiritual tools to help spiritual people. We also have the technology and other resources to do what is required to hold the earth in place until the right time comes for a big shift.

Wes Annac - Transcending the Illusion of Time - Feb 5, 2015

Taken from Quotesvalley.com
Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
I wrote the following for the 132nd issue of The Culture of Awareness Weekly Newsletter, which I offer for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and you’ll find the option to subscribe at the bottom of this post.
To begin for this week, I’d like to give my perspective on the importance of transcending earthly concepts that can keep us from exploring or expressing our spirituality. There are plenty of things here on earth that stop us from shining our light, and one of the most confining concepts we experience is time.
As we’re learning, time is an illusion we’ve convinced ourselves is reality. While we won’t all-out transcend our experience of day and night if we stop paying attention to time (nor will the days, weeks and months cease to go by), we’ll make life a lot easier for ourselves because we’ll no longer let it confine us.

‘The Council’ via Ron Head: And What You Are, The One Next To You Is, As Well - Feb 5, 2015

councilThe Council: And What You Are, The One Next To You Is, As Well. Channeled through Ron Head, Oracles and Healers, February 4, 2015
We would speak with you on this day regarding several concepts that underlay our messages during this time. These will be familiar to many of you. They do, however, bear repeating. And it is also good for those who are aware of these things to remember that each and every day more of those around you are awakening and will need to begin remembering, will need reminding.
And why do we say reminding? That is because these are things which are very much an integral part of the masterful beings which you are, but which most of you were unable to take with you in your awareness when you were birthed into form. As you rise in frequency, you will become aware of these things, but we wish to aid you in doing so and thereby help the entire planetary consciousness in its journey. This is incrementally increasing in upward velocity day by day at this crucial time.

miércoles, febrero 04, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de las Energías de Febrero 2015


2 de febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En febrero el enfoque cae sobre el amor; febrero también es el mes en que celebramos el amor en el Día de San Valentín. Finalmente, un mes que empieza con una energía suave y poderosa, abriendo con una conjunción de Neptuno/Venus el primero, una energía hermosa que nos invita a explorar nuestra creatividad y pensar en cómo empoderar el amor en nuestras vidas, empezando por amarnos a nosotros mismos. Creemos que el amor sucede cuando nos aman, pero empieza por nosotros y por cómo nos amamos a nosotros mismos. El mundo es un espejo de nuestro amor a nosotros, y tenemos variaciones de este tema durante todo el mes. Esto es el amor espiritual que lleva al amor romántico a alturas que creemos que sólo existen en los cuentos de hadas. Podemos tener esta clase de amor si primero nos lo damos a nosotros mismos.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Clima Cósmico - Informe de Luna Llena para el 3 de febrero de 2015


2 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Luna Llena en Leo: Gobernando desde el Corazón. El tiempo de estar feliz es AHORA.

Hola, amigos. Bienvenidos a la Luna Llena más poderosa y exultante que hayamos tenido en bastante tiempo. Considerando los fuertes cambios energéticos desde mediados de enero, nos viene bien.

Muchas de las grandes enseñanzas espirituales de diversas tradiciones se refieren a la idea de que nuestra *verdadera* naturaleza es el Júbilo o Ananda - la Dicha pura del Ser. No hay nada que tengamos que lograr necesariamente para obtenerla, sino quitar lo que la oscurece, como las nubes cubren al Sol. Me recordó un plato colgado en la cocina de mis queridos padrinos, que tenía dos pequeñas muñequitas bailando, con la frase "El tiempo de ser feliz es ahora." Siempre me atrajo la imagen y el significado, aun de niña. Por simple que pareciera el mensaje, yo sabía que allí había algo.

Fran Zepeda – Higher Self Teaching: On Abundance and Manifestation ~ 4 February, 2015

Picture of me 5 (2)Received January 30, 2015 from my Higher Self, supported by Lakshmi, Lady Nada, and Yeshua:
Abundance is a matter of intention, in full alignment with your soul purpose, and keeping in mind and heart the knowing that all you desire is at your fingertips, that all is present in your immediate Now for the taking. It becomes manifest with your full alignment with your intentions, for the highest good of all. Believing it is so, believing it is possible, is key.
Nothing is impossible. It just requires a sustained living in the energy of the intention — feeling, seeing and abiding by all the elements that make up your desire, as if it is happening now in this moment. You live constantly in that energy and it becomes manifest.

Suzanne-Lie - The Void Before the Opening -- Arcturian Message - 1-4-15

The Void Before the Opening
Arcturian Message
The void before the opening is much like “the darkest night just before dawn,” but with a multidimensional twist. The difference is that the void will offer you as many possible realities as you can imagine. In fact, the only limitation to the myriad options of reality that you can experience is your own ability to trust your imagination and KNOW that imagination is fifth dimensional thought.
Since the void is NOT bound by time or third dimensional thinking you cannot enter it with your third dimensional consciousness. However, the void contains all the portals to all the dimensions. The only limitation is your own state of consciousness. If you enter that void while in fourth dimensional consciousness, you will only experience the possible realities of your fourth dimensional multiple, parallel and alternate realities.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Mother Sekhmet : Your Are The Chosen Facilitators Of The Shift – 4 February 2015

VIDEO (recommended)
I AM speaking to you, because I AM one of your guardians who are protecting your awakening process and your light. And who is protecting the manifestation of your soul purpose against all odds.
Powerful events are going to unfold shortly. I ask you to be prepared and to allow yourself to receive good news with joyful expectancy.
Please raise your energies and light frequencies now in order to support what is going to happen with the intent of the Divine Light- Forces.
You are at a crucial turning point in your history – and it is important to tune now into the frequencies and events that will change your world dramatically.

martes, febrero 03, 2015

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - February 3, 2015

This is to be a time when you are to be exposed to freedom and a new and much fairer monetary system.

from PAO ~ Planetary Activation Organization ~ www.paoweb.com

8 Ik, 12 Yax, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We arrive with more news on the progress being made to alter your world’s reality. The many members of our Earthly allies are beginning to reach the delivery portion of their numerous prosperity programs. The dark cabal has been unsuccessful in preventing our allies from preparing the means to safely deliver your many blessings. The delivery of these various funds is part of a grand operation to switch your world to a new financial system. This progress is then to lead to new governance and the formal end to the debt slavery, which you have endured mercilessly in one form or another for the past few millennia.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Now is the Time to Let Go of Fear - February 3, 2015

For this week’s issue the message from Archangel Gabriel is about letting go of fear and stepping into our new life with more Faith.
The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Now is the time for those who believe to let go of fear, and reach their hand forward to be held and led by the Angels of Light.
To me, this message represents the epitome of Faith and the essence of Archangel Gabriel’s teachings. It provides a coaching for the correct attitude to hold as we take our first steps into the unknown promise of the second month of 2015.

Selacia - Prepare for 2015 Goat Year - February 3, 2015

If you haven’t already noticed the lighter and more optimistic feel of the Goat Year, you will as this year unfolds. The Chinese New Year officially begins February 19, a day after a powerful new moon that’s one of six super moons of 2015. This combination sets the stage for powerful shifts in consciousness and breakthroughs on a personal level.

Jahn J Kassl - WE ARE EMPOWERED BY GOD! ASANA MAHATARI - February 3, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Report: My brother Karl is with my son Noah and they play 
with each other, as Noah suddenly says: “Uncle Karl, you, 
I was already in Heaven…., But now I am here.”  
(End of report)

Beloved Ones,

and this truth applies to all human Beings and foremost 
to those, who are conscious of their heavenly reality and 
their earthly reality: the light warriors of the first and last 

Kryon - Sylvan Lake, Canada Main Channeling January 24, 2015

Simbolismo Illuminati en el Planeta


Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 2-3-15 - February 2, 2015

Print this page
Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Tuesday, February 3 at 4:08 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

Tell the truth to yourself about what is becoming obvious that needs improvement in your life. At the same time, acknowledge with gratitude the fullness and completion of what is being left behind as you move to improve what needs it.
Honor all you have learned and accomplished and embrace the wisdom that you are now empowered with because of it. You can now begin to release what no longer serves you and move towards a plan for improving that part of your life or that situation. If it is something big in your life that you have realized needs a change, you may wish to do some kind of ritual around its release. Honor the open space and fullness of the opportunity that the space represents for something new and improved to come into your life.
This full moon is rich and vibrant and full of the promise of something wonderful. So as you contemplate it and move towards something better, stretch your imagination to include a more expansive dream. Expect it to be more than you could ever have imagined.

Actualización de la Luna Llena del 3 de Febrero de 2015 por Lena Stevens - 2 de Febrero 2015

2 de Febrero 2015
Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos Amigos,

La Luna Llena es el martes 3 de febrero a las 4:08 pm. (Hora de las Montañas)

Reconoce la verdad de lo que se está volviendo obviamente necesario mejorar en tu vida. Al mismo tiempo, reconoce con gratitud la plenitud y terminación de lo que ha quedado atrás a medida que te mueves para mejorar lo que se necesita.

Honra todo lo que has aprendido y logrado, y abraza la sabiduría de estar ahora empoderado gracias a eso. Ahora puedes empezar a soltar lo que ya no te sirve y moverte hacia un plan para mejorar esa parte de tu vida o esa situación. Si te has dado cuenta de que lo que necesita cambiar en tu vida es algo grande, puede que desees realizar algún tipo de ritual para su liberación. Honra el espacio abierto y la plenitud de la oportunidad que ese espacio representa para que llegue a tu vida algo nuevo y mejor.

Christine Meleriessee - Taming the Lion Within - Feb 3, 2015

Taming the Lion Within

LionOn February 3rd, 2014, 3:10 PM Pacific, 6:10 PM Eastern (23:10 GMT) we experience the Full Moon in February which brings for the essence of Leo within the sun sign of Aquarius.

This full moon brings us the essence of an upsurge of an energetic push which represents the Lion within us.  The lion can represent our lower egos, wanting control of our lives, being aggressive, and seeing things from the way we have done them in our past.  2015 represents the year to access the Divine Love within us, and this moon helps us to go deeper into that reflection.  It is bringing in this push from the ruler of the Lion which is usually very fierce pushing through many doorways that others would not be able to achieve.  This energy is softer but still so very powerful.

lunes, febrero 02, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Super Beings - February 2, 2015

Dear Ones,

Many of you were excited about what you term, the Super Bowl – supposedly the ultimate football game. One team is the supreme winner – until the day after the game when everyone starts guessing which teams will participate in the next Super Bowl. It is not that observing 3D traditions is wrong, merely that super anything is short-lived in the 3D world.

Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 1° al 8 de febrero, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Cuando dejan ir todas sus viejas ideas y expectativas de cómo deberían ser las cosas y se abren a las nuevas dimensiones de la realidad que están emergiendo, están, individual y colectivamente, siendo direccionados hacia el siguiente paso en su camino y a la gran tarea que están desempeñando en el plan general del viaje evolutivo de la humanidad. Presten atención a las tendencias que se muestran a través de las palabras en conversaciones con otras personas, los libros que leen ahora, las historias en los medios de comunicación y las películas que ven. Con mucha frecuencia, el Espíritu trabaja a través de estas vías para hacer tomar conciencia de la dirección que cada uno de ustedes, y el colectivo mayor, están atravesando ahora. Todo esto suministra consejos y pistas de lo que se adelanta en este momento para orientar y direccionar. Ustedes sabrán el camino a seguir estando en quietud y escuchando la pequeña voz interna. Al hacer la conexión con los aspectos superiores de su ser, se toca la fuente eterna de lo divino que es la verdadera fuente de su poder. Cuando se alinean con la voluntad divina, ello invita a la resolución y manifestación de todo lo que tienen que entender sobre la comprensión de su verdadero propósito de estar en el planeta en este momento del ahora.

Sarah Varcas - Febrero 2015 - Informe de Astro-energía - Borrar toda la pizarra - Feb 1, 2015

Por Sarah Varcas

http://astro-awakenings.co.uk/ 1 de febrero 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Borrar toda la pizarra
Sarah Varcas

Parece que febrero promete ser uno de los meses más poderosos del año; probaremos los primeros sabores de la cuadratura de Saturno/Neptuno dispuesta a dominar el 2016. Si queremos llevar la iniciativa en esa cuestión, podemos usar este mes para discernir cuáles creencias nos mantienen atascados; la necesidad de garantías antes de actuar impide el progreso, o el deseo de trascendencia nos impulsa a dejar de lado las cosas mismas que podrían catalizarlo en el largo plazo. Estos socios cósmicos nos recuerdan que no podemos liberar lo que nos negamos a abrazar, y no podemos superar los desafíos si los evitamos; sólo lo haremos con el compromiso a atravesarlos y a ser transformados en ese proceso. Este contexto de por sí nos provee todo el combustible que necesitamos este mes para nuestro viaje, ¡pero sólo es una pequeña parte de lo que reserva el Cosmos!

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Filtros Akáshicos - Sylvan Lake, Canadá, domingo 25 de enero de 2015


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio se hace a un lado, y todo lo que él es permanece como humano. Los mejores tipos de canalización requieren que el lenguaje humano llegue a través del humano. Hay todo tipo de canalizaciones, como ya les dije, está el arte, la música, la escultura y más. Pero la estructura que está en el lenguaje llega a través de los humanos. Tiene que ser así. Y eso es en honor de la humanidad, es en honor de la forma en que funciona el proceso, del Dios interior.

Las instrucciones a partir de un humano significan más que lo que ustedes saben. Si vinieran de una roca o un árbol, ustedes tendrían una milagrosa tendencia a rendir culto a la roca o al árbol; alguien objetaría y quitaría la roca o talaría el árbol (se ríe). Si viene a través de un humano, podría haber quienes disientan, pero también habría quienes discernirían y sabrían. Porque el humano trae en sí un atributo: el Dios interior. Entonces es menos esfuerzo para la imaginación pensar que tal vez el ser humano puede extenderse y traer a la divinidad.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - La Evolución Revelada (Introducción) - Sylvan Lake, Canadá, 24 de Enero de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nuevamente mi socio se hace a un lado y se lleva sus filtros humanos, los paradigmas que ha usado sobre lo correcto y lo equivocado, lo bueno y lo malo, lo apropiado y lo inapropiado, porque cada ser humano individual crece con toda una serie de verdades. A veces se basan en lo que tus padres te dijeron, a veces lo aprendiste en la escuela, a veces es lo que te dijeron tus maestros, tanto espirituales como educadores. Y eso es lo que adoptas como verdad. Queridos, eso se interpone en el camino, y lo hace sólo porque está ocurriendo un cambio extraordinario.

Astral Travel, Out of Body Experience & Near Death Experience Explained [FULL VIDEO]

Sarah Varcas - Wiping the Slate Clean - Feb 2, 2015

February looks set to be one of the most powerful months of the year, in which we taste the first flavours of the Saturn/Neptune square set to dominate 2016. If we want to find ourselves ahead of the game at that point, we can use this month to discern where beliefs keep us stuck, a need for guarantees before action prevents progress or a desire for transcendence causes us to side-step the very things which can catalyse it in the long run. These cosmic partners remind us that we cannot release what we refuse to embrace and we cannot overcome challenge with avoidance, only with commitment to journey through and be transformed in the process. This backdrop alone provides us with all the fuel we need for our journey this month, but it forms only a small part of what the cosmos has in store!

Benjamín Fulford - 01-02-2015. ¿Por qué una agencia de planificación futura? - Feb 2, 2015

02 feb
Fuente y comentarios en inglés:  http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/02/02/why-a-future-planning-agency/
Cuando llegué por primera vez a Japón en 1980 me quedé sorprendido de ver peces nadando en los ríos en el centro de Tokio. El Japón de la década de 1980 era, para muchos estándares, la nación más avanzada en la Tierra. En 1985, después de décadas de crecer económicamente como la espuma, tenía el mayor ingreso per cápita de la Tierra, la menor brecha entre ricos y pobres de cualquier país desarrollado y un entorno natural muy saludable. También era la mayor nación acreedora en la Tierra, tras suministrar coches, electrónica y otros bienes al resto del planeta, a menudo a cambio de pagarés.

Lena Stevens - El tema de Febrero es el MEJORAMIENTO – Febrero del 2015 - Ene 31, 2015


30 de Enero 2015
Traducción: Ma. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El tema de Febrero es el MEJORAMIENTO.

Este mes nos apoya para mirar cuidadosamente qué necesita mejorar en nuestras vidas y tomar medidas en esa dirección. Puesto que Mercurio aún está retrógrado en la primera parte del mes, tenemos abundantes oportunidades de pausar, repensar y reagrupar. Este mes tiene que ver con dar muchos pasos pequeños y ajustar su dirección a medida que se dan. Esperen cambios a medida que lo que necesita mejorarse se vuelve obvio.

El tema del MEJORAMIENTO echará luz sobre lo que sea que lo necesite. Lo que no esté a la altura de la calidad que deseas en tu vida se volverá obvio (a veces, dolorosamente) y el modo de usar este mes consiste en ser proactivo sin caer en la impaciencia o en el martirio (los dos obstáculos del año). El modo de perseverancia (el modo del año) viene bien para apoyar cualquier compromiso que tomes contigo mismo para mejorar una zona de tu vida. (La personalidad del año se explora en TRENDS 2015 - Tendencias 2015)

Suxanne Lie - Returning to the Corridor--Arcturian Message to Gaia's Portal Openers 2-2-15

Returning to the Corridor
Arcturians Message to Gaia’s Portal Openers

We appreciate all that our volunteers to wear an earth vessel have undergone and are striving for. We further appreciate all that you have shared with humanity and with Gaia. The power of your unconditional love, multidimensional power and infinite wisdom has been an immeasurable gift to planetary ascension.

We know that as you awaken enough to realize that ascension is a possibility, you remember that you are already ascended within the myriad expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, your gifts become even more pure and unconditional, as you realize that there is no “pay off” for your labors.

domingo, febrero 01, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - February 1, 2015: Why a future planning agency - February 1, 2015

By Benjamin Fulford

February 1, 2015

When I first came to Japan in 1980 I was amazed to see fish swimming in the rivers in downtown Tokyo. Japan of the 1980’s was by many standards the most advanced nation on earth. By 1985, after decades of sizzling economic growth, they had the highest per capita income on earth, the lowest gap between the rich and poor in any developed nation and a very healthy natural environment. They also were the greatest creditor nation on earth, having supplied cars, electronics and other goodies to the rest of the planet often in exchange for IOUs.

One of the reasons I chose to go to university in Japan was to study the system that had made this miracle possible. This is how it worked. Japan’s government was run by a combination of highly talented bureaucrats, industrialists and politicians with deep roots in their local constituencies. They presided over a system that was a combination of central planning, free market capitalism and socialism.

Marilyn Raffaele – The Arcturian Group – 1 February 2015

marilynraffaeleWe come again dear ones, to speak of love and oneness, for in reality there is nothing else. Accepting this has proven difficult for many, because outer appearances testify to separateness. Society promotes and functions from this viewpoint and it is what you have taken for granted through many lifetimes. Yes, indeed the many do appear separate, but it is individuality within ONE omnipresent Consciousness that you see.
As you mature spiritually there comes a point where you no longer judge by appearances because you understand that what you see is the mind interpretation of ever present spiritual realities. This is why the world has been called “illusion” by so many enlightened masters. The world is not illusion, how it is perceived is the illusion.

James Tyberonn - Ancient Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra Projecting Purple Orb

The Real Roswell Alien Film?

Brenda Hoffman - ¿Es su Alegría Algo del Futuro? - Ene 26, 2015

26 de Enero 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Ustedes escalaron su montaña y son libres – todavía no han aceptado que lo son. Están parecidos a los elefantes entrenados desde la infancia a mantenerse en un área con una cuerda de la que pudiesen zafarse como un adulto.

Tom Kenyon – Hathorian Stream Of Light – A Hathor Sound Meditation – 1 February 2015

tomkenyonThe Hathors have been asking me to post this sound meditation for weeks due to the extreme stress that many individuals are experiencing and will continue to experience in their lives.
This sound meditation is gentle and subtle, but its benefits are extensive, in that it allows you to gently release tension that arises from your present circumstances, and if you choose to work with it further it can help release negativity from your past.
The meditation is 12 minutes long and is best listened to with stereo headphones or earbuds. If you have the space to do so I suggest you lie down and prop your legs up so that they are higher than your head and chest as this simple position will assist you to relax more deeply.
Breathe in long slow comfortable inhales and gently relaxed exhales, letting each exhale be more relaxed than the one before it.

Planetary Update - February 2015

Aisha North - Welcome to the February Gathering around the Pond, Sunday February 1

Dear family of light! Once again we are about to enter a new month, and once again we have the opportunity to come together and “pool our resources” as the CCs like to say. For this upcoming Sunday is February 1, and at 21:00 Oslo time we will have our monthly Gathering around the Pond. This is what the CCs wanted to share about it:
“Rejoice dear ones, as you have once again elected to be a part of this wondrous collective that is furthering the development of this evolution. For you are the awakened ones, the ones that have chosen to go where no man has gone before, and to do so with your eyes and indeed your hearts wide open. And once again you will do an important collaborative exercise where you will be guided to come together in a very new way, based upon the current level of frequencies that you as a group now represent. And let us simply say that it is more than impressive, for over the last period of time, you have managed to acquire quite a few new strings to your formidable instruments as we have already told you, and we venture to guess they will be more than ready to be tried out as you sit down to engage in what can only be described as a veritable flood of activity.

TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA: The End of Religion and Review of Lab Rats

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 1 February 2015

marlene1-1Beloved Ones,
As you let go of all your old ideas and expectations of how things should be and open yourselves to the new dimensions of reality that are coming forward, you are individually, and collectively, being given the direction of the next step on your path and the greater part you are playing in the overall plan for humanity’s evolutionary journey. Pay attention to the trends that come up through the words in conversations with others, books that you are now reading, the stories on the news media and the movies that you are watching. Quite often, Spirit works through these avenues to bring awareness to you of the direction each of you and the greater collective are now traversing. These all offers hints and clues of that which comes forward at this time to give guidance and direction. You will know the way forward by being still and listening to still small voice within you.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Informe Optimo para el 26/1 – 1/2/15


26 de Enero 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Hola amigos. Esta semana tenemos el movimiento de Venus que ciertamente impacta las áreas de relaciones/belleza/valor de nuestras vidas. Ella se está moviendo desde una posición más leve y desapegada (Acuario) al profundo, acuoso y compasivo Piscis el jueves, 27/1.

Christina Lunden - 2015: This is the Year of Answered Prayers - Part 2 - February 1, 2015

I get a message to share with you at the beginning of each year with the essence of the coming year so you know what to expect and how to prepare. Here is more about that multi layered message.
The lowest layer is that the crazy and chaotic we are going to see this year is going to hit epic levels. The violence will continue to escalate all the way through the year. And unfortunately, we will see more women and children involved in causing the violence / terrorist attacks. Evil is making itself known all around the world.
On the next level up, people will lose even more this year in money, jobs, health and security. With what has happened in the last few years, it doesn’t seem possible but there is more to come. Some people who haven’t been touched in recent years will be surprised by the circumstances that come up in their lives this year. The times for the crashing down of the Earthplane has not peaked yet. There are some things happening that didn’t need to because people are not listening to their souls or looking at a bigger picture of why they are here, which is unfortunate.

sábado, enero 31, 2015

Crystals Skulls 2015 & Beyond - The Sacred Codes

Mahala – Planet Alert February 2015 – 31 January 2015

MahalaBy Mahala Gayle, on January 30th, 2015
I can’t believe we are almost in February, where does the time go? Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday it was Christmas?  As I am writing this article (January 26) a large Asteroid just passed by Earth and a major storm is in the process of happening on the East Coast. When there is a disturbance in the heavens something always manifests on Earth. As above, so below.  It was also a manifestation of the moon triggering the Uranus/Pluto square and Pluto affecting the East Coast. Mercury, which rules storms, was retrograde in Aquarius and Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius.

Linda Robinson – Archangel Zadkiel Message – “Manifesting With Highest Intent” – 31 January 2014

February 2015
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light from the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today, we would like to discuss manifesting with highest intent.
You are living in a sea of unmanifested light particles of energy. This unmanifested potential spans across many dimensions from the third dimension to the multi-dimensions. One dimension blends into the next, and the energy resides at the level of compatible frequency.
Although you are currently in a manifested form, you are at one with the unmanifested energy. It is as if you are swimming in an energetic ocean of unmanifested potential. When you focus on this aspect, you realize that there is no separation between you and all of creation. Therefore, you know that you have a great influence on the creations that are manifested from this energetic potential.

Ron Head - Many will look back and say, “What happened?” – The Council - Jan 31, 2015

The Council
We will illustrate today’s message by asking you to picture a drop of water falling into the bottom of a wooden bucket. Now this drop does not realize that she is not alone, but in fact, will be followed by two more drops, as will each of them. As the first drop lands in the empty bucket, it splatters. And it seems as if the effect is only a small damp spot on the bottom of the bucket. And then the two following drops land in widely spaced spots. There is still no apparent buildup of water in the bucket, but now there are four more drops on the way.

Suzanne Lie - Gamma Conscousness

Lena Stevens - The theme for February is IMPROVEMENT - Jan 31, 2015

This month supports us to look closely at what needs improvement in our lives and take some action in that direction. Since Mercury is still retrograde for the first part of the month we have plenty of opportunity to pause, rethink and regroup. This month is about taking many baby steps and adjusting their direction as you go. Expect change as what needs improvement becomes obvious.
The theme of IMPROVEMENT will shine light on what needs it. What is not up to the quality you wish to have in your life will become obvious (sometimes painfully) and the way to use the month is to be proactive without going into impatience or martyrdom (both obstacles of the year). The mode of perseverance (the mode of the year) comes in handy to support any commitment you make to yourself for an improvement in some area of your life. (The personality of the year is explored in TRENDS 2015)

Eliza: Epiphany - January 31, 2015

Paradise River
Eliza: Epiphany
I’ve been quiet of late, giving myself time to let go of what has gone before and allow the new to enter in. One needs to do this from time to time. It’s called taking stock, considering if you still resonate with the direction in which you have been going, or if there is something drawing your attention… something “new”.
As I have written in past posts, my path has been a zigzag, going in one direction and then another. This pattern tends to throw off people, to catch them off-guard. No matter. I need to follow my inner guide, not what is being told to me by others.
For a time last year, I followed a star that wasn’t my own. Now I am endeavoring to re-discover and listen within, seeking guidance forward from this point. I’m not concerned about the pace or manner in which discovery will occur, for I have faith that I will have what I need when I need it. This is faith in my inner guidance that has always served me well.
At lunch, I was reading Book #13 of Kryon: The Recalibration of Humanity. In the very last part of the book, Kryon is addressing the Three Winds. The last one is the Wind of Transition or what our culture has called “death”.

viernes, enero 30, 2015

Wes Annac - The Voice Within: Everyone’s Waking Up - Jan 30, 2015

Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2014
Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2014
Everyone on your evolving planet is waking up in their own way, and some awakenings require an enthusiastic exploration of the spiritual concepts that are popular in your day and age.
Other awakenings happen in different ways, and you can be assured that everyone’s becoming aware and there’s no need to worry about an absence of awakening.
There will be no such absence, because the work those of you who’ve awakened have done so far is allowing everyone who’s been lost in the unawareness that comes with living on earth to shed their unawareness and open up to a life that was once beyond their wildest dreams but is now easily accessible.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Time To Change Perspective! Radically – Or Not? – 30 January 2015

Video (recommended!)
We should be Happy, because this is our natural State of Being.
If we are not, it is because we buy into all that stuff that we are NOT.
It is time for humanity to free ourselves from all that rubbish we have being hanging on for millenniums. It is time to recognize that we lived from a wrong point of view, and now it is time to change the perspective! Radically, – or not?
What perspective? The idea that we are a body-mind-complex who lives in such and such a world. While it is true, that we have had enough of all these betrayals, false images, beliefs, strange experiences, shortcomings, frustrations, fears, angers, and so on, by experiencing this stupid limitations of a world that we allowed to be governed by a few absurd individuals who shrinked ridiculously away from the forever Unobstructed Radiance of Truth – we also  might come now to understand that this is not anymore about exchanging black suits with white suits.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Accomplishments” – 30 January 2015

DjwhalKhulJanuary 29, 2015
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. I’ll take a moment here to work my way a little deeper into the channeled state. Those of you who practice channeling know you sometimes get that instant deep connection and other times it sort of sinks in more slowly and we’re having that kind of a day with a little more sinking in slowly and building the power.