miércoles, marzo 11, 2015

Selacia - Soul Agreements and Living Now

red heart small

Soul Agreements and Living Now  
by Selacia   

With times this intense and next week's fiery Equinox and other energy events just around the corner, you may have asked yourself more than once: "Did I really sign up for this?!" Consider that this question is much more than a rhetorical response to these crazy times. In fact, contemplate how this idea is coming from a deep place within you, a wise part of you that understands why you chose to be alive at this pivotal time in history. Consider that this quantum part of you, having boundless foresight, orchestrated a series of soul agreements that led you to now.

If this sounds too outside the box, continue reading for the bigger picture. Life events are not random - they often occur because of soul agreements you made long ago. These usually are not conscious and they cannot be analyzed or approached in a linear way.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, 
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh 
with the affections and lusts. Bible, Gal 5,22-24
Everything that is alive is born of the Spirit, the Love 
for all emanates from the Spirit, and whoever works 
out of the Spirit is truly God’s child and God’s 
messenger on earth, and to those human Beings 
bliss befalls on all paths.

martes, marzo 10, 2015

Kryon - Lee Carroll - El Clima Introducción - Dallas, Texas, 1º de marzo de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Les digo otra vez: Yo sé quién soy, yo sé quién está aquí. Hay tantos que oyen esto por primera vez y al instante de oír hay juicio; el juicio proviene de todos los años en que la vieja energía ha prohibido que una cosa tal pueda ser real. Todos los siglos que has vivido, literalmente con una tapa puesta sobre ti, un techo para tu creencia, y ese techo proviene de lo que llamaríamos atributo de vieja energía. Crees lo que crees porque nunca lo has visto de esta manera. No todos ustedes.

Uno de los atributos, de que hemos hablado una vez tras otra, es el de la nueva humanidad, en la que esto que hoy ven no tenga que ser escudriñado, discernido a tal grado, o juzgado, porque sabrán que es la manera en que la familia habla con la familia.

Quick update..by/ The Enlighened master on 10th of March 2015

 Quick update..

- We reached a state of energy that allows us to activate the
   manifestation law...

- All the timelines are ready now to integrate into one timeline..
- The obstacles and borders began disappearing between dimensions..
- Liberating the "hostages" in the solar system at its peak...
- The rift between the physical and ethereal planes {cosmic anomaly}
   begin to recover and need little 

- The necessary preparations for the reception of the event from inside
   the earth are at its peak...

- We are very close to the phase of remarkable changes..

PLEIADIAN PROPHECY 2015 - 2017: World Revolution!

lunes, marzo 09, 2015

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - There Has Never Been a Time When You Were Alone - Mar 8, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
There has never been a time when you were alone, no matter how you felt.
As we evolve into true multidimensional beings, there are times when we are feeling empty, disconnected and even abandoned. This can usually mean we are about to take a leap in energy to a greater expression of ourselves. As intriguing as that sounds, it can be profoundly uncomfortable.

We are in a powerful time astrologically that is encouraging us to liberate ourselves from our old ways of being. There are shifts in energy occurring within us that are requiring us to have the faith and trust enough to let ourselves expand into new aspects of life even when they are unknown to us.

These feelings of disconnection are the indicators that we are about to move into a more expanded level of being, just as electricity in a house needs to be shut off in order for new wiring to be put into place.

Benjamín Fulford - 9-03-15. Evento histórico de cisne negro inminente 09 mar

09 mar
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/03/10/historical-black-swan-event-imminent/
Ahora hay muchos signos innegables de que un acontecimiento histórico de tipo cisne negro es inminente. La naturaleza exacta de este evento es incierta, pero se trata del final de un sistema de gobierno que se remonta a miles de años y el surgimiento de un nuevo paradigma para la humanidad. Dado que el liderazgo mundial oculto vincula sus maquinaciones a eventos celestes, existe la posibilidad de este evento estará conectado con la súper- luna del 19 de marzo y el eclipse solar del 20 de marzo.
Esto viene después de las elecciones del 17 de marzo en Israel, que se espera ponga fin al régimen zionazi de esa nación. La humillación del primer ministro israelí, Benyamin Netanyahu, durante su visita a Estados Unidos sin ser invitado la semana pasada, fue una clara muestra de esto. Su discurso no fue transmitido por las principales cadenas de noticias de Estados Unidos y fue recibido con manifestaciones anti-Nentanyahu de Judios en Nueva York e Israel. Por si fuera poco, un ex jefe del Mossad lo acusó de mentir sobre la persistencia de la llamada “amenaza iraní”. Incluso es posible que se le ordenara secretamente a Netanyahu que perpetrase su propio suicidio político con ese discurso.

What Do You Mean The 3rd Dimension Is Going Away? BY Jim Self - What Do You Mean The 3rd Dimension Is Going Away? BY Jim Self March 9, 2015

http://insightsforthesoul.com/Images/GuestPhotos/2009/JimSelf.jpgAs the Age of Aquarius approaches there is an increasing urgency to this message because we’re all, literally, running out of time to play in the third dimension.
In simple terms, the habit of thinking and feeling and behaving that we know of as the third dimension is going away. Everyone is shifting into a fourth dimensional consciousness and experience, and then into a fifth dimensional consciousness and experience.
However, most people on the planet are not prepared for this Shift. But it is happening nonetheless, and for those who are unaware of what’s going on it will not be an easy or comfortable experience.
Yet this can be a wonderful, enjoyable time as well. With some basic information about what the Shift is, and what “dimensions” are, and with simple tools to help manage our thoughts and feelings, everyone has the ability to evolve their consciousness and move gracefully and joyfully into these higher vibrational realms.

Sandra Walter – Alignment With The New Light – Activation – 9 March 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Alignment is a primary theme of 2015. Obviously the energies coming onto the planet for the Equinox – Blood Moon Gateway are of a MUCH Higher frequency. It is vital to stay peaceful, relaxed, and aligned with your Higher Levels as this New Light does its work throughout the next few weeks.
I AM experiencing dramatic revelations, and visits from Masters and Galatics with clear direction on the Gatework unfolding here in Shasta. It is a powerful Leveling Up for me and my mission, and I feel completely capable of the task at hand. Strong anchoring dates presenting: March 7, 13-15 as stepping up frequencies for the Equinox – Blood Moon Gate.
This is a remarkable passage for the Light Tribe; please stay focused as the light steps up in intensity. We are holding a massive field of Light for the Shift and Ascension right now. Know this, feel this, honor it with integrity. Accessing the multidimensional Self takes on a whole new meaning as we merge consciousness. Take care to surrender to the Now of it as the Light levels increase.

Carla Thompson - The Elohim: The Divine Badge of Courage - March 9, 2015

by Carla Thompson, March 9, 2015
The highly compressive energies of the February 21st portal led to sweeping changes in our perception, not only of ourselves but of the reality around us. Here we experienced highly compressive and unrelenting energies through to the end of February and into early March. This entire time has been another gift of massive deconstruction that has made way for the truth to reveal itself in yet another expansion of our consciousness.
The Elohim have a very strong message for us: Share truth from a strong foundation of courage!
“The World as you knew it has now changed. Your life, as you knew it to be, shall now be of greater beauty. Your Being, as you knew it, drops the old attachments that your mind truly knows to have no more value nor benefit to you along this road to enlightenment. True freedom has been graced upon you!

domingo, marzo 08, 2015

5 Documented Cases of Possible Time Travel

Méline Portia Lafont – Some Shared Revelations Concerning Light Body Activation – Dreams – New world – Current Stream – 8 March 2015

What a time! What a buzzzzzing time it is indeed. My body feels like a vibrating ball of light at times while I AM experiencing all my cells buzzing literally. It is as if my physical vehicle is electrified and ready to step into a whole new form. Light body actualization, beloveds!!! “This is it”, I was thinking! “This is the real deal here what many of us have been talking about for so long”. NOW I can feel it on my cellular level as never before. VERY physical thus.

I have been experiencing so much it feels as if I have been dragging the entire world with me. Sounds familiar?  Well we do in a sense. I have been down at least 1 week every month since October 2014: unable to perform any energy work. My goodness, this is intense and I hear intel coming in saying that we are only at the beginning of it. YAY, hooray! Let’s go! (read: okay lets find some strength  ).
The results of all these intense waves/ alignments/ shifts/ “shake-ups”/ releases / cleansings/ downloads/ and so forth, have been amazing in the sense of being in AWE at times but also feeling upset. Upset in the sense that you have this feeling of: “I don’t want this anymore! Not like this! This has to stop, NOW !” So you decree out loud what it is that you do not partake in anymore and what you stop creating. Nah! so it is, so it has been said! This supports the “decreation” of your old values and realities.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 7 al14 de Marzo, 2015

por Marlene Swetlishoff

Traducción: Esther Abreu


El paso del tiempo se acelera o más bien, tiene esa influencia en sus vidas. Hay muchas épocas de la historia de la Tierra que están entrando en alineación con la línea de tiempo actual, y la información y el conocimiento que se había perdido en las brumas de la antigüedad se están trayendo de una forma revisada y actualizada. Se está produciendo un proceso de integración y también una recalibración a la nueva realidad de la Tierra de todo y de todos en el planeta. Es un momento difícil para muchas personas en todo el mundo y las actuales y constantemente crecientes energías les crea la necesidad de re-evaluar y reajustar sus prioridades, metas y objetivos. Esta actividad continuará realizándose a lo largo de los próximos años, al tiempo que cada individuo avanza de acuerdo a su propio nivel de crecimiento y expansión. Durante este acelerado proceso de crecimiento para cada individuo, habrá muchas paradas y arranques en el camino. Es el deber de cada persona conocerse a sí mismos y sus ciclos personales y planetarios y así comenzar a trabajar al unísono con ellos.

Judith Dagley - CHANGE - 3.7.15


Do not be afraid of CHANGE.
Do not fear the NEW because you assume it will NOT be NEW.
The NEW can never be OLD.
It can only appear to be old if one is afraid of CHANGE.

NASA lies on the dwarf planet Ceres

Ron Head - No one can do it where you are better than you can. – The Council - March 8, 2015

The Council
Our message today will concern forgiveness. Once again we are speaking of something that is not new to most of you. However, it is an important thing for you to consider at this time.
You may think that you have spent more than enough time on this in past meditations, past healing practices, past inner explorations. And for a great many of you, it is true that you have been very conscientious regarding the forgiveness of others. Some have even worked quite a bit on forgiving themselves. Some have understood the necessity of digging out their resentments toward the universe and even divinity itself for past situations. And these are all commendable. However, it is now time to revisit the whole concept.

Graham Hancock - The Duality Conundrum - Confronting Evil - Exploring Consciousness- HD 2015

Starseed and Royalty Survival: How To Recognize Implants And Tags

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer, In5D.com
Many people on the planet are having a more difficult time surviving and staying balanced and centered than others. There are several individual reasons for this; however there are some patterns that are apparent as to why some people are targeted by over others for implants or tags. It is important to have the information on this in order to have the power to recognize and get rid of mind control implants and tags that may exist within yourself as well as in others around you.

What is an implant?

An implant is a mind control device “planted” in the physical or etheric body of a person that allows for triggering emotions, thoughts, words, and actions. Until a person begins to be aware of what is happening with mind control, most of the time the only clues that people have are a loss of memory of doing or saying something that is not typical. Sometimes there could be an unexplained loss of time or a “blackout”. Everyone incarnated on the planet is susceptible to this programming at one level or another.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 8 March 2015

marlene1-1March 7-14, 2015
Beloved Ones,
The passage of time accelerates or rather, has that influence upon your lives. There are many epochs of Earth’s history that are coming into alignment with the current timeline and the information and knowledge that was lost in the mists of antiquity is now being brought back in a revised and updated way. There is a process of integration that is occurring and also a recalibration to the new Earth reality of everyone and everything upon the planet. It is a challenging time for many people throughout the world and the current and constantly increasing energies brings to them the need to re-evaluate and reset their own priorities, their goals and objectives. This activity will continue to take place throughout the coming years, as each individual moves forward according to their own level of growth and expansion. During this accelerated process of growth for each individual, there will be many stops and starts along the way. It behooves each person to know themselves and their personal and planetary cycles and then begin to work in unison with them.

Meg Benedicte - Global Ascension Reboot March 20th

The global preparation plan is now in place and opening the gates to heaven so all souls that were trapped in the karmic reincarnation cycling can return home to Source Creator. We are being given a chance to decide if we want to stay to seed, plant and grow our New Earth civilization or return home to our soul group. Many souls are still on the fence right now and need to decide which direction they are pointing.
I’ve decided I want to experience the Merkaba Light Body in its full crystallization before I return home. I need to see that all the hard work of the past 20-40 years is in place and working. In 2012 I moved to Mount Shasta, the root chakra on the crystal 5D grid, to join other grid workers to anchor and ignite our New Earth template. All the pieces are in place…all the Starseed Souls are anchoring Divine Light to the new grid and many Souls are contemplating how they would like the New Earth paradigm to materialize.

Jahn J Kassl - GIFT OF FREEDOM - Part II, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - Mar 8, 2015

Message from the Light Reading 
on February 27th, 2015 in Vienna
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,

I am amongst you! Now and for all time!

In these days, weeks and months, you are in the process 
of receiving the gift of freedom. All tasks in this world 
experience refinement, because everything is detaching 
from your heart what has blocked your ascension to the 
Light so far. The current transformation flow is unique, 
the present power, which enables any change, which is 
all penetrating, and the actual intensification on all levels 
in this world is the sign that the end of this work nears.

Steve Quayle - Nephilim Demon Antidote - February 2015

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 8 March 2015

AishaNorthOnce more the anticipation will seem to be rising alongside with the incoming flux of energetic missives coming your way, and rightly so. For once more you stand on the cusp of a momentous occasion, one where you will all feel elevated in the very best sense of the word as these projections of light continue to very literal sense beside the more esoteric one, for in this, no one nor no thing will go untouched. For once again, you will all be painted with that same brush, the one that delves out broad strokes of shimmering light that again will serve to unfasten quite a few of the old skeptics along the way. You see, there are still those clinging steadfastly to the old ideas within, and so, for every new stroke of light that comes along, they can choose to take it as a stroke of luck, or for what it truly is, a statement of the fact that you have already entered the New in every way.

UFO Photos the Government Can't Debunk. (UFO OVNI)

UFO News: Huge Imperial Shuttle Type UFO Near The Sun. March 1st, 2015 (UFO OVNI)

Steve Quayle - What Lies Ahead In 2015

The Pleiadian Network - Pleiadian Message - Feb 19, 2015

Good afternoon, we are here. It is February 19, 2015, Thursday, day after New Moon in Aquarius, and it is Chinese New Year, The Year of the Sheep – The Year of the Wood Sheep.
Let us begin.

We will continue with the theme from our last recording, the idea that you are moving into 2015, you are moving into a new density, a higher octave, and the idea that the solid world that you live in is not so solid. Now, we talk about this a lot, we have been talking about this for a long time about how you’re not a solid world, and yet many of you, many of your friends, many of your neighbors would challenge that and say, “Of course we’re in a solid world!”

sábado, marzo 07, 2015


Blossom Goodchild – 7 March 2015

bloss arizona biggerGood morning to you. I’m FEELING on a much Higher vibe than I have been of late, so I am looking forward to a chat with you today. I’m presuming this works for you?
Indeed. As we always express, we are delighted to ‘catch up’ with you and all who choose … in LOVE … to follow the conversations that we have together.
That’s grand my friends. Grand. What would you care to speak of?
We would like to speak of that which is KNOWN as Bi products.
Well, that took me by surprize. Continue forth …
With Love for Each One and with Each One in Love … we would like to discuss circumstances that can insure your productive movement into the Higher vibrations that await you .
Ok … I FEEL like I am nodding off … Let’s go for it!
( I did record an audio … yet, for reasons unbeknown to me … the quality is really poor and just not audible … so I have transcribed it here.)


Michael´s Teachings - Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution

Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution

According to many spiritual teachers, all human beings are, in reality, spiritual beings on a human journey. We reincarnate as human beings in order to evolve as souls.

Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individual expressions of All That Is.

It is a long journey, but that’s okay because the soul is eternal.
Soul Evolution

The soul’s journey is really a process of evolving. This means growing in consciousness, steadily progressing through different levels or stages of consciousness.

How do we grow in consciousness? Through taking on challenging experiences in physical form. These cause us to make important, “soul-searching” choices and call upon us to discover our inner resources.

But why in physical form? Why would a perfectly happy spiritual being decide to inhabit the physical realm with all of its limitations and difficulties?

Jordan Maxwell on Aliens, Angels and Demons

Theresa Crabtree - Beyond the Portals: Day 187, Manik 5 - Mar 7, 2015


BEYOND THE PORTALS   We are talking about the portals going from one Dimension to another. Several of the higher Realms cannot be accessed by humans, simply because the energy frequencies do not harmonize. Again, it is like radio channels on different frequencies.
You, in your human form are vibrating at a very low density. You cannot tune into certain Dimensions because your frequencies are at a wide variance. As you become a more conscious and loving Being, you may begin to tune into other channels as your frequency increases.
At first there may be static, then you can begin to hear unintelligible chatter until finally you have clear reception. When you merge once again with your Higher Self, you will be vibrating at a higher frequency. At that time, you will be able to tune into several of the Dimensions that are currently beyond your range.

James Tyberonn - Multidimensionality- Simultaneous Time - Crystalline Aura

James Tyberonn - The Coming Equinox & Total Solar Eclipse - Mar 7, 2015

2015 Key Focal Dates:

March 20, Total Solar Eclipse (New Moon)

March 20, 2015 - Equinox

April 4 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

May 27 - Saturn Trigger

June 21, 2015 Solstice

Stay tuned for an upcoming channel on the mega Equinox occurring on the Total Solar Eclipse of March 20th, 2015. This is an extremely codes astrological event laden with powerful energies.

Natalie Glasson – The Sisters Of Cosmic Awakening By Mary Magdalene – 7 March 2015

Greetings and love extends to each soul continuing their precious journey upon the Earth. I am Mary Magdalene; I comeforth with a gathering of souls known as the Sisters of Cosmic Awakening. These souls emanate powerful vibrations of feminine light, love and consciousness, their purpose is to awaken, heal and restore balance within the divine feminine vibrations of the Creator. Many of the Sisters of Cosmic Awakening have existed on the Earth, they have been known as the Magdalene Sisters and also the Burgundy Sisters. Their souls have been present for sacred moments of Earth and humanity’s evolution to support the divine feminine vibrations. As a gathered group of the divine feminine we come forth to share our light and consciousness with you, there is simply a need for you to invite us into your meditation or quiet time to be of service to your spiritual evolution and ascension.

Valerie Donner – A Channeling With Mira From The Pleiadian High Council – 9 March 2015

valerieDonnerA Channeling with Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner March 7, 2015
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.
         As you may know I am currently working full time with the Earth Council. Presently we are bombarded with numerous requests for counsel and guidance. There are many tricksters who are self-promoting or who are leading gullible ones down some paths that are not for their highest good. It is important for ground crew to remain discerning for these times can be somewhat tricky. This is part of the ascension process. It is one of ferreting out the truth from the false. “Beware of wolves in sheeps’ clothing.”
What we know as truth is that you are sincere in your desire to assist the earth’s ascension. We are in alignment with you. We are doing everything that we can to guide the process and to make it as simple as possible. A new system that is life sustaining cannot be built overnight. The foundation must be laid. The foundation needs to be strong and built upon the correct principles. We are incorporating universal laws and principles that work. It is exciting and exasperating too. We see that old programs with which you have been accustomed have to be demolished energetically prior to new structures being built. Step by step this is happening. Fortunately we do not have to go through your onerous systems to make change. Ours work systemically and are supported by the Light.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Clima Cósmico - Reporte de Luna Llena para el 5/3/15

5 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hola amigos. Las energías de la Luna Llena en Virgo (Sol en Piscis) son siempre una interesante yuxtaposición entre resistir/contener y dejar ir, y encontrar el balance entre análisis e intuición. Esta Luna Llena ha sido descripta por algunos astrólogos como decididamente “antisexy” y particularmente no divertida. Puede que sea así, pero eso no minimiza su magia y su potencial sanador.

Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 7 March 2015

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
As you move into greater light, be kind to yourselves and one another, dear ones, for just as when you take the flashlight into the darkened room and see all the dirt and dust, so too when you increase your light – you will see all the areas in life where you have settled for less than the love you truly desire. You will find yourself sometimes getting irritable, uncharacteristically down, or resisting things that no longer suit you. While this is a normal and natural phase, the trick to happiness is to simply acknowledge these feelings and get on with creating a life that matches your new vibration.
Suppose for example, you have been putting up with less than loving behaviors from another. You learn, grow, and increase your light. Although the desire would be to love the world and yourself more, at first you may suddenly find yourself upset, intolerant, and irritable at these behaviors that once seemed “tolerable.”

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Felicitaciones - Conectando los puntos - Miami, Florida, 28 de Febrero de 2015



Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Miami, Florida, 28 de Febrero de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Siempre hay quienes vienen por primera vez, se sientan, y dicen: "Esto no puede ser así; es la misma voz, la misma cara, es el hombre en la silla montando un show." Cada vez, lo que decimos es lo mismo: Eres libre para creer lo que desees. La belleza del amor de Dios para ti es tu libertad de objetar; la libertad de no mirar; la libertad de decir que es ignorante o estúpido; todo esto es tuyo.

Agregamos para quienes creen eso, lo hemos dicho tantas veces, que el mundo angélico los ama igual que a cualquier otro. En sentido figurado, igual número de ángeles te acompañan al salir que los que van con el canalizador. El amor de Dios no es exclusivo, no tiene sesgos, es un amor que responde amando. Es para toda la vida. Puede que no creas que estas cosas sean exactas ni verdaderas; para nosotros no marca una diferencia.

viernes, marzo 06, 2015

Méline Portia Lafont – Shake Up/ Wake Up/ Move Into This Accelerated Spiral – 6 March 2015

All starts from within you! That is a fact known by many, yet not all realize this as their truth and prefer to continue with the old ways of being through accusing others and blaming outside sources as the cause of everything that happens in their life. Still clinging on to issues pertaining to old values that we have now passed, seen and transcended a long time ago. This behavior and conviction will be your downfall. Truth is, if you want it or not, it will be so because the old world as you have known it, as you have been raised in and programmed for, is not functioning anymore like it used to.
You are invited to now finally embrace the new that is arising in front of you because of its birth through you. As long as you do not embrace this, no new world will come at your shores and you will get stuck in a world that is completely chaotic and turbulent because that world of the old is falling down as we speak. All the violence is reflecting the fact that consciousness is shifting, that there are inner turbulences taking place in every conscious mind of every creation. It brings about that which enables the shift to take place, whether you like it or not.. It must take place, it is an intrinsic part of all creation that stirs Humanity to step forth.

Undeniable Evidence Scripture was Modified- Secret of Secrets

Christine Meleriessee - Becoming Leaders for the New Earth - Mar 6, 2015

full moon4Good Morning, My Dearest Beloveds,
I speak to you from the Telosian Command Center; I am Lord Adama your brother in Telos.
The present energies are giving Gaia and each of us the power to be more than we ever have been before. Each phase brings us closer into the Divine Being that we truly are so it is important to take advantage of this full moon in March 2015.
As we become closer with the ascension festivals of the Christ, Wesk, and Humanity, the other moon cycles help us to go through many processes that will take us into a new existence within our consciousness. This allows us to take what we are learning through the higher consciousness and bring it down into the physical mind and heart, which is a part that is very challenging to do on a momentary basis. These are changes that occur constantly so it is important for us to take moments in our day to truly reflect how we are feeling, what it means for our living conditions, and how to improve upon it.

SaLuSa - March 6, 2015

I bring greetings from the Galactic Forces who follow your progress with great interest, having accompanied you through many lives. However, our involvement with you has never been more intense than it is now, as you approach the end of your experiences in the old paradigm. We have come a long way together, and we admire your determination to stick to your tasks and achieve victory over the dark Ones. The fact that you have effectively already won that battle does not mean you have no further work to do, and the emphasis is now upon maintaining your position in the higher vibrations. They are your future and also protection while you keep focussed on your present role assisting the Light. We have spoken previously about your ability to stand within your own Light, and not be affected by anything going on around you. Now that you have come this far, you have created an aura that is potentially impregnable, but it does depend on you being able to keep it intact. It means not being distracted or mislead by any attempts to divert your attention elsewhere. Keeping calm in the face of situations that are a test of your strength, is the challenge that you face.

Jahn J Kassl - GIFT OF FREEDOM - Part I, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - Mar 6, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
tranlsated by Franz

Beloved Ones!

The coming time is in the sign of fundamental 
transformations of all firmly anchored blockages 
in human nature.

„Sediments“ are redeemed

The „Sediments“ of patterns, assumptions and imaginations 
are redeemed, until you constitute a free and purified vessel 
of God’s Love. Many purifications of past time created these
conditions and today it is necessary to redeem what has 
settled down in you and does not want to yield.
With the divine Light, with the blue Ray of clarity and 
transformation and with the light sword of 
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, who I am among you. 

jueves, marzo 05, 2015

Wing Makers - The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamission NerudaThe Anunnaki, Mankind's Enslavement and the Afterlife Deception - March 4, 2014.

The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamission Neruda
By Sarah, Wing Makers

What follows is a session I recorded of Dr. Neruda on January 2, 1998. This interview (number five) has been unpublished until March 4, 2014.

Dr. Neruda gave permission for me to record his answers to my questions. This is the transcript of that session.

This was one of five times I was able to tape record our conversations. I have preserved these transcripts precisely as they occurred.

No editing was performed, and I’ve tried my best to include the exact words, phrasing, and grammar used by Dr. Neruda.

The reason is based on Dr. Neruda’s timing, the specific reasons for this timing have not been communicated.

Sarah: “What we discussed Wednesday night has been swirling around me ever since. I think I’ve become a bit obsessed with all of this… what for me, anyway, is new information. I’m trying my best to process it into my mental framework, and I have to admit, I’m not sure it’s working.

Dr. Neruda: “I understand. I’ve held back some information for this very reason—not only for you, but also for those who will ultimately read this.”

Sarah: “When we ended the last session we agreed to spend more time on The Grand Portal. Is that what you’re referring to, or is it something else?”

Dr. Neruda: “It’s all related. It’s a very, very big picture, and broad timeline.”
Sarah: “Can you share it now?”

Dr. Neruda: “Let’s take it one part at a time. With your questions, I hope it will all come clear, but I have to warn you that it will seem a little unwieldy or odd until the whole of it is out.”

Sarah: “Okay. Where do you want to start?”

MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Volviéndose un Místico Práctico” - RONNA - Mar 1, 2015


Traducción: Odilia Rivera
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

“Volviéndose un Místico Práctico”

Amados maestros, hay un Camino de Luz que los lleva fuera de la densidad hacia la LEVEDAD DEL REINO ESPIRITUAL. La clave que les permite recorrer este Sagrado Camino está en vuestro interior y es llamado su CANCION DEL ALMA. Están sintonizados a lo que es llamado su Firma Energética mientras están funcionado dentro del medio ambiente de la Tercera y parte baja de la Cuarta Dimensión. Gradualmente están sintonizándose a su CANCION DEL ALMA mientras se mueven a través del resto de los sub-niveles Superiores de la Cuarta Dimensión, y en el nivel de entrada del medio ambiente de la Quinta Dimensión.

In5D.com - Do I Have Angels Or Entities Around Me?

Do I Have Angels Or Entities Around Me?
by Max and Lana,
Guest writers for In5D.com
Numerous studies using frequency, hypnotherapy, psychic gifts and the gift of discernment are demonstrating that angels, aliens, or entities are constantly around certain people– and frequently step in to help the rest of us as well, in order to preserve a timeline, energy, or larger picture. Many of us in the metaphysical field believe that each human is capable, important, and an integral piece of our energetic universe. Apparently, the entities agree and are here to help.
With that said, evidence suggests that certain people, regardless of their social status, education, interests, ethnicity, or even “spiritual development,” do have entities around them nonstop. Ironically, it’s often the individuals who suffer terribly in this human life—and the ones who frequently wonder why their lives are so difficult and why they feel so different or lonely in this world. So, if you have been noticing “strange” things and wondering whether you have “someone” or something around you all of the time, here is a list of attributes that are common to people who have been shown to have entities around them at all times:

Selacia – Equinox Gateway Preparation – 5 March 2015

SelaciaThis month’s Equinox may be one of the most potent experienced in recent years. Here’s a snapshot of what you can do now to prepare for beneficial spiritual openings available at this gateway. What you say yes or no to at this juncture could have long-term implications in your life.
As a reminder, we’re sitting in a very powerful energy month. Highlights include a rare culmination Pluto-Uranus planetary lineup happening March 16, sure to catalyze long-lasting waves of changes on both personal and collective levels. Added to that is the total Solar Eclipse with New Moon (a supermoon) at the March 20 Equinox.
Any one of these energy events, but certainly all three, can lead to significant turning points – for humanity as a whole and for you personally. Adding to the intensity, we have a powerful Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon on April 4.

Anna Merkaba - Urgent Message To Ground Crew – Total Solar Eclipse – March 20 – Galactics - Mar 5, 2015

SOLARECLIPSE032015URGENT NOTICE TO ALL OF GROUND CREW. A set of events that were set into motion resulted in a decision that will change the world as we know it. A few days ago I have received a transmission which is highly important for all of you to read. In it our Galactic Star Aliances talk about what has occurred and what is about to happen around March 20th, the “dark moon” as they call it, which is the solar eclipse.
Please be mindful of what you allow into your psyche. The times ahead are incredibly auspicious, everything that you want to happen will, therefore be careful what you wish for, and whatever you put into motion now will manifest very quickly into your reality. This is the time to create a beautiful new world, or rather restore it to the pristine state that it once were. Many in know understand the importance of these magnificent energies entering GAIA and so will try to pull your energy to them. Please focus on your now moment, disregarding whatever the media will try to feed you, in order to move your focus away from what you are truly here to do and are trying to achieve. The times between now and September are incredibly important. The more positive you stay the more light you can anchor, the better everything will be once we move closer and closer to September.

UFOs the Best Evidence HD - THE VISITORS - Cat# U561Y

Benjamin Fulford - March 2, 2015: Confusion and chaos at highest levels of G7 governments as revolution begins

There is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms. There will be economic collapse, mass starvation, anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted. On the flip side, if the system is rebooted, living standards in the world’s countries can be doubled within a year. The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery. For those who do not understand this reality, check out this link:


and then this one to see the extent of world debt slavery:


By staging a jubilee, or one-off cancellation of all world debt, public and private, human living standards can be effectively doubled within a year. The key to accomplishing this is to force the surrender of the Zionazi Khazarian (not Khazak) tribal gang that controls this system.

Christine Meleriessee - Prepare for the Unexpected - Mar 5, 2015

full moonThe Full Moon Within Virgo  ~ The Festival of Pisces
The full moon of March 5th, 2015 occurs at 10:05 AM Pacific, 18:05 GMT which is bringing the energetic push of allowing our Higher Selves to be more fully active within our daily lives.
With this new vortex of light, it can also cause us to look at elements in our world completely different.  As humans, we have a tendency of looking at things through the way it has always been accomplished through our physical and lower self. This month we are taken into a new part of essence to be accepted.
This moon is represented within the Sign of Virgo which reflects our daily activities especially in the “need” for order within the Sun Sign of Pisces giving us the essence of our spiritual selves of vision and wanting to change the order into freedom of the self. This can also cause some kind of crisis within our consciousness as the merging of the sun and moon at this time brings us illumination and enlightenment of what has been and what needs to change.

Selacia - Preparación para la Puerta de Entrada al Equinoccio - 5 de Febrero 2015


5 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El equinoccio de este mes puede ser uno de los más potentes experimentados en los últimos años. He aquí una instantánea de lo que puedes hacer ahora para prepararte para las aperturas espirituales beneficiosas disponibles en este portal. A lo que le digas sí o no en esta coyuntura podría tener implicaciones a largo plazo en tu vida.

Patricia Cota-Robles – 2015 Is Our Year Of Initiation – Into A Higher Order Of Being – 5 March 2015

patriciacotaroblesThe outer World is beginning to reflect Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness. I know some people resist that term because they feel it is based in Christianity. That is not true. Christ Consciousness is the level of enlightenment we were invested with at our inception, when we were first Breathed forth from the Core of Creation by our Father-Mother God.
As Sons and Daughters of God, Christ Consciousness is the level of enlightenment we must ALL return to if we are going to continue our evolutionary process. Our return to Christ Consciousness will be accomplished by healing the adverse affects of our fall from Grace, so that we can Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution to the next level of our learning experiences.

miércoles, marzo 04, 2015

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Marzo del 2015 - Feb 28, 2015

por Lena Stevens
28 de Febrero 2015

Traducción: Ma. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

En Marzo, el tema principal es el PODER.

El poder es un asunto ENORME con muchas capas a explorar, redefinir, comprender y aceptar. Hemos trabajado antes con el tema del poder, pero éste es un tiempo nuevo con influencias nuevas, de modo que algunas lecciones serán diferentes.

Este mes tendrás la oportunidad de observar todas tus creencias sobre el poder, así como explorar cómo trabajas personalmente con las cuestiones relacionadas con el poder. Serás capaz de identificar en qué formas entregas tu poder, y podrás trabajar para cambiar esa conducta eliminando las fugas y estableciendo mejores límites. Todos tenemos nuestra estructura de creencia con respecto a lo que creemos que tenemos poder para hacer o para no hacer. Este mes es una verdadera oportunidad para moverte más allá de las limitaciones de la "caja" de tu propia capacidad de tener poder personal y en lo que realmente te es posible soñar y manifestar.

Una de las frases de moda de este mes es "¡ponerse en marcha!"

Lena Stevens - Actualización de Luna Llena del 5 de Marzo de 2015 - Mar 3, 2015

por Lena Stevens
3 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Llena es el jueves 5 de marzo, a las 11.05 a.m. (horario de las montañas).

La luna llena es excelente para anclar una nueva apuesta por el poder y pedir la ayuda del espíritu. Es buen momento para permitirte recibir el poder de la luna y de otros elementos de la naturaleza. Piensa en algo que desees "poner en marcha" y dedica algún tiempo durante esta luna llena para la oración e intención de que así sea. Este es un tiempo de alta energía, y se utiliza mejor con enfoque directo e intención. Debes saber qué quieres y cuando establezcas tu intención ¡estar listo para recibirlo!



martes, marzo 03, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - El Cambio está Viniendo, ¿Estás Listo para ello? - Feb 23, 2015

23 de febrero 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Tengo que compartir un secreto contigo, a mí no me gusta el cambio. De hecho, soy muy mucho un animal de costumbres. Me encanta el orden y la rutina, así que cuando tengo que hacer cambios, generalmente me tomo mi tiempo y luego los hago cuando ya no tengo ninguna otra opción. Esto significa que el cambio se produce con cierta brusquedad y, a veces de una manera que no puedo manejar, lo que significa que no puedo demorarlo por más tiempo. Nuestra necesidad de cambio surge cuando nos hemos "quedado sin energía" en nuestra realidad actual y si nos vamos a mover en cualquier dirección, vamos a tener que permitir que ocurra el cambio. No podemos estar abiertos a la transformación (lo cual significa "cambiar de forma") si no estamos dispuestos a cambiar nada en nuestra vida, sobre todo cuando avanzar o cumplir una intención requiere de algún tipo de cambio, o que algo en nuestra vida sea diferente.

Human sacrificing going on, underneath the Vatican.Undeniable proof

Aisha North - A short update on the Gathering - Mar 3, 2015

By now, you will all have begun to settle a little bit more into these new tracks that you laid down during that ever so impressive get-together that you staged just a few days ago, and even if the first stages of this new part of your journey may seem to be somewhat shaky for some of you, you will all find yourself steadying into this new rhythm, or rather, vibration. For as you came together and pooled your formidable resources of individual frequencies into this already deep reservoir of light that has been collected here in this space, you also set off some very new frequencies, frequencies that were engendered in the meeting points of your own individual tunes. In other words, your singular currents created some very distinct patterns wherever they intersected with those of the others connected to this Pond through their own individual vibrating string of light, and through this process, a vast new tapestry of light was co-created by you all.

Brenda Hoffman – You is Solving 3D Mysteries – 3 March 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Your life is never going to be as it is today or was yesterday. Some of you are sensing this deep shift. Others are wondering what recent messages of dramatic change are about.
Channels have stated, “What was is no longer” for years. Even though the shift happening now is truly the demarcation between what was and what is. Prior to the energies now raining on earth, you lived a 3D life with 5D, 6D or beyond intent and sensations. Such is no longer.
After this particular shift, you will be of earth, but not of 3D. This is difficult for many to understand for you will likely continue with your job, perhaps a need to care for others older or younger than you and other similar relationships based on 3D you. Yet, those 3D relationships are rapidly fading for you have little interest in continuing 3D roles.
Such may appear to be a dire prediction as you believe your 3D relationships fill much of your being. In truth, they do not.

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 3-5-15

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Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Thursday, March 5 at 11:05 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

This full moon is excellent for anchoring a new bid for power and asking spirit for help. It is a good time for allowing yourself to receive the power from the moon and other elements of nature. Think of something you wish to “power up” and spend some time during this full moon in prayer and intention that it will be so. This is a high energy time and best used with direct focus and intention. Know what you want and when you set your intention be ready to receive it!

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Mar 3, 2015

10 Ik, 0 Ceh, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We come forth with news that we have long waited to tell you! The energies for the beginnings of the delivery schedule are finally at hand. This process took some divine time to achieve. Our earthly allies feel confident that a restart to all delivery programs can be put into place. The various systems required for this are now in working order and a new international banking system is ready to see that deliveries happen. Thus, the first necessary step in putting aside the old order is ready. The others connected in this supply line are ready as well to perform their various duties. Your realm is to begin a vast transformation. Your prosperity is therefore to be in your hands shortly. These exchanges of funds are quickly to create the conditions needed to bring forth new governance. This, in turn, is going to eventually permit the formal recognition of our existence. All of these various actions are finally to put you on a much faster track to full consciousness. The dark cabal’s many delaying tactics are done and we are most happy to see the termination of their vile schemes. You are approaching a new watershed in your liberation from millennia of slavery!

Sandra Walter – Clarity On The Current Merge – 3 March 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
I AM on day three of a water fast and I AM feeling superb. Just a note on the latest video: I was wary of sharing the Ascension Path calls since they can be taken out of context.
A Note for clarity, in Love, Light and Service:
Regarding the focus on merging 9D and below for Equinox: Of course we expand to 12D and beyond out to Source Level – that is the Solar Cosmic Christ integration. The merge of dimensional expressions from 9D down is presenting right now as a supported, conscious step supported by the incoming energies. We are about to make another collective timeline Shift.

Sarah Varcas - Past Times, Future Realities - Mar 3, 2015

astrology of March 2015, Solar Eclipse in Pisces March 2015, Full Moon in Virgo, Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius, healing the past, divine within and without, Neptune in Pisces, Mercury, inner listening, healthy ego development, freedom and responsibility, conscious relationships, Age of Aquarius
Image: “There To Catch Should I Fall” by Gary Rosenberg

The energy of the cosmos reaches us in waves. It ebbs and flows like the tide, high one moment, low the next, coming in, flowing out, frighteningly stormy then beautifully calm. The same forces which propel the planets in their orbits radiate around us shifting and reordering at every level. At times these energies propel us forward into the new, presenting fresh perspectives and new experiences. At others they arrive as echoes, reawakening the past to bring it to completion. Last month was characterised by the former, this month by the latter. Throughout March the vestiges of the past arise once more for our attention. This is a month of tying up loose ends, the completion of lengthy processes and the review of progress thus far. This is how the universe works. We are initiated into the new even as we then face once more the old. This is the cosmic dance which shapes our lives and the life of this beautiful planet we call home. It is Sacred Source living through and all around us honouring its own cycles of birth and death, creation and destruction, light and dark, the known and the unknowable. We are born of these cycles and throughout this year our apprenticeship in how to live them fully and without restraint continues unabated.