I speak to you from the Telosian Command Center; I am Lord Adama your brother in Telos.
The present energies are giving Gaia and each of us the power to be more than we ever have been before. Each phase brings us closer into the Divine Being that we truly are so it is important to take advantage of this full moon in March 2015.
As we become closer with the ascension festivals of the Christ, Wesk, and Humanity, the other moon cycles help us to go through many processes that will take us into a new existence within our consciousness. This allows us to take what we are learning through the higher consciousness and bring it down into the physical mind and heart, which is a part that is very challenging to do on a momentary basis. These are changes that occur constantly so it is important for us to take moments in our day to truly reflect how we are feeling, what it means for our living conditions, and how to improve upon it.
It truly is an exciting time but it is also a very challenging time for all of us; even those of us that are within the Inner Earth. That is because we desire to have a New Earth so that we may join you in great celebration, but the time is not with us yet. It is coming, but we still have much work to do with each other.
That is why it is important to take the time to understand your emotions and thoughts; how are you doing with embracing the highest part of yourself in all of your dealings within the world, with yourself, and others.
We cannot do it without these moments of reflection within our physical existence. We constantly have to allow the breath to take us into the deeper core of our heart. Sometimes it is challenging to go there due to changes that are happening. But it is a pathway that each initiate must take.
It is like this; each of you are striving to be more within your world so that you can allow your Divine Self to be more manifest in all of your dealings. You have to go to the depth within your Etheric self to find out what has stopped you previously from allowing this essence to be YOU. You are standing in front of a huge awakening within this earth, but you must allow it to be fully within you first, and foremost. There is no sugar coating this fact. It is something that needs to be acquired or else there is NO NEW EARTH.
As each of you move forward within your initiations, you will hold the Divine Light you have been trying to access but it takes a lot of work. Part of your responsibility is to do it within this pathway so that you can help others to do the same.
We must understand that the New Earth is not just arriving because it is so; each of you being the Light Bearers have to hold it deeply within yourself, to go through the purging and processing that is going to help you to understand your inner truth.
As you go through the walkway of de-ascending your highest essence, then you can understand what it has been for – to be the best, the hold the highest, and to stand tall with compassion, love, and blessings to others that are going to need your assistance.
We, in Telos, are doing the same. Every person within the city is working within their elements to make the necessary changes in preparation for the New Earth. We have waited a very long time for each of you to arrive at this juncture of time, and we are not at the finish line yet. So we must acquire patience within ourselves and be there for each of you – to nurture you, to guide you, and to give you compassion in each moment.
This is exactly what you are learning to do within your physical existence. But you have walked in places that many of us have not done; you need to clear the debris that is still within the confines of your old self so the process of walking this pathway can be very arduous and challenging.
But it is becoming easier and easier every day because of what we are receiving within Gaia’s frequency of light.
The effect of this full moon is taking us a step closer than we have been before. It happens each month; more is occurring for humanity to receive more. It is part of the process so that each of you can become the Leaders of the New Earth, as we walk together as assist the rest of humanity to accept the role of healing within and without their Being.
The challenge presently is to realize that none of us is perfect; we are striving to understand within ourselves who we are as a specific and how we can create a 5th dimensional and beyond community of Light within this Earth.
Take the time during this full moon to go deeper within yourself than you have done previously. Look at the core of your Heart and allow the hurts to be acknowledged so the healing can continue.
This is only the beginning my Dearest Ones. We have much work to do but it is within the power of our Will To Do So.
I walk with you as all Telosian and Inner Earth Beings are doing at this time.
My deepest love,
Lord Adama
Integrative Channeled Message through Rev. Christine Meleriessee
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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