domingo, noviembre 17, 2013

Earth’s first city of the future is coming in 2017 and it looks awesome Nov 16, 2013

Earth's first city of the future is coming in 2017 and it looks awesomeExpand In 2017, the capital of Kazakhstan will look like the set of an utopian sci-fi movie, which seems appropriate considering this is the place from where the Soviet Union conquered space. A titanic new capital will rise by the old city, powered by sun and wind. Move over Dubai. Your cliché New York-wannabe skyline is the past. This is the real future.
What Does a City of the "Third Industrial Revolution" Look Like?Expand
This, apparently.
After several months of debate, officials in Kazakhstan’s capital city of Astana have chosen a final design for the massive site that will host the World EXPO 2017. The sprawling, wind- and sun-powered neighborhood was designed by Chicago architects Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture, the designers of Kingdom Tower—the forthcoming world’s tallest building in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The Light Collective: On Being Divinely Human - Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara) - November 16, 2013

The Light Collective: On Being Divinely Human


We are the Light Collective, a group of light beings, angelic beings, galactic beings, elemental beings and you, the multidimensional collective of Humanity.
Why do we include you as a presenter this morning?  We do because you are a part of us and we are a part of you.  We do because so often you tend to undervalue what you are doing here, beloveds.  Do you have any idea what you are accomplishing even as you apparently stumble through your day in a confused haze and physical exhaustion?  You are tired because you have been working so hard, on so many levels that we cannot begin to express.

Opening of the Spaceship Institute (SSI) Announced for 2014 - November 16, 2013

There are Illuminati minion disinfo/slander sites on the Internet, of course, saying Mehren T. Keshe and his work are bogus, but they are, as usual, trying to throw people off the trail.

Keshe’s paradigm-dissolving technologies are the real thing and he proved it by enabling the military of Iran to take control of and capture a US surveillance drone over Iran mid-flight, bringing it down with nary a scratch a year or more ago. The US Military Industrial complex was not amused but it got a lot of giggles from the rest of us.

sábado, noviembre 16, 2013

Wes Annac - I am a Child of the Universe: Follow-Up – Part 3/3 - Nov 16, 2013

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm, concluded from Part 2
This is the conclusion of a follow-up to one of my previous articles,Who am I? I am a Child of the Universe”. The recommended audio version of this part 3 on Sound Cloud can be found here.
The biggest factor that’s led me away from working through a Pleiadian representative/walk-in archetype is that I don’t perceive myself as much of a Pleiadian/channeling/spiritual “authority”.
Not too long ago I might have embraced that idea, but a few different things have shown me that I possess as much knowledge as I’m willing to research or channel and I don’t think that anything about that paints me as an authority.

The ‘Now’ Fits Like a Dress Three-Sizes-Too-Small – via Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Nov 16, 2013

The ‘Now’ Fits Like a Dress 3 –Sizes Too Small, as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, November 15, 2013 at: | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Like a great magician, you have the ability to magically call into matter anything that is needed or wanted. As the plentiness of earth starts to lessen herself in order to hold more light, it is a wise and formidable thought to act as if you have landed upon a dessert isle far from the land of plenty. What was once plenty has dwindled in size and does not have the ability to recreate its self as in times past.
As Earth becomes a star, her matter will diminish as its DNA shifts into lighter particles/ stardust. Earth will become singular in nature not reproducing herself as she has in the past. Matter in its densest form is released to the ethers where it will seek to become stardust again.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 370 - Nov 16, 2013

As you have perhaps already ascertained, this quickening comes in many shapes and forms, and for some of you, it has been almost overpowering at times. Again, we hasten to remind you all that even if you at times may feel like you are down on your knees, unable to even think about getting up again, you are not being driven further down by these energetic shifts that keep battering you ceaselessly. No, you are simply being elevated further in vibration with every single blast of these energetic missiles, but still, it might not be as easy to remind yourself of this selfsame truth. For many will be struggling with themselves now, and so, it can be hard not to look into the seeming abyss in front of you and think that you are heading ever deeper into it. But this is not an abyss dear ones, no matter how deep you find yourself sinking as these energies keep swatting you around the ears. For what will seem as an endless quest for retaining your balance, is simply a sure sign of energetic upgrading, and as such, the elevator is indeed going up all the time, even when you feel the surge in your stomach that seems to signal you are in a free fall ever downward.

The “Super-Portal” will be effective to you now – Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~ 16.11.2013

AARaphael-II[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
My beloved humans this is Archangel Raphael speaking to you. Another wonderful week of your timeline and dimension has passed by again and I am delighted to submit to you some new message here. As always we herewith recommend again to open up your inner space of heart consciously when receiving another message from us. Thus you will be able to obtain the full energy entailed in this message accordingly into your inner heart.

Enjoy here the presence of me and of our heavenly Father, our all Creator, as he will again accompany me here when submitting this message. If having the right kind of sensitivity you will become aware of this light-energy and all the rest of you not possessing such highly graded sensitiveness may feel this kind of energy too since it has reached a new level, some new quality and intensity. All those still feeling it difficult to sense these vibrations are being advised to take more time when preparing themselves for and while reading actually some message.

Tiempo de Cine - La Reliquia del Futuro (Das Jesus Video) (2002)

UFODI News: Huge UFO Formation Over Navada Highway 375 - Area51 - 12/11/2013

13/11/2013 Location: Navada Highwway 375 U.S Date: 12/11/2013 Witness: Adam Stein - Link: What have we got here! Witness statement: On a recent road trip to the Las Vegas area, my curiosity for unusual roadside attractions led me North on Highway 375. The highway is notorious for reports of strange lights and UFOs due to its close proximity to legendary Area 51. My intentions were merely bragging rights for having driven the famous "ET Highway," as well as souvenirs from the equally famous "Little A'Le'Inn." Mission accomplished, I doubled back on the desolate (and now dark) road to civilization. Very uneventful drive for the most part, but the video shows things became more interesting as I approached the end of the stretch of road. First of all...I'm still not convinced in the whole "visitor" thing. So what was this I was viewing? I have spent hours researching the area; maps, videos, images. I am completely baffled! The lights are too perfectly aligned to match any of the terrain in the area. No matter what I saw (which probably wasn't aliens), I cannot deny that it was an awesome spectacle...and the most appropriate location!

Aha! Typhoon Yolanda was a False Flag; Australia Said “NO!” to the Climate Change Tax

Thanks to for sharing.
So THIS is what it was all about. This is the MOTIVE. Does anyone else see this?  The cabal created that storm, blamed it on ‘climate change’ and played on the emotions of people so the UN could convince us to agree to yet another tax—this one to address Climate Change! Not that they WILL address climate change. The money will go in their coffers with all the rest.
Published on 13 Nov 2013
U.N. Climate Panel Blames Philippines Typhoon On Climate Change Just as they did with all their other false flags—their tried-and-true Problem-Reaction-Solution MO—and since it worked SO well, SO many times before, they did it yet AGAIN!!! How much longer is this going to continue?! The people of Earth do not deserve this. We have suffered for eons longer than it should ever have been allowed to continue… …and now it goes on while we negotiate with terrorists and murdering psychopaths for their surrender. Who will be next? Which lambs will be led to the slaughter—and when? Could we have their GPS coordinates and a date, please, so they could at least evacuate if they chose? Enough is enough. End the insanity. THE ILLUMINATI IS NOT GOING TO SURRENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meanwhile, they continue to pare down the population of this planet, just as they always intended. Let’s see… 7 Billion inhabitants with a goal of 500 Million… this typhoon eliminated what—another 10,000? And the wounded and starving will bolster that statistic in short order. You do the math. Yet if we try to round them up they threaten to take out 100,000 or more. Quite the quandary we’re in, eh? And so… we wait; praying and meditating for a peaceful transition. We need a miracle.

3D Printers : The Latest Updated Technology : How you get involved: How it all works !!

Here is a 50 minute video of all you need to know to get involved in the most High tech business of all :
A 3D printer is a replicator lets all be sure about that:
Scott Summit, probably the most updated guy on the block walks you through how to get involved in this outer space technology in an easy understandable manner : with years of Prosthetic’s works it looks like they even print with Metals now:
3D printing has 4 sections of skill and mindset a) scanning an object or model or life b) Creating layers and twisting blending the mechanics : c) entering it to the computer d) ( Most important for me) base materials and what can be used as raw materials:
This opens up a brand new thought process where we can use recycle machinery to create pellets for future 3D machines:
Please consider using the following medium for 3D printers as Steve guides you eloquently through the process:
HEMP: Plastic Bottles and bags : Wood pulp : recycled metals: all recycled polymers: I hope you enjoyed that and Yes it is 2013 We should see great changes in this field in the next few months alone and we should all be part of that demand process by our own artistic license: Please help people keep ahead of this game and see how we can all do our part in inventing our own future to make the old paradigms Obsolete: Think what you can build with HEMP in one of these : A car ? Here is one that is not only built out of HEMP but runs on hemp oil:

New Earth Project : Amazing technology with amazing people : Meet the team of Ambassadors:or Jesuits?

 Every time I try to get involved and use all of my 30 years building experience in Eco -Friendly projects I become thwarted and disjointed and notice that is has all been hijacked by Agenda 21.
So will New Earth Project be any better?
When I came across New Earth project I used my natural talent and 30 years of natural Building and Project manager experience to  sift New earth vision
through all the designs and even  applied to see if I could be of any service to these challenging looking projects:
After  I applied and I did not get any acknowledgement: Well maybe I expected too much too soon?
Until I stumbled over this new project by Humanitad AKA New Earth Project:
The Chess Board ( I call it) bel0w and then I became suspicious: Who on earth would want one?

Lauren C. Gorgo - The Radiant Ones: eMERGEnce - November 11, 2013

PageLines- 5DreportLOGO.gif
Is it just me or was this Mercury retrograde the fastest one ever?
Give or take some occasional left-brain processing glitches, it almost felt like I didn’t skip a beat. Overall, and compared to the last two retrograde nightmares of 2013, this one actually felt fruitful (?) and even “forward” moving in some ways.
Maybe I have finally released my resistance to it, or maybe it is all this Scorpio magic keeping me entranced in the alchemy of our blossoming creative powers…or maybe, just maybe, the more we empty out our heads and “think with our hearts”, the less effect Mercury has on our (intellectual) minds?
Whatever it is, I am better for it and I hope you are too.
Physically, the past three weeks were a whole different story. 8O  The council mentioned in the last report that we were going to be provided with…ahem…a rigorous pathway to re-concile, re-claim, re-store, re-plenish, re-vitalize, and ultimately re-surrect as we embody the Christ template in union with our monadic Source.   In my own words: !@#%

Tiempo de Cine - Movie Time - watch online this movie - The Host - La Huesped

viernes, noviembre 15, 2013

Karen Doonan - Discernment and the New Earth -: November 15, 2013

Many of you at this time are walking between worlds.  The discernment needed through ALL aspects of this YOUr human life experience will now begin to expand and to increase rapidly. For as you begin to anchor at a human conscious waking mind level the power of the LIGHT that YOU ARE in TRUTH and begin to consciously create your outer waking reality then the need to use discernment will become vital. I would highlight once more that EACH human vehicle upon and within this planet is having a different and completely unique human life experience.  This unique experience may seem to overlap with others experiences but cannot ever be the same due to the differences in the structure of said human vehicles.

Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul: Neptune and Chiron Direct - Nov 15, 2013

DKThanks to:
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. We’re in a very potent time period that requires quite a bit of self examination, specifically Neptune and Chiron both going direct in the psychic sign of Pisces.
In the specific way that I look at the esoteric realms, this is calling for inner healing, inner examination of one’s thoughts, where your distractions are in terms of the thought processes, and to really kind of hold yourself on task to be a better person, to be a better friend, to be maybe a better guardian of your pets, of the earth, etc.

The Zone of Deserving – via Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - Nov 15, 2013
The Zone of Deserving, as received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, November, 2013 at:
The role of designer that you so seek to acquire lives deep within the cellular structure of your being. It is not housed in haphazard musing. It resides within all potential tapped and untapped under the multi-dimensional structure of you. When you sense a lack within your life, you immediately move your being into that point and you are re-united with that structured formation of lack – not as a punishment, but as a teaching.
When you place yourself in the zone of deserving, then you become magnetic to all possibilities that exist beyond the limitations of your dimensional surveillance. You seek what you know yourself to be. You seek to learn and in that expansion, all is served. You seek to become blessed. You seek to find love. And yet all of these qualities are inherent within your own creational field.

Wes Annac - I am a Child of the Universe: Follow-Up – Part 2/3 - Nov 15, 2013

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm, Continued from Part 1
This is part 2 of a follow-up to one of my previous articles,Who am I? I am a Child of the Universe”. The recommended audio version of this part 2 on Sound Cloud can be found here.
Secure in my growing spirituality, I let myself drift away from family as I enjoyed the new reality I was exploring.
I happily spoke on radio shows about the Pleiadians, channeling and a lot of other topics (this was before I understood the importance of spiritual revolution and a new paradigm) and gave our Universal Family the spotlight, working with much of myself to help them produce their communications.
I feel close with the Pleiades to this day, and being the daydreaming starseed that I am, I imagine and feel that I’ve come from that star system and from a specific place in particular to be a part of the evolution of this planet.
A specific memory of being in what I can only describe as a home on a higher-dimensional world flashes in my mind occasionally, and I speculate that this was among the last memories I could’ve had before making my way to this planet.

DL Zeta: Love and Purified Intentions help us Navigate Powerful Dimensional Shifts November 15, 2013

Channeled By DL Zeta,
We’re in a period that feels like a cosmic roller coaster at times. This entire year has been about quantum change at both collective and personal levels and recent events such as the eclipse series and ongoing Pluto/Uranus square accelerated changes taking place. Powerful energies are shaking things up in an attempt to break free any lingering shackles of the old time so we can activate new and more empowered timelines. The challenges we encounter will be uniquely ours and they will be in areas of our lives we least want to confront. Our specific set of challenges shapes the passage before us as we move through dimensional shifts that allow us to experience timelines where our greatest gifts are realized. Old realities must unravel to make room for the new so we can expect some transition times ahead. As we thread our way through the ensuing times of uncertainty and chaos we may feel pushed and pulled in all directions and under intense pressure.

Wes Annac - Our Universal Family: You’ve Entered a Time of Rapid Progression - Nov 15, 2013

Photo: "Full Bloom" by PocahontasBrandy, 2013
Photo: “Full Bloom” by PocahontasBrandy, 2013
Channeled through Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
The recommended audio of me reading this latest message can be found here.
The colony of Atlantis was brimming and alive with spiritual energy and widespread spiritual understanding on the part of its citizens.
Advanced and brimming crystal technology was prevalent, and the manner in which buildings were constructed was one that utilized crystal to give the buildings energy without the need for the outdated electricity methods used on your planet currently.
Enlightenment was one of the biggest themes of Atlantis, but we should stress that despite the advanced nature of much of what was used, your collective consciousness was still susceptible to lower oriented influences that eventually caused Atlantis and Lemuria’s sinking.

The Guardian - Pope Francis ‘is Mafia Target After Campaigning Against Corruption’ - November 15, 2013

Pope Francis is 'dismantling centres of economic power in the Vatican', said Nicola Gratteri. Photograph: AGF srl/RexPope Francis is ‘dismantling centres of economic power in the Vatican’, said Nicola Gratteri. Photograph: AGF srl/Rex
By Tom Kington in Rome, The Guardian – November 14, 2013
Pope Francis’s crusade against corruption has made him a target for Italy’s all-powerful mafia clans, a leading anti-mob prosecutor has warned.
Nicola Gratteri, who has battled Calabria’s shadowy ‘Ndrangheta mafia, said on Wednesday that Francis’s attempt to bring transparency to the Vatican was making the white collar mobsters who do business with corrupt prelates “nervous and agitated”.
He told the Italian daily Il Fatto Quotidiano: “Pope Francis is dismantling centres of economic power in the Vatican. If the bosses could trip him up they wouldn’t hesitate. I don’t know if organised criminals are in a position to do something, but they are certainly thinking about it. They could be dangerous.”

~ESTRESÁNDONOS~ por Karen Bishop - Nov 2, 2013

.Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


jueves, noviembre 14, 2013

Heart Song Meditation, - Channeled on 11/13 – 2

From: God

The world needs heroes now.  It always has.
The world needs people who truly care about the greatest good of all.
The world needs those who are willing to open their hearts to those who need them.
The world needs those who feel the call of the Light and are willing to go out of their way to make the world a better place.
I am here to tell you today that you have it within you to be a hero.  You don’t have to have psychic abilities.  You don’t need super strength.  You don’t need anything that you don’t already have.  All you need is to choose to love today.

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: First Responders - Nov 14, 2013
Today we would like to share with those of you who have been specifically drawn to this message. To those who will read this message when it is first shared, and to the many many of you who will find this message when you are ready to do so, this message is specifically for you.
This great time of change can feel so challenging that you doubt in your ability to continue on. You have found yourself doubting if you will be able to shine your light as you had agreed so many eons ago. There have been many names given to those of you who have chosen to lead the way, to awaken while everyone else still lays encased within the dream. You have been called way showers, light bearers, light workers but we will share with you how we perceive you.

Expansion Publishing – Ascended Master Saint Germain: One Heart and One Truth – But Two Minds (November Newsletter) - Nov 13, 2013,
One Heart and One Truth – But Two Minds By the Ascended Master St. Germain
Dear Beloved Friends,
Have you noticed that life has appeared even more confusing for you in  recent days? Perhaps this may seem surprising to you given all you have  learned about the Light and how you can achieve more clarity in your  life by focusing solely upon the Light.
And focusing on the Light can, indeed, bring more clarity. But it can also  bring with it a desire to believe that your life should now be as you  expect it to be given what you have learned regarding the Light.
We do see that many of you continue to be disappointed that your lives are not moving along as anticipated. Indeed, you are seeing even more  confusion in your world, not less. And the confusion you are seeing in  the world is reflected in your personal lives as well.

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 369 - Nov 14, 2013
These last few days have been intense indeed as you have all been traveling through a corridor of light that has opened so many new connections within. And now that you have exited this corridor, you will have some time to readjust to all of these changes, and then, you will start to notice what this last sojourn in the heightened frequencies has brought about. For as we told you earlier, through this process, so many new connections were secured and opened, and now, the light will have a much easier time reaching the targets, and so, it will be able to deliver much larger quantities of information directly into you all in ways that will enable you to fulfill your quotas much faster.


UFO Exits Portal Over Mount Shasta 2013 HD

Energetic update for 14th November - Karen Doonan

As many of you may now be experiencing the New Earth energies are once more increasing rapidly. The energies combined with the FULL MOON are working to help pull all that needs to be dissolved from within you to the surface. At all times it is YOUr choice as to whether you interact with these frequencies or you detach, allow yourself to become the observer and allow them to be released. It is to be recognized that the old 3d earth frequencies will also try to pull at your energy signature and again YOU have a choice as to whether to interact or RE-FOCUS your energies.

Julien Wells Update: Battle between Reptilian Fleet and Silver Legion, with Chris Hales on The Long Conversation 13/14th Nov 2013

In the first hour Julien Wells will be reporting on information from his Pleadian and Silver Legion contacts regarding a space battle in our solar system that occurred in the last week between the Silver Legion, Andromeda Council forces,  other star races and a reptilian force that had entered the solar system.
In the second hour Ken and Scott Bartle will be on to discuss Intrinsic Sovereignty, the birthright of every human on this planet. Understanding this concept is the key to reclaim what has been hidden from us – our sovereignty and freedom.
Show Page:
Face Book :

The announcement

PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS 2013 CON KRYON La Serie del Descubrimiento 2013 Canalización en vivo de Kryon por Lee Carroll - 22 de junio de 2013

El séquito que ha estado, se quedará.

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Aquellos a quienes invitamos a entrar anoche aún están aquí y han estado aquí todo el día. Algunos de ustedes los sintieron cuando entraron en el salón y otros los sintieron mientras escuchaban la información ofrecida el día de hoy.

Aunque el día se dedicó a la enseñanza, hay algunas cosas que se enseñaron que crearán una experiencia de súbita comprensión en algunos de ustedes. Eso es acrecentado por los que ustedes invitaron al salón. Ya hubo preguntas, se adelantaron respuestas, incluso algunas respecto al origen de la ayuda que reciben y de un modo lineal desean visualizar a Dios en el cielo como la figura de autoridad, el que los ayuda mientras ustedes se lo piden con la mano extendida. Les digo que ya es hora de que asuman responsabilidad por las cosas buenas de su vida.

~REESTRUCTURANDO~ por Karen Bishop - Oct 27, 2013

Traducción: Margarita López
.Edición: El Manantial del Caduceo


Wally - SaLuSa 13 November 2013


You now find yourselves in your current life situations having had much promises from us, and to your credit many still work for light and love having only seen soft disclosure and not an official announcement, but in some ways whispers told everywhere are more effective, and the delay has allowed more time for soul-searching and for each of you to take care of their own back yard. As ever our promises remain solid as a rock, even if some have become frustrated waiting for the changes, and can add that we have not been idle and all this time been working to stave off the worst of earth changes.
People are well and truly tired of the current system and are being pushed out of it by a sense of revulsion and are instead being called to look pass the pillars of duality and to try to probe the zero point. When complete it will be your graduation out of duality, birthing the rising Kundalini, with a remembering of the feminine Shakti energy, as a bodily skill.

Dreaming the dream in TRUTH - Karen Doonan - November 14, 2013 Karen Doonan

As Mother Earth now heightens, expands and deepens her energetic signature, the ability of the human race to FEEL is being multiplied each moment of each moment. It is a CHOICE at all times that is made PERSONALLY as to whether you wish to experience the numbness and pain of the old 3d earth paradigms as they dissolve or you focus your LIGHT and ENERGY on the New Earth and the PEACE, LOVE, TRUTH, JOY and HARMONY that they radiate.  Many of you at this moment are allowing your human logical mind to continue to teach you that you have NO choice and this is not TRUTH, many of you at this moment are within holding patterns of your own making and this will continue until you start to make your choices at human conscious waking mind level.

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Journal Entry 11.14.2013

DSCF2866Journal Entry 11.14.2013
I woke up mad this morning; interesting sensation, to say the least.  Memories are starting to float up into my awareness about some of the times I gave my power away to others, not necessarily by agreeing to what they were saying, but not saying anything at all.
During the time when I lived in a cult…oh, yes, I’m a “wild” one… I was telling someone about one of my past life remembrances.  Since we spent a lot of time doing degrees (their name for chanting and affirmations) especially using the Violet Flame, it was to be expected that “stuff” might come up.  My stuff was old memories.  I related my story, but the reaction I got from the other person startled me.  She told me not to share these glimpses because other people or some of the other students would be jealous.  I didn’t understand why anyone would be jealous, as I didn’t feel like I was showing off or anything.  I was just sharing what, at least to me, was a perfectly natural and wonderful experience.  The way this other person reacted to my story was as if I would somehow be in danger of being different, a threat to others?  I didn’t understand her concern, then, and still don’t now.  I just thought, what a curious thing to say!

Wes Annac – Planetary Healing: Can Hemp Help the Planet? – Part 1 – 14 November 2013

wes-annac-300x229The following was written by Wes Annac for the ongoing “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter, which we’re offering for $11.11 a month. Income from the newsletter helps my family and I get by, and the option to subscribe will be given below.
In my opinion, a big aspect of healing the planet is addressing the pollution our collective has allowed to run rampant with little thought or concern about it.
Our planet is being polluted every day in so many different ways, and while I can’t offer a concrete solution to solve the biggest pollution problems facing us, I can point out some of the things we can do in the Now to start creating a sustainable future.

“Hatonn in Contact” from Marc Gamma ~ 14.11.2013

Hatonn[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]
….So what will be next ?
Since some while I have been admitted to become a channel for Archangel Raphael and Michael bringing down their messages to human mankind here on earth. Also there were our Creator and Gaia my guests in the meantime as well and being their channel I had with them some wonderful experiences too.
And in-between I frequently asked myself :”what will be next?”

Since I am fully occupied being a channel and this is why I was struck by great surprise when another highly-evolved being approached me asking whether I ‘d like to become a channel for him.
Originally I really had enough to do with Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael since they keep me fully busy and accordingly I am very grateful to them.
Still this being chuckled a bit in reply to my above argumentation and told me that topics of his messages would cover “spaceships of the Galactic Federation, technologies of these, and life onboard of spaceships” too.

Selacia – Tips For Using Green Light Energy – Moving Your Life Forward After Mercury Retrograde – 13 November 2013 - Consejos para Utilizar la Energía de Luz Verde - Avanzando en su vida después de Mercurio Retrógrado -

SelaciaThe last couple of months have been a wild ride of erratic energies, likely catalyzing some turmoil in your life. If you’ve been wondering when things would calm down and you could breathe easier, that time is now!
Why? Planetary energies, including 2 eclipses and a 3-week mercury retrograde, are now behind us. And with mercury going direct this week, the energies are supporting more green lights for your projects and forward momentum. This includes things of a more personal nature like relationships and your home front. It also includes work and how you express your life purpose in the world.
If you’ve been feeling emotional ripples, or perhaps a tidal wave, in recent times, you’re not alone. It is part of this current energy cycle to have these ups and downs. Some things – especially those involving communications and technology impacted by the mercury retrograde – can now dissipate with mercury having gone direct. Breathe and stay positive to move into a new flow.

miércoles, noviembre 13, 2013

Saul via John Smallman: The Spiritual Evolutionary Progress that You Have Made in Such a Short Time Span Is Truly Enormous - Nov 13, 2013

John Smallman
Many on Earth are feeling very unsettled because it seems that what they had been hoping and praying for – peace, harmony, freedom, and abundance for all; a state of Love to embrace all of humanity – is just a chimera, an unachievable hope in a world gone mad.
Well, the world has been mad for eons, and slowly, over all that time, the prayers and intentions of many holy ones has been bringing about an amazing change, a move from a state of insane, fearful, and destructive rage back towards Love, your eternal God-given state.
That is what you are all on Earth to bring about, a return to Love, and you are succeeding despite your doubts and anxieties. Please focus on the amazing advances that have been made over the last several decades in humanity’s spiritual evolution, as large numbers of you have let go of judgment of unfamiliar cultures, religions, political views, and personal life styles, and moved towards acceptance.

ActivistPost – Missy Fluegge -Dangerous Contamination In Vaccines Causes Sinking Profits For Big Pharma – 13 November 2013

Sanofi Pasteur, the world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines, is currently facing serious troubles, as countries around the world are scrutinizing Sanofi’s products and practices. Recently, they have reported a massive third quarter decline of $1.8 billion in vaccine sales. This news follows a previous second quarter report described by one investment website as “pretty ugly reading,” with decreased sales in all divisions, as well as a 28 percent loss in operating income. [1]
Read the whole article at: link to original article

DerSpiegel – EU Passports For 650,000 Euros: Citizenship For Sale In Malta – 13 November 2013

spiegelonline( Lucas : Not really news as the USA and other countries let you also buy citizenship, only here it is done to get enough money in the countries tax kitty to pay the bills…. The EU austerity and “economic” instigated crisis by the financial institutions and corporate one world control agenda is making it so.)
For 650,000 euros, foreigners from outside the European Union can now buy Maltese citizenship. The controversial new law passed on Tuesday also gives buyers the right of free movement within Europe.
Non-European Union citizens with €650,000 ($873,000) to spare can now buy Maltese citizenship thanks to a new plan approved by the Mediterranean island’s parliament on Tuesday.
Read the whole article at : link to original article

Zerohedge.Stocks In Furious Melt Up To Fresh Records – 13 November 2013

ZeroHedgeTreasuries rallied 4-6bps on the day (with the POMO-driven belly outperforming). The USD dumped back its knee-jerk gains on Europeans trying desparately to talk down the EUR early on. High yield credit banged higher into the close. VIX was man-handled back under 12.5% (despite being bid early). Oh – and every US equity market malted up in an insane intrday swing which seems to be pinned on the back of expctations Yellen will open her shirt tomorrow showing a big red “S” on it. So while every flow-driven market banged higher in a mad scramble of un-tapery goodness, gold went sideways and silver was monkey-hammered (-4.5% on the week). The last 3 days have seen “most shorted” names double the market’s performance. Nasdaq’s swing from low to high is the largest positive intraday move for the index in 5 months!

ok – you had your fun…
See al the charts and read the whole article at : link to original article


Once again was working with a light worker who is suffering from Hemorrhoids. If you or someone you know has this condition please have them read this

As always all of our dis-eases come from our emotions, the emotions that start to generate within out being based on the external stimuli and the pressures that we put on ourselves. As always when negative thoughts enter out system and we are unable for a variety of reasons to release them, we begin to create the environment that is oh so very well welcomed by the dark energy thought forms, archons and all energy parasites that dwell in our surroundings. By holding on to this thought
process we generate more and more energy to sustain the dark thought forms to hold onto us and to keep feeding us these ideas in order for us to keep generating more and more energy to sustain their existence. Creating even more and more space for the integration of archon implants within our energy spheres and thereby the creation of a never ending vicious cycle of angst.

Debbie Erasmus - IN-Lightenment: The Power of Divine Love ~ I AM THAT, I AM - Wednesday Nov 13, 2013

ScreenHunter_03 Sep. 26 18.31My Soul now remembers Itself. It knows who I AM. It knows its Origins. It knows itself as a Be-ing of Divine Love and it keeps reminding me, I AM THAT, I AM. But every now and again, my human mind falls prey to its ego. This is usually triggered by something, or someone. This negative energy quickly draws to itself any negative energy lurking in the vicinity. The negative energy clumps together and soon I am trapped. I feel as though I have lost my mind. Literally. The feeling of bliss that I felt 10 minutes ago becomes null and void. I have given my ego free reign. It lashes out at my Soul. It denounces who I AM. It denounces Love. It convinces me I am not THAT.  I descend into the depths of despair as I continue to allow my ego its torment of my mind. I feel powerless. I have become once more a victim of negative energy.

Anunnaki Antarctica Serpentine Holographic Sumerian Ruins Proof V

Meredith Murphy – Message For All Lightworkers: The Awakening Of Love – Message From Ashira – 13 November 2013

MeredithMurphyThe awakening of love is within you. You have met love and you are organizing now as love. You as an energy field are allowing love to create you, to awaken all the life in your cells, to lift up everything in your being, to clarify all that has been cloudy and heavy. To make everything light.
The inner sun of your being is now shining forth. You have allowed this sun to shine forth as you. You have allowed yourself to identify with this sun, with this light, with this love as your very being. You have remembered.

Change that you want so much has attained you now – Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 13.11.2013

Archangel Michael
My beloved humans, this is again I, Archangel Michael speaking after another week has elapsed with many changes all over the world.
As easily to be ascertained by you – many human people here on earth have noticed that life cannot go on in the very same way as has been led until now. The number of people increases steadily who do not want to tolerate any longer prevailing conditions of life and therefore they demand some change to be effected. Still, demanding change only will not have the desired effects – all change may only become manifested and turned into reality if first you will become part of such change yourselves.

Andy Bojarski – My Higher Self: Accessing The Love Energy In The Metatron Cube – 13 November 2013

AndyBojarski-my-latest-aura-pictureThe energy of love is located in the heart of the Metatron Cube held within Hollow Earth.  All the beautiful beings of Mu hold the love energy that is located within Hollow Earth.  It is also within Hollow Earth where the Divine blue print is held for Mother Earth.  Mu was a civilization that existed before Lemuria.
Lemuria exited before Atlantis.  Atlantis was a period where the energy frequency on Earth was the highest that it has ever been.  Earth is headed back to this golden period, this golden age.  But it all starts from your heart.  Your heart must be open to receive the love.

martes, noviembre 12, 2013

Tom Kenyon – A Hathor Planetary Message – Cognitive And Emotional Challenges During Chaotic Nodes – 12 November 2013

tomkenyon*Note: This message deals with specific challenges that are taking place in relationship to Chaotic Nodes. According to the Hathors, a Chaotic Node occurs when chaotic events in multiple and seemingly unrelated areas of the cosmos (including Earth) interact with each other, which in turn generates more chaotic events.  As a Chaotic Node increases in strength, many areas of our Earthly existence are affected.
By their very nature all Chaotic Nodes are challenging to biological systems. This particular Chaotic Node is especially challenging due to numerous factors we have mentioned in previous Planetary Messages. While the challenges to your eco-system, financial systems and cultural institutions are increasing, in this message we will focus on one specific area—memory and cognitive function.
The accelerated escalation of this current Chaotic Node is being driven by a shift in your Sun’s magnetic field—a reversal of its magnetic poles to be precise. This is a cyclic occurrence and takes place approximately every 11 years. The next shifting of your Sun’s magnetic fields is close at hand, and this will set off a series of significant energetics.

Karen Doonan - The exit into the NEW EARTH via your emotions - November 12, 2013

For many of you the last few days or even weeks in a linear context may have you shaking your head and wondering when life will begin to make any sense whatsoever. The outpouring of human emotion is now reaching levels that have never been experienced before in this your human form and this is DELIBERATE. For how can the human race move into FLOW and move into the LOVE that IS when they have anchored deep trauma, pain and grief. The latter frequency is one that may be walking with you at this time and this is something to be conscious of at all times. For you may be FEELing like you are experiencing grief but you are merely RELEASING LIFETIMES of this frequency.

Wes Annac - Understanding Spiritual Evolution – Part 5 Nov 12, 2013

Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm.
Continued from part 4
Speaking from my own experience  – one of the biggest things that opened me up to perceptions greater than I’d ever expected is meditation. Meditation is the standard and almost-stereotypical recommendation amongst usually every spiritual circle, and this is because meditation provides us with a direct and uninhibited spiritual connection, depending on how deep we can get.
How deep into a greater spiritual perception we can get when meditating depends on how much experience we’ve had meditating, which goes back to the importance of practice and understanding that you’re not meant to be perfect at it instantly.

Peggy Black and the “Team”: Galactic Heritage - Nov 12, 2013 Message from the ‘team’_________
GALACTIC HERITAGE ~ Peggy Black and the ‘team’
We are here to embrace you as you continue to anchor the energies of great change into your reality. We can sense your fatigue in dealing with the struggles that are before you. We acknowledge that you have done this work and service for eons of time. You have repeatedly stepped into this dimension and this earth plane of physical manifestation to truly assist and support the lifting up and the transformation of misqualified energy.

Anna Merkaba - DAWNING OF THE NEW AGE – PLEIADES HIGH COUNCIL - November 12, 2013

dawning ofthenewage
This is an excerpt from a transmission that I have received yesterday “… at the dawning of the new age we conclude the message to all the divine beings that reside therein on the planet GAIA, we conclude our message with love and light, for the love and light that dwells within your very being is the most important factor in the ascension process, and so. As we part our ways, and raise your frequency to accommodate the new era that is upon you, we must remind each and every one of you that the divinity lays within you.