The Light Collective: On Being Divinely Human
Why do we include you as a presenter this morning? We do because you are a part of us and we are a part of you. We do because so often you tend to undervalue what you are doing here, beloveds. Do you have any idea what you are accomplishing even as you apparently stumble through your day in a confused haze and physical exhaustion? You are tired because you have been working so hard, on so many levels that we cannot begin to express.
Only a portion of your multidimensional being is suffering bedazzlement from the latest influx of cosmic energies streaming through the center of your sun and radiating glory upon the earth. Your earth, your collective humanity and the entire ecosystem of the planet has fully entered fifth dimensional frequencies. Do you feel any different? Or are you still stuck attempting to define what you are experiencing in the Now based on what you were taught by your elders in the past?
If only you could see yourselves as we see you, in your magnificent Wholeness. It already exists. The angels and mythical beasts walk beside you, but some of you have yet to open your inner eyes and see. Are your dreams a little more intense lately? Do you “see” things at the edge of your peripheral vision? Are you experiencing visions? Are you feeling moody and emotional? You’re going through a period of complex growth and development right now. Be kind to yourself. Do not fall back into self-judgment for your seeming lack of progress, dear ones, for you are forging ahead into a new world of your making, one that has never existed before, anywhere, in this entire Universe.
Do you understand what we are saying, beloveds? You are creating a New World and you are doing it with great aplomb as the Masters that you truly are. In watching your progress, we stand in awe, with bated breath, as you master each obstacle set before your collective presence.
What you are accomplishing now is bringing Wholeness back to the Universe. It was decided to do this great work on one of the darkest planets in the same universe, but one that was seeded with a race of tremendous potential, humanity. Star beings and angelic beings descended into physical form for the intention of anchoring the frequencies of Creation into the physical realm and in the process, loosening the grip of the lower frequencies in which the planet had been isolated for so long. With the influx of cosmic energies moving through your bodies as anchor point, an entire ecosystem of life has ascended. Although you are mostly unconscious of what it is that is being accomplished here, it is being done simply because you are here. We are here to remind you of what you came here to do so that you might come into an understanding of just how pivotal your being here in a body is, and be willing to finally to shed the last shred of belief in limitation from your consciousness.
These layers of veils that prevent you from actively “seeing” what you are doing at every moment, even as you stand before the mirror brushing your teeth, are like the paper lining the garage walls in our scribe’s dream (see Journal Entry 11.15.2013, In Dreamland). These veils, that block your ability to be able to fully “see” and experience your multidimensionality, are of your own creation, made up of the remnants of thoughts and beliefs in limitation, scarcity and lack. You are the ONLY one who can remove them and the energies of the entire universe are supporting your efforts to allow you to move through this process of cleansing any lingering fear, grief, disappointment and self-judgment you might carry within your body.
Beloved ones, you have been clearing the collective energies of all the generations and lineages of your human collective. Through the last two thousand years since Master Maitreya anchored the Christic energies through the physical vessel of his disciple, Yeshua, the golden energies of the Christ light have been interwoven into the physical body of the planet, all humanity and all life contained within the great Circle of Life. Even before the coming of the Christed One, the plans, for this transitional time in which you now find yourself, were being laid out…by you.
For many thousands of years before then and through the present moment of your linear time, you have each been playing both sides of duality, sometimes as dark team, sometimes as the light team. What you have been doing is experiencing the extremes of duality for the ultimate purpose of bringing duality into Wholeness. Where once only separation and fear was experienced there would now be unity and Wholeness; all life would be fully conscious of its interconnections. Only by being in a physical body and interweaving cosmic energies through the body and into the surrounding environment could this intricate task of spinning an etheric web around and through the planet be accomplished.
Many light workers believe or at least hope that the light is winning. We tell you or rather remind you of what you really came to accomplish, not to complete or win another battle for the white hats but to bring into being a new universe. The new universe is being birthed by you, the divine mid-wives, and through you. You are Spider Woman weaving your golden web of compassion around and through everything that you see and experience in your world. All that is of the “light” and all that is thought to be of the “dark”, is being interwoven into a new cloth of unity consciousness, where no one or no thing is less than another, but all are One being.
Who do you think needs your love now, beloveds? Is it the one who walks down the street radiating strength, calmness and balance? Or it is the drug-sodden wretch who sits on the corner shivering in the cold, a trembling arm extended out holding a cup, hoping for a few dollars so he can buy another bottle of liquor and continue to live in denial? What part of you do you turn away from in revulsion? What part of you do you still deny and withhold your love from? Is it the one who looks back at you in the mirror? Is it the one whom you judge as being less or imperfect or weird? Are you willing to release your belief in limitation and lack? Are you willing to step into the love and power that you are?
Know that you are here because you are masters all and because of your great love for all life. You have seen the ravages caused by the imbalance of energies and so you have been moved to come here and join in the effort to create a new way of being, one that has never before existed in this Universe, a world of complete Wholeness, where everything is filled with the radiance of golden compassion, where everything is aware and fully conscious, while being in physical embodiment. You have been instructing the entire Universe in how to solve the puzzles of polarity and duality, even as you have moved through your daily existence seemingly blind-folded and unknowing, all the while being the masters that you truly are and you are doing it. The planet and all life upon her are ascending. You are ascending and now is the “time” to let go of anything that tries to pull you back into the energies of the old paradigm of limitation and control.
Do not ever think that you are unworthy of love, dear ones. Your efforts here are being watched by all creation. You are important. You are big. You are not what you seem to be. Your physical being is surrounded by the vastness of your cosmic bodies. Your presence is anchored within and in the coming weeks and months, you will become more conscious of what we are attempting to convey to you now in your language.
Understand, dear ones, that your languages were created within the structures of limitation. Words carry energy and frequency. Words, bound with strong emotion, are very powerful and have been used to control and bind you into believing that you were powerless to change. With an understanding of the frequencies that underlie all language, you can change yourself without effort. Your words can be both limiting and freeing. It is your choice as to how you will use them.
As we communicate to you in this fashion, we are embedding codes and frequencies that will be absorbed by your consciousness and then decoded when and where you need them. You will discard what you don’t need or resonate with at the moment. And as you grow more comfortable existing in a state of flux, you will discover that you can tune into the stored codes and access knowledge when and wherever you might require it in order to complete a project or to receive the answer to a question. The wisdom of your entire multidimensional being is stored in each of your very conscious cells. Your bodies are walking libraries of light and love, as is your beloved planet.
You are made up of frequency or energy and each of you is a master in working with frequencies or you would not be here now. Only masters such as yourself could be allowed to do this kind of intricate work, so release any self-condemnation and judgment you might be feeling and come into a new appreciation for your presence here and now.
Self-love is the foundation of all of what you are doing here. Learn to love each and every part of your being, every thought made, every decision and deed that you have committed, every act of omission and commission you have ever done. Know that everything that you see in your world is a result of your creative power. Whether or not you are conscious of the process what you focus your attention on is what you will continue to see played out around you. Open your heart, feel the warmth of your heart’s love expand and break down the barriers that surround you. You must first come to love what is within you and as that love ignites the flame of the sacred altar within, your love will expand to include the Whole. There will be a wondrous moment when you feel love for everything. And in that sacred moment, you will experience the reality of the unified field of consciousness. Never again will you suffer from the pain of separation for you will know and experience your wholeness and connection with all.
When one views the world through compassion, through the act of being with love and in love, all is forgiven, all is loved, and all is accepted. Whatever you have been or done, when viewed through the eyes of compassion, there is no judgment, there is no right or wrong. The Creator does not judge you or seek to limit you in your doing. You are a part of Creator here, anchored in a human body, and undergoing a grand experiment of creation, bringing an entire universe into being, a universe of Compassion.
We hear you say to yourself, “That sounds great and grand, but I’m just one person. I’m poor, I owe last month’s rent; what can I do?”
You can start where you are now. Be thankful for the little things in your life. Beauty always surrounds you if you but take a moment to look. And you can learn to quiet your mind and still your anxiety. Learn to find that quiet center that exists within, your place of calm where you can return to when you need to rest and heal.
First, breathe in deeply, sit in a quiet place and feel your heart beat. As you focus on your heart center, an area just beneath your sternum and slightly to the left, you will begin to feel a warmth gathering there. Just sit and breathe in appreciation and love. If you cannot feel it for yourself, imagine that we are sending you our love for that is what we ARE doing, every moment of every day, as you sleep and as you go through your day. As you allow yourself to focus on our love, our frequencies will braid into yours. Our combined love will begin to loosen the bonds of disbelief and self-judgment that may still remain. You will be able to come into an awareness that you are worthy of love, now. You don’t have to wait to be loved. You don’t have to wait to become worthy. You don’t have to do anything to be loved. We love you now as you are, as you were yesterday and as you will be tomorrow. We love all of you, every morsel, every thought and every emotion. Can you love yourself as we love you? Be generous, beloved ones, and love you.
And as you move into self-love, your love of self will radiate out into the world around you. As you walk through your day, you will be like a star radiating out love and aiding in melting away the belief in limitation, lack and self-judgment in those parts of self that walk around in other bodies. You are here as light houses, lighting up your world, not for the ultimate victory of light over darkness, but for a coming into wholeness and balance.
Reflect for a time on the symbol of the Yin/Yang or on the marvelous mandalas of the Buddhists. In these powerful symbols exists all of creation, encapsulated into an elegant wordless language. In the Yin and Yang, the receptive dark and the creative light work move together in an eternal dance, ebb and flow, fluid and with ease. One side does not dominate, one side cannot exist without the presence of the other; together they present a symbol of Wholeness.
This wholeness is not static or rest, but moves and changes. There is no seventh day where all of Creation is done with its work; no, beloved ones, the action of creation never ceases. Destruction and chaos are as much a part of creation as the building and rebuilding that goes on. Life, especially physical existence moves with rhythm and flowing balance, ever onward, expanding and contracting and expanding again.
The human vehicle is an energetic focal point through which the energies of creation flow continuously. Do you know how much power resides in your little pinkie? When consciously aligned, through the balance of power and love, infused with the golden energy of compassion, you have the unlimited potential of healing and creation residing within your clever fingers. As you become consciously aware of your true divinity, all the knowledge and wisdom that resides within your heart and soul will become available to you. Without need for outer instruction or guidance, you will be guided by the god that resides within and will know what to do. You are doing this already, beloveds, but most of you have yet to accept and acknowledge just what you are capable of doing, by being here. This why we marvel at what has already been accomplished by living masters who volunteered to come here, blindfolded and seemingly stripped of all powers and graces. What a game, beloveds. What a set up!
Your world is in a state of flux, in a transitional period, moving from one paradigm to another. Be kind to yourselves and to each other. Allow yourself to be okay with letting go of the need to know what is going to happen tomorrow, the next week or month or year. We don’t even know what is going to emerge from your generous work. You are building your world step by step. It is marvelous to behold.
Perhaps you are concerned that if you begin to love yourself that you will forget everyone else in your world. You are incapable of forgetting others and even if you do appear to be focusing on self to a high degree, know that everything you do for self is radiated out to the collective. You are connected in such a manner that if one opens their awareness to a new understanding then that knowledge is instantly communicated from heart to heart to all those who live in this world. Then those individuals who are ready to move into greater awareness can choose to accept and acknowledge this understanding, perhaps believing that it originate within, when it has permeated the whole and just awaits acknowledgement. Each of you resides within Divine Mind and the Divine Heart of Creator. What is known or understood by one is known and understood by all, even if the outer awareness is not “tuned” into the signal as it were.
What you are doing is unprecedented. The physical ascension of an entire planet and all her life forms is a feat unparalleled in the annuals of the Universe. Dear ones, rest if you feel tired for you are working hard. Rest and take care of yourselves. Be tender and allow yourself to not know everything before it happens. On some level you do know…in the moment you create it. Be willing to flow with the magic that you are creating through the living compassion of your hearts. You are truly wondrous beings.
We love you. We honor you. We applaud you. And we walk beside you, ever ready to aid, comfort and guide if you feel you need a supportive shoulder to lean upon. Understand, beloveds, you are doing the great work and can only do it by holding a physical presence on the earth. As light beings we can only send you love and energy. Through your body and growing awareness of your innate abilities and gifts, you can anchor this energy, these frequencies and make them your own.
Do not fear your power, beloveds, for you walk centered in the Will of Father / Mother God, the Creator and source energy work through you. Allow your awareness to embrace this power and use it for the benefit of all, for you are One.
Namasté; we humbly bow before the Divinity within you all.
Thank you, beloved Light Collective.
Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered from its written form, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. No replication via voice or video is allowed.