This is a process of all things energy, all things physiological, all things transcendent of the physical to return to and be felt fully in physical form.....
The energy of love, the energy of bliss, peace, freedom, magic, gratitude and profound sacredness. At first we have to open up to FEEL these higher frequency energies long enough to REALize what we forgot, missed, didn't understand.... WE "get" to be exposed to these frequencies, at first from time to time, as the "space in between" is where we "work things out" (separation/unconsciousness) within ourselves to come fully into consciousness again.
THEN (and this is the part none of us "like"), it is time.... to take that feeling, that gratitude that energetic abundance and step into our POWER (DIVINE MASCULINE) by opening up to the WAY THINGS WORK, which is the UNIVERSal Higher Mind, where the KNOWLEDGE to become an ALCHEMIST comes forth. It's up to us to challenge our human to see if we are ready/open to TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY or let it pass, for more human experiences to TEACH US how all works here....