lunes, octubre 26, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - The Past is Past - Oct 26, 2015

Dear Ones,

Today’s channel is for those experiencing difficulties letting go of 3D aspects, those with difficulties moving beyond that which was familiar in 3D.
Even though you are no longer of 3D, some memories linger that prevent you from fully feeling the joy of new you. Just as is true for those who experienced a major illness or trauma in 3D. The trauma or pain no longer exists, but memories negate the joy of the moment. Many label that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
That is not to say you cannot be cautious if such feels appropriate for the moment – such as not wishing to jump off a cliff in either 3D or New Earth – but you only need caution about happenings of the moment, not your past nor your future.

Judith Kusel - The Sun Discs revisited – as consciousness rises the Ancient Order returns……October 26, 2015

There is a great and ongoing connection now the great Central Suns and the 12 Master Galaxies pertaining to those, which all formed part of the original Creation.

Therefore then there is a steady awakening of very ancient energy fields, which hold within themselves immense encodements and glyphic awakening keys for mankind, as it has been ordained by the Intergalactic Federation to come to pass at this time of massive shifts on the planet and in the Milky Way Galaxy.

domingo, octubre 25, 2015

Irma Kaye Sawyer - Full Moon Report for 10/27/15 - Oct 25, 2015

A Celebration for Heroes with a Rainbow and a Pot of Gold.

Hello friends. Welcome to the annual Full Moon in Taurus/Sun in Scorpio. It dawned on me recently that this is the opposite sign energy of the Wesak “Buddha” Moon in May, also featuring Scorpio and Taurus energies. The Full Moon in Taurus is traditionally associated with rest, harmony, pleasure and earthliness in all of its enjoyable forms. This one still has that going for it, but it’s a bit livelier than usual based on some of the other energies traveling along with it: namely Venus, Jupiter and Chiron. Jupiter (Virgo) is conjunct this Full Moon by sign giving us an extra healing boost. Based on the astro-cosmic energies of the past two weeks especially, we can certainly use it. I’ve been hearing from quite a few people that this year’s Scorpio Season has begun with quite a bang. Considering we are still in the “8” Universal Year vibration, we simply aren’t doing things halfway for the most part, so that does make sense. Scorpio energy is no stranger to serving up a dose of drama, intrigue and even despair to get its point across. The challenge is to find the wisdom and blessing within it and yes, there really is one. There is also the Phoenix/Eagle aspect of Scorpio which ascends to great heights above denser realities.

Sandra Walter ~ The Gifts of Resurrection - Oct 25, 2015


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, 

It is written into our Golden HUman DNA; the quest for Self-realization, Ascension and reunification with source. Creation is an extraordinary story, and it is our own. A Universal, Galactic, Solar template; a Source BEingness fractalized for our experience, laid out by our Higher Levels for our discovery and participation.
As above, so below is reflected in every aspect of this Universe. The In-Carnate Self reflects the external activity until we awaken and begin the Ascension process, then we begin to reflect the Higher Self activity. This reflection expands as the consciousness ascends, reflecting higher and higher aspects of the multidimensional Self. The multidimensional Self model reflects the multidimensional Universe, or Source-as-Self; the Divine cosmic quest for complete Self-realization.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Anchoring True Wisdom Within You - Oct 25, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

As we have greater access into 5D consciousness, the one thing that is becoming more clear is the importance of loving our most human selves, no matter what is showing up in life.

Becoming a blended being, integrating our most divine selves with our most human, has been a great challenge for most of us. We see ourselves growing and know in our hearts how we want to relate to others and show up in the world, and yet often fall short of our intentions. At these times, being compassionate and patient can be difficult.

Mike Quinsey - ALL CHANGE - Oct 25, 2015

Hi Friends,

I have decided that I am not going to continue channelling, as just of late I have not been happy or satisfied with my messages. I can only match them against how things were before I had my stroke, and they are not working as smoothly as I would like. When I started up again I was pleased with the way I got back into it, but it has dropped off lately.

Review of UFOs activity near the Sun in the period from October 23 to October 25, 2015

sábado, octubre 24, 2015

Magenta Pixie - Beyond the Rainbow (Turning the Wheel of Memory)

Selacia - Nuevas Energías Nuevo Tú - 21 de Octubre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Después del paso de la reciente conmoción cósmica, noten las energías más tranquilas y dediquen algún tiempo a auto reflexionar. Ustedes no son los mismos seres que eran en octubre pasado, en parte porque han avanzado a través de tiempos algo desafiantes pero también debido a la aceleración de su proceso del despertar. Ahora ven el mundo y a sí mismos a través de nuevos ojos y pueden catapultear su movimiento de avance al reconocer esto y entonces aplicarlo a lo que han aprendido.

James Gilliland Update - October 24, 2015

Eceti Banner


It has been a while since the last news letter due to extreme demands in other areas of the awakening and healing process. I have had my own personal challenges which include attacks by reptilian and grey factions on their way off the planet. They seem to have 4D pulse weapons which have a debilitating effect in 3D and occasionally do a drive by. They are the gangsters of the universe. Luckily this is all being cleaned up and the effects are healing and diminishing.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Planeamiento Del Alma - 18 de Octubre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Ya lo he dicho antes muchas veces: yo sé dónde estoy. La canalización no está apartada de la realidad. Algunos se preguntan qué es esto, incluso aquí, en un escenario donde he estado tantas veces con mi socio, algunos todavía dicen: ¿Qué está pasando realmente? Queridos, lo que están viendo es antiguo. Así es como el Espíritu le habla a la humanidad; los antiguos lo sabían, tenían ceremonias para ello; los lemurianos lo hacían. Se dedicaba un tiempo para la comunicación intuitiva, en la que los seres humanos cedían una cierta parte de su consciencia y traían a la Fuente Central. En todas las Escrituras, en las Escrituras modernas, así es como el Espíritu les habló a los humanos.

James Tyberonn - 2016 - Understanding the Harmonic of Nature - Transcending the Storm


This message is from 19.10.15. I only got internet back yesterday.
Video (recommended)


Dearest Brothers and Sisters!

We are here today to share our joy about the wonderful developments on your planet earth. Many of you who have opened their very heart enjoy the new incoming blessings from the Centre of your Galaxy and beyond. This is the time to reconnect to your soul and to a greater degree to your Divine Source, with the desire to open up to Truth and true Spirituality.

Most of you are now able to receive the increasing Living Divine Light and Information, enjoying an inner freedom you thought was not possible in the limited circumstance you are still existing.

Alcyon Pléyades 31-1ª -Tapaderas del terror, Siria. Rusia frente a conspiración de la élite.

viernes, octubre 23, 2015

Suzanne Lie ~ The Golden Portal & Free Meditation Download the Arcturians 10-23-15

The Golden Portal



The Arcturians

Blessings, we are the Arcturians. We would like to take you through a corridor together. So all of you imagine your entire group in a huge circle and imagine that this circle goes all around your country, your area on Gaia’s body. And take a moment to allow that imagination to come into your mind and expand the circle beyond your country so that all of the corridors and all of the areas that are interfacing with your country will get the same blessing and will get the same amount of Light.

Natalie Glasson - The Celestial White Beings – The Transitions of Your Soul Group – 10-23-15

The shifts occurring in this moment of ascension are likened to the energetic transformations which have been taking place throughout this year. The only difference is that the intensity of the energy is now being enhanced and magnified dramatically.

The Goddess energy and Crystalline vibrations continue to support a transition of clearing, purification and renewal upon the Earth and within your being. However, their energetic vibration is allowing a new download of energy to anchor. It is each person’s Soul Group which is now stepping forward to work with their soul extensions.

Yo Soy - Meditation by Alexandro Querevalú

SaLuSa 23 October 2015

Time moves ever faster and for you there never seems to be enough to do the tasks you have set yourselves. Yet you do manage and achieve so much in your work for the Light. There are so many of you spread across the world doing your bit to bring the Light to Earth. Your success is such that the Light is now so powerful that it cannot be stopped from bringing even more souls into it. At times you have been disappointed at the time it is taking to cleanse the planet of the negativity that has built up over eons of time. Yet it has given more souls the opportunity to find the Light for themselves. However, a time has come when the New Age must be manifested, and with that in mind action has been taken to speed things up. The Illuminati have had their powers curtailed, and as you are probably aware can no longer use their nuclear weapons. We have often emphasised the point by hovering our craft over their silos and disarming them. In no circumstance will they be allowed to use them and we have made sure they fully understand.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, October 23, 2015

Dear ones, it is time for me to update you on what is coming in the next few days, weeks, etc. We will be finding all kinds of allowances for the ones who have been creating their own tirade of events for what they termed to be the betterment of their world. I say now that they are seeing the truth of what they thought was in their best interest, regardless of what others thought, and how they were affected.

Secret Societies, Vatican & Hollywood Encode the Path of the Sun

Strongest Pac Hurricane Ever | S0 News October 23, 2015

John Smallman- Saul - Love is who you are, always - 10/23/2015

The news on the mainstream media continues to present an alarming selection of catastrophes and disasters, but things are not as they appear. Yes, there is much suffering, but it is being resolved, as human kindness on a vast scale responds compassionately as never before in human history to those in dire need. And that massive outpouring of compassion is having an enormous effect, as well as further empowering humanity’s collective decision to awaken from the illusion and, as they do so, dissolving the worst of the horrors that man has been inflicting on man, brother on brother, sister on sister, for eons past. Truly, a massive and most wonderful change in attitudes worldwide has occurred over the last five or six decades as awareness has grown that those in need can and should be helped, regardless of whether or not their neediness is seemingly due to their own mistakes.

jueves, octubre 22, 2015

The Arcturians – The Lighthouses are Fully Anchored – 10-22-15

The Arcturians-The Lighthouses are Fully Anchored-October 22,2015

The Waves from the latest cosmic energetic punch have dissipated and are balanced across all grids.

All forerunners are now fully anchored to the higher vibrational grids in the Heart Collective, lower vibrational grids in the service to Self Collective.

There is no going back and forth, no wavering between timelines.

The Lighthouses have fully anchored.

Maryann Rada - The Time of Transformation Is Now! - October 22, 2015

Now is the time of transformation you have long anticipated. How well you weather the intensity of change depends on many factors, and each person participating in Earth’s transformation will have an experience uniquely coordinated by the needs of soul learning, the individual mission of life, and choice. While some are bearing unspeakable pain, this is not to say the choice was for pain. In most cases, the choice is to serve, to perfect, to bear witness to free will, or to find knowledge that serves the soul’s evolution. Whatever the experience you find yourself in, the truth is, you are embarking on a vastly profound transformation. In many ways, you will emerge from this brief but intense episode changed.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Resurrection: a new life cycle begins October 22, 2015

As of 10/10 many at the fore have completed a major life cycle, entered into a holding space, and are preparing to begin a brand new chapter of life on 11/11.

September, and all of its accompanying celestial blessings, brought us THE force...the Source frequency (creation) codes needed for our new life cycle…where October has been clearing the space in our bodies (hello super intensified solar activity) for those energies to enter and anchor into the physical parts of our lives and world. November (universal ONE month) will reveal our new path/purpose more clearly, along with the physical components needed to create it.

Benjamin Fulford - October 19, 2015: World government is inevitable but it must never be fascist

The political events of the past several years are pointing inexorably towards the formation of some sort of world government. This was made even more clear as most world leaders gathered at the United Nations for the September 28th Tetrad blood moon 70th UN anniversary appeared to be, with a few quibbles, mostly reading from the same script. There is now a consensus among world leaders that world government is the only way to prevent corporate crime syndicates from murdering and plundering this planet into destruction. The battle now is over what sort of government that will be.

The Nazionists are still pushing for a totalitarian, fascist new world order controlled by the same old bloodlines. The White Dragon Society and its allies are insisting that it be more like a benevolent council of village elders. The illuminati, the Pentagon and the Italian P2 lodge are, for their part, offering a third alternative, which they call a Star Trek future. This vision is of a world headed by a large meritocratic organization run something along the lines of the Pentagon, the Vatican or the Chinese Communist Government.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Recordatorio y Reflexión del momento, por el Arcángel Metatrón ~ Guardianes y Mostradores de la Puerta - Oct 19, 2015


Translation by Gloria Mühlebach <3 font="" thank="" you="">


Es particularmente importante estar abierto para cada faceta de este proceso Divino, así
como estar conscientes de que todo está bien. Tienen que entregarse aceptando plenamente a fin de permitir que el proceso se despliegue; tienen que atreverse a dejar ir, especialmente los patrones de pensamiento y la mente, o de otro modo podrían obstruir el flujo y causar algún tipo de incomodidad.

Los trabajadores que están presentes en la Tierra para asentar esas energías y quienes operan como canalizadores durante este proceso pudieran esperar las energías más intensas a fin de pasarlas al colectivo de la humanidad y a la Tierra Madre. Ellos son los portadores de las nuevas energías y ésa es su misión. Es sumamente importante para ellos abrirse a estas energías y aceptarlas; en eso tienen que trabajar y enfocarse.

Celia Fenn ~ AA Michael ~ Sacred Union : The Balance Returns after the Grounding of the Sacred Masculine Luminosity - Oct 22, 2015


Beloved Family of Light, it has been a tumultuous time this last month as Waves Of Luminous Light have washed over your Beloved Planet Earth, and have been integrated into the Crystalline Grids of the New Earth's Sacred Geometric Structures. It is a moment of Great Joy as the New Frequencies of Light reconnect you with the Ancient Light Codes of the Divine God Force or Creative Intelligence.

The most exciting aspect of this for Us, in the Angelic Realms of Light, has been the grounding of the Divine Sacred Masculine in its new frequencies. This grounding of the Divine Sacred Masculine has been activated and enabled by the beautiful and loving energies of the Divine Feminine as they are expressed in the New Earth frequency of the Fifth Dimension.

Sandra Walter ~ Unifying the Divine Continuum of Self - Oct 22, 2015


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, 

There is a vastness, an infinite beauty to this passage of Resurrection which cannot be distilled into words. We turn to creativity in these passages of transformation. Creativity assists in integrating what is occurring in our own consciousness; it light-grounds our experiences for the collective, and assists us in comprehending dramatic shifts as we attain higher and higher levels of expansion.
These higher frequencies can only be interpreted with the Heart. They literally miss the lower levels of the mind.

Observations of UFOs sightings around our Sun - October 22, 2015

Marlene Swetlishoff - AA Gabriel - October 22, 2015

Beloved Ones,

I want to have discourse on the quality of love known as wisdom. In its essence, wisdom is the truth of the divine. It rises from within one’s inner guidance clearly, purely and simply as a knowing that something is absolutely true for them. One’s inner guidance is always speaking to them and one exercises the quality of wisdom when they attune and listen to its quiet voice. In this way, they are guided to navigate the river of their live with divine intelligence. Following one’s inner wisdom fills an individual with a sense of love for self and others. Wisdom is an undeniable knowing that a course of action is the wise choice to take and that one will be given all the guidance they need to do exactly the right thing.  When they trust their higher wisdom and inner guidance doing what feels good, they feel at peace within their heart knowing they are always led in the right direction. When they allow this inner wisdom to be heard, their life unfolds in mysterious and wonderful ways. It is a surrendering of personal wants and desires to the universal flow of life, the loving intelligence that is greater than anything one’s mind could conceive.

Shelly Dressel - Alivio De Las Energías Intensas - 18 de Octubre 2015

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Aunque esta canalización está directamente relacionada con todo el influjo energético que está teniendo lugar, creo que puede ser beneficiosa para cualquier momento. (La Diosa hacía referencia a las dos semanas de la luna nueva, el Equinoccio y la Luna Llena de Septiembre de 2015). Existe una transición constante de energía sucediendo entre la tierra y el universo, y a veces lo sentimos más intensamente que en otros momentos. Ya sea que lo sintamos o no, las energías cambiantes se están moviendo a través del consciente colectivo, de la humanidad, de los animales y de la tierra propiamente dicha.

Suzanne Lie - Connecting to your Higher Self

Graham Hancock The Science behind Entanglement

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¡Ha Sucedido Antes! - Tel Aviv, Israel – 11 de Octubre 2015

Saludos, queridos, soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta es la última canalización en Israel. Para muchos es el fin de la gira. Estamos en Jerusalén, y no muy lejos de Belén. Este mensaje en particular es diferente; es diferente porque es la primera vez que voy a mencionar algo. Tantos mensajes que hemos dado, y no hemos hablado de las estrellas, y ya es hora.

Queridos, puede que algunos de ustedes no hayan oído la historia. Tal vez algunos hayan oído los nombres que hay en la historia. Algunos pueden disentir con ella. Pero otra vez es momento de reiterar lo que ha sucedido aquí y hablar de una historia que es incluso anterior al planeta. Es hermoso que los humanos honren a las estrellas. En seguida les haré algunas preguntas sobre las estrellas, pero por ahora me gustaría volver sobre el nacimiento del Maestro del Amor.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El Despertar Cuántico - Octubre 2015


*** De su anfitriona de Luz
*** Hablamos sin ton ni son, creamos por capricho y profetizamos por miedo
*** La única manera de reclamar su belleza, prosperidad y amor es verlo en los demás
*** También ustedes serán bendecidos cada minuto de cada día si bendicen en silencio a los demás
*** Cuando el torbellino del cambio llega y azota y deforma nuestros peinados cósmicos…


Las emociones del planeta son palpables y avasalladoras. Toman forma energética y climática, propagándose a través de nuestras vidas como una ola gigantesca, creando una limpieza forzada. Una liberación líquida se abre camino por todos los corredores de nuestro corazón y nuestras vidas. Esta fuerza motora expulsa todas las islas de pensamientos tristes que alguna vez se desviaron para ver. Vemos las fuerzas de la naturaleza a medida que revelan lentamente su verdadero espíritu. Fuertes y poderosas como cualquier ángel, se alzan a veces entrando en nuestro espacio y nuestro semblante. ¡Hubo un tiempo en que comandábamos a la naturaleza y le decíamos qué hacer! Antiguamente, cuando vestíamos el atuendo de mago, ella escuchaba y obedecía como un perro encadenado que respondía gruñéndonos mientras le ordenábamos que hiciese lo que le pedíamos.

Christine Meleriessee - The Transitionary Movement Within GAIA ~ A MESSAGE FROM LORD SAINT GERMAIN - Oct 22, 2015

Note: Lord Saint Germain will be hosting today’s ASCENSION CLINIC ON TRANSCENDING ENERGY which will create a personal experience of healing with the Seven Rays of God in the Seven Chakras. To read more about this class and learn how to attend LIVE or for the MP3 AUDIO recording, please see


As you move towards the 11:11 energies, the changes that are occurring within your four-body system are changing directly. These changes are reflected within each human upon this earth. No one is slipping away from the changes of Gaia, within Gaia, and around Gaia as each of you are a part of them.

The acceleration of the Earth is now upon us. You are in the transition phase of the New Earth.

Terri Newlon - Wesak Half Way Point - Oct. 22, 2015

(Channeling begins)


Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Well we have a lot going on in the inner planes. We have kind of a Mars Warrior aspect that’s up that’s a bit of agitating. We have quite a bit of pressure from planetary influences calling for a lot of change, rapid change; kind of a dramatic weeding out of things so it’s time to maybe get rid of some extra socks or clean out the refrigerator, that sort of thing. Essentially it’s calling for more organization and more efficiency on a global level.

Patricia Cota-Robles - Evidence of Humanity’s Shift of Consciousness - October 22, 2015

Now that everyone has had a few weeks to assimilate and evaluate through their own personal experience the most powerful influx of Light the World has ever known, I would like to share with you some information from On High that may enhance your understanding of what has actually taken place. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth said that the Portal of Light that was opened during the amazing Eclipse Series in September 2015, and the Collective Cup of Consciousness that was formed by Humanity through the synchronicity of myriad outer-world events that coincided with the Eclipses, an unprecedented Global shift of consciousness was cocreated in the Realms of Cause by the I AM Presences of Humanity en masse.

This shift into a higher consciousness will manifest through every man, woman, and child in ways that are specifically aligned with his or her individual Divine Plan. But for the first time ever, the Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth that were associated with this shift of consciousness were INSTANTLY ANCHORED IN THE WORLD OF EFFECTS, which is the physical plane of Earth.

miércoles, octubre 21, 2015

Suzanne Lie ~ THE SYLPHS, Air Elementals, SPEAK--BY GAIA'S SYLPHS 10-21-15

THE SYLPHS, Air Elementals, SPEAK 

By Gaia’s Sylphs 

Good Nowness Dear Human, 

We the Air Elementals, the Sylphs, have come to speak with you this day. We are so honored to be able to have a voice for the ears of humanity. Always, we have floated past humans without you ever knowing we are with you. We have often whispered in your ear, and some of you even heard us. Unfortunately, very few could understand what you heard.

What we have been saying all these millennia is that we feel your breath within our sky. When you breathe out your sorrow, we feel sad and concerned. When you are frightened or angry we feel these emotions and wish to comfort you. Wonderfully, when you breathe out happiness we feel joy and wish to join you in your play.

Crop Circles 2015 - Prudentópolis, Paraná - Brazil - 19th October 2015 - Agroglifos 2015 Brasil UFO

Selacia - New Energies New You - 21 October, 2015

With much of the recent cosmic turmoil behind us, do take notice of the calmer energies and set aside time to self-reflect. You aren’t the same being you were last October, in part because of moving through some quite challenging times but also due to acceleration in your waking up process. You now see the world and yourself through new eyes, and you can catapult your forward movement by recognizing this and then applying what you have learned.
In 2015 alone your outer world has changed dramatically, much of the shift unrecognizable when you are immersed in it. A couple of years from now, however, you will look back in amazement of how radically different things are – from everyday life impacted by technology to realizing more and more that we are global humans living on a small planet.

Aliens spaceships - UFOs near the Sun in the survey for October 21, 2015

Ron Head – The Council - PREDICTIONS - October 21 2015

We will speak today of predictions. We know they are a favorite of all of you. We also know that they are being used to raise the hopes of all of humanity at his time. We know that into this category also fall “dire warnings.” And these are being used for quite the opposite effect. Some of the more fantastic predictions that appear positive are, in reality, being used because those who begin them imagine that they will lead to great disappointment. So let’s discuss all of this.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tonos Pineales del Coro de la Paz - Tel Aviv, Israel – 10 de Octubre 2015

Traducción del Audio de las SEIS Canalizaciones en vivo
de Kryon por Lee Carroll en Tel Aviv dadas entre uno y otro canto de Tonos Pineales del Coro de la Paz
Tel Aviv, Israel – 10 de Octubre 2015


Saludos, queridos, soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Para quienes solo están escuchando, permanecemos en Tel Aviv. Hasta ahora, los mensajes han sido casi exclusivamente para los judíos. Pero estamos iniciando este Coro, un evento que es pura energía, un evento de transmisión y de cambio, llamado Coro de Paz. Estos mensajes de ahora son para todos, no solo para la región. Ciertamente podemos usar ejemplos de lo que está aquí porque estamos en Israel, pero los mensajes son para todos.

En estos breves momentos quiero contarles algunas cosas. Todo lo que están haciendo es profundamente importante. Puede que crean tal vez que esto es un concierto o incluso un show; hay mucho más.

La consciencia es Física, y la Física de hoy es una intención pacífica y su difusión. Los ensayos se completaron y los tonos están listos. Con el Espíritu nada es accidental. Lo que los trae aquí no es accidental. Las cosas que ven a su alrededor, incluso la estructura de algunos de los programas, no es accidental. En lo que concierne a lo que el Espíritu hace a lo largo del tiempo, hay muchas coincidencias, hasta que finalmente se dan cuenta de que es una belleza, que es planeado, que es lo apropiado.

Benjamín Fulford - 20-10-15. El gobierno mundial es inevitable, pero nunca debe ser fascista

21 oct

Los acontecimientos políticos de los últimos años apuntan inexorablemente hacia la formación de una especie de gobierno mundial. Esto fue expuesto de manera todavía más clara, ya que la mayoría de los líderes del mundo que se reunieron en las Naciones Unidas para el 70 aniversario de la ONU – cuádruple luna de sangre – parecieron estar leyendo todos el mismo guión, con algunas sutiles diferencias. En la actualidad existe un consenso entre los líderes mundiales de que el gobierno mundial es la única manera de evitar que las mafias corporativas criminales asesinen y saqueen este planeta hasta su destrucción. La batalla ahora es sobre qué tipo de gobierno será.

martes, octubre 20, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - AA Uriel - Permite la Auto Expansión y Evite el Auto Juicio - 20 de Octubre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Este es un mensaje canalizado del Arcángel Uriel

La expansión de su propósito y potencial ahora brinda claridad y entendimiento a su viaje de experiencia y a cómo han participado en esta gran misión de ascensión. Los muchos aspectos de su ‘yo’ se presentan en oportunidad divina y con propósito para completar ciclos de sanación, liberar lazos kármicos y restablecer su anteproyecto divino. Pero al ser conscientes de más potenciales poderosos ustedes creen que han cometido errores y juzgan sus acciones como erróneas o equivocadas. No obstante, su voluntad para experimentar dolor y sufrimiento como parte del ciclo de ascensión ha sido un regalo a la fuente para que pudiese ocurrir la ascensión. Ahora están libres para avanzar hacia nuevos aspectos de su yo solamente si evitan el juicio del sendero que han elegido como su lección y regalo.

Jonette Crowley - ENFRENTANDO LA MALDAD: Un Viaje Interior al “Templo Negro” - 25 Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El Templo Negro de la Atlántida

El Templo Negro de la Atlántida – una pirámide gigantesca de obsidiana en los planos internos. Águila Blanca o MARK me han guiado para ir de vez en cuando (la Obsidiana Negra – cristal volcánico, atrae la oscuridad hacia ella. Así que este ‘templo’ sostiene y resuena con todo tipo de tristeza y maldad que puedan imaginar). Siempre mis visitas aquí se han producido durante una meditación canalizada de grupo en la cual se nos pide que haga brillar nuestra Luz sobre los seres oscuros y siniestros aquí. El lugar es real en otra dimensión del tiempo/espacio o quizás sea una metáfora. En el trabajo espiritual, la sanación a través del entendimiento metafórico es una forma válida de trabajo. Hacía unos cuantos años que no visitaba este reino infernal de inframundo, hasta un viaje chamánico de experiencia en este último mes.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 10/20/2015

13 Cimi, 19 Tzotz, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! This reality is being swiftly disassembled by the various decisions of a new group of the ancient families and the new royalty of Europe. Their decisions are making it possible to speedily take down the many-headed monster that is the cabal. Those who are involved in the legal aspects of this operation are quite pleased that these vital decisions are finally being made. Our liaisons report that the new financial system and its many parts are in fact completed. We expect these newly finished parts to take on the US Federal Reserve and its numerous central bank allies. The many precedents set up by our legal division promises to make these strikes quick and easy. These banks lack the precious metal support offered to the world by the new financial system. Hence, we feel that this new system can be in charge of a new financial reality before this 10th Gregorian month ends. These events can clearly signal that the many currency revaluations and the grand global currency reset can be finished and put in operation. This is to be the time when a whole slew of new governance is to be operating. These new governments are to finally end the decades-long UFO cover up!

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Allow Self Expansion & Avoid Self Judgment - October 20, 2015

This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.

The expansion of your purpose and potential now provides clarity and understanding of your journey and how you have been participated in this great ascension mission. The many aspects of your ‘self’ come forward in divine timing and with right purpose, to complete healing cycles, release karmic bonds, and re-establish your divine blueprint. But as you become aware of more powerful potentials you believe that you have made mistakes and judge your actions as wrong or misguided. Yet your willingness to experience pain and suffering as part of the ascension cycle have been a gift to Source so ascension could occur. Now you are free to move into new aspects of your self but only if you avoid judgment of the path you have chosen as your lesson and your gift.

John Smallman - Jesus - You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams - October 20, 2015

Me: Good evening Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last message, what do you have for me tonight? Jesus: And a very good evening to you as well, John. Change is in the air, can’t you feel it?
Me: I’m not very good at feeling! So, I’m hopeful, because of what others are saying, and I have a sense that “all manner of things will be well.” And then I read the mainstream media and learn about all the suffering – floods and mudslides in the Philippines, destruction of homes and families in Syria, thousands of migrants making their way to Europe in desperation – on and on. I send love, I think I intend, but it all seems so hopeless as those “in charge” seem set on military responses to these ongoing “problems,” problems from which they are very securely separated! Yes, they talk of humanitarian responses, but they only seem to be able to conceive of military might to contain and control the frightful situations for which it would seem they are largely responsible. And how many thousands of times has that been unsuccessfully tried? As the song goes “When will they ever learn?”

Blossom Gooldchild - Oct 20, 2015

Hello there my friends on High! The more that is being revealed through whistle blowers etc. … the more one could despair … and yet … LOVE conquers all … and we MUST KNOW that … at our core level … wouldn’t you say?

We would say ‘Very much so’ Dearest Blossom. Good morning to you. We would very much appreciate the turning on of your recording equipment.

lunes, octubre 19, 2015

Brenda Hoffman - Remember You - 19 October, 2015

Dear Ones,

Many of you consider yourselves to be above petty inconveniences such as paying bills or interacting with those you do not like or cannot relate to. Not that you believe you are better than others, but that you feel you no longer need to be active in such 3D actions. That you should be floating through the heavens or greeting your new life.
While such is true to a certain extent – you are creating that which makes you most comfortable in your New Earth – you are part of that New Earth. You will not skip from 3D to floating through the heavens – as you phrase it – until you transition from earth in this lifetime. So it is you are alert to earth needs because you are of earth.

Nikola Tesla's Life New Documentary Full

The Rainbow - Hilarion's Weekly Message

domingo, octubre 18, 2015

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - 10:10 Gateway Ascension Symptoms: New Forerunners Leaving the Matrix - 16 October, 2015

Many of the Star Seeds, Blue Rays and the New Forerunners, who have been on the trailblazing ascension path for a long time, will be the first to be experiencing this vibrational shift.

As you are leaving the old matrix, this time-space may feel very different from anything you have experienced before. First to experience this are the New Forerunners—the first wave frequency anchors, and Blue Rays and Star Seeds, who have been on the ascension path for many years, even decades. Coming to this place you may feel that your mission is over. There may be such a sense of completion for some, it may feel you could cross over and leave the planet. 888

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Desafío Conferencia #2 en Tel Aviv - Tel Aviv, Israel – 8 de Octubre 2015

Saludos, queridos, soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Todos los mensajes que les hemos dado en la semana anterior fueron dados profundamente en amor. En amor. Deseamos que reveas los trece, los escuches con oídos internacionales; no con oídos judíos, no con oídos de otra parte de la región; solamente con oídos internacionales. Sin embargo, estoy en Israel y los mensajes dados son para los judíos. Tiene sentido; ha habido un mensaje poderoso y quiero que quede claro otra vez.

Nuevamente: el término "los elegidos" se refiere a los judíos, pero cuando consideran para qué fueron elegidos, les hace detenerse un momento. Seremos muy claros para que lo comprendan: elegidos para dar a este planeta un Dios monoteísta, un Dios único. No como los griegos; no como los romanos, sino como judíos. Que el Dios único se viera en el planeta y eventualmente todo el planeta estaría unificado con un Dios único. Ustedes fueron elegidos para hacerlo, y lo hicieron. Pero no han terminado, y la parte que sigue es tan difícil como la primera porque también es planetaria. Queridos, escuchen: claramente, ustedes fueron elegidos para traer la paz aquí. Ustedes tienen todas las cartas: tienen la tecnología, y la sabiduría y el Akasha del propósito. Unieron al planeta con espiritualidad. Ahora terminen el trabajo. Esto es lo que dijimos con todo amor: ustedes son los elegidos para hacerlo. Y cuando esto termine, ustedes dirán, "Oh, va a ser muy difícil; porque no es solo cuestión nuestra, ya sabes, ¡es de ellos!"

Celia Fenn - AA Miguel - Unión Sagrada: El Balance Regresa después que la Luminosidad del Sagrado Masculino se Ancle a Tierra - 14 de Octubre 2015


Traducción: Marcela Borean

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Querida Familia de Luz, ha sido una época tumultuosa este último mes ya que Olas de Luz Luminosa han inundado su Amado Planeta Tierra, y se han integrado a las Rejillas Cristalinas de las Estructuras Geométricas Sagradas de la Nueva Tierra. Es un momento de Gran Alegría pues las Nuevas Frecuencias de Luz los reconectan con los Antiguos Códigos de Luz de la Divina Fuerza de Dios o de la Inteligencia Creativa.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 18 al 25 de octubre, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


A medida que el mundo se mueve más hacia las más elevadas frecuencias que están disponibles ahora, habrá un largo período de ajuste, con una serie de descargas de energía intensa y luego habrá un periodo de descanso para permitir que el cuerpo se alinee e integre plenamente la nueva versión mejorada de sí mismos. Muchos de ustedes luchan por dominar limitaciones y patrones de pensamiento previos que limitan el movimiento adicional en este momento. Esta actividad será mucho más fácil de lograr porque se ha producido un cambio en las octavas superiores. Habrá un levantamiento de los bloqueos mentales y emocionales que le han impedido tomar su legítimo lugar en esta etapa de la vida en la nueva realidad mundial. Ustedes son ahora, incluso más que antes, potencias energéticas y son capaces de influir en la dinámica de energía que les rodea de una manera más beneficiosa. Se requiere que tengan la intención de ser de esta manera una bendición, y que mantengan este enfoque cada día y declaren esta intención verbalmente. Sólo por ser quienes son en este momento, traen bendiciones a otros. Aquellos de ustedes que han integrado con éxito las nuevas frecuencias hasta ahora y lo han acordado en los niveles superiores, están siendo utilizados como conductos para difundir estas frecuencias más altas que están disponibles ahora.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - You are always receiving God’s love whether you "tune in" or not - October 18, 2015

Dear One,

God’s love is the energy that permeates the universe. It is the essence in which you live, move and have your being. There is no time when you are separate from Divine Love, whether or not you are aware of this fact. Divine Love is always there for you.

If you do choose to be aware that you are basking in the Light of the Universe in every moment, your life can change for the better. When you remember that you are always receiving God’s blessings, you know that you are supremely loved. No matter what you have done, or not done, you are loved. No matter how imperfect you feel, you are loved. You are the beloved child of a benevolent God who wants you to be happy, free, wealthy, and filled with love. This is what you deserve because you are you.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group Update - October 18, 2015

Welcome dear ones, welcome to these times of new energies and unconditional love.

You are moving quickly into "newness" and are now experiencing its energy in many forms. Do not doubt that you are in the midst of great change, do not judge what you perceive outwardly in the world by three dimensional standards for they no longer serve as an accurate measure.

John Smallman - Saul - Your Oneness will arise in all its glory and magnificence to amaze and delight you.- 10/18/2015

Most of you have a problem with the truth that All are One.  As separated humans, individuals in your own separate bodies, it is very difficult for you to conceive of being one with someone you dislike, let alone with someone who is generally recognized as a criminal or as an oppressive dictator.  But those are just illusory aspects of yourself that resulted from the attempted separation from your divine Source.  When you awaken, as you inevitably will because it is both your will and God’s, your Oneness will arise in all its glory and magnificence to amaze and delight you.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - October 18-24, 2015

Beloved Ones,
As the world moves further into the higher frequencies that are available now, there will be a long period of adjustment, with a series of intense energy downloads and then there will be a resting time to allow the body to align and fully integrate with the new enhanced version of self. There are so many of you struggling to surrender former limitations and thought patterns that limit further movement right now. This activity will become much easier to accomplish now that a shift into higher octaves has taken place. There will be a lifting of the mental and emotional blocks that have kept you from taking your rightful place on the stage of life in the new world reality.