Note: Lord Saint Germain will be hosting today’s ASCENSION CLINIC ON TRANSCENDING ENERGY which will create a personal experience of healing with the Seven Rays of God in the Seven Chakras. To read more about this class and learn how to attend LIVE or for the MP3 AUDIO recording, please see
As you move towards the 11:11 energies, the changes that are occurring within your four-body system are changing directly. These changes are reflected within each human upon this earth. No one is slipping away from the changes of Gaia, within Gaia, and around Gaia as each of you are a part of them.
The acceleration of the Earth is now upon us. You are in the transition phase of the New Earth.
Many think that the New Earth has arrived. But that would mean that the Higher Dimensions of Light are completely grounded within the core of Gaia and each of you.
I want you to believe that this requirement of completion is a true requirement. Otherwise, there would now be no wars, there would be no aggressive behaviors, there would be cohesive understanding without arguments, there would not be a monetary system; and the Beings of the Inner Earth Cities of the Agarthian Network would walk with each of you along with each of us in the Spiritual Hierarchy.
This means you would be existing in a 5th dimensional body and beyond. You would have grounded the higher chakras within your physical system and that you can heal yourself in a moment’s notice.
We still have a long way to travel until we reach those moments, but believe me, we are on the journey of renewal and rebirth together.
The Transitionary Phase of the Earth’s Healing is one that has never been experienced before. You are going from a planetary system that has been based on the Masculine Divine and not the Feminine Essence so that means that your structures are changing to accommodate the newer frequencies of light to accept the balance within the Masculine and Feminine Divine to occur.
It is not an easy time at all. You want to believe that it has changed but yet there are elements that arise in your system that tell you otherwise. On the other side of the spectrum is that you have changed in so many ways. Your consciousness is higher, your experience with other individuals can be elevated, but yet your bodily functions are still existing within the 3rd dimensional construct.
As your healing takes place, many changes have to occur within your system. When you start to interact emotionally and mentally on a higher level of consciousness, then the body can feel the changes that are happening. The chakras can become infused with other elements that you were unaware of previously. This is because the Etheric Body is becoming more active within your Physical Body. The interaction between the two is very closely related but until you are aware of feelings, changes, and elements in your life then those two bodies do not interact with each other except in the dream or meditative state.
The awareness of people within the earth is also changing. When you take a look at the media, entertainment, movies, TV, radio, and internet, you see information about how important meditation can be within a person’s life; or people helping people, assisting those less fortunate, and any other third dimensional acts that are occurring.
These elements are important as they contain thought forms and feelings that are being sent out to the Universe and being returned into the Core of Gaia’s essence. This then starts to change the energy patterns within the earth. The transmitting of these energies are awakening people to another part of themselves, their Souls and Higher Self energies.
Now each of these souls that have not fully awakened within their consciousness fully do not understand that there is a higher frequency of light occurring within the planet.
What they do see is that living on this earth may be changing than the way it was previously. So that thought form results in more thought forms of Healing for Humanity.
I want to say that each of you that are part of the movement of bringing Light Awareness and Interaction into the planet have helped tremendously, because as you are growing, learning more, all of those thought forms are being transmitted not only to the specific individuals you interact with but in all areas of this earth. This is allowing the higher vibrational energies to be emitted into the earth so that more individuals can awaken into the next octave of light that they can handle.
People are Healing because of what is happening currently.
What is occurring with this process is that Gaia is feeling more secure to hold more light frequencies within her. This means that the planetary activations become stronger as more souls bring forth the Love Consciousness into their existence.
This is why we call this the Transitionary Movement within GAIA.
Unfortunately, this is only the beginning. Many individuals talk about Love Consciousness being Oneness, which in truth, it is. But it represents so much more than that. In order to fully embody Oneness within the Self, the entire structure of the physical body must be able to hold that light. This is where the Ascension Symptoms arise in individuals, and I believe, that even those on the 1st Initiation are being affected by these energies.
What happens through this process is that people need to change in the way that they go about their internal healing. As the elevation of the energies arise within the planet, each physical embodiment, including all life forms, are being effected by the continual rise and fall of the energies. This takes a toll on the physical body; as the changes are occurring, the newer crystalline structure must be actualized through not only the physical self, but also the Etheric, Emotional and Mental bodies.
Everything has to come into Oneness ~ not just within the consciousness but within the physical self.
What happens through the process of accelerations of the planetary changes is that the energy is being intertwined within the four-body system of the physical – Etheric – Emotional – Mental bodies in order to receive the Spiritual Body of the Higher Self, the 5th Body of Light.
This means that the Seven Chakras as we have known them are going to change. Think about it ~ you cannot access higher dimensions of light and ground it within the earth without change the structure of your physical existence. As the earth is arising in its vibrational levels, every human body must do the same.
This has never occurred before as when a person accelerated themselves into the higher dimensions, they turned into pure light usually at the 7th or 8th dimensional frequency and the 7th Initiation. The earth could not hold that person so they turned their body into Pure Light allowing them to move between dimensions at will. That was the ascension process of the past. It is no longer true.
GAIA is changing so now each of you have the capability to live in a world acclimating all parts of yourself in a vibrational level that is quite different than before. This is when you have the ability to transform and heal any part of yourself into pure light, but then walk within the earth. Life will change drastically through this process.
This means that the Science of Understanding the Chakras must change. Your carbon-based body will change which means the chakras are being modified to reflect the higher levels of vibrational shifts that are occurring. This movement into the Crystalline Structure needs to be addressed by utilizing the Seven Rays of God within each of the chakras as your present chakra system is going to increase in vibrational levels within the physical self. This means that as the chakras change they represent the higher cosmic levels incorporated by the Rays of God into the physical self to help the body to transition to the Crystalline Structure.
Many individuals are already feeling the changes within the bodily system, but the problem may be is that if a person has no idea how to utilize the Rays of God within the physical structure, then physical problems will arise. The Seven Chakras incorporated into your present bodily structure hold the elements of your soul’s past history. If those particles of debris are not taken care of, then illnesses can appear out of nowhere and the medical community will not know how to treat the patient.
This is why it is imperative that awakened individuals understand this process first for themselves and then for others. Healers are in demand to do this kind of work but the process must occur first within the healer themselves. This is very imperative.
Learning to access the Seven Rays of God into each of the specific chakras will align each soul with their higher purpose, their own Rays of God they have brought with them within the Physical, Personality, Emotional, Mental, Soul, and Monad levels. This in turn, will allow for the deepest healing to occur within the present chakras to be raised into the Cosmic Level. This then allows these chakras to be given the opportunity to raise your consciousness to allow for the higher chakras of the 4th and 5th dimensional bodies to be utilized. This is only the beginning. Within the ascension process, you can then allow the 50 Rays of God to be integrated within the Body of Light creating the higher chakras through the 7th Initiation or the 8th Dimensional Frequency to occur within the Physical Body.
I want you to know that this is how you are going to access your higher bodies of light, to be able to allow the anti-aging process to occur, to heal any part of your body, and walk as an Ascended Master on the New Earth.
Accessing the first Seven Rays of God will help the ascension symptoms to dissipate, as the carbon-based body becomes the crystalline structure. But care and diligence is very important to access these energies and not be haphazard about it. Yes, it can be challenging, and will not occur overnight.
If you have a genuine interest in being part of the New Earth as a Leader or participant, these elements must be put into place. We have been waiting to offer this information, as people need to be ready and prepared. The 11:11 energies in 2015 is the stepping stone to allow your Foundation to be balanced, integrated, and fully aligned to allow for the integration of the energies to be at the best possible level.
I, as Lord Saint Germain, am deeply grateful to walk with each of you through this process. I look forward to our journey together.
~Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
Note: Lord Saint Germain will be hosting today’s ASCENSION CLINIC ON TRANSCENDING ENERGY which will create a personal experience of healing with the Seven Rays of God in the Seven Chakras. To read more about this class and learn how to attend LIVE or for the MP3 AUDIO recording, please see
If you would like to learn more about the Rays that you have embodied this lifetime, consider having a specialized reading on the Rays of God, COMMANDING PERSONAL MASTERSHIP OF THE RAYS OF GOD: A Ray Reading with Djwhal Khul (see ).
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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