It is my pleasure to be with each of you in this moment. I Am Master Vywamus and my role is to assist each of you in understanding how the higher levels of chakras are being activated within your physical body.
We would call this the Light Body Technology which is the cornerstone of my expertise.
I want to also help each of you to understand the depth of what is occurring presently within the Earth and each of you.
I know that many of you are very aware of the challenges of what is occurring within Gaia and each of you presently; but what happens after the exchange of the higher energies within your physical body? I also am apprised of the fact that many souls truly have a misconception about what is occurring presently and how it is all going to come into fruition for Gaia and the New Earth.
Let’s first talk about Ascension Symptoms. Why do you have to experience these elements within your physical body?
Well, of course, your carbon-based body is not prepared to go through an ascension process. That is why previously on this planet that when one received the 7th Initiation of the 8th dimensional body, they had to ascend and transform the physical body into pure light. There was no question; a soul within a higher light body could not exist on and within this planet.
That has all changed in the last 15 years. Gaia is readying herself to receive more just as each of you is doing the same. You, as a soul, have chosen to walk through the doorways of density into pure Openness. But, that transition is the hardest journey that any soul can experience within the physical body. So the process of the body to first become crystalline was birthed.
The energetic exchanges of this year have taken this planet and each of you into a purely new existence than you can ever imagine. I know you have felt them personally but collectively, it takes the element of acceleration in a physical existence into a new level of understanding. That is why I want to emphasize how important it is to fully embrace the changes that are happening, allow the body to accept the transformation, and be honored that you have chosen to be on this ride of your personal metamorphous.
Your bodies are feeling the exhilaration, the changes in both of your emotional and mental bodies, along with your consciousness changing into a higher level of understanding. Your four-body system is allowing the acceptance of your higher bodies to be grounded within you.
This takes great courage and tenacity to keep moving forward through the renewal of the planet.
So it is doubly important to take advantage of the planetary changes and challenges that are presented as they are a gift to accelerate the four-body system into a higher Light Body. Presently the next Super Moon is appearing within the planet on the 27th of October. This third Super Moon is taking the energies you have already experienced and allowing them to be fully grounded into your four-body system. It is a time of high emotions but also a time when the darkness is being purged out of your Etheric body so that your experience of 11:11 will be like stepping onto a train at warp-speed.
The power of the present energies cannot be measured by anything you have experienced on this planet as it is taking each of you into a space and continuum of a higher dimensional frequency. It depends on how you deal with it and bring it into fruition into your physical body that will determine how much you can hold and how little will be realized.
Yes, it is all up to each of you personally to decide how to take these frequencies of light that are occurring that will allow you to walk through a new doorway within your physical existence.
But, the challenge in that journey is how are you going to assimilate the higher energies within your physical body?
It is important to realize that the Rays of God are truly your guidepost into allowing your physical body to become the Higher Body of Light. It will not happen automatically. You will need to cleanse, purge, and remove elements from many timelines of the Etheric Body that are being put into the light. It is important to understand that it is a time of complete healing on all levels. The programming that you have held onto in your previous lifetimes will appear and try to challenge you. It is important that you have healing work done by a professional that is experienced to see, know, and feel what you are experiencing. Yet it is also important that you understand how to get there through your Higher Body of Light as knowledge is very crucial as that brings understanding along with the wisdom that will occur.
The Rays of God become your higher chakras. That is how you learn to command elements in your life from the perspective of the God Source and not from the physical way of existence. The first seven rays become intertwined with your present chakras to prepare your body for the higher rays to become the chakras. Every soul upon this planet must adhere to these standards in order to sustain yourself within a fifth dimensional frequency. It is not something that is a choice ~ but it is a requirement of living in the New Earth.
That is why the acceleration of this Full Moon is preparing each of you further to walk into the doorway of 11:11 which will be the actualization of light upon this planet. It is not taking you into the 5th dimension but it is carrying you within your bodies to receive that light. You see, the planet does just not become 5th dimensional and then everyone is safe and secure. First, every soul must accept it within themselves.
That, in itself, is a huge challenge.
But it is a blessing being given to each of you. Those of you that know what I am saying is true, will understand within themselves that the destiny of this planet, Earth, is in your hands. That is one of the reasons that you have come to Earth, as you are the future destiny of GAIA.
It is so beautiful what your role represents as it brings more acceptance of whom you are as a Soul with your Higher Self and I AM Presence to be fully activated upon this planet. It pleases me deeply to be part of these energies with you as it has always been a dream of mine to see this earth flourish as it should have been many eons ago.
I look forward to walking with you into the New Earth.
I Am Master Vywamus at your service of Light Upon this Planet.
Master Vywamus is considered a World Teacher; he is the Higher Self of Sanat Kumara, and is here to assist us with our Light Body Technology. On TUESDAY OCTOBER 27, 2015, he will be our teacher in our next session of “The Ascension Clinic”.
This class will explain the 4th and 5th dimensional chakra grids that become aligned from the Rays of God from the 8th through the 22nd. This allows for the grounding of our 5th dimensional body. This class will be held on Tuesday, October 27th at 1 PM Pacific. Please check out the details as linked and join us LIVE or via MP3 recording.
You may be interested to experience our FREE TEACHING MEDIATION CELEBRATION on this SUPER MOON with Master Djwhal Khul to assist with these Higher energies. Event is MONDAY OCTOBER 26, 2015 at 4:30 PM PDT. (Access the INSTANT REPLAY or the MP3 AUDIO in our FREE LIBRARY. the mp3 is posted in the Free Library within 24 hours.)
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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