viernes, septiembre 19, 2014

Lena Stevens - New Moon/Autumn Equinox Update - September 19, 2014

Dear Friends,

The Autumn Equinox is exact on Monday, September 22 at 8:59PM MDT.

Pluto also goes direct on this day. The Equinox is always a great time to RESET and to honor endings so that you can make room for new beginnings. The endings or completions are especially important during this season and especially in light of changes that may be occurring in your life. Acknowledge the changes and honor the endings that are coming about because of them.
It is always important to mark the equinox through a ritual of some kind. You can honor your endings through a burning or burial of a representation of them. Follow this with writing intentions for something new.

Jahn J Kassl - THE BIG BIRD, 6D SPACE FLEET OF THE LIGHT - September 19, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Messenger from Heaven 
Report: A balmy summer evening in July, I sit with my best friends 
on a terrace surrounded by trees to have dinner, as, it is almost dark, 
a big bird settles on the tree top of an opposite tree. It is a bird, 
which I have never seen here before. For a long time this powerful 
animal sits almost motionless – looking straight at us – sitting on 
its branch swaying in the lite evening wind. As a say to my friends: 
“It wants to tell us something.” 
Whereby the bird immediately pipes up by giving out sounds, 
which none of us have ever heard before. Immediately after 
that it flies over our heads into the night. (End of report)

jueves, septiembre 18, 2014



photonbeltmetratronOn the 22nd of your September, you are all going to enter a photonic belt of light, for as your solar system has indeed stepped foot onto the new accord, the planet on which all of you re are finding yourselves shall take the next step in its evolutionary process, bringing with it, the peace and harmony of the ages past and the ages that are yet to come. A photonic belt of purple recognition principles shall roll out a new set of accords for your planet. The portals of the past shall reintegrate with the portals of the NOW moment of time.
Your ego shall be transformed into a new state of being. Your ego is not going to disappear, it shall simply take a backseat to your thought processes, and you shall begin to see the world through a different set of eyes.

Natalie Glasson - Mary Magdalene - The Period of Alignment - Sep18, 2014

The Period of Alignment by Mary Magdalene, Channelled through Natalie Glasson, 17th September 2014 –
You are now experiencing your divine essence in a sacred journey which is revealing your purpose as a soul on the Earth and within the universe of the Creator. The journey you are experiencing and continuously embarking upon is a special journey that gathers all your skills, abilities, wisdom and knowledge from past, simultaneous and current lifetimes into manifestation within your present moment.
Everything you require is present within your being, ready to be activated, available to be experienced and present to be honoured as a sacred manifestation of the divine. Your purpose upon the Earth is unfolding now for you. You are walking your sacred purpose in every moment of your life whether you are content with your life or not, experience an easy flowing life or challenges, feel confused or inspired.


Jahn J Kassl - Conversation with Sananda - September 18, 2014

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on September 8, 2014
first published on September 18, 2014 in
translated by Franz
JJK: The message of yesterday (“Echo from Space-Time”, Asana Mahatari) once again illustrated the “failure” of many human Beings to attain ascension. Was there really no other possibility?
SANANDA: I bless every human Being, who follows these words and I bless the world, which has found the trace of the Light!
Why do so many fail?
Was there another possibility for the outcome of this cosmic game? What was and still is, are infinitely many possibilities, potentials, which occur, manifest or stay away; and either wishful scenarios stay or they fulfill in another world, in another hologram. Thinking linearly, this means that there were, simply said, two fundamental scenarios for this world in a linear development:1) The complete destruction of the planet and the extinction of all human life on it, and
2) The ascension to a new dimension, at its designated space-time and this is due to a sustainable base vibration, which human Beings create on their own.

miércoles, septiembre 17, 2014

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 17 September 2014

AishaNorthBy now, the incoming energies will begin to register in many of you, as they herald the flux that will accompany next week’s portal of the Equinox. Yes, this is indeed another one of those numerous occasions when mankind get the chance to take another step up on this seemingly endless ladder of ascension. For we are well aware that for many, this process may seem to be endless, and that is indeed understandable. After all, this what you knew from the very beginning would constitute your life’s work this time around, and so, it is not by accident that you have been guided through this process in increments, seemingly minuscule at some times, while at others you truly commit yourselves to a true quantum leap. And this time, we can indeed guarantee you it will not be one of those infinitesimally small steps ahead, no this time, it will indeed be a mighty push in the back that will propel you all forwards in a giant leap. And so, whatever happens in the upcoming days, know that it will all be in order to prepare you all in the best possible way the better for you to be able to receive these bountiful gifts of energetic emissaries already heralding their arrival.

Jahn J Kassl - Asana Mahatari - Echo from Space-Time - September 17, 2014*UVtvL20K4aCQ*PG7j*ywbid1g2G1FFv0zT3hD1PRrNZDQwRoBTr-za0UNosTeotTinL3BBYTbNND-wiirY19/grid11111111.jpg
Asana Mahatari
channelled by Jahn J Kassl on September 7, 2014
first published on September 17, 2014 in
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
This world goes away and a new world in a new universe arises – in these days. And like in those days, in those old times of this world, the understanding for cosmic events is limited and only a few human Beings are willing to open oneself for it. To open oneself for the reality, which now arises, to open oneself for the truth, which now gleams through everywhere, and to open oneself for the Light that heaves this world into a glory, which it had not known so far.

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Galactic Fleets and Relationship Issues - Sep17, 2014

Fleet of UFOs in the sky
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
The more you practice channeling and the various other greater spiritual capabilities you’re beginning to discover you can hone, the stronger these abilities will become. Dedication to the channeling flow will always be important for anyone who wants to hone their ability, and this can obviously be said for any ability under the sun.
As long as you’re willing to practice your respective creative/spiritual abilities as much and as often as possible, you’ll find little difficulty utilizing them at any given time of day.


Jahn J Kassl - KING OF THE WORLD, SANAT KUMARA - September 17, 2014

Publication from the 
new Book by Jahn J Kassl: 
Telos - Welcome to Agartha 
This is an excerpt from Chapter 3:
King of the World

I am known as the King of the World, 
who administers the regency of this World since eternity.
Together with me, SANANDA, the omnipresent Power of Love 
and the all-encompassing energy of Christ Consciousness, shapes 
the fortunes of this world; and with us a vast number of light Beings 
from all levels of Creation accompany us. We represent an insurmountable 
power on all levels of Being; we form new worlds, give structure and 
new glory to old worlds.

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Galactic Fleets And Relationship Issues – 17 September 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
The more you practice channeling and the various other greater spiritual capabilities you’re beginning to discover you can hone, the stronger these abilities will become. Dedication to the channeling flow will always be important for anyone who wants to hone their ability, and this can obviously be said for any ability under the sun.
As long as you’re willing to practice your respective creative/spiritual abilities as much and as often as possible, you’ll find little difficulty utilizing them at any given time of day.
Your ability to act as clear and pure conduits for your higher selves, guides and the rest of the Company of Heaven is growing with each day that passes, and we note that your enthusiasm to contribute to your new society is growing immensely as a result.

The Council via Ron Head: Everything Else Leads to This - Sep17, 2014

councilThe Council: Everything Else Leads to This, Channeled through Ron Head, Oracles and Healers, September 16, 2014 –
There is one overriding thing which must be addressed by each and all of you. It is a problem which none of you are exempt from unless and until you have completed the path which you currently term ascension. It would be the grand finale of our messages, but instead of a grand finale, let us get to it now and let you understand that everything else leads to this and you have the need to address it continually until it is truly completed.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Las Cosas No Siempre Son Lo Que Parecen - Columbus, Ohio, el 24 de Agosto de 2014

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético

Este es un momento hermoso. Si les dijera que yo sé quién está aquí, ¿realmente lo entenderían? Me han oído tantas veces decir "Yo sé quién está en la silla, yo sé quién está escuchando." ¡No hay secretos para Dios! Yo soy de la Gran Fuente Central, Yo soy una parte del Todo, como lo son ustedes. Como nunca he sido un ser humano, no tengo las inclinaciones de ustedes, de la corporalidad o tridimensionalidad, pero tengo el amor por ustedes, basado en el trabajo que ustedes hacen.

martes, septiembre 16, 2014

Steve Rother - Hologram of the Heart - 15 September, 2014

Hologram of the Heart

You can watch the video version of this message here.
Greetings dear ones. I am eM.
A New Energy of Balanced Power
I have come with the very special intent to help you land energy on planet Earth, to help you bring your higher self in connection to everything you are doing. I have come in with a balanced energy. Many of you think that means that there is no sexuality. That is not the case, however. This energy is balanced in all areas. When you pretend to be a human, you must decide which side you will be on. When you have many incarnations in one area, you tend to come back in that over and over again, which is the challenging part of it, even as a spirit. Right now you are seeing more influx of the feminine, more raising of the balanced energies on planet Earth.

Jennifer Hoffman - Would You Put Your Head in a Lion's Mouth? - 16 September, 2014

Would You Put Your Head in a Lion's Mouth?

Solar flares and geomagnetic storms created an exciting, energy filled week through the weekend. Although we're still reeling a little from the energy downloads and corresponding shifts -- and these solar flares packed a punch -- we are not quite in the space to take action yet. Massive amounts of energy pouring into the earth grids can have peculiar and unexpected results, as it shifts the electromagnetic balance, polarity, creates new frequency gaps and closes others.
Remember that everyone feels and responds to these differently, so don't be surprised at others' reactions as they are probably feeling a little off balance right now too. And we're all mirroring each other's changes so everyone in your life is feeling the changes you are making, as well as their own. It can be a little rough.

Message from an Extraterrestrial - THE MOVIE (2014)

Jahn J Kassl - SPIRITUAL TRUTH OF END TIME, Part II - SANANDA - September 16, 2014

Conversation with Sananda 

channeled by Jahn J Kassl 
translated by Franz
JJK: Today I woke up with a question and this question preoccupies 
me now in the afternoon: Why do so many wealthy and as rich 
designated human Beings have an issue with money? 
Many are greedy or cannot have enough; some hoard (save) 
the money and pass on very little, as it does not serve their own 
benefit. Some human Beings hide their wealth, so that they do 
not have let go of anything, others preserve it, as if they want 
to take it with them into Heaven. And foremost: Wealth and 
abundance obviously are different things? How do they relate 
to each other? And thereby poverty is also per se not a sign of lack? 

lunes, septiembre 15, 2014

Microbios en la Estación Espacial / Microbes in Space Station

Suzanne Lie - The Volunteers - Sep 15, 2014

Message From The Arcturians

The Volunteers
(NOTE FROM SUE-I woke up this morning with the following dream/message.)

We are the Arcturian, speaking to you from the NOW of 1946,
We are in what is known as a “hospital” awaiting the birth of the female human that we will be over-lighting. The year is 1946 and Earth is in great danger again, and still. Gaia has put out another call to the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation to assist her. She needs some humans who can be a genetic combination of galactics and celestials to assist Her in the dangerous times ahead.

The testing and the droppings of atomic bombs have wounded Her body all the way into her fourth dimensional expression. It appears that the Draconians wearing human forms have lost this latest World War, but in reality they have infiltrated much of the Allied forces that appear to have won.

Aisha North - A short update on the energies - Sep 15, 2014

As many of you have noticed the amplitude is once again increasing as we all prepare you for that incoming blast of light that will once again envelop your entire planet in this upcoming period. For as many of you know, you are approaching an important time of your year, when you once again enter what we like to call a focal point of energies. For what you call your Equinox is once again approaching, and with it, a whole new set of coordinates will come into being.

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings Q&As: A Permanent Home and Healing Exhaustion – Part 1/2 - Sep15, 2014

Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Everything you experience is necessary for your growth and development, and in order to thrive on earth, it’s essential to flow with the things that present themselves to you. You’re on the earth to create a wealth of divinely inspired change, but your ability to do this will be muddied if you resist the flow of life experience – a flow that’ll ultimately lead you back into the higher realms.
Even though we’ve given this advice a lot, going with the flow is the absolute best thing you can do for yourselves because the ego-driven tension that results when you resist this flow holds you back more than many of you think. We’ll always recommend going with the flow, and we’ll also recommend being open to anything and everything spirit offers you throughout your daily existence.
Realizing that your reality is innately spiritual; that it isn’t necessarily a concrete reality that spirit can’t be found from within, will help you in your search for the higher vibration you once joyously existed in before you made your way to the earth.

How Wearable Smart Tech Will Control Your Life

Judith Kusel - The pulling together of core groups with certain soul groups for the next phase: 2014 -2024 - September 15, 2014

As massive portals have now opened up there is a magnetic pull from soul to soul to unite for specific purposes.
There are core groups of souls from within certain soul groups, who have come in for specific tasks or missions to accomplish.  They were involved with the creation of the planet from the very beginning, and have returned to assist the planet through this phase of transformation.
Some have been working over lifetimes to bring back the ancient keys and codes to mankind and have held them in custody.  They at as the e-missionaries of Love, Wisdom and Power when the earth goes through intense and massive changes, and then lead the rest through such shifts.
It is no accident when such souls are being pulled together – it is by grand design.

Blossom Goodchild – 15 September 2014

bloss arizona biggerHello. Well, it seems the last two conversations have enabled the vibration of many, to move a few rungs up that ladder. Including myself. I can’t quite put my finger on it, yet, I just FEEL different and it FEELS so Good. Like I am really beginning to ‘Get it’. I would LOVE for you to continue on in the same vein if that suits you?
Greetings to ALL on your astounding Planet Earth.
I just got a visual of mountains and lakes and FELT the Glory of it. Thank you.
It is our delight to move Higher with you in preparation for the wonders that are to benefit you …  and it gives us the Greatest of Pleasure to do so.

UFO Sightings Of 2014 (September) Part 1 - Part 2

Part 2

Jahn J Kassl - SPIRITUAL TRUTH OF END TIME, Part I, SANANDA - September 15, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn 
the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 
John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: 
but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he 
hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into 
the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their 
deeds were evil. 
John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, 
neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.“ 

domingo, septiembre 14, 2014

Kryon - Lee Carroll - ¡No Desesperen! Parte 1 - Portland, Maine, 23 de Agosto de 2014

en Portland, Maine, 23 de Agosto de 2014

Desgrabación y traducción de audio: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

En general hay muchos malentendidos con respecto a la canalización, tal vez ésta sea la primera que ustedes oyen. Si la consideran desde una perspectiva tridimensional, tal vez la verán como algo raro, extraño: un ser humano que, les dicen, de repente es poseído por alguna especie de entidad o energía, y entrega información en formas inconexas. ¿Esta canalización les suena inconexa? Ahora mi socio se ha hecho a un lado por completo; está escuchando. Les diré: no es extraño, no es raro; esto está a disposición de cualquier ser humano en la Tierra. Ni siquiera es un don; es algo con lo que ustedes nacen, porque todos los Maestros les han dicho que Dios está dentro de ustedes, que llevan las semillas mismas de la divinidad. El Maestro Cristo incluso dijo "Todos ustedes son hijos de Dios." Eso significa que tienen la biología del Creador. ¿No tendrían entonces que poder comunicarse con aquello que es ustedes mismos?


Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion 2014 – 14 September 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión del 14 al 21 de septiembre, 2014

It is time to divorce yourselves from the endless distractions that present themselves in relentless attempts to take you from your inner core of knowing. Look instead to the heavens and to the alignments that are taking place in the cosmos. This is, indeed, big news and important for you to take note of as you go about your daily activities and duties upon the planet. There is much that is now available to be discerned and re-discovered. As the Earth moves more into a spherical time belt, it brings into focus many ancient remembrances and knowledge. These are ready to be re-introduced into the evolving civilization that you are a part of. Get centered within and see if you are ready to bring them forth. The atmosphere of Earth has been seeded with new knowledge that is just waiting to be brought into focus by ones such as you, pulling knowledge from the past that only needs to be updated to be of great use in this time of now.

UFO Sighted Over San Francisco Bay Area California, Nevada and Oregon


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Condensation of space-time, the separation 
of the galaxy begins and this has an effect 
on earth, the ascending planet. 
We represent the space fleet of Light on and 
from the 6th dimension of All-That-Is.

We are omnipresent in space-time, which constitutes 
the level of experience of ascending mankind. 
We are among you.

DL Zeta – Dreams And Eclipse Portals Transport Us To Future Life Tracks – 14 September 2014

DLZetaWe are approaching a period of accelerated and powerful energies with the upcoming fall/spring equinox, an eclipse series in October, and Mercury retrograde from October 4 to 26. These energies will bring windows of opportunity as well as challenges designed to help us re-calibrate our spiritual connection and restructure our approach to our purpose. The decisions we make during this period will cast a wide sphere of influence well into the coming year.
Revisit your intentions to make the Most of Magnified Energies
So why are we talking now about energies that are a few weeks out? One reason is that many lightworkers are sensitive to energies and begin to experience the powerful shifts an eclipse brings a month or more prior to the actual event. Another reason is in order to make the most of the opportunities this powerful passage will bring we need to revisit our intentions and visions prior to this time of magnified energies.

Massive UFO Over Albuquerque New Mexico

sábado, septiembre 13, 2014

Jahn J Kassl - WELCOME TO AGARTHA, ADAMA OF TELOS - September 13, 2014

Publication from the
new Book by Jahn J Kassl:

Telos - Welcome to Agartha

Welcome to Agartha

Welcome Home!
Welcome in the Light!
Welcome in the safety and Love of your eternal siblings

the Agarthans.

I am ADAMA, High Priest of TELOS, Member of the Council of

Elders and as an Initiate of the first and last days of Mankind

responsible for the purity of the vibration of Inner Earth.

Through my energy fields flows the cosmic Light, flows the

unswerving river of Love to Upper Earth and my Light Ray

bundles with the cosmic Light from the Central Sun creating

a unique intensity and power of transformation.

Eliza: On Dragons and Other Doings - September 13, 2014

Eagle Creek, Eagle Cap Wilderness
Eliza: On Dragons and Other Doings
It’s a beautiful day outside, cool and pleasant, yet I wanted to write something.
I’m having a difficult time connecting with anything to write about… so, in order to get started, I will share portions of my notes from a session that I had in early 2009, with a talented healer / seer.
“When Lady Aurelia first focused on my energy patterns, she saw a clear spirit, a tremendous Being of Light with a crown on her head. She expressed it as my being the queen of my planet, holding a place of authority.”
Interesting, given that while I’m not a queen, I am an aspect of a Light Being and highly evolved Soul.
“She said that in my vertical aspect, I was an Ascended Lady Master and that I express at a higher level than that, above. She could not determine whether that expression was archangelic or something else altogether different.”

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 13 September 2014

AishaNorthThe days may be growing shorter on one half of your planet, but the amount of light is ever increasing. So too today, as your wonderful benefactress the Sun will continue to send out her generous gifts of loving emissaries, all sent out to touch every heart on this planet. Granted, whoever these rays of light encounter, they will be apt to react in all sorts of manners according to their genetic make up. For this is in every aspect both a collective but also an individual process, all set up to maintain the needs of every individual being involved in this huge and complex situation, and so, what will serve to fire up your neurons in such a way you will find yourself hard pressed to even sit still, may serve to put another being to bed in a very literal but also beneficial way.

Best UFO Russian video 2014 part 1 (Лучшие съемки НЛО в России 2014)

Major Solar Storms Have Hit Earth Creating Stunning Auroras

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Detached Lightwork and ‘The Event’ – Part 2/2 - Sep 13, 2014

Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Concluded from Part 1
With this recommendation given, we’ll move on to our next question.
Question #2: ‘The Event’
“Just wondering your thoughts on the ‘event’ and Robert Potter?”
This subject can be tricky, and it goes without saying that a lot of perspectives are flying around in regards to the ‘event’ the direct role your star family will play in your evolution.
We’ll confirm that down the line, there will be not only one, but a series of brazen energetic ‘events’ (and ‘events’ that are related to contact with your star family) that’ll drastically raise humanity’s vibration and introduce your collective to the fourth and fifth dimensions, and your star family will play a very big role in your ascension.

Take Cover! Meteor Fireballs Rain Down Across US, Canada & N.Mexico - 600 Events in 10 Days

Asombroso recorrido de un ovni en Houston, E.U. / Amazing journey of a UFO in Houston, United States

viernes, septiembre 12, 2014

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Detached Lightwork and ‘The Event’ – Part 1/2 Sep 12, 2014

Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
We’re always with you, and we’re always ready to communicate.
While we don’t recommend burning yourselves out by seeking to connect with us too often, connecting with your respective higher selves and guides at least once a day will do more good than harm. As a lot of seekers are discovering, you can fill your day with various spiritual practices if you want.
You can practice channeling every day; meditation; general lightwork; all of the creative practices that are available to you in this expansive and transformative time.

Gabriel Raio Lunar - SaLuSa - "Discernimiento / Vuelo MH-370 / Vórtice de Luz creado por ustedes / Accediendo a los registros akáshicos" - 12.09.2014 (Español)

(Gabriel: Queridos leitores em português, essa é a tradução para o espanhol da mensagem original, postada anteriormente em português: Aqui)

Durante las semanas que vendrán, seréis puestos frente a frente con las situaciones no acabadas que necesitan recalificar la energía y elevarla hacia los Reinos de Luz. Así también ocurre con aquellos que pertenecen a las tinieblas, no tienen ningún control sobre vuestro futuro. Ese poder les ha sido retirado, gracias al desempeño de los trabajadores de la Luz en la Tierra, que nos han permitido, a través de su libre albedrío, poder intervenir cada vez más.

Mike Quinsey - SALUSA - 12 September 2014.

Dear Ones you have such a great potential yet to be revealed, and with careful planning you will gradually find your consciousness expanding. It is all part of your evolutionary plan and is preparing you for full consciousness. However, it is in the future and at the appropriate time you will be helped to achieve such an upliftment. Already there is an awareness of your consciousness growing, and you can take credit for such an advancement as it is you who has applied yourself to your tasks. At the moment there are souls on Earth who are at all different levels of consciousness, and it causes much friction between the different groups. You should not allow yourselves to be distracted by what is going on around you, and concentrate on your own advancement. The days of sacrificing your own development to help others are no longer necessary, as all souls now know where they are going and what is expected of them. The time has arrived when each soul must apply itself to its life plan, doing its best to achieve its goal. Be assured those who lack awareness of what it is, will be assisted to make as much progress as possible.

Dolores Cannon 2014 Past Lives - Amazing New Lecture Part One - Part Two

Dolores Cannon 2014 Past Lives - Amazing New Lecture Part Two

The Arcturians via Suzanne Lie: The Stairway of Unity Consciousness - Sep 12, 2014


The Arcturians: The Stairway of Unity Consciousness, Channeled through Suzanne Lie, Awakening With Suzanne Lie, September 11, 2014 –
We are always ready to communicate, commune with you. In fact, we are constantly communing/communicating with you, as we are ONE. While wearing your physical earth vessel, you may experience that there are times that we are ONE and times that we are not. However, since we resonate beyond the frequency of time, we are always ONE with you NOW.
One of the most difficult adjustments to your fifth dimensional SELF will be the release of the illusion of time. This challenge is exceptionally difficult for our Masters in the bigger cities, which are ruled by time. On the other hand, societies who work with the land will not have that difficulty as they already live within the flow of Gaia’s NOW.

Therefore, we request that you connect deeply with Gaia. This winter the landings will begin in earnest. The landings will not be in areas, but in people. In other words, people will begin to flow more easily into the NOW.

jueves, septiembre 11, 2014

UFO News: UFO Photographed Over Sayreville, New Jersey.

Hollow Earth - The Biggest Cover Up, part 2 HD

Hollow Earth - The Biggest Cover Up, part 1 HD

Wes Annac- Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Sanat Kumara and the Gosford Hieroglyphs - Sep11, 2014

Sanat Kumara
Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
The work you do for humanity’s evolution is more important than we can express, and you’re encouraged to embrace your work when you could otherwise embrace material things that don’t fill you with nearly as much satisfaction.
We’ll generally encourage you to make spirit a part of everything you do, and if you let it, the divine can completely fill your perception and paint itself onto everything you do and experience.
Your experiences will become much more enjoyable when you allow the divine to permeate every aspect of your existence, and the greatest recommendation we can give on this day is to encourage you to expand your perspective and the work that results, for in doing so, you’ll expand the amount and purity of love you’re able to feel within.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. - Vatican preparing statement on extraterrestrial life

Pope Francis is reportedly preparing a major world statement about extraterrestrial life and its theological implications. Rosana Ubanell from Voxxi News today reported that due to advances in scientific detection methods for the discovery of extraterrestrial life, Pope Francis wants to be ready with a statement about “First Contact”. Ubanell reports that details have yet to be officially announced but that the Vatican’s interest in extraterrestrial life is well documented through recent astrobiology conferences the Vatican Observatory has sponsored or participated in. Father Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit astronomer and one of the leading Catholic proponents for preparing for the scientific discovery of extraterrestrial life, on July 18, won the Carl Sagan science medal from the American Astronomical Society. Pope Francis, a fellow Jesuit, regularly consults with Consolmagno and other leading Vatican astronomers about scientific issues. It is likely that Pope Francis is preparing an “Urbi et Orbi” speech – Latin for “to the city [of Rome] and the world” – about First Contact with extraterrestrial life.

Aisha North – A Message From Mother – 11 September 2014

AishaNorthAnd so here we are, and once again I am delighted to have this opportunity to speak to you all through this channel. And once again I say be well dear ones, and be happy, for you have accomplished something that no one could have hoped would happen so quickly in this time and age, for as you stepped forth to lift the mantle of darkness from my shoulders, you simultaneously set us free from the anchors that have held us all tethered to the old. And now, we can all sail freely into the blessed waters of tomorrow. For now, we will no longer have to step away from the greatness that we all have carried hidden away for such a long time, and as we together swim out into the wide open waters of love, hope and joy, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for giving your lives to this act of liberation.

miércoles, septiembre 10, 2014

‘Before Stonehenge, there was Woodhenge and Strawhenge’: High-tech 3D digital map reveals vast ritual monuments complex - September 10, 2014 11:42

Reuters/Chris Helgren
Reuters/Chris Helgren
Eddie Izzard, it seems, was right about the Druids. Before Stonehenge, there were indeed other “henges” on Salisbury Plain.
Thanks to a new, state-of-the-art 3D digital map, scientists have revealed that Stonehenge was surrounded by a sprawling landscape of chapels, burial mounds, massive pits and ritual shrines. Maybe not “Woodhenge” or “Strawhenge,” as comedian Eddie Izzard joked in his “Dressed to Kill” standup routine in his debunking of conventional views of history, but not far off.
The vast hidden complex of archaeological monuments has been uncovered around Stonehenge using high-tech methods of scanning below the Earth's surface.

Coming Soon: 3D Printable Solar Panels Capable Of Powering… Anything – 10 September 2014

RT logoPrintable solar panels are going to be available to us very soon and could power “entire skyscrapers,” Australian researchers say. The very near future will see personal electronic charging transformed, but the potential is growing quickly.
A team of 50 scientists in various fields worked for years to develop paper-thin, printable solar panels as part of the Victorian Organic Solar Cell Consortium. They hope to see commercial market production for use in low-power applications in the very near future.
The key benefit of such technology is in transforming the way personal electronics are charged. “iPad covers, laptop bags, skins of iPhone [will no longer be] just for casing electronics, but to collect some energy as well and power those electronics,” Fiona Scholes, a senior research scientist at Australia’s national science agency CSIRO, told ABC News.
Read the full story at: / link to original article

Méline Portia Lafont ~ September alignment energies ~ what is important to know as we move through this? September 10, 2014

Wowza, another big amplifier just stirred our core and the core of Gaia.  Have you noticed how much has been stirring up and happening around you?  The collective drama is being amplified here and it is about being cautious to not be dragged into it.  Pay attention to not be caught up in those dramatical and chaotic unfoldment’s of others, while playing our roles of Ascension gate keepers and light worker ground crew.  Everyone is now responsible for his/her own process of integrating these new cosmic codes and light particles in the best way you can cope with.
Everyone holds his/her own natural consciousness and magnetic vibration that opens new gates when the right frequency is matching each other.  When the current level of your consciousness and that of the collective matches, gateways are opened for the collective. This is whereas you function as a gatekeeper and activator of portals for those that are now vibrating along with that surge of energy functioning as a portal and consciousness.  That is why you as a gatekeeper and light worker ground crew are constantly adapting to the higher energies and light codes that are infiltrating your own being and the planetary consciousness.

Magenta Pixie – OpeningThe Eye Of Horus (Autumn Equinox 2014) – 10 September 2014

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Oak Island’s Secrets And The Unity Of Mankind – Part 2/2 – 10 September 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Concluded from Part 1
Question #2: Life Mission
“Thank-you for the gift of a channeled response. I would like to ask about my life’s mission and the manifestation of otherness and isolation. There is a traumatized personality that I am protecting in my heart.”
Our reader’s purpose is to do everything she can to bring humanity together. Every seeker has felt separate from the rest of humanity at times, and everyone has had to deal with feelings of isolation and loneliness.
We note that it can be a very difficult feeling to cope with, and while ‘loneliness’ as you see it is an illusion and you can enjoy a greater communion with Source when you’re by yourself than when you’re with others, it’s still responsible for a lot of pain in the conscious community and the rest of humanity.

DL Zeta: Stand Strong in Love as the Shadow Hastens - Sep10, 2014

DL ZetaStand Strong in Love as the Shadow Hastens, by DL Zeta, Augus 29, 2014 at: | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
We are at a transition point when energies of the new time are strengthening inside future moments. Realities crystallizing in not-too-distant future time frames are created from increasingly different templates. These templates are infused with greater frequencies of love, peace, harmony and compassion.
Increasing numbers of souls are awakening thanks to these powerful transformative energies. The other side of this is that the energies are also triggering tidal waves of resistance. We can expect in coming weeks and months to see waves of higher energy clashing with denser energies, much like two storm fronts meeting in the atmosphere.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 10 September 2014

SheldanNidle4 Manik, 5 Zip, 11 Ik
Selamat Jalwa! We return with much to say! Your various programs to bring you prosperity are here! Now you need to better understand what is happening to each of you. Fundamentally, your bodies are transforming and being made ready for your final changes which are to transform you into fully conscious Beings of Light. This transformation is taking place in stages, in a way which enables your body to adjust. At times, these adjustments are difficult for you. These so-called ascension symptoms are things that all of you are feeling. You may experience a strange heartbeat or more fatigue than usual after some strenuous exercise. The severity of what you encounter is pre-determined by Heaven through the agendas given your many body guardians. You agreed to these agendas before you were embodied on this Earth plane. Strict instructions were given to our medical teams as to how to report each individual’s vital spiritual, mental, emotional and physical signs. These measurements help us to daily reconfigure your personal crystal light chamber.


Mary Magdalene

There is much confusion regarding the ascension of the physical body.
One is not going to ascend in one’s physical body, but the cells of the physical body are going to rise, gradually, in vibrational frequency, until the moment when the Soul finally vacates that body.
If,by that time, the frequency of the physical cells has risen high enough, they will make a “quantum leap” in frequency, into the 5D frequency band, and that physical body will disappear from 3D gaze.
       The cells of the physical body will be transmuted in this way, to form the 5D Light Body of the ascended Soul Aspect, within the collective consciousness that is it’s Higher Self.
Meanwhile; the Soul that had occupied that physical vehicle, will also be rising in vibrational frequency, and ascending, via 4D, until it ensouls it’s 5D Light Body, within the collective consciousness of it’s Higher Self.
After that point, the ascended Soul Aspect is able  to act out, independently of it’s Higher Self, and may appear to people on the Earth, in it’s Light Body, as beloved Yeshua did.

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Oak Island’s Secrets and the Unity of Mankind – Part 2/2 - Sep10, 2014

Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Concluded from Part 1
Question #2: Life Mission
“Thank-you for the gift of a channeled response. I would like to ask about my life’s mission and the manifestation of otherness and isolation. There is a traumatized personality that I am protecting in my heart.”
Our reader’s purpose is to do everything she can to bring humanity together. Every seeker has felt separate from the rest of humanity at times, and everyone has had to deal with feelings of isolation and loneliness.
We note that it can be a very difficult feeling to cope with, and while ‘loneliness’ as you see it is an illusion and you can enjoy a greater communion with Source when you’re by yourself than when you’re with others, it’s still responsible for a lot of pain in the conscious community and the rest of humanity.
For this and plenty of other reasons, it’s our reader’s job to take it upon herself to address and help mend this issue.

martes, septiembre 09, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Jahn J Kassl - Sananda - Torchbearers of Triumph - September 9, 2014

by Georgi Stankov">Georgi Stankov

channelled by Jahn J Kassl on September 1, 2014
first published on September 9, 2014 in
Report I: Since the message “Uplift yourself!” (August 26, 2014) and since I am involved in the events of many 4D worlds, the impression consolidates in me that in the immediate vicinity to our hologram unbelievable discharges must occur. “The impacts come closer all the time” and now I live in this reality on a daily basis and constantly receive messages regarding this. As well as the following:

Dream: I see as “something” enormous rears up behind me. One cannot recognize what it is. “Huge tsunami” or “huge cyclone”, only a regular “huge thunderstorm” has to be excluded, because the world seems to upend itself. The planet sways like a rocking horse, and I experience slight queasiness. A policeman screams in staccato into the megaphone: “Flee, police, nobody can help you!” Thereby I notice that the police behave totally unusual. Normally in the case of a catastrophe, the authorities pacify and tend, in order to avoid a panic, more toward recommending to human Beings to remain in their houses. Yet here they are offensively asked to flee, which makes it clear that any control over this event has slipped away. „Flee, police, nobody can help you!” After I still heard this request a few more times, I wake up in my bed. (End of dream)

Brenda Hoffman - Creation Cycles – From Earth to Beyond - September 9, 2014

Dear Ones,
In the next few days you will automatically discover those skills you need for your next new earth role. Some of you dream of dimension hopping, channeling or whatever is upper-most in your interest catalog. But not all of you will discover that your dream skill set is that which you now want.
Perhaps that last statement appears counter-intuitive for we have told you on several occasions that you are now creating your dreams. So you are. But you do not need a full skill set to do so.
Dimension-hopping is not required for your dreams of moving to a new community or a relationship. But if time-travel has been your dream for eons or even in this life-time, dimension-hopping is important for you.

ITCCS News Flash: Highest catholic official in Ireland resigns after public exposure - September 9, 2014

Irish Cardinal Sean Brady to step down

Dublin, September 9, 2014: Cardinal Sean Brady offered his resignation today after it was recently revealed that he forced an 11 year old rape victim to sign a statement denying that he was molested and assaulted by catholic priests. This exposure of Brady happened recently on Sean Maguire’s blog radio program featuring ITCCS spokesman Kevin Annett and eyewitnesses to Brady’s action.
In related news, the ITCCS and its common law courts are convening a public inquiry this month into Cardinal Brady’s attempted cover up of the mass killing of newborn babies at a catholic home in Tuam, Ireland. The remains of over 800 babies were discovered months ago in a cistern connected to the catholic home. Stay tuned for updates at .

Mother Mary via Fran Zepeda: You Are Becoming Master Alchemists - Sep10, 2014

Mother Mary:
Greetings beloved travelers into the 5th Dimension and higher. You are practicing with your multidimensional selves. You are experiencing the higher dimensions much more regularly while dealing with your remake of your physical bodies to accommodate your ascension.
I say remake because indeed your physical body, which has been your vehicle for so long in the 3rd dimension, is undergoing massive overhaul and refinement to blend with your Lightbody and to allow your multidimensional selves to be experienced on a much deeper and constant level.
And indeed this has been a wild ride for many of you. You are not sure at times what is happening and what is to be achieved. However, your innate compass, your innate sense of being – your Divine Being knows exactly what it is doing, dear ones, and I am here once again to enfold you in my loving arms and comfort you in your travels to the deep recesses of your heart where you are discovering so many wondrous things about your multidimensional selves.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 9 September 2014

AishaNorthBy now, you will all in some way have perceived that your path is no longer the same as it was only a few steps back. And what do we mean by that? Simply that as you have stepped forth, you have also allowed the light to carry you even further. For with every step you have taken yourselves, the light has added considerable momentum to your trajectory, and as such, what once was, is no longer, and your future have been rewritten in ways that will bring many a project to conclusion while simultaneously bring many new ones into this world in a very literal way. For now, the road ahead is indeed a wide open one, and you will no longer have to contend with many of the obstacles that used to hamper your advance, and so, we would once again like to give you some pointers so as the better lighten up the immediate future for you all.