The Arcturians: The Stairway of Unity Consciousness, Channeled through Suzanne Lie, Awakening With Suzanne Lie, September 11, 2014 –
We are always ready to communicate, commune with you. In fact, we
are constantly communing/communicating with you, as we are ONE. While
wearing your physical earth vessel, you may experience that there are
times that we are ONE and times that we are not. However, since we
resonate beyond the frequency of time, we are always ONE with you NOW.
One of the
most difficult adjustments to your fifth dimensional SELF will be the
release of the illusion of time. This challenge is exceptionally
difficult for our Masters in the bigger cities, which are ruled by time.
On the other hand, societies who work with the land will not have that
difficulty as they already live within the flow of Gaia’s NOW.
we request that you connect deeply with Gaia. This winter the landings
will begin in earnest. The landings will not be in areas, but in people.
In other words, people will begin to flow more easily into the NOW.
Once in the
NOW, which is a fifth dimensional and beyond, state of consciousness,
you will begin to remember your galactic and celestial consciousness,
and thus your galactic and celestial memories. In other words, you will
begin to awaken to your true SELF.
All of you
chose to send a fragment of the essence of your galactic and/or
celestial consciousness, genetic coding, and thus, memory into the
higher consciousness of your earth vessel. As your consciousness expands
into the fifth dimension and beyond, you will increasingly remember
that your galactic/celestial SELF is a higher dimensional component of
your physical self.
Some of you
are predominantly representing the Angelic Kingdom and others are
predominantly representing the Galactic Federation. The Galactics and
Celestials work as ONE within the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore,
the bonding of the earth-bound galactic and celestial representatives
will greatly assist Gaia.
Once our
“away team” to Earth unites with their own higher expressions of SELF,
they can share the unity of that multidimensional consciousness with
other grounded Celestials and Galactics. In this manner you will create a
very powerful multidimensional energy field. By uniting this energy
field with physical Earth, you greatly assist Gaia.
You are building your “stairway of unity consciousness” by:
• Uniting with the Core of your Galactic and/or Celestial SELF
• Remaining in constant contact with your Galactic/Celestial SELF
• Uniting those who have merged with their Galactic/Celestial SELF
• Uniting with Gaia’s planet Earth
• Remaining in constant contact with your Galactic/Celestial SELF
• Uniting those who have merged with their Galactic/Celestial SELF
• Uniting with Gaia’s planet Earth
The order of
these expressions of unity is not important, as “order” is a third
dimensional term. As your consciousness resonates more and more to the
fifth dimension, you are finding that many physical concepts are
becoming obsolete. In this manner, there is a stairway of Unity
Consciousness. This stairway begins by remembering that you are a
Multidimensional Being who is ready to connect with the ever-expanding
expressions of your SELF.
decision to consciously unite with your galactic and/or celestial
energies, and to ground that expanded energy field in the body of Gaia
is the first step towards assisting Gaia with Her ascension. Remember,
whatever Gaia’s beings experience greatly affects the entire planet.
Much of humanity has forgotten that Gaia is a living being who has
volunteered to be the “school for ascension” for your sector of space.
Gaia, like
yourselves, made promises from the higher dimensions of reality without
realizing how extremely difficult it would be to carry out those
promises in the lower frequencies of the physical plane. Furthermore,
these promises were made long before Her planetary frequency dropped so
severely after the destruction of Atlantis.
Because of
Gaia’s fall into the lower third dimension, the forces of darkness could
take a strong hold on Her planet. To assist dear Gaia, your galactic
and celestial selves volunteered to take a form on Her body to assist in
raising Her frequency.
Many of you
took your first earth vessel at the fall of Atlantis, not realizing that
you would need to continue re-incarnating on Her planet for the
duration of her third dimensional form. Dear Brave Ones, we the
Galactics, Celestials and Ascended Masters who have guided you through
your many incarnations, are happy to tell you that the Clarion Call has
been sounded.
The “Clarion Call” is a strongly expressed demand or request for action.
In order to effectively answer this call to assist Gaia, those who can
remember their Multidimensional SELF must join in peace and love. The
forces of darkness have been very strong, but the “time” is NOW.
Gaia has
waited long enough for those who have abused Her to find their inner
Light. She can wait no longer, as it is the NOW. Within this NOW, Gaia
must answer Her Clarion Call to return to the higher frequencies of Her
planetary expression of SELF. The best way to assist Gaia is by uniting
with the higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF. Then you will
able to perceive Gaia’s ever-expanding higher light to join Her in the
glorious NOW of planetary expression.
We must
remind you, our dear ones wearing a human vessel, that you are NOT the
vessel you are wearing. YOU are a magnificent multidimensional being who
has volunteered to wear a vessel by implanting your consciousness into
your human body. The seed of your multidimensional SELF has been lying
in different stages of latency within the human form that you are
volunteers, the Clarion Call has sounded within YOU. Hence, it is the
NOW for you to fully awaken to the infinite wisdom, multidimensional
power and unconditional love of your true, higher dimensional SELF.
By “fully awaken” we mean that you:
1) Remember ALL of who YOU are.
2) Remember how to live in constant contact with that “YOU.”
3) Remember your many “rehearsal” lives.
4) Remember the Mission that YOU volunteered to fulfill.
5) Remember that your Mission begins NOW.
2) Remember how to live in constant contact with that “YOU.”
3) Remember your many “rehearsal” lives.
4) Remember the Mission that YOU volunteered to fulfill.
5) Remember that your Mission begins NOW.
We will now speak in depth on each of the above points:
1) Remember ALL of who YOU are.
remembrance is not as difficult as it may seem, as your inner child will
be of great assistance. Therefore, go into your subconscious to connect
with your inner child who still remembers many of the versions of your
Multidimensional SELF. With the help of your inner child, you can
remember the games you played, the thoughts you had and where your
imagination took you.
remembrance of your child self will leave a puzzle of memories that you
can put together as an adult. As you follow the trail of your childhood
memories, you might recall what you think of as “past lives.” These
remembrances are actually parallel and/or alternate lives that are all
occurring within the NOW of the ONE.
Once you can
connect with these versions of your third dimensional self, they will
create a stairway leading to their higher expressions of your
Multidimensional SELF. You see, you have taken many lives, some of them
parallel or in slightly different frequencies in which you practiced for
the NOW of personal and planetary ascension.
2) Remember to BE in Constant Contact with that “YOU”
Remember that YOU are your best friend. As you listen to, visualize
and imagine your realities in the higher dimensions, you will gradually
begin to hear, see and/or imagine a Galactic or Celestial being of
Light who is now, and always has been, with you. You can ask your child
for confirmation.
Then you
must release your ego and trust your imagination. Your well-trained,
third-dimensional ego will likely say, “Oh, you are being conceited to
think that that higher being could actually be you.” Many of our brave
volunteers who entered an Earth Vessel have been convinced by the “dark
ones” that they are “just humans.”
What is
worse, you were trained that you are “crazy” if you believed you are a
being of light who has taken on an earth vessel. Be courageous, our dear
away team. Ignore the outer voices and listen to your SELF. You are a
beautiful multidimensional being who has volunteered to wear an earth
vessel so that you can better serve Gaia in Her time of re-birth.
3) Remember Your Many “Rehearsal” Lives
Many of you came to Earth in response to Gaia’s call for
assistance. What you may not have when you volunteered to enter Gaia’s
evolution is that you did so for the duration of Her process of
ascension. Hence, you have lived many incarnations on the body of Gaia.
Some of
these were very dark, some were lives of quiet desperation, some lives
were filled with adventure, some filled with spiritual awakening and, in
some of your lives, you were able to ascend back into the fifth
dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. It was during
your ascension lives that you learned what you would be teaching as a
Multidimensional Leader, which is how to surrender into the process of
You all took
many “rehearsal lives” in preparation for this NOW of planetary
ascension. Many of you are very impatient in your current life to “get
on with the ascension.” Once you remember your rehearsal lives, the
impatience of waiting one lifetime will be small compared to the many
lives you have already spent in service to dear Gaia.
4) Remember the Mission that YOU volunteered to fulfill
Owning that YOU are your true SELF is the key to unlock the door to
remembering your mission. Again, you will put together the puzzle of
all the things you like to read, to watch and do. When you allow your
self to remember that your “imagination” is actually fifth dimensional
thought, you can consciously listen and watch what you like to “imagine”
you are doing.
This kind of imagination is a rehearsal
of who you will actually BE and what you will actually DO. Hence, this
“imagination” builds your confidence and empowers your mind. You will
know when it is your NOW because you will find yourself actually doing
and manifesting that which you once “only imagined”.
Your imagination
is how the creative right hemisphere of your brain communicates with
the analytical left hemisphere of your brain. Your right brain carries
the “blueprint” of your mission, and your left brain materializes that
plan in your physical world.
It is
important that both of the hemispheres of your 3D brain are in alignment
with each other and with your multidimensional mind. We will take you
through that process of alignment within your NOW.
5) Remember that your Mission begins NOW
When you unite more and more with your higher expressions of SELF,
time will become increasingly confusing as you will begin to live in the
NOW. Once you live within the NOW you will remember that your mission
begins NOW. You will remember that time and space are only illusions of
the third/fourth dimension.
In your
higher dimensional expressions of SELF, you live within the HERE of the
NOW as you experience flowing within a vast sea of possible realties.
When you wish to participate in a given reality, you choose to attend to
it and decree with your thoughts, “I choose to participate in this reality.”
You will then extend your unconditional love
into that reality to participate in that reality until you feel
complete with that experience. Within that NOW you will withdraw your
attention and send another gift of unconditional love, as you release
all attachment to your involvement with that reality.
Even though
you appear to be wearing a third dimensional earth vessel, your SELF has
chosen the circumstances of your life within this NOW. This important
lifetime is tailor-made so that you can remember that:
You are the creator of your reality.
Which reality do you choose to create?
What reality are you creating NOW?
If you wish
to remain in your present expression of reality, send it unconditional
love and thanksgiving. Unconditional love will align you with the
highest frequency of any reality in which you are engaging. Also, thanksgiving for the substance at hand will duplicate the substance indefinitely.
On the other
hand, if you find yourself confronting or living a reality that you do
NOT wish to experience, merely say, “I refuse to participate in that
reality!” Then withdraw your attention from it as you say, “Blessings
BE!” Blessings BE means, “There are blessings to be experienced should
you decide to accept them.” In this manner, you are not abandoning a
situation. Instead, you are giving the persons in that reality the key
to resolving whatever they are ready to release.
Just as your
Multidimensional SELF allows you to resolve your own issues when you
need to, you will allow others to go through their own process of
discovery without emotion or judgment. Also, what may appear to you to
be a grave mistake may be the only way in which that person will go
inside to find his or her own Multidimensional SELF.
Our dear
ascending ones, we see the strength inside of you that you may have
forgotten. Turn around inside your mind to see the magnificent YOU that
lives inside your earth vessel. YOU are your Multidimensional SELF.
YOU are the Stairway of Unity Consciousness!
An Invitation
I wanted to extend a personal invitation to you to join my Multidimensional Leadership Classes.
The above link will give you an article about:
“Being a Multidimensional Leader.”
“Multidimensional Thinking”
“Q & A about the Class.”
This link will give you the details about the class and how to pay
if you are interested. If you have any questions, please contact me at:
I hope you can join us
Either way,
Blessings on your journey
Sue Lie