Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Rananda Kumara. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Rananda Kumara. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, diciembre 03, 2015



The planet Maldek used to orbit the Sun between the planets Mars and Jupiter and was an upper 4D planet with a civilization that was more technologically advanced than that of the Earth today. They had advanced space travel based on crystal technology, and could cross the entire the Solar System in moments. They also had crystal laser weapons like the “Star Trek” phasers.

There was a scientific community and a military community on that planet, and the scientific community would invent things for the military to use. I remember living lives in both communities. During one life in the scientific community, I remember discovering a deposit of a mineral that could only be described as “levitation stone”. I demonstrated it to the military governor and led him to the site of the deposit.

jueves, noviembre 19, 2015

Rananda Kumara - “ THE LORDS OF LIGHT” - October 30, 2015

Lady Pallas Athena
One who descends from 6D to work in the 5D ships of the GFL (Galactic Federation Of Light) as a personal counselor to the crew members, is accorded the honorary title;- “Lord” or “Lady”.
A “Lord” in the Higher Realm is one who is an honored and greatly respected teacher. In the ships they are regarded as honored guests. They are not part of the ship’s crew, and don’t have to wear the silvery jump suits that are ship’s uniform. They are allowed to wear their own robes, with insignia or embroidery denoting their lineage. They are allocated a spacious “compartment” (apartment) close to the Command Post, where they and their Mate, if they have one, have a private garden, private bathing facilities, and an integral food preparation area. The higher one’s status, the closer one’s compartment is to the Command Post. (We would call it “The Bridge”) It is in this area of the ship that the Top Commander and Sub-Commanders also have their compartments.

domingo, noviembre 01, 2015


In the year of 2001, in my dream state, I was told by my Higher Self; whom I used to call “Father” in those days- “You have a new name, but it is also a very old name.”— I was intrigued by this, and the next day, in my meditation, I asked “Father”;- “What is my new name ?” — He showed me a crystal that was attached by one of it’s facets to a stone, and told me;- “Your name is written in this crystal.” — When I opened my eyes after this meditation, the first thing I saw was that crystal. It was resting at the front of my altar, where I had placed it several days before, after buying it. It was a Golden Himalayan Herkimer, double terminated Quartz point, about 3/4” tall and wide, short and stubby, and one of it’s facets was rough and gritty, as if having at one time been attached to a stone !

domingo, febrero 22, 2015

Lord Sananda Kumara - "INCREMENTAL ASCENSION" - Feb 22, 5015

On the 22nd of December 2012 there was great disappointment amongst many when they did not awaken to the new Ascended Earth and Humankind, that had been predicted in The Mayan Calendar, and by many other sources;- but the predicted date was not the date when ascension would happen overnight;- it was the start date for ascension;- the date of the first increment of incoming energies from the Galactic Core that would impact the Earth and initiate ascension for those that had chosen, consciously or unconsciously to ascend.

miércoles, septiembre 10, 2014


Mary Magdalene

There is much confusion regarding the ascension of the physical body.
One is not going to ascend in one’s physical body, but the cells of the physical body are going to rise, gradually, in vibrational frequency, until the moment when the Soul finally vacates that body.
If,by that time, the frequency of the physical cells has risen high enough, they will make a “quantum leap” in frequency, into the 5D frequency band, and that physical body will disappear from 3D gaze.
       The cells of the physical body will be transmuted in this way, to form the 5D Light Body of the ascended Soul Aspect, within the collective consciousness that is it’s Higher Self.
Meanwhile; the Soul that had occupied that physical vehicle, will also be rising in vibrational frequency, and ascending, via 4D, until it ensouls it’s 5D Light Body, within the collective consciousness of it’s Higher Self.
After that point, the ascended Soul Aspect is able  to act out, independently of it’s Higher Self, and may appear to people on the Earth, in it’s Light Body, as beloved Yeshua did.

sábado, agosto 30, 2014

Rananda.- “THE HOMECOMING OF THE FIRST WAVERS” - August 30, 2014

The number of “First Wave Wayshowers” that have been working on the Earth for many lifetimes, amounts to thousands, but arrangements have been made by the great Light Beings of the Higher Realms for them to return “Home” to the ships of the Galactic Federation Of Light (GFL), in groups of several hundred at a time, beginning on the 21st December Winter Solstice 2014, and extending, on astronomical, and astrological alignment dates, throughout 2015 and beyond.

miércoles, julio 09, 2014

Rananda. - “GOING “HOME” FOR THE FIRST WAVERS” - July 9, 2014

The “First Wavers” of the Starseed volunteers are those that descended from the ships of “The Galactic Federation Of Light” (GFL) many thousands of years ago; at the beginning of the evolutionary period, just ended; and who have worked as “Ground Crew” on the Earth during hundreds of lives.
They are the “Bodhisattwas”; those that descended from 6D+ to 5D, so that they could re-enter the cycle of reincarnation to take birth on the Earth, and oil the wheels of spiritual evolution.
They have been the spiritual teachers, priests, priestesses and shamans, artists, innovators and inventors; the “Wayshowers” of “The First Wave”. They have exerted a civilizing influence and provided a spiritual connection for Humankind, and have guided them toward ascension to 5D at the end of the evolution. As that moment is now come, their work is done, and it is time for them to reblend with their Higher Selves and re-ascend to the ships whence they came.

martes, abril 01, 2014

Rananda Kumara - “TIME ACCELERATION” - April 1, 2014.

Angels Eye View
The experience of time speeding up is an illusion. It is not that time in the 3D world is speeding up;- it is that time is slowing down for those of us whose vibrational frequency is rising; as we are in transition to 5D frequency during our “ascent”.