For now more than ever, it behooves you all to listen to the needs being announced by your physical body, for even if this process also involves so many layers of your being not encapsulated within said physical body, this time, we urge you all to keep closely connected to that physical aspect of your being. For as we have told you again and again, without this seemingly inconspicuous and humble container of flesh and blood, you would not be able to do the important things you came here to do, so remember to honor this humble vehicle in a way that better reflects that marvel it truly is. For it is not a mere collection of interconnected cells just acting out business as usual. No, this fleshy container is actually more than a blessing in human disguise. For this amazing construction is so filled with a kind of intelligence you humans think belongs to your mind, when it is in fact the rest of your body that classifies as the truly competent one when it comes to this important part of the whole operation.
And now, it is working hard, literally 24/7 in order to keep you up to date with the current influxes of energy, and so, we will remind you once again to take good care of this wondrous vehicle that you inhabit. And so, if it asks for more rest and relaxation, please find it in you to give it that without thinking yourself lax in any way. For you do a lot of hard work simply by allowing your body to take charge and lead you onwards on this path. For it is not merely a fleshy container enabling you to literally walk you talk, it is also your trusted companion, the most constant one there is for this Earthly sojourn. So keep up your friendly conversation that you have already initiated and let it know that you are listening to what it is it has to tell you. For if you do, you will find it more than a friendly and exceedingly helpful confidante, it is also your most valuable ally here in these realms, and so, best not ignore what it is it is trying to tell you.
So take time to tune into that part of you that is the part that stands between you and the rest of humanity. For this body is your shelter in the storm, in every sense of the word, and it will do what it can in order to take you all the way to the stars and beyond. And yes, we do mean that in a very literal way too. So as the Sun continues to beam good news to all of you, remember that there is a need to take heed to the response this will engender within this physical container of yours, so keep you ear to the ground as it were the better to heed any calls for action or inaction or anything in between in these next few days. For we venture to guess it will be more than a busy period for you all, and even more so for your wondrous bodies. So take time to take good care of yourselves, it will make this part of the journey a more enjoyable one in every way. / link to orginal article