lunes, agosto 25, 2014

Geoffrey Hoppe - Serie del Karisma Shaud 1: Karisma 1 - Agosto 2 de 2014

Serie del Karisma
1: Karisma 1
Presentando a Adamus Saint-Germain Canalizado por Geoffrey Hoppe
Agosto 2 de 2014
Crimson Circle
Traducción: Yezid Varón

    NOTA IMPORTANTE: Esta información probablemente no es para ti, a menos que tomes plena responsabilidad por tu vida y tus creaciones.
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domingo, agosto 24, 2014

Kryon - Lee Carroll - La Evolucion De La Creencia - Julio 26, 2014

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll, en Madison, Wisconsin, Julio 26, 2014

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Están observando un proceso especializado que involucra la pineal y la intuición. Mi socio ha practicado este proceso durante 20 años. Se podría decir que es un flujo constante de pensamiento intuitivo, que el cerebro humano corpóreo vuelve lineal, y es entregado por el humano tridimensional. Eso es la canalización que están escuchando, el proceso que le permite a mi socio dar un paso al costado literalmente. La parte de él que se aparta es la consciencia tridimensional, la parte que solía decir, “Yo no puedo hacer eso.” Con la práctica, esto se ha vuelto su segunda naturaleza. También se ha vuelto segunda naturaleza no preocuparse por lo que contendrá el mensaje, y está listo o preparado para entregarlo. Eso es lo que la sincronicidad y la co creación significan para ustedes. Que dejen a un lado los detalles que originarían preguntas que realmente no tienen respuesta en el momento que se formulan. Una afirmación: Ustedes no saben lo que no saben. Entonces, ¿cómo podrían proceder en la vida, salir de este salón, cuando no saben lo que no saben? La respuesta es: por la fe y la confianza en esa parte que no sabe. Esa es la respuesta.

Impacta Un rayo en la Pirámide de Bosnia▬Lightning hits in the Pyramid of Bosnia Agost 2014

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - August 24-31, 2014 - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 17 al 24 de agosto, 2014

Beloved Ones,
Time as you know it is in a state of flux and many times each of you feel that time itself has stood still which then quickly changes to the acceleration of it. You are arriving at a place where your body processes are being more intensely recalibrated so that your physical bodies can more comfortably transmute, renew and regenerate in alignment with higher dimensional energies in order to further your ascension process. This will help you to absorb more light into your etheric energy field and ultimately this will affect every cell to regenerate your entire human operating system. It is helpful to feel and state your intention at the start of each day to attune yourself to the essence of wholeness and youthful perfection while feeling and surrounding yourself with the violet flame. Spend as much time as you are able visualizing and surrounding your entire auric field with the violet flame. When you can see this in your mind’s eye, hold this focus for as long as you are able. This will help tremendously with the clearing process if you daily practice. Take a moment to also visualize the Earth surrounded by the beautiful violet ray before completing this exercise.

Judith Kusel - Diving into the Abyss of Love….- August 24, 2014

We are all transformed at some profound level, when what we have been programmed to believe as the truth, dissolves before the very flames of Divine Truth and whatever is hindering our higher soul selves from seeing the truth has been removed.
In no other timeframe in human history is this more applicable than now.
For many thousands of years the truth has been severely repressed.  It forced a lot of those who were the custodians of the truth to go underground and to try and hide the truth in sacred geometry, in architecture, or in hidden lore.

Dolores Cannon - The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth - pdf

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings: Enjoy Your Creative Works – 24 August 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Your abilities as awakening lightworkers and starseeds go beyond any description we could give, and you’re endlessly encouraged to find and remain in a lasting, positive space when it seems like depletion is all you can feel. In reality, you can root yourselves in the heart in every moment and experience the resulting pure, flowing spiritual connection, and all you have to do is let yourselves believe this is achievable.
Anything you could possibly imagine is doable – you simply have to let yourselves believe you’re capable of the divine miracles you can now achieve.

The Fibonnacci sequence in all its glory

John Smallman – Saul – Love Is All, And You Will Awaken Into The Glorious Brilliance With Which It Shines – 24 August 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Those of you who continue to harbor doubts about the validity of these loving and inspiring messages from those in the spiritual realms please release them, because you know that they are totally valid.  The dream that is the illusion is coming to an end.  However, its last moments of “life” are very disturbing for you all because of the pain and suffering so many are experiencing, and which many others are observing with feelings of helplessness.
There are those who would maintain the illusion indefinitely because it appears to give them enormous power over others.  Their numbers are very small, but they have seemingly invincible egos, and over the eons they built up an hierarchical structure, placing themselves at its peak, and from which they have attempted to control, suppress, and abuse humanity.  That structure is collapsing, and there is nothing that can save it because its time is up. Humanity is moving forwards to a place where individual freedom and sovereignty are divinely assured, and where there is no room for the machinations of those with self-serving personal agendas who continue trying to maintain control of an insane and broken system that is completely beyond repair.

Eliza: Is it all a Dream? - August 24, 2014

Bullfrog Lake
Eliza: Is it all a Dream?
One thing I share with that great man, Young Chief Joseph, is that I AM a Dreamer. A dreamer is one who relies upon visions for guidance and understanding. I also seek verification of the visions and allow my intuition to guide me to the answers that I seek.
Many years ago, I walked away from the Christian heritage of my parents, out of choice and unwelcomed knowledge of the “roots” of Christianity. Amazingly enough, at one time, I even considered becoming a minister of a bridge Church.
A “bridge” church is one that attempts to bridge the differences between the metaphysically based teaching of the so-called New Age and those of the Christian faith. It is a chasm that cannot always be crossed, given the conditional narrow-mindedness of some Christians. Yet I considered it… for a few short months. Until I read a huge book entitled, The Roots of Christianity.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Calling Light and Wisdom to Your Life - Aug 24, 2014

The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Your prayers are a beacon calling to you the Light and Wisdom you seek.
The word that most stands out for me in this message is Beacon. It makes me think of the importance of beacon lights as signals in the world, such as the Lighthouse that protects ships from wreckage on the rocks.
I have been fascinated by the idea of guiding lights since my association with Archangel Gabriel in 1990. He has continuously spoken of the importance of letting our inner light radiate into the world and has given many different processes to encourage that practice.
It's important to remember that Divine Light contains both the presence of God's Love and the power of Infinite Intelligence. Both of these empowering attributes are necessary for us to lead a life that is fulfilling from a soul's level as well as from the purely human.

Mega giant UFO flew out of our sun and other UFOs in orbit of the Sun - Monitoring August 23, 2014


Published on Aug 24, 2014
Please friends, all comments will be answered in the comments section of our site
We have so many videos to monitor in YouTube and it's impossible to do it in every video. Cheers! CB

Download the eBook with all texts of Mythi direct on Mythi's site.

Answers of an alien from Andromeda -- video hundred and twenty one - August 24, 2014. Encounter date: August 23, 2014. Atlantic time.

Judith Dagley – What Will Help You Most To Know NOW– DO NOT GO BACK TO SLEEP! – 24 August 2014

judiththe breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
don’t go back to sleep.
you must ask for what you really want.
’t go back to sleep.
people are going back and forth between the
door sill where the two worlds touch.
the door is round and open.
don’t go back to sleep.
Multidimensional information is impossible to grasp through a linear perspective. That is just physics– so obvously so that it is even perceivable through mere logic, alone. What matters, therefore, is not whether one is ready to grasp it or not– ALL of us are ready. What matters is whether one is willing to be ready.

Symbols in Hollywood Movies and their Meanings

Judith Kusel - Ancient knowledge and Web of Light Ley lines - Feb 17, 2013

Since about 2004, I have become aware that I am able to read the earth’s energy linlsoesan d awhat is underneath it. I travel through landscapes like the Karoo, and then I find myself, seeing the landscape as it was millions of years ago – and then start talking to geologists and read up aboOnlutit . y to discover that what I have seen is then affirmed by geologists in their own way.
This part of Africa, for instance goes back 40 million odd years….. Yet, the historians wish to say that life at the utmost goes back to the civilizations of Babylon and Egypt. Yet here in South Eastern Africa, life is far older than that, and Michael Tellinger and others, have now dated some of the stone circles and ruins as going back at least 250 000 years.

U.F.O - Up in the Sky - Strange Spiral Phenomenon Caught on Camera

The Order of the Black Sun ~ Michael Tsarion ~

Eliza and the Angels: On Accepting Power - August 24, 2014

Eliza and the Angels: On Accepting Power
Channeler:  Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe
Empowerment, personal sovereignty, self-love… all these are current buzz words among those who are in the process of revealing Truth to a people who have starved on lies for centuries.
Yet, what IS Power, truly? Is it giving yourself permission to beat other people down by your sense of self-importance or superiority?
Hardly… yet this is how many people use and abuse power in our world.
Power is given by the authority within each man OR woman OR child to live free. And long has that individual  power has been denied, reviled and suppressed by the Powers That Were.
Lies were invented to strip power and personal sovereignty away from those who were deemed by someone in “authority” who deemed “them” as being “different” or “less than human”   In other words, these lies were invented by those who claimed that authority to act in the lieu of the divinity that exists within everybody, whether they be human, animal, plant or rock.  And they did whatever they pleased, using their self-defined “right” as an excuse.

Jennifer Hoffman - Alone & Lonely with Dreams and Visions of Love - Solos y Solitarios con Ambiciones y Visiones de Amor

During the course of the past several weeks I have helped some clients learn to align with new relationships and others make their final disconnections from the relationships they are in. While one person is celebrating new love, another is glad that they have finally found the courage to divorce. While they appear to be different situations, they are the same thing, a choice about love and what someone wants and needs to feel loved, fulfilled, and not alone. The truth is that on spiritual and energetic levels, we are never alone but that doesn’t translate well on an emotional level. We can feel just as alone and lonely in a relationship as we do when we’re by ourselves, sometimes more. The answer lies in our dreams of and visions for love.

Solara ~ VERACIDAD ACRECENTADA ~ Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje para Agosto 2014

Traducción: Margarita López

Agosto comienza con una creciente tensión por debajo de la superficie, lo que crea una acrecentada sensación de presión. Estas energías de tensión, estrés e intensidad se están acumulando como focos ocultos que se están resquebrajando por todo el mundo, dando lugar a numerosos colapsos y grandes avances. Algunas situaciones se están acercando a un punto de crisis en el que un cambio dramático tiene que ocurrir. Agosto es uno de esos meses "Decisivos" en el que absolutamente cualquier cosa puede suceder, así que tenemos que estar siempre listos para lo Inesperado. Tenemos que estar Ultra Alerta en todo momento mientras que mantenemos nuestro enfoque en dar a luz a un Nuevo Mundo.

sábado, agosto 23, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Dream- and Day-Consciousness merge 
Report I: During the night I dream of a situation that will occur 
in the family, and after I wake up, within a few minutes, it happens 
exactly like I have seen it in the dream. (End of report)
Beloved Ones,
The boundaries between conscious and unconscious awareness, 
between dream- and day-consciousness become more and more fluid.
Dreams come true and yet, not every dream comes into reality.
This report shows that past and future approach the Now and 
that time truly rules for just a short while longer.

Shanta Gabriel - An Expanded Perspective from Archangel Metatron - August 22, 2014

A note from Shanta Gabriel:
Since the June 21 Solstice, there has been an opening in your energy field to allow a new connection to the gifts and talents your soul is bringing to earth. On that day, I was blessed to lead the most powerful ceremony of my life on the sacred site recognized as the base chakra of the world, Mt. Shasta. This event deepened my 25-year connection to the Archangels and opened new channels for receiving from these enlightened beings. I have been graced with a deep alignment with Archangel Gabriel since 1990, and those who are familiar with my work recognize the loving communication that Gabriel offers to the world.

viernes, agosto 22, 2014

Anna Merkaba - Sirian High Council - Ascension - Current State of Being - Dark Night of the Soul

sirianhighcouncilannamerkabaThe unification of your known world is unfolding rapidly within your sub conscious. The resistance from the without is slowly being escalated, the resistance that you are all witnessing in your present reality, the newly formed galactic consciousness of your collective awareness is being resisted by those that are not finding the new reality structure to their liking. The resistance is escalating and shall continue its upward spiral for the duration of the next three months of your earthly reality.
For the duration of the next 6 weeks you are going to witness rising in what you understand to be the violence in your world. For the energies that are affecting you, our galactic brothers and sisters are indeed affecting all who dwell on GAIA.

Wes Annac - Oversoul Teachings: The Earth Could Use More Selfless, Conscious Seekers - Aug 22, 2014

Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
Every conscious seeker has the ability and potential to contribute to the restoration of consciousness in immense, needed ways at this time, and you have to believe in yourselves and your abilities before you can experience the fruit of your belief.
In many cases, this fruit will be the driven, inspired work that results from your realization of your abilities, and acting on these abilities is the first step to fully and wholly contributing to your ongoing conscious revolution.

Planetary Declaration of Independence by Elvira
By: Elvira
August 22, 2014 
It has come to the peoples  attention that our planet  and her people have been manipulated,   raped , robbed,  looted, pillaged and plundered  for many a thousand years by , beings and forces, purposely  in hiding, and until now beyond our comprehension,  of a devious and malicious nature, who have only their own predatory, parasitic, best interest in mind.
These forces have infested all of our history and society mostly by the means of  religion, secret societies, royalty, law, government,  banking,  corporations, military, pharmaceuticals, high society, media, Show businesses, in cohesion with carefully  selected human minions presenting us with a false sense of perceived reality about the nature of ‘life on earth’.

Lisa Royal - Quantum Contact 2014 - (Part 1) by Lyssa Royal Holt The Fabric of Contact (Part 2) by Ronald Holt

Latest Article: 

Contact Series:Quantum Contact 2014 - (Part 1) by Lyssa Royal Holt
The Fabric of Contact (Part 2) by Ronald Holt

>> Download Article <<

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Horus – 21 August 2014

It is a fine day this day and with it we will be taking some leads to bring to you plenty of wonderful signs of progress on your front. We will be garnering them in a way that will bring you lots of good feelings and enough knowing that will come from within to tell you that ‘times are a changin’. This is a fortitude that you are changing to a sense of delight that will carry you through the days and nights that are coming. You will see the beauty in many of the obstacles that have been with you, and they will now become ways of taking the time that you will see have been necessary in order for more of you to awaken and smell the roses of new life.

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Inward – 22 August 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
This week I want to talk about a specific technique to take you inward. There will be quite a lot going on externally that might catch your attention and sort of draw you out away from yourself and into some drama, let’s say, and really that we know that the spiritual journey is inward.

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa 22 August 2014

Many of you have accepted that time is passing by quicker than ever, and it will continue to do so as it takes you into the higher vibrations. It is all part of the unavoidable changes that are taking place, that are necessary to bring the New Age into being. With it comes a welcome change for  the population of Earth, who are being affected in such a way that they are moving into a new level where there is less negativity. This will continue until the lower vibrations can no longer exist, and peace will have settled upon Earth. There is no way that the onward progress can be halted by the dark Ones, as it has been decreed by the higher forces that control your destiny. Whilst you have free will, there are also dictates that shape your future in accordance with the Plan for Man.

Arcturian Message – Being A Multidimensional Leader – 22 August 2014

SuzanneLieWe are in the process of shifting our reality. We say “we” for all dimensions, realities and worlds are shifting into a higher frequency of expression. As it is for the least, it is for the greatest.
Hence, as the third/fourth dimension releases itself from the shackles of the third dimensional reality of illusion and shifts into the fifth dimension of the light of cosmic truth, all the dimensions above the fifth also shift into their next higher dimensional expression
As we make this transition, there is a release, a letting go, of what has been our predominant expression of self. For example, we Arcturians are expanding our baseline frequency from the eighth through tenth dimension into the eleventh and twelfth dimension.

jueves, agosto 21, 2014

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 21 August 2014

AishaNorthBy now you have all become adjusted to being constantly adjusted, and as such, this feeling of discombobulation that you will experience from time to time will become more familiar as you start to settle in to this state of being constantly un-settled. You see, the flux that we have discussed so many times earlier is not about to calm down, but that is for a very good reason indeed, namely to keep you moving ever forwards. We are aware that for some, what you experience as being unsettled will feel unsettled in ways that you might think of as negative but it is in fact the other way around. For you are being helped to get free from anything that may stand in your way, and in order to set you free from any limitations, you must literally be shaken loose in every way. So expect this sense of instability to become a permanent presence, at least for the time being, and take it for what it truly is, namely a sure sign of progress.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Brainpower to HEARTpower: enter 5D creation - Aug 20, 2014

August is notoriously an amplified monthone where we are faced with wielding the conscious use of our creative power, of uniting the spiritual with the material, of balancing our masculine & feminine energies.  On a physical level, we are consumed with increasing pituitary/pineal activations and disorienting downloads that result in deeper union between brain hemispheresneedless to say, we can always count on the Leo sun to pack a solid punch.

My Journal August 21, 2014 – Some necessary words about Extraterrestrial Beings

Log Entry Earth Time August 21, 2014, 12:39.32 pm CEST
I am really astonished how so many lightworkers still act on Facebook. They see a beautiful picture but don’t seem to read the text that comes with it. I have already written about this in a recent journal. They comment like ‘how wonderful’ or make only heart smilies but don’t get to the true point in the post. That they were asked to share their opinion about a topic. I was one of few who really gave my view on it. It was a post where we were asked if a certain man who claims to have memories of millions of years could be our ‘SAVIOR”, if he alone could save us and earth, when we follow his teachings.
I said already that there is NO exclusivity with Creator’s messages and that NO SAVIOR is coming to rescue us. But also that we have all help in doing our work for our individual ascension process.
One reason for this may be the fact that people are taught from childhood on to NOT think for themselves. In truth they aren’t taught at all how to really think. They are fed with facts and beliefs and programs and only told to CHEW and chew and chew upon the same things. They need to learn how to THINK, but to think by themselves, leaving the box of PRE-Designed thinking. Be the round peg in the square hole ;)


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
traslated by Franz

Beloved Ones,
At this time the ascending ones are being initiated 
into new experiences of space-time displacements.
In the dream state and in the wakeful state dispensations 
and experiences reach you, which are not of this world.
Meaning that the light warriors, who are now keeping ready 
for their rapture, visit different space-time levels in a very
short time, pass through them or stay there for a certain 
period of time, in order to fulfill specific assignments.

miércoles, agosto 20, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Establishment of 4D-Genesis Planets 
Beloved Ones,
No day is like another, no time equals another and 
each new world is a unique expression in God’s Creation.

A new cycle of the creation of worlds begins. 
The universe experiences a renewed expansion 
and in the center of this process stand the human 
Being and planet Earth, because new worlds can be 
breathed into reality originating from this power of
transformation of this level.

Wes Annac – The Borderlands: More On The First And Second Life Reviews – Part 2/2 – 20 August 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Concluded from Part 1
Now, we’re going to hear Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson’s perspective on the ‘Judgment Day’ that’s reportedly experienced in a realm beyond the Borderlands. As we’ll learn here, Monsignor’s perspective on Judgment Day is different from most others sources’, and he provides a more down-to-earth view of the subject.
We’ll probably learn more about Judgment Day in another segment, but here, I’d like to look at what Monsignor has to say about the perceived ‘judgment’ we face after death.
In a quote about someone who’d recently crossed over, Monsignor tells us that they didn’t face a hardened or difficult judgment.

Jahn J Kassl - NEW 4D-WORLDS, SANAT KUMARA - August 20, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Establishment of 4D-Genesis Planets 
Beloved Ones,
No day is like another, no time equals another and 
each new world is a unique expression in God’s Creation.

A new cycle of the creation of worlds begins. 
The universe experiences a renewed expansion 
and in the center of this process stand the human 
Being and planet Earth, because new worlds can be 
breathed into reality originating from this power of
transformation of this level.

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Hierarchies And Contact With ‘Grey’ Extraterrestrials – Part 1/2 – 20 August 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
It’s very easy (yet very unwise) to fall into depression and similar qualities over unimportant things that pose no relevance in the big picture, but many of you will find that it’s much harder to re-reach the positive space you’d worked so hard to reach when you do.
In order to anchor a higher vibration, you’ll need to be willing to hollow out your egos so they can be proper receptors for the energy and inspiration of the brimming heart. If you can’t connect with your heart, you won’t connect with your higher selves very easily and you may find it difficult to reach the loving space that helps you thrive.

Steve Rother - The Group - No More Right or Wrong - August 15, 2014

You can watch the video version of this message here.
Greetings, dear ones.  I am the Keeper of Time.
Grasping at Old Straws
You are at a critical junction of time and space on planet Earth. You have moved very clearly from one dimension to the next going through interdimensional realities as you do, and now you are grasping at the old straws. That is actually very normal for the advancement of humanity—at least in the ways that you have done this previously. We wish to speak of this today and share with you what is going on in your world. Yes, we have already shared with you that much energy is being picked up from the planet; the tectonic plates are moving in such a way that there is considerable stress and strain on the planet herself. Previously, in lower existences of lower vibration, this was not a problem. Quite simply, before you did not feel it the way you are all feeling it now.  You are all starting to feel this connection on a very, very deep level and many are overreacting out of desperation. It feels as if you do not grasp this right now, you are going to lose the opportunity. Dear ones, we say you—we mean the large you—there are those who call yourselves Lightworkers, for you are the masters of the light. Yes, you are the ones that have chosen to be here right now to make a huge difference on this planet. So we will share some of the very simple ideas and tools that you can use to help all of humanity make this step to this next level, where you can anchor your whole energy very firmly and plainly.

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 20 August 2014

SheldanNidle9 Cimi, 4 Uo, 11 Ik
Selamat Jarin! We arrive with more to tell you! Your planet has been the site of a vast final contest between the dark and the Light. The various ancient families are united in their determination to bring an end to the long rule of the dark cabal. The present segment of this rule began with fire and ice, which marked the end of the last Golden Age and the start of the present recorded era of your history. The Anunnaki were determined to at last fully control their human subjects. Thus, those who became their minions were faced with the need to cruelly control you. This need produced the odd histories that are the last six thousand years of this rule. The dark has been unable to completely fulfill their own requirements, which included the formal end to your liberties and the illicit preparations of a means to prevent your future return to full consciousness. It is this disregard for Heaven’s decrees which has sparked the present quiet revolution, now ready to confidently deliver you from darkness. Those who so fervently believe in the Light’s cause can be assured of inevitable success! The final stages of this revolution are now underway.

martes, agosto 19, 2014

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings: Your Mission Will Strengthen In Purity And Purpose – 19 August 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
With the immense and miraculous things you have the potential to do, there’s little reason not to start your work with as much joy and enthusiasm as you can muster up. Your work to bring humanity into the light doesn’t have to be difficult or draining, and it can be the most enjoyable thing you’ve ever done if you open up and allow it to be.
If you don’t, you might find it harder to do this work, and in general, it and everything else you seek to do will become more tedious. They won’t seem nearly as easy or enjoyable as they could otherwise be, because your enthusiasm will have been turned down when you closed your minds to your potential to successfully and enjoyably do them.

Judith Dagley – What NOW Is This? The Latest Scoop – 19 August 2014

judith“Linear thinking”  no longer applies. Try it.
Try getting from A to B to C, according to a preset plan.See how lost you get.
In the process, you’ll also get another self-realized lesson, which is that “trying” begets “trying.” Period.
But DO try, since the only way we learn anything is through experience.
We are in a whole New Paradigm of “reality” NOW. One in which we can no longer pretend that we are not the co-creators of the reflections we see around us. How wonderful is that?  How fabulous, to know at last, that we are not victims of external forces, but that that the “forces” come from within us?

Aisha North – A Lesson in Co-Creation – 19 August 2014

AishaNorthA lesson in co-creation
Dear brothers and sisters of the light!
Even before I sat down to channel today’s message, I could tell from the energies coming in that something “new” had arrived. And when I sat down and connected to The constant companions, they confirmed that this was indeed the case, and here is the message they gave me:
“Today’s message will be given not just by way of words, but also in images, some of which will be supplied by others frequenting these pages. In other words, think of this as a truly co-creative experience, where words are being given through the usual channel, but where each and every one of your reading these words will be asked to connect with the energy contained within them and then try to open up for any additional information that will come your way, either directly into your mind or through other sources out there in the wonderful world of your electronic communication network. You see, you have all passed on to a very new level now, one where you not simply receive words like these by way of others, but where you also will carry forth so much of this information yourself. And so, look upon this message as a sort of test run if you will, one that will start to enable your inner senses in a very new way, and one that will kick start a whole lot of interactive goings-on between you and the entire energetic force field that you are an intrinsic part of.

Méline Portia Lafont – Saint Germain’s Message And An Update On The Lion’s Gate Unfolding Energies – 19 August 2014

MélineMessage transmitted and received on August 17, 2014
Hi sweet friends
So we just passed through this recent huge energetic wave that was intensified by the super Full Moon on the 10th of August, after being facilitated by the 08-08 gateway in the first place. We all knew that more of these intense energies would come our way and we do not see the end of this yet. It is like we are running through a program full of surprises characterized by integrations, activations and adaptations to what is coming our way.. or better said what we are growing towards.
It is all in Divine order and we better be thankful for all of this, as major shifts are preparing us to be those gatekeepers we truly are, to hold that space for humankind and for this Ascension process that is presently going on. We are the wayshowers here in full action and we need to take our “job” seriously. No gender, age nor race should be standing in our way now to reunite as one big family and company of lightbeings. We are on our way and more is to come.

John Smallman – Saul – The Old Order Is Failing, Collapsing, Disintegrating – 19 August 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Humanity’s awakening has been divinely promised and is at hand.  Nothing can prevent it because not only is it God’s Will, which is always achieved, but it is now also humanity’s collective will, and because you were given free will your will is always honored.  Until quite recently individual wills, divided and confused as they were, had made humanity’s collective will very difficult to discern.  It was collectively unstable, changeable, confused, conflicted, and chaotic, but now it is coming beautifully into alignment and is determinedly seeking world peace, person by person.  Although, if you pay too much attention to the gloom and doom on the news media, you might well believe that nothing much has altered, and that humanity’s endless dance with conflict and betrayal continues unabated.

Ann Albers - Release The Dark To Free The Light - August 16, 2014

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Take heart! As you watch the turmoil on your earth, realize that any turbulence is ultimately caused by a very great influx of light, that by its very nature will stir up the darkness that has been dormant - both in the world and within human hearts. You cannot take a flashlight into a dark room without seeing all the things that are dusty, dirty, out of place, or in need of being discarded. Likewise as more beautiful and refined energies come to your planet, old pains, old upsets, old angers, etc. come to the surface - both to be revealed and healed. This is happening on a social scale, and on a personal scale for many.

Earth-Keeper: 2038 - The Next 2012 - John Van Auken

lunes, agosto 18, 2014

DL Zeta – Spirit Journeys To Future Timelines – 18 August 2014

DLZetaSpirit Journeys to Future Timelines
Our consciousness is not limited to physical reality. Lightworkers have known this for some time and we are still finding new horizons for exploring the potentials of spirit travels. The energies now make it easier than ever before to travel time and dimensions to facilitate healing and make expanded realities more accessible to others.
As shamans of the new time, lightworkers are able to undertake spirit journeys by entering a meditative trance state and traveling through the doorway of the imagination. The information from these journeys in consciousness has the power to transform the spirit traveler at all levels. Sometimes these journeys yield gifts the traveler shares with the world. A single image shared from a spirit journey can open doorways for many.

Brenda Hoffman – Break Open Your Envelope – Explore And Expand – 18 August 2014

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Dear Ones,
Many of you are afraid that the joyous picture created of new earth is too good to be trueand so it is.
You now have the ability to create the life you wish – despite your fears of not being realistic; of not acknowledging the terrors of your life – Ebola, wars, personal fears and on and on.
Clearing one fear only to add another – because life on earth, as you know it, is one trauma after another.
Please remember that this life has been greatly condensed. Fears you carried within your earth being for eons were brought to the surface and cleared. What you explored and cleared in this lifetime would have taken many lifetimes in non-transition times.
You wished to create a bridge to new earth. And so you did. Then you expanded your dream to live within a new earth filled with joy. Now that you are at a point of creating your joy, you hesitate because it does not seem possible that you could experience so much pain in one lifetime only to awaken to joy.