It’s very easy (yet very unwise) to fall into depression and similar qualities over unimportant things that pose no relevance in the big picture, but many of you will find that it’s much harder to re-reach the positive space you’d worked so hard to reach when you do.
In order to anchor a higher vibration, you’ll need to be willing to hollow out your egos so they can be proper receptors for the energy and inspiration of the brimming heart. If you can’t connect with your heart, you won’t connect with your higher selves very easily and you may find it difficult to reach the loving space that helps you thrive.
Even though you can utilize your third eye and crown chakras to communicate with us, our impressions primarily come through your opening and expanding hearts. The third eye and crown chakras play a big role in transmitting our communications, but their work isn’t complete without the heart’s influence.
A Certain Shade
The heart adds a certain shade to our communications; a certain characteristic that can only be found if you open it and root yourselves in it, refusing to fall away from it in favor of the same old negativity that’s kept your ensnared in darkness and spiritual unawareness for millennia.
We ask you, with love in our one heart, to choose positivity and the caring, openhearted mindset that’ll lead you back into the higher realms over negativity and self-instated lowness, and while we don’t intend to sound dualistic, we absolutely intend to encourage you to choose the light over the dark.
Does it not make sense that we’d recommend this?
From our perspective, the light will fill you with far more energy, enthusiasm and elation than it has so far, and while we don’t recommend suppressing or hiding from darkness, which is very necessary for the growth of the light, we do recommend ceasing to fall into darkness and the aforementioned unawareness when you could otherwise spiritually soar.
As you’re starting to find, you can spiritually soar every day if you let yourselves, and all it takes is the willingness to empty the ego and let your hearts be the primarily influencers of your reality and your decisions, which create your reality.
Open your minds to the energies you can receive through your third eye, crown and heart chakras, and let the influence of each chakra enhance the quality of the energies and impressions you can receive.
With this said, we’ll happily answer the first question that’s been provided for us by a reader.
Question #1: Higher-Vibrational Hierarchies
“There has been a discussion on and off for a while now about Hierarchy.
“One view is that any sort of hierarchy is a form of separation and control while another is that there is a dark hierarchy and a light hierarchy and the light is here to progress the evolution of the planet and humanity while the dark form does not. I would like to know your and your channeled view. Love and respect.”
‘Hierarchies’ as most humans define them don’t quite exist in the higher dimensions, because your definition of the term has been distorted to include the idea that those who are in the upper ranks are somehow better or more worthy than those in the lower.
The hierarchies established on your planet don’t take spiritual awareness or evolution into account. Most earthly souls are concerned with very different aims and agendas, and your planet’s hierarchies have been distorted from our ‘hierarchies’. To understand them, you’ll have to understand the structure of your existence.
As plenty of channeled sources have said, everything in existence ripples out from the Source; the essence; the creator; the sacred center; whatever you wish to call the omnipotent consciousness that’s responsible for everything around us.
The further we traveled from the Source to create endless realities, the denser our creations grew and the more and more we challenged ourselves by laying out complex, multilayered dimensions. These dimensions eventually became very thick and hardened, as you can imagine, and this is a very simplistic explanation of how your lower realms came into existence.
We mention this to tell you that the hierarchical structure that exists in the higher realms has nothing to do with worthiness, but everything to do with the progress that’s made in growing back to Source and serving others along the way.
Nobody’s seen as more or less worthy of Source’s love in the higher realms, and our ‘hierarchies’ if you wish to use this word are based entirely on our dimensional growth and the learning we’ve experienced up to our current point. What you call a hierarchy, we simply call existence, because everyone’s an honored part of it.
Everyone, in every lower and higher dimension, is a part of our sacred ‘hierarchy’, and we’re all incarnate in different realms.
We’ll all eventually leave our respective realms behind as we experience even purer realms and eventually reunite with Source, but everyone’s current position in this ‘hierarchy’ is based on where they’re at along their growth and development.
While we’re on this subject, we’ll give our perspective on the idea that kings and queens exist on spiritually evolved planets. Some seekers might find it hard to imagine that other, more evolved planets boast kings and queens just like yours, and this ties in with the idea that some form of hierarchy exists in the higher realms.
Imagine this, however: the kings, queens and royal families of every evolved planet don’t get to their positions by conquering the land and the people – they get there by lovingly serving the people and completely dedicating themselves to helping their planet and everyone on it thrive.
Higher-dimensional royal families are only royal because of their exalted spiritual status and the immensely selfless acts they constantly provide for their people.
We’re giving our scribe an image of master Jeshua washing his disciples’ feet, and you can apply this image to the selfless service otherworldly royalty provide for their people. Even though many of them are blessed with exquisite crystal castles, they don’t live a higher standard than the citizens of their planets.
Imagine that true prosperity is experienced all over these planets, and the royal families don’t live any differently than the citizens. In fact, the royalty lives to serve the citizens and help them re-find the light.
Imagine that everyone on these evolved planets is allowed to live in a crystal castle if they want, and nobody’s limited by oppressive laws or economic strains that are caused by self-serving governments.
True royalty lies in your ability and willingness to serve those around you, and plenty of souls on your planet have reached near-royalty status by doing just that. Royalty seems to lie in pillaging territories and controlling citizens on your planet, but spiritual royalty is all about love, service and progress.
Concluded in Part 2 tomorrow. / link to original article