Concluded from Part 1
Now, we’re going to hear Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson’s perspective on the ‘Judgment Day’ that’s reportedly experienced in a realm beyond the Borderlands. As we’ll learn here, Monsignor’s perspective on Judgment Day is different from most others sources’, and he provides a more down-to-earth view of the subject.
We’ll probably learn more about Judgment Day in another segment, but here, I’d like to look at what Monsignor has to say about the perceived ‘judgment’ we face after death.
In a quote about someone who’d recently crossed over, Monsignor tells us that they didn’t face a hardened or difficult judgment.
“The departed one has not gone to another world to be marched in front of a stern Judge, a Judge, moreover, so stern and unrelenting but that our lamentations will not bring some mitigation in the sentence to be pronounced.” (1)
I have a feeling that compassion is important when it comes to any life review, and it goes without saying that we aren’t made to feel low for our perceived ‘sins’. We came to the lower vibrations to learn and grow, sharing the knowledge we gain with the people around us who’ll hopefully benefit from it, and we’re going to falter along the way.
Mistakes are inevitable, and when we eventually review our lives, we’ll see that they were an essential aspect of our earthly experience. We’ll understand that they played a crucial role in our advancement, and we’ll no longer see them in an unfavorable light.
In a quote that displays Monsignor’s lack of support for the idea of the second life review (Judgment Day), he tells us that in the fourth dimension, everyone is their own judge.
“There are no judges, or even a single great Judge, anywhere in this world, the spirit world. Any judging to be done, we do it for ourselves and manage very nicely. You’ll find you will become extremely critical of yourself as we all do. We can be very hard on ourselves even.
“So whatever you may have thought about Judgment Day, dismiss the whole idea from your mind. There is no such thing, there never has been, and there never will be.” (2)
Despite Monsignor’s lack of support, this quote resonates with me. Nobody outside of us should be responsible for judging the things we choose to do in the lower and higher vibrations. We truly are our own judge, and I can attest to the self-critical nature of the seeker who realizes this.
There’s nothing wrong with being a little self-critical, because it can help us remain on the path that’s best for us. However, we don’t want to be so critical that we forget to love ourselves.
Monsignor continues promoting the idea that there is no final Judgment Day.
“And now [after death], what happens next? Just this: the person who has just passed into spirit lands goes to his own self-appointed place.
“At the very outset, this would seem to suggest that I have overlooked what is known as ‘judgment,’ where every man shall be judged according to his merits and rewarded or condemned – received into heaven or sent to hell.
“No, I have not overlooked it because there is no such thing as being judged at any time, either by the Father of the Universe or by any single soul that lives in the spirit world. There is no Judgment Day.” (3)
The idea that each soul goes to the place that’s best for them makes sense, but personally, I didn’t see the ‘Judgment Day’ as something that an external entity’s responsible for. I thought the Judgment Day would be a very personal and in-depth review of our actions in life, and another entity wouldn’t have to be there.
We certainly wouldn’t have to experience it in front of Source, the Divine Mother, or another higher-dimensional ‘judge’. This would make sense given what Monsignor says about everyone being their own judge, and it’d also allow for the idea that some people do experience a second, deeper life review.
Despite the impressive extent to which various channeled sources agree on various things, some of their accounts will naturally differ because of the sources’ differences in perspective and personal belief.
It’s interesting to think that personal belief can paint information in the fourth dimension just like it can in the third, and it speaks to the inherent individuality that remains as we traverse the dimensions. This individuality will cease in a sense when we merge with Source, but that won’t happen for a very long ‘time’.
Monsignor then tells us that in the fourth dimension, we experience exactly what we created for ourselves on earth.
“Man, himself, is his own judge. His thoughts, his words, and his deeds, recorded upon his mind, are his only judge, and according to how his earthly life has been lived, so will his place be in these lands of the spirit world. This is another natural law and, like all the laws of the spirit world, perfect in its operation.
“It requires no interpreters of it, no exponents of it. It is self-acting and incorruptible, and, what is most important, it is impartial and infallible.” (4)
This law never judges us for our actions on earth – is simply returns what we’ve given out. If we live for darkness, we’ll naturally experience this darkness in the realms beyond. If we orient to love and service, we’ll find that we’re paid back tenfold for our selfless actions.
Even though it can be hard to see from the blinding darkness of the earth, living in love really is the best thing we can do for ourselves. Those among us who are living in love are creating a very positive future for ourselves, and it should go without saying that the only thing required to enter heaven is to serve others with a kind and open heart.
It’s unfortunate that extremists in almost every religion fight and kill each other with the belief that it’ll help them enter heaven, when in reality, they’re creating a hellish nightmare for themselves. Eventually, the whole world will realize that love is the way, and when they do, guns will be laid down in favor of peace and harmony.
In our final quote, Monsignor brings some sensibility to the concept of a guide who scribes our earthly actions for us to eventually see.
“The old idea of a Recording Angel, whose especial function is to inscribe in a great book all our good deeds, is poetic enough, but completely wrong. We do our own recording for ourselves and this is one instance at least when we speak truly! We cannot hide our bad deeds, but, also, we cannot conceal our good deeds.” (5)
This brings us back to the subject of the Akashic Records.
It’s been said that everything we do, on earth and anywhere else, is recorded into a universal, creation-wide memory bank, with which we can view all of our experiences and choices. Whether we’re in the lower or higher vibrations, our every action is recorded into the Akashic Records.
According to Monsignor, we’re the ones who do this recording, and we’re completely responsible for reviewing our lives and experiencing the fruits of our earthly actions. It’d stand to reason, then, that some souls subconsciously choose to experience a second, deeper life review, and some of them might even create ‘Recording Angels’, to help them through it.
What Monsignor says would still make sense, because in reality, the individual would be completely responsible for the whole thing. But, as creators do, they’ll have created guides and angels (maybe even Source him/herself) to be with them during this self-inflicted ‘Judgment Day’.
The guides could be illusory creations of the individual’s mind, and the individual could actually coordinate the whole thing unknowingly. Others, like Monsignor, may choose not to deal with it at all, and that choice is just as honored and respected as any other.
I might use our next segment to talk about the presence of departed friends and family in the Borderlands, which is different from their presence at the time of death.
I’d imagine one’s able to speak much more directly with their friends and relatives in the Borderlands than they are when they’re crossing over, and they could potentially receive a wealth of helpful assistance. Not only are our higher selves and guides with us – our departed friends and family are here and they’ll greet us at the gate when our time comes.
I look forward to a time when our lower-vibrational blinders can be removed from our minds and hearts, but until then, those of us who are becoming aware still have a lot to learn about the realms beyond. We’ve barely scratched the surface on the fourth dimension, and I think we’ll be even more amazed when we start learning about the fifth.
- Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, Here and Hereafter. San Francisco: H.G. White, 1968 (dictated in 1957), 29.
- Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, More About Life in the World Unseen. San Francisco: H.G. White, 1956; c1968, 21-2.
- Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson through Anthony Borgia, medium, Here and Hereafter. Ibid., 17.
- Loc. cit.
- Loc. cit.
I’m a 21 year old awakening seeker and creator of The Culture of Awareness daily news site.
The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future.
I can also be found at Oversoul Teachings, The Golden Age of Gaia,, Ashtar Command Crew, Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness), and Twitter. / link to original article