Try getting from A to B to C, according to a preset plan.See how lost you get.
In the process, you’ll also get another self-realized lesson, which is that “trying” begets “trying.” Period.
But DO try, since the only way we learn anything is through experience.
We are in a whole New Paradigm of “reality” NOW. One in which we can no longer pretend that we are not the co-creators of the reflections we see around us. How wonderful is that? How fabulous, to know at last, that we are not victims of external forces, but that that the “forces” come from within us?
I think it is, anyway. Even thoughit is quite an adjustment, I’ll give you that! And, it takes willingness to sort through all the muck we’ve been co-creating (while pretending we haven’t,) and then getting out if it. I give you that, as well. Especially since the process is not “hard,” but easy. We are used to “hard.”
Most especially since WE get to claim our own power. We are comfortable with the illusion of powerlessness. If you doubt that, ask yourself how many times YOU have watched “the news,” and felt helpless? How many times have YOU railed against… or cried because of… what is happening “out there?”
There IS no “out there.” YOU are a co-creator of all of it,. If you wasnt to stop experiencing it… stop generating it. Yes, it is that simple NOW.
August Energy Tele-Gathering—Recording NOW available.
Non- participants:Offer your Reciprocal Energy Exchange of $8.00 via Paypal to
The recording will be sent to you within 48 hours.
Participants: Offer your Reciprocal Energy Exchange of $3.00, the same way, and the same will follow.
FYI to participants– The follow-up private sessions to the tele-gathering are filling fast. (This was a BIG one!)
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