Do not miss these last days of summer 2014! They are like magical ripe fruit, each one to be savored slowly and digested thoroughly. Yesterday afternoon, I was doing just that as I sat a few feet above a creekbed in Topanga Canyon. A friend was with me, and we chatted intermittently, but mostly I was intent on experiencing the woods, for every detail was richly alive and remarkably expressive. It was at a moment when my attention was on listening to my friend that I suddenly looked out, and there she was.
Being no stranger to either animal communication or “animal medicine,” ours was by no means a one-sided conversation. DOE shared much with me. By way of introduction, she affirmed my own “way of being” through her reflection–
She appears delicate, but she is very strong. Her strength comes from her deep connection to all that surrounds her.
How grateful I am to her for sharing that affirmation of mySelf with me!
Next, she offered guidance for NOW. Let me briefly review the unfolding of the context of NOW, so that you may receive DOE’s guidance in alignment with your current process:
As I shared in my July Energy Tele-Gathering, we were experiencing very rapid shifts in our daily lives during that space/time window, much as a pendulum swings from one end of its reach to the opposite end. The design was precisely that– to reach both ends in such rapid succession that we would begin to experience each as part of one gestalt. This, in our Year of Integration, was the alchemy of “balancing the opposites” that I have spoken about– in action.
Then, in the August Energy Tele-Gathering, I addressed the “blurring” that we began to experience (those of us who are awake and willing, anyway). It is critical to understand that this hazy blurring of what used to appear as separate and distinct is in no way a sign that something is “wrong” with you! The “blurring” is the process of integration/ transformation, itself.
Nor should it be labeled a “symptom!” It is important to be very clear about this: To the extent that one labels experiences, be they physical, mental, or spritual/energetic, as a cause of concern “because they are not what one is used to” is, in essence, to resist one’s own transformation beyond “what one is used to.”
Such resistance perpetuates the very lack of movement that many are “pushing against” and so crying out that they are tired because it feels so “hard.” You see the paradox, I assume? If so, it is something to rejoice in, because transformation does not accomodate resistance. Fortunately. And so, the process will shift again soon (expand, actually), whether you resist it or not– although the measure of your resistance will create your experience.
This “change,” let’s call it, will become noticable during the latter part of the first week in September, and peak with the fall/spring equinox, depending where you are physically located on the globe. Lol… I do have to laugh when I realize that it is precisely at the beginning of the peak of equinox, on 8/21, that the September Energy Tele-Gathering “just happens” to occur. (Synchronicity rules, that’s all I can say!)
But NOW is where the focus is, because it is in our NOWs that we create what expands from them. And that brings me finally to DOE’s guidance for NOW–
DOE will teach you to stand within the moment, quiet and observant, sensing all that is, feeling each leaf of the forest as a deep part of your being.
In these last days of summer, pause and be like DOE.
Unplug from the old grid. Go into nature. Be it the desert, the mountains, the woods, the ocean– wherever you feel called, and in whatever combination– listen and GO!
It will be your OWN NATURE that is calling you.
Go into it. Learn yourSelf anew through your interconnected resonance with all that is ALIVE around you.
Nature will sing the song of who you are back to you.
Be sure to listen, and sing BACK.
Do not let your brain run you NOW, interpreting everything according to “what you think you know!” If you do, you will miss hearing yourSelf entirely.
If you do follow DOE’s guidance NOW, you will be ready to embrace your next wave of integration/tranformation… recognition, of the NEW Paradigm you have actually already entered. Here is her promise:
As DOE, you will learn to be fearless, to trust your intuition completely and know that a deep awareness and connection with the world, combined with a belief in yourself, is the best possible protection there is.
And, If by any chance you are still so caught on a treadmill of “shoulds” that have little to do with who you ARE, and so don’t feel inclined to honor DOE’s guidance… let me remind you that you’re receiving it just before the holiday we call Labor Day. I suggest you do a little research on the origins and meaning of this particular “holiday.” It may just do the trick of snapping you awake… into honoring yourSELF.
I, for one, am delighted to follow DOE’s guidance, and so I will be divinely “off the grid” for the next week or so! This of course, means off the cyberspace aspect as well, (which I’m “getting” is particualarly important, btw). Perhaps I will see/hear/feel/connect with you somewhere in that deep, free, natural earthly/celestial space I’ll be “vacationing” in…wouldn’t that be nice? Otherwise, I’ll be back in the grid withinin the first week of September, I suspect. Not back, actually… but ANEW.
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