Keys to Nirvava
The Pleiadian Councils of Light, through Solara An-Ra
No 1: Expand Your Field of Awareness
is racing towards you, dear ones ~ your union with your true bliss-ful
nature accelerating towards you in each moment. It is only your
resistance to letting go of your old lives and habits that block you
from entering that state of bliss right now! For in these times there
are 2 realities playing out concurrently ~ the reality of chaos and
negativity, or that of love and peace.
first reality, one of chaos, scarcity and fear, has been created by
those who cling onto their control agenda, keeping the masses enslaved
through manipulation of the media, the churches, the banks and the
governments. If you are unwilling to be autonomous, self-governing, a
free thinker creating your own reality, then you are under their
control. Your inability to control your emotions has left you open to
their manipulation ~ to overcome this, simply know that you are the only
ones who can choose what you feel and experience. You are
multi-dimensional masters in humanoid suits ~ the time is now to
remember this.
alternative reality, one in which people are loving, cooperative and
peaceful, is birthing all around you, visible if you have eyes to see.
It is a world where human beings are moving into a heart-centred
consciousness rather than the primitive fear-based consciousness which
has predominated for centuries. In this Aquarian age it is your destiny
to become heart-centred beings. Let us assist you now, with some
practical guidance.
may we recommend that you take yourselves less seriously? Rather than
obsessing all day about your life, your body, your health, your
relationships, your issues, take time out as often as possible to open your field of awareness
~ by looking around, marvelling at the majesty of the natural world.
Gaze, for instance, at the panoramic sky with its magic moving canopy of
clouds, sunshine, rain, winds, stars and the celestial moon and sun
which predominate in your heavens. All aspects of the natural world are
awesome and grand ~ tuning into their beauty and perfection diminishes
your sense of self-importance and assists in balancing your energy. When
the ego dominates your attention is riveted inwards, obsessing over
your needs, your desire to be in control; to be liked, admired, praised
and seen as successful. This is solar plexus-orientated behaviour,
rooted in the separation consciousness of the Piscean Age.
you choose, on the other hand, to expand your field of awareness,
seeing yourself as a child of Gaia, one of the millions of creatures
under her guardianship, no bigger or more important than any other ~
this naturally dissolves the illusion of your self-importance. It is one
of the keys to self-mastery, bringing you closer to the truth of who
you are. Who are you? You are part of the Divine play acting out in your
world; a Divine agent who chose to incarnate at this time to assist all
other beings to realise their Divine nature.
so, you see the apparent contradiction dear ones ~ how experiencing
yourselves as tiny, humble aspects in the magnificent Universe brings
you into an experience of your greatness. You are expressions of the
God-force to whom you owe your existence ~ and are therefore LOVE
And so it is. Namaste.
Solara An-Ra
Magic Weaver for Gaia-and-Tribe