Many of you are afraid that the joyous picture created of new earth is too good to be true…and so it is.
You now have the ability to create the life you wish – despite your fears of not being realistic; of not acknowledging the terrors of your life – Ebola, wars, personal fears and on and on.
Clearing one fear only to add another – because life on earth, as you know it, is one trauma after another.
Please remember that this life has been greatly condensed. Fears you carried within your earth being for eons were brought to the surface and cleared. What you explored and cleared in this lifetime would have taken many lifetimes in non-transition times.
You wished to create a bridge to new earth. And so you did. Then you expanded your dream to live within a new earth filled with joy. Now that you are at a point of creating your joy, you hesitate because it does not seem possible that you could experience so much pain in one lifetime only to awaken to joy.
You are your only enemy now. Even though that concept appears mean or inappropriate, such is true. You have cleared and cleared – and cleared some more. In truth, many of you are exhausted and traumatized by your clearing.
Now that you have completed that amazing task in one brief lifetime, you are afraid to even imagine joy as a possibility. Surely, others have done ‘it’ better or are wiser.
You have noted all you were afraid of and/or ashamed of for eons and now you feel you are not worthy of such joy.
You continue to punish yourself far beyond what you conceptualized prior to entering earth in this lifetime. For eons, you hid your fears only to clear them in this lifetime – and then you adapted a posture of not clearing enough, not being good enough to claim your prize of joy.
Be still within your being. Allow yourself to enter your being and ask if more clearing is necessary or if it is time for joy.
Those who believe more clearing is necessary after exiting their cocoon are merely punishing themselves for not being perfect, a god-like person in their mind.
Your biographies most often gloss over incompetent or inappropriate behaviors – in your society’s beliefs – to portray that person in glorious terms. Your society even has phrases that indicate you should not speak badly of the dead. As if earth death somehow creates a saint. Or that those you honor as perfect examples of gods on earth never had a misstep or harmed others.
You are of earth. You do react to circumstances and interactions – not always as you would wish – but now with the best intentions and a different approach to life. You continue to learn new concepts on earth. Some fit with your new being. Some do not. But often you need to explore them all to find out what best fits your new being. Meaning you will say and do things at times that are not necessarily aligned with your new being.
You are exploring much as a toddler explores anything within reach. They discover that some insects taste better than others do. That some animals are friendlier than others are. And that they are not allowed to grab items from store shelves without their parents’ approval. All learning processes.
That is where you are now. You are learning who you are within your new being. So you will wish to taste and touch many items – some of which are not appropriate for your new being.
You are not creating fear, nor are you a bad person. You are merely a new person exploring your new world. Allow yourself to be. Instead of berating yourself for not immediately knowing whether this or that environment is right for you, allow yourself to know that you are exploring, as does a toddler.
How could you expect to be a new being in a new earth and not explore a bit? Your explorations may include new foods, reading materials, environments or thousands of other activities.
Allow your horizons to expand so you create the life that is right and joyful for you.
It would be impossible for you to create a new life if you did not explore new options. Are they perfect options? Maybe not. But you will discover that such is so in your way and in your time. Expand your envelope as you feel the need.
Do not fear your being or think you are a bad person for doing so.
You cleared your fears from past eons. Now it is time to create your new life in your new being – without fear, without angst, without jealousy for being you. So be. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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