viernes, junio 07, 2013

NaturalNews – Mike Adams – Big Brother Is Tapping Your Mobile Phone: Obama Admits NSA Routinely Spying On All Verizon Phone Customers In The USA – 7 June 2013

NSA(NaturalNews) The USA is reeling today from the explosive discovery that the Obama administration has been spying on all Verizon phone customers by surveilling their phone usage on a daily basis for the last several years. This is a wholesale, routine spy surveillance program that has “Big Brother” written all over it. It was first exposed by The Guardian which has published the secret court order requiring Verizon to hand over all phone call data on an “ongoing, daily basis.”
As the Guardian writes:
Under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of US citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk — regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing.
As background, please note that websites like Natural News and have been warning people for years that the NSA was secretly listening to their phone calls and surveilling their bank accounts, emails and web surfing behavior. Giggling deniers in the liberal media have routinely referred to all this as a “conspiracy theory” while deriding those who warned about all this as “tin foil hat” wearing people or even promoters of “hate speech.”

The Power Of Your Own Magnificence.” A Mini-Reading For June 6, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.

Unknown❀ Hi everyone! Today’s Mini-Reading is all about magic and the incredibly transformative power of our own imagination.  The imagination has the ability create something out of absolutely nothing at all, and this can be both a good and a bad thing-depending on exactly what is you think you’re trying to manifest and whether or not it’s in harmony with your highest and best life’s path.  Oh, there are many paths open to us, all the time.  Oftentimes we choose a course of action with our mind, and subsequently proceed to manifest it using what turn out to be some very left-brained techniques.  All the while there may be a second or even third path open to us, but we dismiss it because it doesn’t align with our perception of reality.  But how do we tell the difference? How do we recognize the signs?

“Se como la Primavera en el Desierto” – Sanat Kumara – via Tazjima - 01-06-2013

SOY Sanat Kumara, conocido también afectuosamente como “Raj”. Estoy sirviendo actualmente como el Logos Planetario desde la ciudad santa de Shamballa, hogar de los Maestros Ascendidos y conexión con su mundo hermano, el vecino planeta de Venus.
Al través de las eras, desde antes de la Gran Caída del Hombre, he desempeñado muchos papeles y presentado muchas caras en muchas culturas.
Algunos me conocen como Ahura Mazda; Skanda, el hijo guerrero de Siva (Shiva); y para algunos soy conocido como el Anciano de los Días.
Cualquiera fuere mi nombre, cualquiera fuere mi cara que presente a su conciencia, soy uno con ustedes dentro del santuario secreto de su Corazón.


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Nosotros los Arcturianos hemos hablado a menudo del Corazón / Mente en el cual el corazón, su Corazón Superior y la mente, junto con su conciencia multidimensional, están fusionados en UNO.

Esta unión crea un enlace que inicia un cambio cuántico del pensamiento, el cual se vuelve multidimensional en naturaleza, y su habilidad emocional para recibir, contener y desembolsar amor incondicional.

Ya que el amor incondicional es la fuera de unión del Multiverso, una vez que ustedes lo permiten en su conciencia multidimensional, él une amor incondicional hacia su envase.

Encuéntrate a tí mismo a través de la inteligencia de tu corazón ~ Arcángel Jofiel via Julie Miller - 03-06-2013

La sabiduría más profunda que pasa a través de su precioso corazón es la inteligencia de su corazón, y siempre está disponible a cada uno de ustedes.
Lo sagrado de ustedes fluye con información que comparten con amor con todos los demás de maneras que pueden ser muy sutiles, desde una tímida sonrisa a un exuberante saludo.
El descubrir la inteligencia de su corazón es profundo, preciosos corazones, y si permiten que su corazón los guíe descubrirán un sorprendente curso que los hará navegar a través de muchas montañas y valles de información y océanos de experiencias de vida.
Mediante la inteligencia de su corazón ustedes aprenderán de primera mano que ya tienen la habilidad de responder a todas sus preguntas pertinentes a sí mismos — las encuentran cuando profundizan en su interior mientras escuchan las direcciones de su corazón.

¿Por qué me duermo cuando medito? Por Jennifer Hoffman - 29-05-13

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Querida Jennifer: He intentado con ahínco meditar y cada vez que lo hago, caigo en un sueño profundo.

Quiero hacerlo en ésta parte de mi viaje espiritual y trato de disciplinarme para meditar todos los días pero cuando lo hago, unos minutos después de que inicio, no puedo mantener mis ojos abiertos.

Después, cuando despierto, a veces una hora o más tarde, me siento mal porque no soy capaz de hacer ésta práctica espiritual que siento que debería estar en mi vida diaria. ¿Alguien más experimenta esto?

Jesús - John Smallman - La Nueva Era ha llegado, y la evidencia es cada vez más aparente para todos los que elijan verla - 28-05-2013

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En los reinos espirituales, estamos muy conscientes de la tensión que el esperar a que se produzca el despertar ejerce sobre ustedes, los Portadores de la luz y Guías de sendero.

Muchos están percibiendo el estado del mundo en constante deterioro, cuando una mala noticia sigue a otras malas noticias en tantas áreas.

Y de hecho, hay una gran sacudida en curso con la que la Nueva Era hace sentir su presencia, y crece la conciencia de los enormes cambios que se deben hacer en sus actitudes y comportamientos si la humanidad quiere evitar la destrucción de sí misma, ya sea haciendo al planeta prácticamente inhabitable por el daño continuado que le está siendo causado por la recolección rapaz de sus recursos naturales, o por la auto-aniquilación a través del conflicto y la guerra.

End The UFO Cover-Up? Are You Kidding – We Are Making Trillions! - – 9/3/12, by Ed Komarek – It’s been tough to stand up against a politically and financially powerful unknown adversary that is well funded and involved in the creation of the CIA, NSA, and MJ-12 in the United States, and other intelligence organizations in western European countries.
We can assume that this adversary was immediately made aware of the 1947 Roswell crash and even other extraterrestrial crashes before Roswell.
However it was Roswell that seemed to push government leaders and those industrialists, bankers and European royalty that pulled the financial strings of government, into action to protect their self-interest and to exploit special access to alien technologies. Ben Rich¹, former head of the Lockheed Skunkworks, was not joking when he said:

Ute Poseggga-Rudel: Messages From The Realms Of Light – The Elohim Of The Great Central Sun: A Great Work Is Before You – 7 June 2013

Elohim15sigImage by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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We are your family, your siblings. It was not our destiny, to journey through the Cosmos, like you do, as the Cosmos is forever in Us. We are here, to remind You of your original Homeland, your Source and thereby that the Cosmos is also in You.
We are the Radiant Light, that you perceive. We are Keepers of Light and we are Creator Gods, also called the Elohim of the Great Central Sun.
We are here to awaken your memory of the creation of your soul. Your Consciousness witnessed this act of creation, after It had agreed to connect with Soul. It was Pure Unity Consciousness, until it divided through the connection with the soul creations.

Méline Lafont – Melchizedek – The planetary Shift Of May That Unfolds In June And July – 7 June 2013

MélineLafontGreetings, dear ones.
Being an Ascended Master and a teacher of the higher realm of the Elohim of the Light, I have an enormous appreciation and respect towards all of you for the excellent work that you all are performing while in incarnation. Everywhere around the world, manifestations are forming in various ways, each having their own characteristics but nevertheless they perform admirably. We see the manifestations of the Indigo generation getting busy as Lightworkers and representatives of the Light, working in a peaceful manner and with the utmost respect in their hearts.
These indigo generations do not have to be fully awakened per se as they carry the perfection of God’s Being within themselves and are very deeply connected to that. They have been programmed for this and arrived in this reality just to do the work that has now started. Utterly beautiful movements take place nowadays because every heart feels affection for one another and those hearts want to bundle their forces in order to anchor even more of their light.

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Any Earnest Effort On Your Part Must Now Meet With Success - June 7, 2013

imageJune 6, 2013 at
We wish you to know that the flow of light into this corner of your galaxy, and therefore your planet and yourselves, has once again reached an all-time high. The flow of information is, therefore, also increased. What does this mean for you?
As this light proceeds to flow throughout your energy field and your physical body, you will continue, not begin, but continue, to be enabled, should you choose, to hold more and more of the energy of your true, and shall we say extended, selves. Your consciousness, memories, perceptions, and all functions thereof will now be able to grow at the extent of your desire.

Bilderberg 2013: Who’s Inside? - June 7, 2013

bilderberg1Stephen Cook: This story gives you some background to the Bilderberg Meeting and who’s there. Thanks to Leslie.
Look out on the list below for the high number of bankers, pharmaceutical companies, petroleum companies, media organisation heads and former CEOs of multinational corporations in attendance, Also, the number of people who are listed as INT or international representatives (don’t they have a home country to represent?), among them, the former World Bank head, Robert Zoellick, who is a US citizen. In such a male-dominated world, unsurprisingly, only 10 per cent of attendees are women. Amazingly, there is a small number of working journalists who ARE invited. I wonder what makes them so special and if they, too, are sworn to secrecy?
Remember: despite the header below, there is no NWO because WE are the ONE future!

Data Mining Expose: Facebook, Google, Apple Accessed by NSA - June 7, 2013

PrismStephen Cook: This story is the data mining equivalent of the recent expose on the tax havens of the super-rich. The NSA is not likely to be the only national security organisation locked into secret deals with these companies. This has to be a global initiative, involving governments and agencies across the world. Watch this one grow…
Yesterday it was the revelation that the Verizon phone records of millions of Americans (and others) were being accessed by the NSA. Today it’s the ‘news’ that Facebook, Google (including Google+ and, no doubt, the invasive Google Street View) and Apple data is also ‘mined for personal, private details. Oh, and Skype! (They must have a field day with some of the conversations the blog editors and InLight Radio team have!).
The really good thing is that now this secret program, named PRISM, is out in the open – and making headlines around the world – it’s not a secret anymore. Interestingly, as i went to post this I noticed that 1111 people had left a comment about this story on The Guardian’s website. Synchronicity in action?


Be ready to train your thoughts – Archangel Raphael through M. Gamma ~ 07.06.2013

AARaphael-II(Translated on the 07.06.2013, original language German)
Beloved humans on earth, once again it’s time to bring a message to you. Once again a week has passed and many things happened. Many things have changed and allot of humans have realized that the change for the earth und humanity has to start by yourselves.

This realization is very important and an important foundation for the ascension of humanity and earth. The ascension will be accompanied and supported by us but we can’t do it for you. You are in the meantime aware of this and you have changed your mindset. This is the foundation for the continuation on the ascension train which I was referring in my previous messages to you.
I would like to bring an other subject to your attention. The subject is about the humans on earth and the possibility to control your thoughts at any time. This is one of the most important teachings you have to understand and one of the reasons why we repeat ourselves from time to time. It doesn’t make sense to bombard you with new concepts and new ideas when you didn’t understand and integrate the things we have transmitted to you. This would only ask too much of you and this is something we don’t want my beloved humans.

The Rothschild Family Puppet Masters World's Only Trillionaires Full Documentary

Prepare yourself for something BIG - Pleiadian Message To Humanity 2013

SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian Council of Nine: A Magnificent Revolution of Individual Sparks Uniting - Wes Annac - Jun 7, 2013

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Along your way of working to awaken the collective of humanity, you’ve met and will meet certain obstacles and things that seem to stand in your way of sufficiently anchoring the Light and spreading the truth you’ve have come to the Earth to anchor and spread.
It’s important to remember that absolutely everything happens for a very Divine and ordained reason, and even the seeming-difficulty many of you have experienced doesn’t have to bring you down or impede your progress in the manners it has at times.
Every one of you is a strong, Divine Godspark of an infinite being of full consciousness and as such, no temporary Earthy pains or difficulties will ever stop you from shining your Light onto every last aspect of your personal and collective experience that you’re ready to help heal and cleanse.
The cleansing of inner-tendencies and ways of being and Living in the collective of humanity will reflect the outer, widespread change you are to make to your physical environment.

Shelly Young - Arcángel Gabriel – Mensaje Diario - 30-05- 2013

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30-05- 2013

Si estás experimentando una crisis en tu vida, no es probable que encuentres una salida facultadora de esas energías mientras estás sumergido en ellas.

No hay la perspectiva ventajosa requerida desde ese lugar para tomar decisiones facultadoras.

No puedes crear un cambio a partir de las energías que han creado lo que te está causando incomodidad.

Eso simplemente no se puede hacer, y tratando de hacerlo sólo resultará en que te verás girando las ruedas y creando una incomodidad aún mayor.

The Illusions and Tricks of the Mind – Multidimensional Ocean 7 June 2013

Imaya LadyAt the moment I am receiving plenty of questions on email and on facebook asking me things directly or asking me to ask the Galactic Federation questions.
I am afraid that the only message I have received concerning any of these questions is not to fall into the trap of the illusion.
I would like to address first of all, regarding me asking the Galactic Federations for answers:
1-      I wish to remind people that channels are far from being 100% accurate. I may misinterpret something, they may also perceive the question not the way the person who asks means it, or the way I mean it.
2-      The channel is the intermediary, so the channel’s mind is filtering all the information that comes through, so it is possible that I am blocking subconsciously something, or misinterpret something in order to fit with my own view and understanding of something.

New Real-Life UFO Sighting Appears to Re-create the Opening Scene of 'Star Trek Into Darkness' By Erik Davis Jun 04, 2013

New Real-Life UFO Sighting Appears to Re-create the Opening Scene of 'Star Trek Into Darkness' By Erik Davis Jun 04, 2013 0 Comments One of these days some spacecraft is going to arrive on this planet, and all we can hope for is that the aliens spare us long enough to watch CNN, MSNBC and Fox News fight each other to the death over ratings. But that day has not yet come, and so for now all we have are constant blurry videos from around the world that appear to reveal unidentified objects flying through the air, most of which come with fairly easy explanations. It's at that point where the whole blurry video thing just isn't doing it for us anymore, and so when we get one that does things a drop differently -- like re-create the opening scene from Star Trek Into Darkness -- it piques our interest enough to show it to you. In the video below, watch as what appears to be an unidentified flying object hovers over and then enters Mexico's Popocateptl volcano. Those who saw the latest Star Trek sequel will remember something similar taking place in the film's opening sequence, in which Spock was [spoiler alert] trapped in a volcano. In order to rescue him, the Enterprise had to leave its hiding spot underwater and fly toward the volcano so that Spock could be beamed on board. So did aliens arrive on our planet in order to film their own knockoff version of Star Trek Into Darkness? Fear not Paramount legal team, according to experts what we're likely seeing is a regular old aircraft passing nearby. "I am leaning toward the object being a captured commercial jet passing through the field of view," said Marc Dantonio, a photo and video analyst for Mutual UFO Network. "Several elements of this video are initially startling, firstly that the object appears to be moving fast, and secondly, that it appears to be descending into the volcano. Because this is a time-lapse video, however, the speed is an illusion, and the flight path of the object and the descending appearance are likely an illusion of perspective, as well." Man of Steel hits theaters next weekend. If some handsome dude suddenly drops out of the sky wearing a cape, we'll let you know. [via Huff Post]

Scientists Find Holes in Monsanto GM Wheat Denial | Common Dreams

Scientists Find Holes in Monsanto GM Wheat Denial

- Jacob Chamberlain, staff writer
(Boris Grdanoski / AP)
Monsanto claimed Wednesday that the Oregon field found last week to be contaminated with Monsanto’s unapproved GM wheat was an “isolated” incident, and that it was likely either the result of an accident or “sabotage.” However, scientists warned Thursday that the biotech giant’s denial has many holes.
Monsanto claims that it has since tested 31,200 seed samples in Oregon and Washington and found no evidence of contamination—insisting there is no cause for concern in the world market.
However, researchers this week said that Monsanto’s tests are misleading and that the genetically modified gene, not yet approved for use in the U.S., will likely continue to be found in wheat seeds.
“We don’t know where in the whole chain it is,” said Carol Mallory-Smith, the weed science professor at Oregon State University who tested the initial wheat plants and determined they were the unapproved Monsanto seed.

WND – Life With Big Brother : Now FBI Wants Back Door To All Software But Leading Security Experts Say Strategy Would Help Enemies – 7 June 2013

The FBI is unhappy that there are communications technologies that it cannot intercept and wants to require that software makers and communications companies create a back door so they can listen in when they desire.
But a team of technology experts warns the move would hand over to the nation’s enemies abilities they are not capable of developing for themselves.
The Washington Post reported the issue is being raised by the FBI because “there is currently no way to wiretap some of these communications methods easily, and companies effectively.”
The solution, according to the FBI, is to fine companies when they fail to comply with wiretap orders, essentially requiring all companies to build a back door for wiretap capabilities into all their communications links.

Lawsuit Happy Monsanto Getting Sued Over GMO – 7 June 2013

John Smallman - Today’s Post has a different format. June 7, 2013

Hello, this is John with Jesus’ message for Friday June 7th 2013. Today the format is rather different. I am including my personal chat with him that occurs before the message starts because it seems to me that it probably addresses issues that concern many of us. I hope you find it helpful.
Jesus Blog # 159 06/07/13. Channeled Wednesday June 5th 2013 11.25.
Me: Good morning, dear Jesus.  Thank you very much for the message that I posted on our blog earlier this morning.  I feel a bit edgy, tense, and sometimes I think it is because I feel that I should not be calling on you, disturbing you, because you must be incredibly busy attending to so many loving souls who have far greater need than I and who are far more worthy of calling on you than I.  In fact I guess I feel at some level that I have no right to address you, to call on you, even though you have told us that you are always available and want us to call on you.  Silly feelings, ingrained habits, aspects that I need to release.  And then I feel I am being arrogant to call.  Oh well!  So, dear Jesus, please talk to me, and thank you in advance.

jueves, junio 06, 2013

Pleiadian High Counsel of Light - The Ascension Process - Anna Merkaba - 6/6/13 -

Pleiadian High Counsel of Light - The Ascension Process - 6/6/13

Let us explain to you dear ones, that in order for your world to change, you are not to wait for anything but to look deep within your hearts. Yes indeed it is so that we are standing by you. Yes awe are in the sky, yes we are circling the globe and yes indeed we are ready to swoop in and assist you in any way that we possibly can, as we have already done numerous times. However, please understand, even if we rush to your aid, we will not be helping you quickly reach ascension just by seeing us, for the process of ascension is called a process for a reason.

It matters not which planet you reside in, it matters not which physicality you find yourselves in. For the soul goes through many stages of ascension process, and the point for you to understand is not to rush into it.

The reason that we are all here now, is to guide you.. but YOU are the ones that are sitting behind the controls of your destiny and your light and your s ascension process.

Form of energy – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn June 06, 2013 - Energieform – Die Göttliche Mutter durch Isabel Henn 06.Juni 2013

Form of energy – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn June 06, 2013

(Translated from the original language german.)
All is energy, my child, whatever you see or feel, or not see and feel, all consists of energy in some form. Energy is, and can’t be destroyed or used up. It only changes its form. When you burn oil for heating you transform the energy form of oil into the energy form of heat. All that you can see and touch is materialized transformed energy. Your soul too is the purest energy. It consists of my Love, of my essence and is therefore indestructible. With that what you call death, you only change the form of energy, nothing more but also nothing less. The soul as such, is immortal and lasts forever, as long, as you someday have arrived finally at me and again have become completely ONE with me, my child. But this takes yet eternities und so long enjoy your life, you have got it for this from me. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Energieform – Die Göttliche Mutter durch Isabel Henn 06.Juni 2013

Alles ist Energie, mein Kind, egal was Du siehst oder fühlst, oder auch nicht siehst und fühlst, alles besteht aus Energie in irgendeiner Form. Energie ist, und kann auch nicht zerstört oder verbraucht werden. Sie wandelt nur ihre Form. Wenn Du Öl zum Heizen verbrennst, so wandelst Du die Energieform Öl in die Energieform Wärme um. Alles, was Du sehen und anfassen kannst, ist materialisierte umgewandelte Energie. Auch deine Seele ist reinste pure Energie. Sie besteht aus meiner Liebe, aus meiner Essenz und ist daher unzerstörbar. Mit dem, was Du Tod nennst, wechselst Du nur die Form der Energie, nicht mehr aber auch nicht weniger. Die Seele als solches ist unsterblich und bleibt für immer erhalten, so lange, bis Du irgendwann ganz bei mir angekommen und wieder ganz und gar Eins geworden bist mit mir, mein Kind. Aber dies dauert noch Ewigkeiten und solange genieße dein Leben, dafür hast Du es von mir bekommen. ~
Deine Göttliche Mutter
Copyright  ©  Isabel Henn. Es ist erlaubt den Artikel zu veröffentlichen, sofern der Text als Ganzes unverändert übernommen und der Name des Autors und der Link zur Originalseite genannt wird.

Cobra Update about "The Event"

Intel about The Event

You might want to get some more intel about the Event to increase your own preparedness and also to help assisting others during the time of the transition. 

Most of the intel in the following website is a quite reliable interpretation of  information that came from reliable sources. Here it is: 


Alternative Media News Station To Rival Main Stream Media

A free global internet TV & Radio station broadcasting the information, background and opinions the mainstream media won't touch Please note: If we don't reach our £100,000 goal your contribution will be fully refunded. What is The People's Voice? How often is the question asked ‘What can I do?’ in the face of the global descent into Big Brother tyranny and oppression? How often do we hear it said that ‘the people’s voice should be heard’? Well here is an answer to ‘What can I do?’ – an answer that will also guarantee that the people’s voice will be heard. I have been communicating secret and suppressed information worldwide for nearly a quarter of a century and I spent nearly 20 years before that working in the mainstream media with newspapers, radio stations and BBC Television. I have vast experience of the corporate and alternative media and I can tell you this: The mainstream corporate-owned media is NEVER going to tell you the truth or give you information that exposes what is really happening in the world. Corporations and governments are going to expose themselves through a media that they own?

Anti-Illuminati Advertisement From Coca Cola

New Coca-Cola anti-Illuminati ad: "Chairs" Submitted by Phillip_19 on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 12:15 Is the new ‘Coca-Cola’ advertisement that is now being broadcast worldwide called “Chairs” an ‘anti-illuminati’ advertisement, or is it another direct shot in the face of a dumbed down populace and overpowered humanity? Check out the ad; the symbolism is there, it can’t be missed. They clearly hit the nail right on the head in this one. ‘They’ are vastly outnumbered. If only we understood, we only need to ‘stand up’. They share their ’4 commitments to fight overweight and sedentary lifestyle’ in this video, yet they poison the populace daily; doesn’t this ad mean something else entirely?

KRYON - The process has began - The CHILDREN of NOW are meeting the TEACHERS of NOW - 6/6/13 through Anna Merkaba

KRYON - The process has began - The CHILDREN of NOW are meeting the TEACHERS of NOW.

Your children the children of now that have tome to the earth to assist in the process of ascension are the ones that are manifesting a lot of light and love into your reality by anchoring this light and love into the hearts of each and every being that they come into contact with physically, ethereally , consciously and subconsciously.

In order to help them remain in this new type of frequency that they carry with them, we have instituted many teachers into your world. Who are secretly and unbeknownst to your government are communicating with the children of now on a cellular level in light language, and the language of the heart.

Learn the Truth about Healing & Protective Pyramid Energy: Free Disclosure eBook

I’m passing on this message and free eBook from a group I belong to. I think you’ll find it extremely interesting. It’s time this information became mainstream.
If you’ve read older posts on my blog about the many pyramids on the planet—some subterranean—you know that there is astonishing, measurable energy emanating from their apex (see the rendering in the image) and people who work at internal excavations have found relief from health issues.
This eBook shares what everyone on this planet should know about the power of Pyramids to help heal us, control violent weather, provide free power and many other vital functions needed to help all of us move into the Golden Age we are all destined for.
We have posted this very informative eBook for Russ Michael due to his website access issues. The file is at this time unedited and will be replaced with the edited version when it is available.
This link will allow you to download a FREE COPY of this important booklet in PDF format; 115 pages.
Please share it on your social media pages!

Aisha North - The manuscript of survival – part 319 - June 6, 2013
All the stops have come out now, and the flux of energy swirling on the outside and indeed inside of you will make it rather difficult to stay in balance now. As we have discussed earlier, the necessity of removing any obstacles from your channel was a highly important one, as otherwise, your connection to the information and energy you are here to convey to others will be restricted. So now, as so many old scars and bonds have been broken and removed, it may be as if a veritable dam of information is cascading into you at a very rapid pace. Some of it is indeed coming into your system from the outside, or the grid as it were, but what may come as a surprise to some of you, is the amount of information that is actually coming from yourself.

Pope Francis Continues to Denounce Culture of Greed and Waste - June 6, 2013

Pope Francis: 'Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry.' Photograph: APPope Francis: ‘Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry.’ Photograph: AP
Stephen Cook: Pope Francis gently persists with his attacks on the culture of greed in our consumerist world. These messages, while they may seem repetitive, slowly start to chip away at the underlying psyche of the members of the wider world; which, as the new energies continue to rise, begin to see how they themselves have been participating in a society that has allowed such greed – and soon realise that this is not the way things should be.
Remember the old adage: if we’re told something long enough and more than enough, we begin to either believe it, or at least question it. This is what the Pope is currently ensuring among his flock – and  elsewhere, via the media.

Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast June 2013 – Upside Down, You’re Turning Me - June 5, 2013

Emmanuel Dagher 2013By Emmanuel Dagher – June 5, 2013
Peace and blessings, beautiful friend. It’s such a gift and honor to connect with you again.
Well, we did it! We moved through one of the most potent energy cycles we’ve had in a long time. I say “We did it!” because it most definitely deserves a joyous acknowledgment that we accomplished getting through this intense energy cycle safe and sound.
With the combination of three back-to-back eclipses, over a handful of X-class solar flares, intense astrological alignments and other celestial happenings, we stepped into a divine doorway that has completely elevated us and has altered our reality into higher states of existence. When we enter divine doorways like this, it’s completely normal to feel scattered, confused, tired, or more emotional than usual. This is just our mind and body adjusting to the higher frequency we have stepped into. It’s also very common to have bursts of euphoric experiences during intense times like this, which simply serve as previews of the magic that’s awaiting us.

Taryn Crimi – Angelic Guides: Death is not the End, but the Start of Something New - June 6, 2013

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of physical death. This word has a very heavy energy associated with it and we would like to share with you our perspective in hopes that this message finds those who need to hear it most. We will touch upon not only how the soul determines when it is “time” to depart but also what happens once the soul departs.
Many on your world view death as then end which causes a tremendous amount of grief for the loved ones seemingly left behind. Many at this time are departing as their soul has experienced and accomplished all that it intended to in this lifetime. Remember that we have told you that unlike any other time in your world’s history have so many souls wanted to incarnate all at the same time.
As we have said many times before this period of “time” is filled with so much excitement, transformation and valuable lessons to be gained that few wanted to miss the opportunity to explore. However there are very many who have experienced what they wanted to and as a result are now choosing to depart from this physical world. Some will choose to incarnate again, and many others will choose to observe this “drama” unfold from the higher realms, while offering their assistance and encouragement from the “other side of the veil”.

Karen Doonan: High Coucil of Orion Meditation to Release Fear - June 6, 2013 ones we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support ALL at this time upon and within planet earth. We come through our channel with a meditation to address the lower dimensional energetic frequencies that are now arising within many upon planet earth in their human form. We ask for you to use this exercise as often as you wish and to be guided at all times by how you FEEL. The release of the lower dimensional frequencies of fear may leave you challenged initially as many of you have become accustomed to the storage of these frequencies within your human vehicles. We ask for you to drink plenty of clear water and to honour your human vehicle’s requirement for extra sleep in order to process the release of said frequencies and the anchoring of the higher new earth frequencies at this time. Dear ones ALL is perfect for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.

Sarah-Jane Grace: The Journey Home…- 6 June, 2013 we continue to excavate and dig deeply within, it seems that many of us have found ourselves in unfamiliar territory as we have opened up our minds, bodies and souls to the Truth of the closets, the nooks and the crannies within. Such intense self-reflection and introspection has taken us into some long dark nights of the soul as we have explored our spiritual cellars and vaults, and found the courage to pull back the cobwebs to reveal the Truth of what lies within.
Such an experience has left many of us feeling as though we are on the outside peering into the windows of our lives; slightly disconnected and out of sync with reality. It is as though our inner worlds and outer worlds are moving at different speeds and it has been immeasurably difficult to bring the two back into alignment. As a result, many of us have felt discombobulated and unable to ‘make sense’ of the feelings of discord and fragmentation both around and within.

The Code

TheGuardian – Glenn Greenwald – NSA Collecting Phone Records Of Millions Of Americans Daily – Revealed – 6 June 2013

Phone records dataExclusive: Top secret court order requiring Verizon to hand over all call data shows scale of domestic surveillance under Obama
Read the court order in full here
Under the terms of the order, the numbers of both parties on a call are handed over, as is location data and the time and duration of all calls. Photograph: Matt Rourke/AP
The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of America’s largest telecoms providers, under a top secret court order issued in April.
Read the whole story at: link to original article

miércoles, junio 05, 2013

People Have Killed Their Fear Of Authority – And The Protests Are Growing – 5 June 2013

An anti-government protester waves Turkey's national flagNew Statesman- by Ece Temelkuran
“Well, we are just filling light bulbs with paint,” said my friend, a cafe owner in Cihangir, the Soho of Istanbul. Speaking to me on the phone, she sounded as relaxed as if she was baking an apple pie. “You know,” she continued, “the only way to stop a TOMA is to throw paint on its window so that the vehicle loses orientation.”  
My friend, who was completely uninterested in politics until six days ago, had never been in conflict with the police before. Now, like hundreds of thousands of others in Turkey, she has become a warrior with goggles around her neck, an oxygen mask on her face and an anti-acid solution bottle in her hand. As we have all learned, this the essential kit to fight the effects of tear gas. As for TOMA, that is the vehicle-mounted water cannon. To paralyse it, you either have to put a wet towel in its exhaust pipe or burn something under its engine or you and a dozen others can push it over. This kind of battle-info is circulating all over Turkey at the moment. It is like a civil war between the police and the people. Yet nobody expected this when, six days ago, a group of protesters organised a sit-in at Istanbul’s Gezi Park to protect trees that were to be cut down for the government’s urban redevelopment project.

Crossing the Dimensional Waters – Message from Higher Self and Multidimensional Ocean– 5 June 2013

Rainbow World2Hi everybody, I just wanted to share with you a short message from my Higher Self, thatI have received during my meditation.
We are all multidimensional beings, crossing the dimensions at will and unknowingly. The higher your vibrations and natural positivity, the higher dimension you are dwelling upon.
Our states fluctuate constantly from one dimension to the other, being in several dimensions at the same time. Very often we live in several dimensions at the same time. However, most of us at the present time are mostly in the vibrations of fear and anxiety, which results in being mostly in the lower 3d vibrations for most of the waking state.

Saul - The remaining skeins of the illusion are turning to dust - 06/05/2013 by John Smallman
Here in the spiritual realms, our joy at your progress on the path to full consciousness continues to intensify as we observe the increasing numbers who are turning daily to Love.  It is the most amazing sight!  Every single day large numbers of you are renouncing any aspect of yourselves that is in any way unloving, and starting to embrace your true nature confidently and enthusiastically, and by doing so you are most effectively changing the world along with yourselves.  There is no possibility of retreat from this holy path that you have collectively chosen to follow, and on which we are traveling with you to share and lighten your load.  You are going through a lot of stuff, stuff that you need to release, and you are being enormously successful, as we knew you would be, simply because it is the divine Will for you.

Bella Capozzi: The Earth Angels. ☼ A Morning Message. June 5, 2013.

You were not meant to make a go of it alone, Dear Child of God.  You were created as a single part of a greater whole, whose very shape and outline fits neatly into the larger picture of life.  Unity.  You are all one in the same, yet each and all are an individualized expression of that which Created you.  Peace.  Peace can be found in the unity of yourself with others.  You are supposed to help each other, never hinder.  You must take each others hand and scale the highest mountains, swim the farthest seas.

Meline Lafont: This is for Precious Gaia - Jun 5, 2013

♥ This is for precious Gaia.  As I was driving to get my kids on a beautiful sunny day, I was staring at the beautiful sky and all the clouds: sharing me these words and insights… I felt an inner peace and energies running through me, while absorbing the beauty of Mother nature.  As a HUman being, we take too much for granted and don’t always realize how precious everything is around us and in our lives.  If we look to the beautiful sky for example and all the clouds that are making formations, and moving in the space and energy of Earth’s atmosphere,:how wonderful is that?! The small patterns that it is made of, the atoms that have given this life and existence, and the color that is making every single creation into an exceptional existence.  This is all so exceptional and special, how creation is fact and how the smallest thing can form such beautiful creations on Earth.

Blossom Goodchild: June 5, 2013
Here we are again! Hello to you! Today I would like to follow on with another question from one of the translator team. Again I TRUST myself … as it is pushing my boundaries somewhat … yet good to do so and good for the whole! OK … here goes … What is the true explanation for the different races and languages on our planet? Over to you!
We welcome you in Love this day and we are accepting of the inquiries posed. Firstly may we begin by admitting to you that through our conversations we are finding that the interest of such matters is allowing for the ‘self’ to come forward and at the same time allowing the ego to retreat. This is most pleasing to ‘see’ within the energy of each.

Q&A: I Have Lost Everything, Now What Do I Do? - Jennifer Hoffman.- June 5, 2013 Jennifer:  In the past two years, I have lost everything, my job, my home, my friends and I barely speak to my family. Although I have been looking for a job, I can’t find one and I’m living with a friend now that I barely get along with. I don’t know what to do to fix my life and I’m having a hard time figuring out my next steps. How do I get my life back and how do I create the stable, secure and happy life that I want?

How to View Your Aura from a Picture and Aura Color Meanings - Andy Bojarski - June 5, 2013

AuraA lot of people have been asking me how I got my picture to show my violet aura color and what do different aura colors mean. This post will tell you where to go to upload a picture that you have to show your aura.
This post will also explain what the different colors mean. This way, you may be better able to understand a little bit more about yourself. There is a web site that I use where you can upload your picture to it from your desktop or laptop. Once you upload the picture, it takes a few seconds and that same picture is displayed showing your aura from the picture.

Visionkeeper – Thoughts = Reality – 5 June 2013 by
Music to read by below:
I remember when I was younger hearing the quotation ” Your thoughts create your reality”. I didn’t give it a whole lot of thought way back then, but everyday, every minute, every hour it becomes more clear as to its powerful meaning. I often wonder how many people out there wandering in the world do not have a clue that what they are thinking about is bringing to them their own reality. Of course it has its greatest meaning in the effects of positive thinking over negative, but it goes way beyond that as well. What kind of dialog do you have with YOURSELF everyday? What kind of verbiage do you use when you talk to yourself? Are you supportive of yourself, do you inspire yourself, are you mostly complimentary or mostly critical? It makes a huge difference as to how your life unfolds so pay close attention.

Dana Mrkich – Knock Knock It’s The Past Calling – 5 June 2013

DanaMrkichThe past feels to be knocking on a lot of people’s doors at the moment in the form of memories, dreams, old emotions you haven’t felt in a long time, aspects you thought you had long buried, and people you have long not had contact with. Whenever the past (or anything really!) knocks like this, there is a reason although the reason is never usually what it seems to be on the surface.
The emotions being triggered can leave us feeling like someone has dragged us backward into some murky time that we really would rather not visit again, yet it is very beneficial to just bite the bullet and confront this energy, as otherwise it can make us feel like we’re going to implode mentally and/or emotionally, and even affect our state of health physically. 
Have a seat with this part of you imagining it as a personality (be it an intense emotion you’ve been feeling, or a health symptom or an energy influence) and try one of the following: Journal with it, asking it some questions or meditate and do the same, trust the dialogue that comes from this; get out your crayons or paints and draw whatever comes to you; or have a conversation with a conscious friend to help give you clarity if you need extra support.
This isn’t about doing more digging. This is about consciously working with the energy waves that we are swimming in these days, and consciously SEEING what they are wanting to show us (which is more of our selves). The waves are taking us to new heights, and in the process aspects of ourselves are being transformed. This is happening with or without our conscious input.
Our conscious input simply helps us move through the waves with greater understanding and thus ease, and helps the waves move through us with fewer restrictions. The irony is that consciousness goes hand in hand with increased sensitivity, so of course you will also FEEL things more acutely which is not easy – but understanding does make it more easeful.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2013 / / link to original article

Jesus - John Smallman - Blame and guilt are illusory concepts which tie you to the illusion - June 5, 2013
The New Age has arrived, and signs of it are apparent everywhere as the field of divine Love continues to flow across the planet, embracing all in Its path; and there are very few who are not in Its path.  A major and very determined effort is required of anyone who might choose not to be influenced by Love’s ever intensifying and entrancing energy field.  It is God’s Will that humanity throw off the mantle of pain and suffering in which it has chosen to envelop itself for so long, and humanity has now chosen to align its collective will with God’s – that is what the New Age is all about, aligning your will with God’s – and is doing so by throwing off the ephemeral veil of fear and separation in which you had wrapped yourselves, temporarily.

Wes Annac - Humanity’s Liberation Requires Impetus - June 5, 2013

I give this writing as a part of my continuing effort to help build and contribute to humanity’s spiritual revolution.
We work toward nothing less than the complete and full liberation of humanity.
We seek to spread the very idea of spiritual and physical liberation, and we seek to spread the joyful truths of the brimming higher dimensions we’ve each come from.
We seek to help uplift the minds and hearts of the people, and to help others see the need to arise and begin working together to build a society that works for every human being. We seek to help those who’ve already started and built-upon real movements for change and truth, and to unite with everyone around us as a tsunami of Love hits this planet.
We seek to organize ourselves into a coherent collective body, who understands the great responsibilities involved both in purging our world from the darkness that’s run rampant, and in running our world after such darkness has been purged.

martes, junio 04, 2013

Wes Annac - Astral Travels: Blessing Stress - June 4, 2013

The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we’re going to bless representations of the frustrating, stressful energy passed around various people on this Earth. Stress and frustration arise nearly every day for the majority of people and in my opinion, the very energy of stress drains us and keeps us feeding the lower states of consciousness the Earth is known for.
Our aim on this Earth is to transmute the energy of the lower dimensions in the various forms it has come about and this week, we’ll work as well to bless representations of people affected by stress every day.
A few weeks ago, we worked with the Hathors on manifesting different landscapes and locations at once, and viewing such locations via portals or “windows” we visualized. We’re going to utilize that visualization this week as we work to bless stress in the various forms it has come about.

Suzanne Lie: The Alchemy of Creation, Part 3 – Remembering Heart/Mind - June 4, 2013

HeartMindThe Alchemy of Creation, Part 3 – Remembering Heart/Mind

By the Arcturians
We Arcturians have often spoken of the Heart/Mind in which the heart, your High Heart and the mind, along with your multidimensional consciousness, are merged into ONE. This joining creates a liaison that initiates a quantum shift of both your thinking, which becomes multidimensional in nature, and your emotions’ ability to receive, contain and disburse unconditional love.
Since unconditional love is the bonding force of the Multiverse, once you allow it into your multidimensional consciousness it bonds unconditional love into your vessel. At the same time, your multidimensional consciousness guides you to perceive and accept unconditional love. The ability to think multidimensionally and to receive and use unconditional love is the key to the transmutation of your Earth vessel.

Who Are You? – by Debbie Erasmus - June 4, 2013

Dreams-12-jenjen_bunny-30725805-481-474I watched an interview with Deepak Chopra and Oprah yesterday and at the end of the interview Oprah asks him “Who are you?.” She says he once asked her that same question and it took her 3 days to give him an answer. He replied:
I am a spark of the Divine and so is everyone else. We limit ourselves by defining ourselves. If you go beyond the labels and definitions, all that is left is infinite possibility, infinite creativity and infinite intelligence. And we ARE that, until we squeeze ourselves into an identity which is the volume of a body in the span of a lifetime. We are way more than that!
My question is: “How many of us actually GET that?” Maybe we need to read that statement more than once for it to sink into our consciousness.  Another question comes to mind “How many of us actually BELIEVE that?.” I believe it’s a fact we have to rewire into our brains. We have been hearing for so long that we have no power, that the power we need to improve our lives, exists outside of ourselves.

Homo- or heterosexual? – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn June 04, 2013 - Homo- oder heterosexuell? – Die Göttliche Mutter durch Isabel Henn 04.Juni 2013

23324_536337373051928_907460147_n(Translated from the original language german)
Note: This is her answer to an article that I read this morning on Facebook wherein a church in Oklahoma accuses the homosexuality of a basketball player to be the cause for the disastrous tornado in Moore, Oklahoma last week.

Aisha North -The manuscript of survival – part 318 - June 4, 2013

As you have already noticed, the passage of the light through your entire body was nothing if not profound, and it has left many of you feeling as if floundering in its wake. Do not fret dear ones, as all of this is only proof positive that you did indeed allow these healing powers from above to touch your inner sanctum, and as such, much will be altered within you all over a very short period of time. But again, as the physical body has been used to perceive change as something to be avoided, it will once again try to hold back and preserve ”business as usual”. But in this case, it will be futile, as now, the most profound wake up call ever has been given to your very core, and as such, every cell in your body will become alert to this call. And so, you will feel yourself affected by the stretching and yawning, and indeed also some rather intense protests, as so much starts to awaken and change within.