domingo, julio 03, 2016

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Conferencia de la Luz del Verano (7) - en Hot Springs, Arkansas, el 12 de junio de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

¿Qué piensan de la energía en este salón?  ¿Tal vez piensan que las cosas que les dije y que no pueden ver, podrían ser reales? Nos aproximamos al mismo episodio al decir adiós de alguna manera.  Esta noche será decir adiós a tres días que, en algunos casos, cambiaron la vida y el pensamiento de modos que ustedes no esperaban. Para algunos, descubrimientos.  Queridos, es difícil explicárselo; una confluencia de información que tengo y que les he dado, y que hoy han visto manifestada en la ciencia, en la física, en la biología.  Lo esotérico que se ha enseñado por medio de este canal desde el otro lado del velo, durante 26 años, ¡llega a fructificar!
Y si hay una cosa que ustedes pueden señalar en todos los casos, es que es benévolo. No exige de ustedes que hagan nada, no les exige creer en algo, no les pide que se afilien a nada.  Porque la verdad es así.  ¡Y ustedes la han oído desde muchas direcciones, de muchas maneras!  Debiera haber partes de sus cerebros saltando de alegría al oir lo que ya saben; así es como funciona.
Algunos todavía desean desmenuzarlo y quieren saber los detalles; ¡les hemos dado los ejemplos muchas, muchas veces!  Pero todavía hay algunos que necesitan verlo, elaborarlo.  Ustedes se van de este lugar, se suben a su automóvil y conducen ¡y no necesitan tener el manual y estudiarlo antes de arrancar e irse!

Selacia - Avanzando con compasión Reiniciando nuestras vidas: Marte directo el 29 de junio - 23 de Junio 2016


Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

red heart small

Esta teniendo lugar un nuevo ciclo, antes de que Marte ( el planeta que rige la acción) se ponga directo el 29 de Junio. Desde el Solsticio, una ola de energía más suave ha comenzado a llegarnos y está suavizando los efectos de la intensidad anterior. Si lo han notado y si están tomándose más tiempo para estar a solas e ir hacia dentro, probablemente se trate de una confirmación de que algunos cambios están a punto de producirse sus vidas. Algunos podrían ser pequeños, y otros, realmente importantes.

Tiempo de introspección durante el Cambio
En todo el planeta, estamos atravesando un momento de introspección y de reevaluación de nuestros propósitos de vida. Probablemente, las semanas durante las que Marte ha estado retrógrado nos hicieron ahondar en nuestra búsqueda interior y nos ayudaron a reevaluar qué es lo realmente importante. Es posible que hayamos estado revisando en profundidad nuestra situación de vida y nuestros potenciales, durante el sueño o en otros momentos, a nivel consciente o no. Yo recomiendo dar prioridad a esa introspección. Háganse más conscientes de sus pensamientos y de cómo se sienten acerca de su futuro.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Perspectiva para los Trabajadores de la Luz - 28/5/2016

Saludos queridos, soy el Guardián del Tiempo.

Hoy me presento ante ustedes con el fin de intersectar su línea de tiempo y ayudarlos a entender parte de los aspectos más amplios de las oleadas que se presentan en su planeta en este momento. En realidad, han encontrado muchas formas de avanzar, pero en general todavía dan tres pasos adelante y uno o dos hacia atrás. Este es el curso habitual que todo parece tomar cuando experimenta resistencia. Bueno, queridos, han establecido bien su energía, pues lograron algo muy importante. Hoy deseamos hablarles de ello para que puedan asumir su logro y sacarle provecho.

Eliminando los desechos de su pasado

Muchos de ustedes han venido experimentando dificultades. Hayan sido grandes o pequeños retos físicos o medioambientales, lo que sea, estos cambios energéticos han absorbido mucha de su energía en los últimos meses. Eso es comprensible por diferentes razones. También les decimos que básicamente tenían que deshacerse de una gran cantidad de energía de su pasado. En muchas ocasiones, aquellos que siguieron adelante voluntariamente para ingresar en una nueva energía, dejaron atrás asuntos sin resolver. No es absolutamente imprescindible retroceder y corregir todo su pasado. No es necesario. Queridos, lo que sucede es que se construye hasta llegar a un nivel energético que casi les permite contenerlo en su ser físico. Dicho de otro modo, lo que ocurre es que tal vez tengan una interacción con alguien a quien aman, y quizá digan algo que lo hiera. Entonces, si no tienen la oportunidad de hablar con él o de sanar esa energía, esta queda almacenada en algún lugar de su cuerpo. Por regla general, ustedes enfocan todo tipo de energías en su cuerpo físico. Esa es la razón por la cual tienen tantos sanadores en su planeta: para soltar algunas de esas cosas. Pero aún sin ver a un sanador, el planeta ha comenzado a cambiar en una forma nueva.

John Smallman - Jesus - Within each and every one of you the Flame of divine Love is ever-present - July 3, 2016

On the Earth plane much has been happening as a direct result of humanity’s collective intent to awaken from the nightmare with which the illusion presents you in every moment. God, the Source that is All That Exists, the divine energy field in which creation is constantly and eternally present, has been calling you to awaken since the moment you sought to separate from that from which it is impossible to separate – God, your divine Source, eternal Life. You are divine beings who can never die – what God creates can only be divine and eternal! – dreaming of an existence separated from your Source. Separation is impossible, BUT, because you have infinite power – given to you lovingly at the moment of your creation – you were able to build and enter into an illusion that seems intensely real. Yes, you, the human collective, chose to experience separation and built the illusion to prove to yourselves that you had no need of God. But God is ALL THAT EXISTS! Separation is unreal! It is an imaginary mental construct, an aspect of the illusion that is extremely convincing once you have incarnated as humans within it. It seems that you are alone, separated from one another, as feeble individuals in a hostile environment, constantly threatened by forces far more powerful than the life force occupying your puny human bodies.

Shanta Gabriel Archangel Gabriel - Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light - July 3, 2016

Dear One,

To call on the Angels does not symbolize weakness, it shows strength. It takes great courage to ask for assistance. There is a thought-form in your society that says you must "do it alone" if you are to be considered responsible and mature. This, however, creates a great burden for you in your world because there is so much to deal with in worldly life. It is not easy to live in an earth body, so assistance is necessary in order to live in a happier, more harmonious way.

You cannot look for answers to life's challenges in the world around you. The answers and the way through are in the higher frequencies available in the light of Truth and Wisdom. This is the light of God's love and it is the comfort offered by the Angels. When you ask for assistance, Light and Love flow to you immediately. This expands your conscious awareness so you can see the greater truth in any situation. This receptivity gives you freedom to act in ways that you know are in your highest good.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - July 3-10, 2016

Beloved Ones,

On your road to enlightenment you have made many stops and starts. As you trudged up the mountain to the top, you have found yourself taking many winding paths, spiraling paths, but ultimately you have reached for the top. This is now in sight for many of you; this is now within your reach. All that is required is that you persist, that you continue in your efforts to hold your Light, to stand in your Light. Standing in your Light means that you stay true to your self always. No matter what seeks to distract you in the outside world, within yourself you know who you are. And this is what you must always rely on as the first order of priority. You are important. Your well being is important. Many there are who need your attention but you need to give attention to yourself first.

Because you have walked the road less travelled, you have been the ones to clear the path for others. Picture yourselves with a machete knife cutting swaths through thick jungle brush, this is what you have been doing with your lives as you have walked into the unknown, not knowing what to expect but still trudging forward. This is what you signed up for, Beloved Ones, and here you are, almost at the finish line. The ascension of the Earth is in the process, the awakening of humanity is now in full progression. It is not pleasant for those who are just awakening - you remember how it is. It is uncomfortable for them, they are wondering if they are losing their minds, why is it that no one else can see as they see, who think the thoughts that they think, reaching out beyond limited concepts, seeking for answers to questions that they have unformed within their consciousness.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 03/07/16

Aisha North series 128 - 2

Judith Kusel - She has come home to her self….July 3, 2016

She has come home to herself

To ALL of herself: – Her physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and soul self

She nurtures soul, her inner self, and she is intimate with ALL that she is, all which was before and is yet to come.

She embraces her physical body, in its entirety and she refuses to negatively compare herself with others. She rejoices in the fact that it is her own sacred temple, and therein is the perfect expression for her soul, in this incarnation and in this perfected form. She refuses to buy into what others want her form to be, nor is what society thinks the ultimate: – she knows that she chose this vessel in this lifetime and therefore it is perfectly made for her.

sábado, julio 02, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - The Depths (and Intensity) At Which WE Feel - 7/2/2016

Continually going deeper than we ever understood... The depths of our core... words just cannot describe how deeply we go. "In the beginning" as we started to awaken that there were other aspects of ourselves that we forgot, disconnected from... "The Journey" of awakening... profound is an understatement.

In order to even start to get to "who we truly are", meant all that we thought we were, all that we were not... it all had to be triggered, it all had to come up... all of that separation... all of that unconsciousness...

Each time we go through an activation of light, each time we go through a cellular cleansing to purify, each time we expand into bliss and magic again, each time the deeper depths of our own soul are revealed.

John Smallman - Saul - Reality is infinitely beyond anything you can possibly imagine - 07/02/2016

As you watch the daily news unfold across the planet it is unmistakably apparent that enormous changes are occurring worldwide. These changes are essential to humanity’s well-being, so make the intent at least once daily, and preferably 4 or 5 times daily, that Love, the true nature of every human, rises into their conscious awareness and that they embrace It wholeheartedly to bring about the new social structures necessary to ensure that peaceful and harmonious co-existence between individuals and nations becomes firmly established in this New Age which you entered in December 2012.

It is a done deal, but it is being done by you, by humanity, in every now moment, and thus you can see that it is your intent that is the driving force behind it.

Be Yourselves!

Alcyon Pléyades 42: Resonancia Schumann, Stargates, Looking Glass-Cubo Amarillo, Brexit

Dianne Robbins - Our Water Talks - July 2, 2016

Our Water Talks
Our shorelines are packed with the purest of sand, white colored and soft and crystal clear specs of the smoothest particles you have ever stepped on. Walking on our sandy beaches is akin to having the best foot massage possible. And we do walk on our beaches for this very purpose, for its massage soothes our feet and mind simultaneously. Our ocean’s waves lap our shorelines with the purest and cleanest of water you have ever seen or tasted. And the temperature is always perfect for our bodies. Not too warm and not too cold. We walk into our oceans where it is shallow, and swim out great distances without ever getting tired or cold. No one here ever drowns. This is unheard of and unimaginable. We are all great swimmers, and our oceans and lakes support us so that we stay on top of the water.

viernes, julio 01, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Collective Gridwork Clearing of Humans Putting Money & Things Over Their Own/Others Souls...7/1/2016

Aloha beautiful light family!

Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. HUGE template clearings, collective gridwork clearings.... and NEW EARTH Light BEing physical body upgrades for all!

I will expand upon this more along the way, as I'm on a schedule today (as usual).....

Massive frustration energy collectively cleared, for a multitude of things.... (thank you Lee Bonde for your contribution to this.)

Time templates adjusted so as we have more time to do that which is of higher consciousness existence and less time for that which is not.

When the collective gridwork clears, those of us linked in to participate in this clearing for all, get to experience this energetically, while the human experiences in their waking world much of the time (and the sleeping/closed eyed one).

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 7-4-16 - July 1, 2016

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Monday, July 4, at 5:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This is an emotional moon and in keeping with the themes for the month, use it to focus on your self care, your personal needs and healing your heart. How do you heal your heart? You love yourself, you cherish who you are and you treat yourself like you would treat the most valuable thing in your life. Pay attention to beauty and allow the higher emotional center to be activated in you through the beauty you see in your life and all around you.

You can be greatly inspired during this time, or you can get mired in your judgments, cynicism, and all the nasty negative feelings you have been holding on to for so long, maybe even lifetimes. It is time to move on from all of it, to put yourself first, to forgive others and to allow the transformation that wants to happen to begin to unfold. Spend some time in and around water today if you can, and use it to nurture and feed something new and unique to you that wants to grow and emerge.

Be patient with others, accommodate them in your life, but take care of yourself first.

Many Blessings on this New Moon,


Christine Meleriessee - Lord Adama ~ How To Access the 5th Dimensional Divine Intent Within Your Consciousness - Jul 01, 2016

This is Lord Adama’s Discourse from the New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light Teaching of the Golden City of Flanancia over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada which represents the 18th Ray of Pink Gold.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

It is my pleasure as Lord Adama to be with each of you again.

Breathe deeply as Meleriessee has shared – allowing the higher rays of light to go into all parts of yourself bringing forth these elements of the higher frequency of Light to come down into your full body system, for you to receive, to receive, to receive. Take a breath as you take a moment to reflect.

For the classs today we bring forth the Fifth Dimensional Divine Intent representing the Ray of Pink Gold. This means allowing your consciousness to be of that higher essence.

This is the real experience of Telos that each of you desires to have in your life fully. It is important to allow the effects of your Higher Consciousness to expand into all parts of yourself, into the parts that don’t feel those energies. Concentrate hard on allowing it to come in. Sometimes when there are blockages within the Etheric Body you may want to succumb and say “I cannot do it, I cannot bring forth these essences unto myself.” So allow what you have learned through your spiritual tools of the Will and Power, the fortitude and acceptance to bring forth these essences into yourself allowing your Higher Self to be the commanding energy and not the physical self. But allow the body to feel it, to come into this space.

Patricia Cota-Robles - THIS IS THE FINAL STAGE OF PREPARATION - July 1, 2016

2016 has been a year like no other. Day by day, we have been experiencing shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness beyond anything Humanity or Mother Earth have ever been able to withstand at a cellular level. These amazing accelerations were made possible through the invocations and the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven. These efforts were greatly amplified by the Celestial events associated with the Equinox and Solstice, the Solar and Lunar Eclipse series, the Divine Intervention of Mother Mary and Saint Germain in May, the rare occurrence of five planets in retrograde position, and the myriad Activities of Light conducted by the millions of Lightworkers all over the world.

All of this preparation has been designed to strengthen Humanity and Mother Earth at a cellular level and to recalibrate our DNA structures so that we will be able to receive NEW patterns of perfection for the Earth. The Beings of Light have revealed that these patterns which will be encoded in Humanity’s DNA are beyond anything we have been able to fathom with our finite minds.

Questions for Jim - Handling Death and Dying

Anomalies and UFOs near our Sun - June 30, 2016

Suzanne Lie - los Arcturianos - Preparándose Para El Primer Contacto Capitulo Doce - Su Sentido Expandido Del Ser - 27-6-16



Nosotros, los Arcturianos, quisiéramos preguntarles cómo están? Cuando decimos ustedes, significamos la "humanidad despierta" porque la humanidad dormida es incapaz de imaginar incluso que alguien sería capaz de comunicarse con Seres que son invisibles a sus percepciones tridimensionales. De hecho, hay aún muchos humanos que sólo pueden creer que la realidad es UNICAMENTE tridimensional. Pueden considerar que algo más sucede cuando meditan o sueña, pero la explicación necesita ser ruteada dentro de su pensamiento tridimensional.

Para nuestra percepción podemos ver que hay varias realidades que existen dentro de su AHORA. Está la realidad de aquellos que sólo creen en su mundo tridimensional, y no pueden imaginar siquiera que cualquier otro componente de su vida es “real”. Hay una realidad en la cual algunos creen que sus meditaciones tetradimensionales y sueños son un retoño de su ser físico, que es su “ser real”. Así, estas meditaciones y sueños “pueden ser” alguna forma de comunicación con su Ser interno. Sin embargo, su ser físico es su ser primario y/o más elevado.

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - The Angelic Realm - Part 2 'The Misconception of Fallen Angels'

Copyrights Reserved 2016

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light. I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service & we greet you in a vector of unconditional love.

Dear Ones, we continue in this session with the final potion of our channel on the nature of Angels. We ask you to keep an open mind in the information we share, for portions of what we share may differ from your religious teachings.

Angels are Messengers of Gods, and as we have said are also the engineers of reality. We of the angelic realm have important roles in revealing God's nature & purpose. We are intricately connecting to humanity. We have been & are now closely involved with important events in the evolution of humanity in the earthplane and duality realm.



Beloved masters, it is of vital importance that you endeavor to incorporate the higher states of awareness, along with the will and Self-discipline needed to correctly implement the higher frequencies of truth into your physical, everyday life style in order to become a Master on the Path. Vital information for each incarnation is stored within the Soul-Seed Atom. However, the consciousness of the human personality must reach the required frequency patterns in order to access any advanced Cosmic information. Over time, desire is transformed into aspiration, and aspiration develops into a clear, definitive intuitive ability.
It is a proven fact that humanity evolves and gradually makes life changes through experiencing moments of crisis. The fusion of the Soul with the personality produces incredible changes in the ego-desire body consciousness, thus affecting every aspect of a human Being who is functioning within the physical plane existence. Living in the present moment, fully aware, without judgment or prejudice is the foundation of joyful, abundant living. Past memories and future expectations/aspirations create your present reality and future experiences.
Remember: Spiritual Fire is the basis of all manifestation, which forms the background for human evolution. The power of the Universe is in the present moment of the NOW, within the STILL POINT between the past and the future. The STILL POINT of Creation is not a void—it is filled with White Fire God-Seed Atom energy—the Creator’s unmanifested potential.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 1 July, 2016

The people of Great Britain have exercised their personal individual power to bring in changes that will one day be looked upon as world changing events. At present the world is rapidly heading for a melt-down, but the consequences will in no way be as bad as some are suggesting. You could view it as the end of the old ways that no longer serve you, and out of it will arise beneficial changes that will firmly place you on the road to a new Earth and your freedom. Many people have already given of themselves working for it and very soon events will enable you to help bring the changes into being. This time has been planned for many, many years and the Forces of Light are well organised to move into action at a minutes notice, to ensure your success.

jueves, junio 30, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - You Are Not Dying, You Are Physically Ascending & Awakening to Your NEW Earth Existence Here - 6/30/2016

Your human aspect will experience many deaths along the way. Your physical body will too. This is how your SOUL awakens INSIDE YOUR BODY, and your physical cleanses and purifies all of the human'ness you came here to experience and transcend from within you.

As your physical body awakens, it becomes conscious too. The ENERGY of LIGHT will start to move inside of you, activate and awaken that which you didn't REMEMBER existed....

To the human aspect, this is a surprise. To your Spirit/Soul, it's exciting, exhilarating and it's like FINALLY! Yet, your human aspect will resist, struggle, avoid, fight... in every way possible. This is where many hear the message "Resistance is Futile", and start to realize that the resistance creates suffering in every way. Some physically, some emotionally, or both.

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Michael - Unity is Your Power Now - 30th June 2016

The brightness and loving vibration of the Angelic Kingdom embrace you. Every step you take now in your reality is a step that manifests greater love within your being and upon the Earth. It is the same for every soul although they may not realise it. Every action that is created by humanity and in the world is at this time an action that manifests greater love, although it may seem far from love at some times. It does not matter whether you perceive a situation as a love or fear creating situation, the truth is that love is anchoring so powerfully into the Earth from the inner planes, your being and others that everything will create a manifestation of love. If you cannot yet see, sense or acknowledge the manifestation of love then it has yet to complete its cycle of manifesting. The presence of the Creator’s love within your being and reality as well as within humanity and the world guides all upon wondrous pathways of self-discovery in order to more fully recognise the presence of love.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Galactic StarGate Sequencing & TelePorting In & Out of Old & NEW Versions/Timelines/Dimensions Simultaneously Now - 6/30/2016

Two days ago we had another StarGate dial-down which put many back into old versions of realities. Some physically, some mentally. The purpose of this is to "clean up" anything in that dimension that is visible from within, so that as the higher frequencies come in, you can physically shift into another dimension without those things as realities anymore.

It's very odd to observe "lower/Old Earth dimensions" while standing in them, aware that all around you is a totally different dimension, yet you are in a completely different one. This is one way that teleportation works. Most are not present enough to know that they have "teleported" to a totally different timeline, without being affected by it. Just an observer (or watcher), moving in and out of dimensional realities....

Suzanne Lie - the Arcturians/Pleiadians - Preparing for First Contact--Chapter 13-Merging with your Fifth Dimensional SELF - 6-29-16

                       By the Arcturians/Pleiadians—Through Suzanne Lie

Merging With Your Fifth Dimensional SELF

Greetings, we your Arcturian, Pleiadian, and higher expressions of your SELF, are in the process of joining with your fifth dimensional and beyond energy fields. This joining, which will occur only when you are ready, will flow into your third/fourth dimensional energy fields.

When you/we blend that which is an octave jump beyond your present resonance, with your baseline resonance of third/fourth dimensional, you will move into an entirely different operating system.

By operating system we mean that you will process reality in a different manner with your fifth dimensional operating system than you processed reality with your third/fourth dimensional operating system. As an example, in your physical world you are ruled by time. On the other hand, in the fifth dimension you are ruled by “the HERE of the NOW.”

Benjamín Fulford - 27-06-2016. La UE está en quiebra y es por eso que su estructura de gobierno cambiará profundamente

30 Jun

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

La verdadera razón de los problemas en curso en la Unión Europea, incluyendo el reciente voto de los británicos para abandonar el bloque, es que la UE está en quiebra. Sabemos en retrospectiva que la quiebra de la Unión Soviética fue la verdadera razón por la que el pacto de Varsovia se vino abajo, con Polonia actuando como el primer dominó. Por la misma razón, podemos predecir que Inglaterra fue el primer dominó en el colapso de la Unión Europea.La opinión de consenso emergente es que, como dijeron los analistas del Pentágono, “El Brexit puede conducir al Frexit (salida francesa), al colapso de los bancos, al populismo, al nacionalismo y a la anti-globalización”. También es probable que conduzca a su fin a la mafia jázara que patrocina la inmigración musulmana.

La situación en Francia ya ha llegado a ser tan caótica que la policía francesa dicen que están demasiado agotados para hacer frente a las manifestaciones violentas diarias que tienen lugar en todo el país. El presidente francés, Francois Hollande, que cuenta con el apoyo del público de sólo el 11%, está tratando de prohibir las manifestaciones, pero es difícil ver quién va a cumplir su “prohibición”. En otras palabras, Francia se encamina a la revolución.

“Este es el peor período de recuerdo, no ha (habido) nada como esto” es como el ex presidente de la Reserva Federal, Alan Greenspan, describió la situación general y el caos en el mercado que siguió a la votación Brexit.

Selacia - July Navigation Tips - Stay in Balance So You Can Soar!- June 30, 2016


We have a helpful shift in cosmic energies in July, thanks in part to the action planet Mars going direct this week and a new more positive momentum beginning to unfold. Stay tuned for some different opportunities coming your way!

In this article I give you an overview of this coming month and how to work most productively with our shift in energies. As you read, invite your intuitive knowing to connect you with what is most relevant to you.

Remember that anytime we have a change in energies it can take a bit before we see the full impact. Therefore, stay present and patient during the first half of July as the helpful energies build. Trust that even in a building phase, much can be happening behind the scenes.

miércoles, junio 29, 2016

Joy is the Harbinger of Ascension ~ Dr. Suzanne Lie & the Arcturians

Crop Circles 2016 - Whitesheet Hill, Stourton, Wiltshire, UK - 29th June 2016 - UFO 2016 UK

Méline Portia Lafont - Señor Sanat Kumara - Solsticio de junio y mensaje sobre la Verdad y la Unidad - 28-06-2016

Estamos enfatizando un hermoso ímpetu de la Puerta del Corazón a maneras más profundas.
La corriente e influjo de energía de este solsticio de junio estuvo sembrada con los códigos galácticos del Centro Galáctico que trae consigo un despertar masivo en la conciencia para la humanidad.
Por supuesto que para ver los resultados de esto requiere tiempo porque trae consigo muchos cambios en el plano interno en el corazón y mente de uno.
Así que, en resumidas cuentas, este periodo de integración del despertar durará de varias semanas a varios meses antes de que empiecen a ver resultados más tangibles.
No obstante, se han sembrado todos estos códigos, lo cual significa que no hay marcha atrás.
Las plantas han sido sembradas y ahora necesitan un tiempo para crecer.


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we are being joined by a host of the Angelic Realm of Light. We are coming to you as a group to display the concept of Oneness and Love.

There is no division or separation in the Higher Realms. We are part of the great Oneness, just as you are. We each have our areas of specialty, just as you do on the Earth plane.

You may know each of us by a particular vibration or by our special area of work. Each of us is a part of the fabric of Creation. If one thread were removed, there would be a gap. One thread is not more important than another. Each thread is playing its part in the greater plan of Creation.

2016 IS STRANGE Part 19 // JUNE

Selacia - Avanzando con compasión - Reiniciando nuestras vidas: Marte directo el 29 de junio - 23 de Junio 2016

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Esta teniendo lugar un nuevo ciclo, antes de que Marte ( el planeta que rige la acción) se ponga directo el 29 de Junio. Desde el Solsticio, una ola de energía más suave ha comenzado a llegarnos y está suavizando los efectos de la intensidad anterior. Si lo han notado y si están tomándose más tiempo para estar a solas e ir hacia dentro, probablemente se trate de una confirmación de que algunos cambios están a punto de producirse sus vidas. Algunos podrían ser pequeños, y otros, realmente importantes.

Tiempo de introspección durante el Cambio

En todo el planeta, estamos atravesando un momento de introspección y de reevaluación de nuestros propósitos de vida. Probablemente, las semanas durante las que Marte ha estado retrógrado nos hicieron ahondar en nuestra búsqueda interior y nos ayudaron a reevaluar qué es lo realmente importante. Es posible que hayamos estado revisando en profundidad nuestra situación de vida y nuestros potenciales, durante el sueño o en otros momentos, a nivel consciente o no. Yo recomiendo dar prioridad a esa introspección. Háganse más conscientes de sus pensamientos y de cómo se sienten acerca de su futuro.

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - The Cross of Life - June 29, 2016

Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I come to you from the beyond, from a realm of light and love that exceeds your imagination. However, I am also very close. I speak to you from your own heart and you are touched by me, because the realm where I dwell, and the love and the light that belong to it, is yours, too. You are a part of that realm. You are born from it and to it you will return, for it is your Home. Feel its presence here and now in your midst. This is what I come to bring to you today, a reminder of Home.

You are here to bring in the energy of Home and to establish it among the people on Earth. You are here to burrow your roots deep into the Earth, to feel good and secure here, and from that place of connectedness to be a beacon of light for all people who feel Home-less and are searching for love and light.

martes, junio 28, 2016

Crop Circles 2016 - Blackwood, nr Popham, Hampshire, UK - 27th June 2016 - UFO 2016 United Kingdom

Sheldan Nidle - June 28, 2016

11 Kan, 17 Kayab, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Something wonderful is getting ready to happen! The millennia-old world of the dark cabal is falling apart. The vote to exit Britain from the European Union is a visible part of what is occurring around this world. The dark has been reeling in secret for the past few months as the ones who desire a new realm to be put together have constructed agreements and organizations to “bring in the new”. This has forged a new global reset of the world’s currencies, which are to be backed universally with gold or silver. The dark’s stock markets and bourses are dropping in value as these new financial instruments, such CIPS, BRICS and AAIB, take effect. These are to replace old organizations like SWIFT and the IMF. The time for a formal reckoning has come at last! Soon, you are to see the core of the leadership of the old financial and government systems publicly arrested and sent off to a well-deserved isolation. In this mode, they can no longer interfere with, or in some odd way delay, this new system as it globally comes to the fore. This, marvelously, is just the beginning of even more events that are destined to radically reshape your realm!

lunes, junio 27, 2016

Mahala - Planet Alert July 2016 - June 27, 2016

Today is June 24 and England just left the European Common Market. This is a really big deal and I don’t think there are too many people who realize the extent of this event. The Stock Markets around the world lost a total of trillions of dollars in one day. Money talks and the loss of it has a tendency to upset people very much. This makes people start thinking about money and who controls all of this money?

The Vatican Bank is at the top of the pyramid. It had total control of the banking world for a long time. This Bank was very corrupt in the past. The next in power has been the Bank of England and our Federal Reserve Bank is tied to this bank. The 1957 Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community. Brussels put in an application to be the meeting place for the officials of this union. Chateau of Val-Duchesse became the temporary meeting place in Brussels. Now it is in Central Brussels. The top people from the European Union meet there. I just heard that Brussels is making an agreement with China. There will be a meeting in Beijing in the first half of July. It looks like we will be hearing more about the BRICS Union (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) in the near future. BRICS is a new financial system and their World Bank is in Beijing.

Suzanne Lie - los Pleyadianos - Preparándose Para El Primer Contacto Capítulo Once - Se Están Uniendo A Nosotros Ahora? - 23-6-16



Se están uniendo a nosotros AHORA?

“Se están uniendo a nosotros AHORA?” escuchamos preguntar a muchos de nuestros voluntarios en la Tierra.

“Bastante”, es nuestra respuesta unificada que enviamos profundo hacia la conciencia de muchos de los que hacen esta pregunta.

“Qué quieren que haga?” Preguntan usualmente los voluntarios. Los despiertos están listos y ansiosos por contribuir todo lo que puedan con el proceso de ascensión personal y planetaria.

“Construyan un equipo de personas dedicadas que puedan unirse en Unidad de Conciencia. Esta Unidad de Conciencia fortalecerá grandemente la conciencia individual de cada uno hacia una conciencia grupal de ancho de banda mayor. Entonces les pedimos que cada uno comparta sus experiencias y las comparta con otros.

Suzanne Lie - the Arcturians - Preparing For First Contact Chapter 12--Your Expanded Sense of Self - 6-27-16

By the Arcturians—Through Suzanne Lie

Your Expanded Sense of SELF

We, the Arcturians, would like to ask how YOU are doing? When we say you, we mean the “awakened humanity,” for un-awakened humanity is unable to even imagine that any one would be able to communicate with beings that are invisible to their third dimensional perceptions.
In fact, there are still many humans who can only believe that reality is ONLY third dimensional. They may concede that something else happens when they meditate or dream, but the explanation need to be rooted within their third dimensional thinking.
·      To our perception, we can see that there are several realties that exist within your NOW. There is the reality of those who only believe in their third dimensional world, and can’t even imagine that any other component of their life is “real.”

Brenda Hoffman - You Crossed the New You Rubicon - June 27, 2016

Dear Ones,

Much has shifted the past 24 hours. Early yesterday (June 26, 2016), we applauded your new, rapidly progressing, self-love abilities. Later yesterday, you internalized a self-love piece that seemed far in the future.

You are now claiming your inner-power externally.

Even though that concept has a different meaning for each of you, the piece that touches each is that you are no longer willing to be with anyone who does not share love or joy with you.

Those interactions you once thought inevitable will shift to something new or disappear.

And those you thought were joyful, but fleeting will expand. Not because you are focussing on such, but because your frequency changed yesterday from, “I hope.” to “I know.”

Benjamin Fulford 6-27-16… “The EU is bankrupt and that is why its governing structure will fundamentally change”

Posted by benjamin, June 27, 2016

The real reason for the ongoing trouble in the European Union, including the recent vote by the British people to leave the bloc, is that the EU is bankrupt. We know in retrospect that the bankruptcy of the Soviet Union was the real reason the Warsaw pact fell apart, with Poland acting as the first domino. For the same reason, we can predict England was the first domino in the collapse of the European Union.

The emerging consensus view is, as Pentagon analysts put it, “Brexit may lead to Frexit (French exit), the collapse of banks, populism, nationalism and anti-globalism.” This is also likely lead to an end to Khazarian mafia sponsored Mulsim immigration.

The situation in France has already become so chaotic that French police say they are becoming too exhausted to deal with the daily, violent demonstrations taking place throughout the country. French President Francois Hollande, who has only 11% public support, is trying to ban demonstrations but it is hard to see who will enforce his “ban.” In other words, France is headed for revolution.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ June Solstice and the message of Truth and Unity from Lord Sanat Kumara - June 27, 2016

Blessings beautiful Tribe,

We are enhancing a beautiful momentum of Heart Gateway into more profound ways. This Solstice stream and energy influx of June was seeded with Galactic codes from the Galactic Center and this brings out a massive awakening in consciousness for humanity. Of course to see the results of this takes time as it brings about many changes on the inner plane within one's heart and mind. So, all in all, this period of awakening integration will span a few weeks to several months before you will start to see more tangible results.

Nevertheless these codes have all been seeded and this means there is no turning back. The plants have been seeded and now they will need some time to grow. Best way to nurture these seeds within every soul is to keep the faith and strength high, to keep believing in the good of all and the best in all, to understand the nature of language and how one proceeds within when coming to new understandings. Every way is possible, just understand that it may not be the same as yours..nevertheless it is a way to new understanding as a result.

domingo, junio 26, 2016

Maryann Rada - Asket Temmer, Pleyadiana - Ustedes están a la entrada del Cielo - 06-06-2016

Somos Asket. En el mundo actual ustedes han llegado a ver una gran cantidad de disrupciones en los procesos normales de la naturaleza y de su orden social.
Cuando se pueda poner a un lado el orden y traer a relucir en el escenario mundial el músculo de la voluntad humana para que eso sea lo que ustedes experimenten — la voluntad de alguien o algo mayor que la suya que se está haciendo sentir — el caos que ustedes experimentan en dichos tiempos es como un desconcierto para muchos, y hoy nos gustaría señalar que dentro de ese caos se puede encontrar una perla del orden y la perfección.
En nuestro mundo nosotros hemos experimentado a lo largo de nuestra historia, y a lo largo de la historia de otros mundos en los que hemos habitado, un eco de lo que ustedes están experimentando en estos momentos.
Verdaderamente las reverberaciones de la historia no tienen fin, y los ciclos del tiempo prosiguen y se llevan con ellos los sonidos sin resolver de un canto que tiene un gran significado en la evolución de la conciencia humana que existe por toda la galaxia.

Mike Quinsey - De mi Ser Superior - Pronto se os revelará… vuestro auténtico destino - 24-06-2016

Pronto se os revelarán las cosas más asombrosas que os ayudarán a ajustaros a la verdad concerniente a vuestro auténtico destino.
Vuestro potencial es tal que con la confianza adecuada podéis hacer cualquier cosa que tengáis en mente, y a medida que eleváis vuestras vibraciones se incrementa vuestro potencial.
El pensamiento positivo ya funciona para vosotros, y quizás el ejemplo típico sea la auto-curación.
Una vez más, es cuestión de auto-confianza y de un enfoque positivo sobre lo que sea que queráis lograr.
Con el tiempo tendréis mucho éxito con la auto-curación, que utilizando vuestros poderes se convertirá en una segunda naturaleza.
Naturalmente, en grupo se incrementa exponencialmente, pero incluso así sólo ocurrirá cuando el alma esté libre de asuntos kármicos que puedan causar el bloqueo.

Ron Head - El Consejo, ¿Qué es lo que ven cuando miran el espejo? - 27-04-2016

Discutiremos hoy un tema que parece necesario ya que los vemos en algunas circunstancias, perdiendo el enfoque y la esperanza ya que no perciben a su alrededor las cosas que han esperado.
Déjennos señalar algunas de las cosas que se han perdido o que no le han dado la importancia suficiente.
Quieren ver un enorme y duradero cambio brotando en su mundo, resolviendo todos los problemas palpables que observan a su alrededor.
Paren y piensen por un momento qué tan catastrófico sería eso en el corto tiempo.
Sus Yos superiores, aquellos con quienes trabajamos constantemente, han acordado, de hecho han solicitado que aunque estos cambios son necesarios, sería mucho mejor para todos si se dan de una manera mucho más gradual.
Hemos hablado de esto antes. Esta implementación más lenta de los cambios debido a la importancia que correctamente les impusieron y debido a la lentitud palpable del paso del tiempo en ese sentido, está causando en muchos de ustedes pensar que nada está pasando cuando la verdad es que todo está pasando. También hemos dicho eso antes.

Suzanne Lie - los Pleyadianos - Preparándose Para El Primer Contacto Capítulo Diez - Echando Una Mirada A La Quinta Dimensión - Junio 21, 2016

Capítulo Diez

Echando una Mirada en la Quinta Dimensión

Nosotros los Pleyadianos, estamos todos “ocupados” en la preparación de nuestra siguiente fase de contacto. Cuál será la siguiente fase dependerá grandemente en que nuestros amigos y familia en la Tierra estén listos para una experiencia más clara y tridimensional de nuestra presencia en su realidad. Antes que nada, me gustaría explicar mi declaración de “amigos y familia”.

Como pueden saber, muchos de nosotros hemos tomado un envase terrestre por un cierto monto de su “tiempo”. Durante este “tiempo” hicimos amigos que eran tan cercanos como nuestra familia Pleyadiana en la Nave. Cuando regresamos a nuestro verdadero Ser Pleyadiano en la Nave, los invitamos, a nuestros amigos terrestres, a unirse a nosotros en ella en su cuerpo nocturno tetradimensional.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - June 26-July 3, 2016

Beloved Ones,

You are the holders of the highest frequency that is available on the planet and this requires the constancy to remain true to yourselves no matter what situations you encounter in your life. As the representatives of the Divine, it is incumbent upon each of you to be the role models to show the way, to be the incorruptible ones who persevere on their spiritual path as all the familiar signposts along the way have now shifted. You are walking into unfamiliar territory in faith and courage and creating the new reality as you go and it is good. The higher realms applaud and support you as you walk this journey and you never walk alone.

As the world around you plays out the endings that are taking place, you are stalwart in your determination to see things through to the end result which is the highest outcome for the highest good of all in the ascension process. Be of good cheer, be ever the up lifter of the spirits of those around you, for as the changes occur and shifts happen in all areas of human existence, you remain the ray of sunshine and hope as you point the way forward. The world’s people at this time are hungry for good news, they long to feel peace in their hearts, minds and souls, they long to find a solid foundation upon which to set their feet and firmly walk upon a planet that is in metamorphosis and regenesis.

Alcyon Pléyades 41- Extra: El Brexit, Repercusión Económica y Social Mundial, Efecto Dominó

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ June 26,2016

Dear ones, we come with love, respect, and an understanding for you who are experiencing so much at this time. We would like to remind you that the world is now far advanced toward becoming fully aware and because of this, very few world events and personal experiences are accidental.

There comes a time for every serious spiritual student when "accidents" or unwanted experiences no longer represent third dimensional thinking, but are experiences necessary for some needed lesson or spiritual growth. As we have said before, once a soul chooses to evolve, the "train leaves the station".

Brenda Hoffman - Descansa – Ya has recibido tu Medalla de Oro - 20 de Junio 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Por favor sepan el día glorioso que es este. Tal vez en este momento no están sintiendo la gloria de la tierra, pero lo harán. Porque las energías Universales del amor y del amor propio ahora están reinando con toda su fuerza.

Algunos de ustedes le temen a estas energías porque aún no entienden del todo qué significa el amor propio, así que la disfrazan con retazos de enojo lanzados a aquellos que se cruzan en su camino. Es un poco como ganar una medalla de oro Olímpica y sentirse irritados porque no tienen idea de cómo serán sus vidas o cómo se sentirán, una vez que no estén presionando para ganar esa medalla de oro.

Este enojo, que aparece de vez en cuando en ustedes y que se dirige a los otros, no parece razonable, incluso para ustedes. Ustedes tienen las vidas que han creado o están creando. Han escalado su montaña y rodado por su colina de auto descubrimiento. Y notan que los que están a su alrededor muestran señales de cambiar a sus nuevos seres.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Be aware of the simple truth that God exists in all circumstances - June 26, 2016

Dear One,

The light of God is always shining and this Divine Light exists in all people, all things and all circumstances. Awareness of this Light will bring it into your consciousness, enabling you to see from an enlightened perspective.

The Divine Presence is the very energy in which you live, move and have your being. This energy is infinite and all-encompassing and exists in all situations. This truth may be difficult to remember at times. In fact, it may appear as though there is nothing but darkness. However, remembering this Divine Power is available will bring light into every dark circumstance.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, June 26, 2016

I am visiting you all this morning to bring you some news that will answer some of the questions that have been present for the past several weeks. They are part of what is taking place in the background and beginning to come forward to the public at this time. I am Ohmnipure and I am coming to you through this one once again to bring to you vital information that can stir your inner world to an understanding for your outer world, and why you are in the place that you are now residing. I speak of residing now in relation to how much you remember about who you are on a soul level, and also how you came to live in the physical place where you now reside.

It is a matter of seeing why you are undergoing the changes in your lives and how it will bring about the way of living that is ready for you to claim as your new reality. It is an ongoing path that you are walking, and as it continues to open doors as you close the old ones, you will realize why there have been delays in so many aspects of the new world. You will appreciate why the delays have come, and what they are accomplishing in their energy of change. You will see what they are doing for your own particular lifestreams. Also, you’ll see why they are also serving the ones who are not yet open to the truth of who they are, and why they are serving their parts, even without knowing the truth of the validity of what they are experiencing.