sábado, febrero 29, 2020
Dr. Michael Salla As You Wish Talk Radio
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James Gilliland,
Michael E. Salla,
John Smallman - Jesus - You know that you are awakening! - February 29, 2020
As the awakening process that humanity is presently experiencing moves inexorably forward, there is much occurring worldwide that is causing fear and alarm to escalate. Your awakening requires you to release your hold on outdated belief systems that no longer serve you – humanity – and the judgments that inevitably arise from them. Despite the fact that many do claim to be based on love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self, they often judge other beliefs that are not in agreement or alignment with their own to be wrong. Whether the belief system is political, philosophical,
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Jesús-John Smallman
Ron Head - The Council - The path you choose - Feb29, 2020
You are in the midst of an energy wave that is going to be somewhat confusing for many of you. You will find yourselves with quite a lot of choosing to do. Which path is the ‘right’ path? We will say that the path you choose will be the right path. Let us give you our reasons for making such a statement.
First of all, there is the fact that there is no wrong path. There may be a long and a short path. There may be a high road and a low road. But, just as ‘all roads lead to Rome’, in your case, all paths will eventually lead to your only possible destination.
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El Consejo,
Ron Head
Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper - El Plan de Dios - Miami, Florida, 22 y 23 de febrero de 2020

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper
Miami, Florida, 22 y 23 de febrero de 2020
(con traducción en vivo al español de Adriana Jacobson y Leonor Botero)
El Plan de Dios
Marilyn Harper:
Ah, buen día para ustedes, ¿ah? Y para estos de ustedes con quienes no nos hemos conocido todavía, somos Adironnda, y traemos todo un grupo, un conjunto, un Consejo de Luz. Estamos aquí para tu beneficio. Y mirando dentro de esta energía descubrimos inclusive algo esta mañana, y tenemos aquí a Kryon y a Lee Carroll, uno de los canalizadores más famosos en el mundo y en la próxima puerta tenemos a Oma, uno de los más famosos profesores de meditación en el país, entonces tenemos muy buena compañía, ¿verdad? Así como eres tú. Así como la energía de Miami, de esta parte del país, tiene la probabilidad de incrementarse, y en esta capacidad es como podemos expandir el chakra del corazón, el chakra de la corona, y todos tus centros energéticos llegando a equilibrarse.
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Lee Carroll,
Marilyn Harper
Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Feb 29, 2020
Adama of Telos:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
As you are going through your ascension journey, it is time to claim your inner freedom.
What do we mean by that?
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Asara Adams,
Reporte de Energías,
Steve Rother - El Grupo - Estelas de Luz - Febrero 2020
Los Faros de Luz
Re-cordatorios desde el Hogar
Faros de Luz febrero 2020
Presentado en vivo el 25/01/2020
AVISO: La siguiente canalización se presentó en vivo en VirtualLight Broadcast y se puede escuchar en inglés tal como fue grabada originalmente. Debajo hay una versión editada de la misma canalización, diseñada para ser impresa. Ha sido editada con la supervisión y posterior aprobación de El grupo. Espero que la disfruten.
Steve Rother
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Barbara Rother,
El Grupo,
Steve Rother
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, February 29, 2020

Dear Ones, we understand that many of you are finding adjusting into the accelerated energies of 2020 somewhat challenging. It has been a monumental shift into the energies of a new year and new decade.
While experiencing intensity is very much an aspect of profound change and rapid forward movement, we wish to reassure you that you will become more and more adept at navigating those energies. The balance point of your upcoming equinox will assist you by helping you ground into the energies of this new phase.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Schumann Resonance Today – 17 UTC - February 29 2020
SR – From 19 UTC Amplitude calm, few movements of Quality and Frequency.
Schumann Resonance Today. We will
try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this
page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a
clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher
and higher, just like us!
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:
“Every second, a multitude of
pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between
Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all
microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field.
Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the
harmonizing pulse for life in our world.” Eric Thompson
- 2/29 17:00 UTC – The calm was only interrupted by a slight isolated movement at Power 10 around 9:30 UTC.
- 2/29 09:00 UTC – The calm period lasted about 12 hours, until about 1 UTC when very light movements under Power 10 started, these intensified around 2 UTC and reached the maximum value of Power 23 at 2:30. Now we are in a calm situation. ECC for 2:30 – 39
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Reporte de Energías,
Resonancia Schumann
Lisa Transcendence Brown - Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Newsletter: ☼ MASSIVE 2222/22222 POWER UPS AND NEW EARTH CODES ♥ YOUR LIGHT is what makes a Difference here...- Feb 29, 2020
Multi-Dimensional NEW Earth Newsletter:
♥ YOUR LIGHT is what makes a Difference here...
☼ Quantum Leap Month/Year Underway nowwwww
♦ YOUR LIGHT is what makes a difference here...
♫ February Gateway Complete
(now we Quantum Leap into March's Powerful Passageway)
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Lisa Transcendence Brown,
Nueva Tierra,
Portales Estelares,
Reporte de Energías
Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - March 2020 Timelines & Your Solar System - Feb 29, 2020
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun to explore the various timelines that are in front of you for the month of March, and we have noticed several themes developing in those timelines. We have noticed, for example, that humanity has been creating several timelines where you experience a tremendous amount of energy coming in from the other planets in your solar system. You are wanting to feel more of the truth of who you are, and that truth includes more than just this one lifetime and your physical bodies. It is accurate to say that you are your universe, and enough of you have been connecting to Mother Earth to feel that you are one with her.
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Judith Kusel - The Pleiadean Counsel of Light - The Rebirth amplified - February 29, 2020
The Pleiadean Counsel of Light is now working intensely with planet earth, as one of those 12 Master Galaxies who were involved with the creation of the outer earth.
The Pleiades hold the Temples of Light and so many of native people of the earth honor them as being their ancestors, e.g. the San Bushman of Southern Africa, as well as Native American Tribes.
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Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Change Your Outlook - February 29, 2020
Change Your Outlook
With the amount of effort it takes to hold onto and feed just ONE of your angers, hurts, disappointments or resentments, you could change a thousand lives. Changing your outlook from negative to positive may seem like a worthless effort in the beginning but, the ‘pay offs’ are enormous. ~ Creator

With the amount of effort it takes to hold onto and feed just ONE of your angers, hurts, disappointments or resentments, you could change a thousand lives. Changing your outlook from negative to positive may seem like a worthless effort in the beginning but, the ‘pay offs’ are enormous. ~ Creator
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Jennifer Farley
viernes, febrero 28, 2020
Ron Head - The Council - Reality - Feb 28, 2020
Have you been told that you need to face reality? Or that you need to see reality? Or that you have lost your grip on reality? Of course, the person who told you this assumed that they had a grip on reality and you did not. Let’s explore this reality that some think they have.
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El Consejo,
Ron Head
Jim Self - Proyecto Banco del Parque - Febrero 9, 2020
¡Hola, bienvenidos! Es un placer estar aquí, es un momento muy excitante, de modo que es lindo estar aquí con ustedes. Este viaje en que estamos jugando es interesante, y va a evolucionar de una manera en esta sesión en que voy a brindarles interesantes visiones, percepciones concientes y oportunidades que no necesariamente han estado disponibles por muy largo tiempo.
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Jim Self
Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - THE NATURE OF THOUGHTS AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL LIVING - MARCH 2020 - Feb 28, 2020
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss the nature of thoughts as related to multidimensional living.
You are living in a time where third dimensional energy is interpenetrated with that of the higher dimensions. Both energies are simultaneously around you. It is a matter of where you focus your awareness. One moment you may view a situation from a third dimensional perspective, and at the same time you may realize that you are also viewing it multidimensionally. The veil is thinning, and you are living in more than one dimension at the same time.
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AA Zadkiel,
Linda M. Robinson
L’Aura Pleiadian - The Virus ~ Fear and Living Without Fear - Feb 28, 2020
So now we have all heard about the Coronavirus ~ OOPS The COVID-19.
There are talks of it being man made, conspiracy theories.
EITHER WAY ~ makes no difference if something is here NOW, it was allowed.
When I first heard of it I was shown WOW a wake up call to NOW for the world.
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Laura Pleiadian
Mike Quinsey - Yo Superior - Febrero 28, 2020
En un momento en el que muchos nuevos inventos están siendo desarrollados en secreto, es, no obstante, un momento muy sorprendente para estar presente en la Tierra. Detrás de todo el revuelo que está teniendo lugar, se están dando grandes pasos adelante que los impulsarán más rápido que nunca hacia la Nueva Era. Los avances están ocurriendo en muchas industrias diferentes y son tanto que será imposible mantenerlos en secreto. De hecho, cuando son una prioridad sean introducidos con cierto grado de urgencia. La energía y el agua gratuitas están entre las primeras de la lista, y la forma en que los cambios climáticos se están produciendo, las necesidades de la gente en algunas áreas se está volviendo urgente.
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Mike Quinsey,
Ser Superior
Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message - February 28, 2020
At a time when many new inventions are being developed in secret, it is nevertheless a most amazing time to be present on Earth. Behind all of the turmoil that is taking place, great steps forward are being made that will propel you faster than ever into the New Age. Advancements are happening in many different industries and are such that it is going to be impossible to keep them secret. In fact where they are of a necessity there is a certain degree of urgency to get them introduced. Free energy and water are amongst those at the top of the list, and the way that climate changes are taking place, the needs of people in some areas is becoming urgent.
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Mike Quinsey,
Ser Superior
Jennifer Farley - The Creator - ALL The Choices - February 28, 2020
ALL The Choices
When you were young, did you ever think that you would be where you are now, doing what you are doing and being the person you are now? An infinite number of choices and personal decisions brought you to where you are in this moment. Just think about that for a moment…(smiling)…extraordinary, yes? Now, imagine all the decisions of a lifetime condensed into a few short weeks. Just think of all the things you could accomplish!

When you were young, did you ever think that you would be where you are now, doing what you are doing and being the person you are now? An infinite number of choices and personal decisions brought you to where you are in this moment. Just think about that for a moment…(smiling)…extraordinary, yes? Now, imagine all the decisions of a lifetime condensed into a few short weeks. Just think of all the things you could accomplish!
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Jennifer Farley
Schumann Resonance Today – 17 UTC - February 28 2020
28/2 17:00 UTC
Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)
Schumann Resonance Today
February 28 2020 – 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today. We will
try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this
page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a
clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher
and higher, just like us!
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:
“Every second, a multitude of
pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between
Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all
microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field.
Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the
harmonizing pulse for life in our world.” Eric Thompson
- 2/29 17:00 UTC – Today the activity occurred during a period of about 10 hours, from 1 to 11 UTC, the central part was at 8 UTC. Now we are in a calm condition.
- 2/29 10:00 UTC – There has been no real calm today, after
the movement at Power 34 shortly after midnight local timeline (17 UTC
yesterday) very slight movements continued and they became more
consistent starting at today’s 2 UTC when some peaks exceeded Power 10.
From 6 UTC we can see a further increase in the maximum values that
reached the maximum of Power 26 shortly after 8 UTC. From 6:30, so far,
the amplitude has remained constantly close to Power 20.
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Reporte de Energías,
Resonancia Schumann
Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Coronavirus Effect - Feb 28, 2020
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are capable of perceiving the slightest shift in your collective consciousness and the overall vibration that you emit. We want you to know that we have witnessed a huge spike in the frequency of the human collective consciousness over the past few days. You have been shifting your consciousness as a result of the compassion that you have all been feeling for those who have been afflicted the coronavirus.
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Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, February 28, 2020

We recently spoke of the value of entering into meditation to get all aspects of yourself to cooperate and move forward as a cohesive unit towards your desired intentions. Shelley’s note – You can see that daily message here: https://trinityesoterics.com/…/daily-message-sunday-februa…/
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
jueves, febrero 27, 2020
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Becoming Portals of Light - Feb 27, 2020
Becoming Portals of Light
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
First become ONE with your Higher SELF
Then become ONE with your Planetary SELF
In other words, first you will need to merge with the great potential that is within you.
Then you can more fully merge with the planetary potential around you.
In this manner, YOU will become a “Portal of Ascension.”
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Suzanne Lie
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, February 27, 2020

The universe does not work in negatives, it responds to the essence of your focus. Children work very much in this way, as well. This explains why if you tell a toddler, “Don’t hit”, they will often turn around and hit. It is not that they are naughty or defiant, it is that they only heard the essence of the sentence, hit, and responded in kind. Asking the child to be gentle will have a much more desired effect for changing behaviour because the focus is on what core energy you wish for them to shift into.
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Jamye Price - March Ascension Energies – Freedom - Feb 27, 2020
As we build on the energies of January and February, we are tuning into the heart in new ways. January began the Year of Following the Heart with a focus on Connections. The powerful Cancer eclipse in January brought up some much needed realignment.
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Jamye Price,
Reporte de Energías
Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Ushering in a New Era for Humanity - Feb 27, 2020
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been able to assist you with the evolution of your consciousness to a certain extent, but we would never take the credit for what you have done with what we have given you. You are the ones who are living the challenging lives that you are. You are the ones facing your financial, health, and relationship issues, and you are the ones who use all that you are given to raise the level of your consciousness to new heights. You are the ones to thank for the progress that is being made in the human collective consciousness, and we know that.
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Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Be Free! - February 27, 2020
Be Free!
There will be moments when you are tempted to project your past experiences into your current existence. Something may come up that you have not resolved and, rather than thinking through it, you will often react/feel the same way you did when the negative event first occurred. It is very important to remember…you have tools and skills you did not have before and it is time to release it. Let you conscious be your guide to the where and when of it and allow The Universe to help you be free of it once and for all. ~ Creator

There will be moments when you are tempted to project your past experiences into your current existence. Something may come up that you have not resolved and, rather than thinking through it, you will often react/feel the same way you did when the negative event first occurred. It is very important to remember…you have tools and skills you did not have before and it is time to release it. Let you conscious be your guide to the where and when of it and allow The Universe to help you be free of it once and for all. ~ Creator
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Jennifer Farley
Schumann Resonance Today – 19 UTC ⚡️ Power 34 - February 27 2020
Schumann Resonance Today. We will
try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this
page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a
clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher
and higher, just like us!
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:
“Every second, a multitude of
pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between
Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all
microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field.
Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the
harmonizing pulse for life in our world.” Eric Thompson
- 2/27 19:00 UTC – What we called calm in the News Ticker did not last long, with the new charts we see that at 17:30 UTC there was a peak to Power 34.
- 2/27 17:00 UTC – We returned to a calm condition after the last movement which lasted about 2 hours, from 12 to 14 UTC, with the peak at 30 reported previously.
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Reporte de Energías,
Resonancia Schumann
miércoles, febrero 26, 2020
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (74) - Sacramento, 15 de febrero de 2020

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (74)
Sacramento, 15 de febrero de 2020
Rueda de Enseñanza Chamánica
Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Mi socio se aleja.
Esta Hermandad Femenina está cambiando. La razón por la que piensan que están aquí puede muy bien ser diferente de la verdadera razón de estar aquí. La historia espiritual de la que forman parte – y forman parte de ella – tiene muchos atributos y elementos que están empezando a recordar. Esta noche estoy hablando a un grupo que está aquí porque algunas de ustedes saben absolutamente que en el pasado estuvieron involucradas en algo único, y lo sienten. No estarían sentadas en esas sillas a menos que tuvieran curiosidad, por lo menos. Y esta cosa que sienten es parte de algo que llamarían un comienzo, pero más que solo un comienzo eran instrucciones sobre todas las cosas que iban a venir, todas.
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Judith Kusel - We are not meant at this time to shrink away from our highest soul purpose and calling - Feb 26, 2020
We are not meant at this time to shrink away from our highest soul purpose and calling.
Some of us have worked many lifetimes for this ultimate raising of the consciousness levels of mankind, as we witness the fall of the same from the 7th dimensional state and into the third. Some of us vowed that we would not rest, until mankind finally learns to ascend into the higher states of Being once more and therefore incarnated at this time to see all of this into completion.
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Judith Kusel
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
You are learning about the allocation of grace.
This is an important determining factor.
Allow the entrance
and allowance of grace.
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Maestros Ascendidos,
Nicole Singer
Anna Merkaba - The Pleiadians - Galactic Update – A Star is Born – Major Impact on Earthlings – Pleiades - February 26, 2020
Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe. I have just received this interesting message from the Pleiadians.
Mere moments ago in a distant galaxy located at 36 degrees south from your central sun a major event has taken place, a star was born which shone the light upon the entire galaxy, said light has a transference point of 0.087 degrees Celsius and the circumference of said star is 123,000 miles. A small star with enormous photon energetic proportions.
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Anna Merkaba,
Portales Estelares
Jennifer Hoffman - How the Truth Sets You Free - Feb 25, 2020

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Jennifer Hoffman
Meg Benedicte - Great Turning of the Wheel - Feb 26, 2020

Great Turning of the Wheel
Since the momentous cosmic events in January, followed by the rare 222 Gateways in February, we are moving into an up-leveling to higher energies. You may have been experiencing massive clearings and adjustments since the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January 12th. It triggered much to the surface for review, healing and transmutation. We are involved in a physical transfiguration from physical density to translucent light bodies.
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Judith Kusel - Heart Energies

Heart Energies
When the Earth emerges from the time-warp she was in, for 72 000 years and now moves into the expanded time which is the true cosmic time, this brings about immense changes from inner core heart of the planet, and most of all the core heart of the cosmic whole.
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Judith Kusel
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Expansion is exactly what satisfies your soul and allows new discoveries to be made that enhance your life expression and reflect your latest level of attainment. Dear Ones, it is not change that creates discomfort, it is the resistance to it! Embrace the unfoldment, for it lovingly leads you to the next highest possibility that exists just beyond what you can see. The flow is the vehicle to get there, and it contains every support you could ever possibly need. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Selacia - Turn Anger into Positive Social Change-How to Productively Respond to Craziness - Feb 16, 2020
by Selacia
If you are like most of us, you feel a combination of anger and discouragement about the state of our world in 2020. Indeed, things have gotten crazier, more explosive, more petty, and more unsettling. What's unfolding now is a magnified version of what we experienced in the last part of 2019. Division, polarity, and hateful exchanges seem like they are at an all-time high. For us sensitives, this can feel brutal. Continue reading to know how to productively respond to this craziness.
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Kryon - "The Unique Human" (with Spanish translation) - 2020
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Lee Carroll,
Jim Self - Short-Circuit Reactions - February 26, 2020
Uriel: When more souls begin to reawaken to levels that are compatible in consciousness, that compatibility begins to resonate in the entire system of the physical realm. Then more changes happen very quickly that will substantiate and hold that compatibility more firmly in place. You won’t have the various states playing out. It becomes more unified in its expression. Until that can take place, it is important that you understand what is playing out and what is happening within your own physical body, the mental/emotional bodies and with yourself at a Soul level. It is important that you continue to build the Light frequencies that hold that state of consciousness more firmly in play.
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AA Uriel,
Jim Self,
Joan Walker
Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Energies Upon You & the Energies Coming - Feb 26, 2020
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been placing a great deal of our attention on the way that you have been handling the energies that are upon you at this time, because we are always monitoring your readiness to receive. Oftentimes, you will open yourselves up to receive, and then assimilate the energies that are upon you, but then you won’t know what to do with all of that energy that you have accessed. And so, we observe. There is no need for you to feel any pressure about doing something big, something monumental, just because you feel that the energies you have just downloaded carry a significance and a weight.
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Ailia Mira - Archangel Raphael - All Past Cycles Are Complete - Feb 26, 2020
the invitation
Beloved Ones,
It is I, Raphael.
It is a great joy for me to be with you.
I adore you! I know you, I am constantly aware of you and I invite you to feel deeply the love, and attention that is between us, even though it slips your mind at times. I am always with you!
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AA Rafael,
Ailia Mira,
Schumann Resonance Today – 20 UTC - February 26 2020
Schumann Resonance Today. We will
try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this
page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a
clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher
and higher, just like us!
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:
“Every second, a multitude of
pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between
Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all
microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field.
Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the
harmonizing pulse for life in our world.” Eric Thompson
- 2/26 21:00 UTC – The new graphs show the beginning of some activity that for now remains at very moderate levels, Power 9, while the other graphs show even wider fluctuations compared to the previous situation.
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Reporte de Energías,
Resonancia Schumann
Jennifer Farley - The Creador - A Part Of All That Is - February 26, 2020
A Part Of All That Is
My darling child…take a moment and think back on all the changes you have been through, the choices you have made and the healing you have accomplished. While you were in the midst of your
greatest changes there were times when you said, “I can’t take one more second of this! Please make it stop!!” But, at the conclusion and in the peaceful quiet, you often said, “There…it is done! That wasn’t so bad. I’ve learned so much!”

My darling child…take a moment and think back on all the changes you have been through, the choices you have made and the healing you have accomplished. While you were in the midst of your
greatest changes there were times when you said, “I can’t take one more second of this! Please make it stop!!” But, at the conclusion and in the peaceful quiet, you often said, “There…it is done! That wasn’t so bad. I’ve learned so much!”
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Jennifer Farley
Kryon - "God's Plan" (with Spanish translation) - 2020
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Lee Carroll,
martes, febrero 25, 2020
Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Daily Teachings of the Masters
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Be fully present in all moments.
Some of you are asking,
"When, God, when?"
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Maestros Ascendidos,
Nicole Singer
James McConnell - KaRa and OWS - You are there in the fifth dimension right now - February 23, 2020
KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)
I am KaRa. I appreciate this time that I can come and be with you, and share with you, and continue to help you associate all that is changing in your lives.
All that is in the moment, right now, shifting and changing because of these energies. these waves of energies that have been coming in for some time now. As you have been acclimating to these energies, becoming accustomed to them, connecting with them, becoming one with these energies.
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James McConnell,
One Who Serves
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