lunes, agosto 31, 2015
Brenda Hoffman - Ascension and Fear - August 31, 2015
Dear Ones,
Many speak of ascension. Does that mean you will die an early earth death? Or that you will become a new person? So many concepts about a simple shift. You are merely returning to the being you were prior to your first earth entry.
When you entered 3D earth, you added layers of physical, spiritual and emotional protection. Such protection separates you from yourself, all earth entities and now earth itself. Protection that has become a barrier to your future.
You have been quite adept at change throughout your earth life and beyond – even though one of your core beliefs is that you have not changed. Oh you look in the mirror and note physical changes, but you continue to believe that you adapt to your current world with the same skills you have used since you entered earth’s environment in this lifetime.
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Brenda Hoffman,
Mahala ~ Planet Alert September 2015
The magical month of September has arrived and it really came in with a roar here in Washington State with a major wind storm. At the time of the full moon of August 29th the planet Uranus, which rules wind and storms was conjunct the dark moon Lilith. This activated storm energy here in Washington because Saturn is still on 29 degrees Scorpio, which rules the West Coast, including Oregon and Northern California.
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Lena Stevens - Actualización de Luna Llena 29-8-15 - 13 de Agosto 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Queridos amigos,
La Luna Llena es el sábado 29 de agosto a las 12:35 PM Horario de Verano de las Montañas
El tema de esta luna llena es FE y CONFIANZA. ¿Qué está haciendo para profundizar su práctica espiritual y anclar una mayor fe y confianza en el espíritu? Esta es una luna llena importante ya que lo que hagan con ella tiene el potencial de ubicarlos muy bien o no con vista a algunas de las influencias por venir en los próximos meses.
En lugar de organizar, consolidar y priorizar su mundo exterior, este marco de tiempo se enfoca más en la organización, consolidación y priorización de su mundo interior. ¿Qué es importante? ¿Qué valoran? ¿A que no están prestando suficiente atención y que les sirve como base fundacional en esta vida?
Dicho eso, también es un tiempo hermoso para compartirlo en comunidad y para recibir el apoyo que los rodea y que los ayudará a construir esa fe y confianza. Así que utilicen esta luna llena para ordenar sus prioridades internas y espirituales, activando algunas prácticas que les ayuden a enfocarse en la construcción de esa importante confianza y fe en el espíritu. Si utilizan este tiempo de luna llena bien, les ayudará a transitar estos últimos días de agosto con mayor enfoque.
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Lena Stevens,
Pat Liles,
Sarah Varcas - Be Life, Don’t Just Live It! - August 31, 2015
Sarah Varcas
Welcome to one of the most powerful months of 2015! With two eclipses, one occurring at a Super Moon, Mercury turning retrograde, Saturn entering Sagittarius, Pluto stationing direct in Capricorn and Venus completing its retrograde journey through Leo, there’s something for everyone and not a dull moment! Of course, if dull moments are what you crave, this month may be something of a challenge at times, unless you’re prepared to cast your preference to the wind and see what life has on the menu. You may just discover a taste for something you’d never tried before or a surprising appreciation of an unlikely circumstantial delicacy. Whilst ‘moderation in all things’ may be useful advice, there’s no harm in giving all things a go first, just to see what you would otherwise have missed!
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Sarah Varcas
Jim Self - Actualización Planetaria - Agosto 2015
Lamentablemente este artículo no se pudo enviar antes, pero a pesar que estamos entrando en Septiembre vale la pena leerlo.
Traducción Audio: Fernando Pachacama
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Yo soy Jim Self.
Bienvenidos a la Actualización Planetaria para el mes de Agosto de 2015.
Observando el mundo en una transición en el otoño, observando muchos puntos de inflexión tal como hablamos en el pasado, empezando a entrar en la incapacidad de salir a la superficie.
Siempre que se tengan un Status Quo en el que todos están de acuerdo, muchas cosas se mueven sin problema a pesar de que no sea muy fácil, pero cuando empiezan a entrar en contradicción como lo estamos en este momento en que los Bancos Centrales de los gobiernos del mundo desean continuar la expansión y el crecimiento del consumo, sin que la población mundial esté consumiendo, expandiendo y creciendo; este conflicto empieza a suceder. Esto fue muy obvio recientemente en el mes de Julio, en el Mercado de Valores de China donde muchas personas empezaron a ver este Mercado de Valores creciendo y expandiéndose hasta un 150 por ciento. Tremendo crecimiento en el que todos querían participar y en tanto las acciones mantenían su valor fueron capaces de pedir prestadas, enormes cantidades de dinero, respaldadas por el valor de las acciones en el mercado, que siguieron subiendo su valor inicial, apoyando el crecimiento expansivo; pero tan pronto como el mercado estuvo cubierto y empezó a colapsar, todo ese dinero ya no era prestado con la garantía respaldada por las acciones, las garantías ya no eran sólidas y quienes habían prestado el dinero estaban pidiendo de vuelta su dinero en ese momento. Así que, esta contradicción en el consumo y la expansión y la contracción es por mucho el juego en todo el mundo hoy en día.
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Jim Self
Kryon por Lee Carroll - En el Monasterio Hindú - Hawaii– 18 de agosto de 2015
La lluvia representa el conocimiento que Dios da a cada ser humano sobre la verdad. Riega las semillas de esto que nuestra consciencia puede manifestar, impulsa a las semillas a germinar, les dice ¡Adelante! (se ríe). Porque Gaia está aquí con toda su fuerza dándonos información. Que la lluvia de este momento sea un símbolo para ustedes de que no hay nada accidental, y de que hay un mensaje metafísico y metafórico en todas las cosas. No hay nada accidental.
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Lee Carroll
domingo, agosto 30, 2015
Jennifer Hoffman - September 2015 Energy Report - August 30, 2015
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Jennifer Hoffman,
Reporte de Energías
Selacia - Consejos de la Súper Luna Llena - Creando un Puente entre Mundos - 25 de Agosto 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Acercándonos a nuestra primera Súper Luna Llena de tres el 29 de agosto, ahora es útil hacer inventario de donde están las cosas en su vida. Posiblemente nuestras recientes energías llenas de altibajos han estimulado más de un desafío en las relaciones y los ha tenido cuestionándose su status quo. Quizás hayan dado algunos pasos nuevos y atrevidos también, aprovechando los potenciales positivos del ciclo de energía de este mes.
A veces pueden preguntarse cómo pueden establecer el Puente entre la realidad espiritual y la física – estás pueden parecer tan diferentes y contrarias. La parte sabia de ustedes conoce, sin embargo, que su vid física y espiritual pueden y de hecho se complementan entre sí. ¡Ellas realmente van de la mano!
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El Gran Cambio,
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. We are being joined by the Hathors, the Sirians, the Arcturians, and a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light. We are coming together with this Message of Light to show the interconnectedness of all Beings of Light. Today, we wish to discuss your opportunity to be a Light of Peace.
Many waves of higher dimensional energy are continuing to reach your planet. This is providing ongoing opportunities for rapid advancement on your spiritual path. It also provides you an opportunity to be of service as a Light of Peace on a multi-dimensional level.
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AA Zadkiel,
Linda M. Robinson
Jahn J Kassl - WHEN IT DEPENDS, THE ASCENDED MASTERS - August 30, 2015
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Translated from: Wenn es darauf ankommt:
Do not be afraid!
When it
will be invisible.
When it
will remain untouchable.
When it
become permeable.
When it
will change
their trajectory.
When it
The sun
will go down
in the middle of the day.
When it depends,
Earth, water, fire and
wind will protect you.
When it depends,
Earth, water, fire and
wind will protect you.
When it
will be carried away.
When it
you will look at the old
world from a new world.
When it
ascend in a sheath
of Light.
When it
your fears.
When it
in God.
When it
in peace.
When it
heavenly forces
will be with you.
When it
when it depends:
Do not
be afraid!
to Agartha – JAHN J KASSL:
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Jahn J Kassl,
Maestros Ascendidos
Controlling the World: An Instruction Manual (FULL VERSION)
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Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
“Les Ofrecemos Un Caudal De Luz/Amor Desde Nuestro Corazón Al Suyo”
Amados maestros, el regreso al estrecho sendero de la Ascensión en conciencia es el comienzo de la trascendencia de los opuestos donde no hay bien ni mal, correcto o incorrecto, solamente elecciones personales armoniosas dentro del espectro de dualidad aceptado. Como un Auto maestro empoderado y funcional, harán solamente las elecciones mejores y más elevadas para el beneficio de TODOS. Lentamente, pero con seguridad, las imperfecciones que han creado tanto en su mundo interno como externo se están rectificando. Ha llevado mucho tiempo para que la Tierra y la humanidad alcancen el estado presente de imperfección que ahora prevalece. El nivel de progreso transformativo que ustedes han hecho, las Legiones de Luz en la tierra, en un tiempo tan breve, es verdaderamente milagroso.
De hecho, las puertas multidimensionales del pasado se están cerrado, y las puertas del futuro se están abriendo a un ritmo cada vez más acelerado a medida que el proceso de Ascensión se acelera. El temor al cambio ha sido el factor de control principal dentro de su percepción consciente durante mucho tiempo. Al comienzo de su viaje de experiencia hacia la densidad, ustedes buscaron una gran variedad de auto expresión y cambio y se deleitaron en cada nueva creación. Ha sido solamente a través de sus experiencias terrenales que han olvidado que eran un co-creador dotado con una plenitud de habilidades creativas y de que tienen un vínculo directo con la fuente de poder de la Creación vía el Río de la Vida/Luz.
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AA MIguel,
Ronna Herman
Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Giving Yourself Time to Receive - August 30, 2015
The Gabriel Message card for this week:
A Full Relationship with your Higher Self is only possible when you give yourself time to receive from the Deepest Sources of your Being.
Fortunately by the time Archangel Gabriel showed up in my life, I had already established a spiritual practice from the years I spent with my guru.
Using my time first thing in the day to sit, concentrate on my breath and pray before my meditation had become the most important way to begin my morning. My days were very different and never as comfortable if this was interrupted.
After my visitation from Archangel Gabriel and the beginning of his teachings, my focus in the meditation time became very different. There was less attention to energy from the outside of me and more awareness on developing a relationship with my Higher Self as my new best friend.
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AA Gabriel,
Shanta Gabriel
sábado, agosto 29, 2015
Sandra Walter - Mystery Schools, Cosmic Christ & Equinox 2015
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Sandra Walter,
Shekina Rose - Violet Rose Flame 528 Hz DNA Light Language Clearing Transmission In the Ancient Solfeggio Scale
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Lenguaje de la Luz,
Shekina Rose / Blue Ray,
John Smallman - Jesus - A lesson newly learnt brings a sense of peace and contentment. - August 29, 2015
Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday August 29th
Hello, this is John with Jesus’ message for Saturday August 29th 2015. For a change I am including my whole channeling exchange with Jesus today (Friday August 28th) just so that you can see (or hear) how it happens. I do take breaks, as the energy gets quite intense at times, and then I return to my computer and we continue from where we broke off.
Jesus Blog # 263 for Saturday August 29th Channeled Friday August 28th 2015 10.50.
Me: Good morning Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last
message, it is nice to be communing with you once again after the long
summer break that I took. I seem to be more at peace, more content,
more relaxed than I was earlier in the summer, so I hope I have released
most of what was blocking our channel or leaving me unmotivated to be
open to you or even positively not wanting to channel your loving and
inspiring messages. So, if you are available, can we please start a new
Jesus: A very good morning to you, John. Yes I am most definitely available to commune with you. I am always available, so never hesitate to call on me as my task, my duty, my loving service is to be available to all who call on me. Relax for just a moment, then we can start.
As I keep telling you, keep on hammering into you, all are One! The state of separation from one another that appears to be the human condition is illusory, even though it seems so real to you all. When God created You He gave You everything that He is – infinite unconditional Love and also therefore the absolute freedom, free will, that is one of its innumerable loving aspects – because Love just loves without conditions, eternally setting You free while at the same time maintaining You in a state of Oneness with Itself.
Hello, this is John with Jesus’ message for Saturday August 29th 2015. For a change I am including my whole channeling exchange with Jesus today (Friday August 28th) just so that you can see (or hear) how it happens. I do take breaks, as the energy gets quite intense at times, and then I return to my computer and we continue from where we broke off.
Jesus Blog # 263 for Saturday August 29th Channeled Friday August 28th 2015 10.50.
A lesson newly learnt brings a sense of peace and contentment.
Jesus: A very good morning to you, John. Yes I am most definitely available to commune with you. I am always available, so never hesitate to call on me as my task, my duty, my loving service is to be available to all who call on me. Relax for just a moment, then we can start.
As I keep telling you, keep on hammering into you, all are One! The state of separation from one another that appears to be the human condition is illusory, even though it seems so real to you all. When God created You He gave You everything that He is – infinite unconditional Love and also therefore the absolute freedom, free will, that is one of its innumerable loving aspects – because Love just loves without conditions, eternally setting You free while at the same time maintaining You in a state of Oneness with Itself.
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Jesús-John Smallman
viernes, agosto 28, 2015
Suzanne Lie - Returning to New Earth--The Arcturians - 8-28-15
Returning to New Earth

The Arcturians
Our Dearest Ascending Ones,
We are happy that you have been able to maintain the consciousness of unconditional love since you opened your Doorway to New Earth. It is the continuous FEEL of unconditional love that assures our ascending ones that they are “in the process of creating New Earth.”
We know that you all will experience some moments of fear-based third dimensional thinking, but we want you to realize that those moments are not a “failure” in any way. Instead, they are moments when you have temporarily returned to “habit.”
Habit is the primary survival mechanism that you have created in order to survive the extremely challenging time of the close Kali Yuga (the final 2,000 years of the third dimensional reality). These habits were not bad; they were necessary. Therefore, do not judge yourself.
Instead, congratulate yourself. Being conscious of old habits is a huge achievement because habits hide in your unconscious and deep subconscious mind. Habits are the “primary survival mechanisms” on which all of your programs of behavior were written. Hence, they are the ones and zeros of your third dimensional thinking.
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Canalización Arcturiana,
Nueva Tierra,
Suzanne Lie
John Smallman - Saul - You are the collective, and the collective has decided to awaken from the nightmare.- 08/28/2015
Saul audio Blog for Friday August 28th
Here in the spiritual realms we have been observing with great joy the amazing progress humanity has been making recently towards awakening from the illusion. Yes, you truly are making wonderful progress. Vast numbers are now holding the intent to be loving in every moment and to release all aspects of themselves that are not in harmony or in alignment with Love. Doing that is enormously powerful, and it is having a tremendous affect all across the world. If you could see what you light holders and light workers are achieving you would be absolutely amazed. Keep on doing what you are doing because it is an essential part of the awakening process, and also because it is so very effective. You are greatly honored for the great work you are doing. Most of you do not experience much of anything in the way of positive feedback for your efforts, but I assure you that what you are doing is changing the world!
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Saúl-John Smallman
SaLuSa 28 August 2015
People of the Earth, you are in turmoil as your systems are breaking down proving once again that they are inadequate to maintain a decent and sustained standard of living. Regrettably it has to be that way, as you are the Masters of your own destiny having been graced with freewill. It could have been so different had you accepted that you are your Brother’s keeper, and that you are All One within the Human Race. Greed and self-aggrandisement have prevented souls from equally sharing the wealth of the planet, and that has led to an unbalanced society. We do not condemn those involved as the Human Race has accepted what amounts to a free for all. However, the experience has given all concerned an insight into life without love, and without God, and shown that Man lacks the know how or will to be his Brother’s Keeper. So no experience is without its positive side, in teaching lessons that have speeded up your evolution.
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Federación Galáctica,
Mike Quinsey,
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Mythi de Andrómeda,
Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Full Moon Report for 8/29/15

Cosmic Weather – Full Moon in Pisces: Illumination, Transcendence and the Open Heart.
Hello friends. Well what a week it’s been. As of this writing (8/26) there have been over 62 solar flares in the past 5 days. We’re definitely in a vibrational upgrade period again, courtesy of the Universe. Today for me and so many others was quite an exercise in the pain of the world and disappointment, as another tragedy (in VA) is the last thing we expected on a day with a once-a-year Sun/Jupiter conjunction. Not exactly the “lucky” or “wish upon a star” vibe that we hoped for but it was a powerful teaching, especially on the road to one of the most transcendent Full Moons of the year. It was a reminder of the power of the outer world as an impetus for change, healing and a way to keep our tender hearts open, even if it’s uncomfortable.
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Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, August 28, 2015
I am telling you this now because even as I speak there are things going on that are in place to clear away the debris that has accumulated over the centuries. Using that word, debris, and what it means is an example of how quickly the clearing is taking place. It has been in the works to get this planet in drudgery and the closure of freedom. Now it is taking a flash, in perspective of the difference of time it took to set it in place as compared to the time that it will take to clear it all away. There have been some events that have already taken place in the background that have brought about huge changes in the way the systems of society are being freed. These events have been organized by many people on earth in co-operation with many of the ones off planet who have been in harmony and communication with these people. There are many facets of the process that are now at rest and have made way for the next phases of the clearing.
As it all sets into place in the coming days you will begin to see how much has been being organized to shed light on the amount of lies that have been showered over the people. This is just now being broadcast in pieces across the world and it will be seen as pieces of the puzzle being set into place as each of the pieces come to the front and are settled into the lives of all of you beautiful people who are seeing that there is indeed a place for freedom and truth in this world for now and evermore.
I speak now of some news that will be coming forth of how people can open up some doors that have been locked shut for decades, not only in America, but in various other countries as well. These doors have come open and are expelling the truths that have been locked away in order to keep control of the truth of what has been taking the toll on the freedom of the world. So much will be allowed back, to be able to spread forth the abundance that is in the hearts of the people. It will be transported into their lives as the representatives that they are of the way to live in peace, joy, and love. There will be examples of it in the days to come, and it will be a continual example that will be tuned into in abundance.
I would like to give you one example now. It is in the interest of some well-known ones who are in the process of exposing some of the ways that have been used in manipulation. They are broadcasting to the people how they can step forth and allow the power that they have to be the energy that keeps the truths coming forth to the masses. These messages and pieces of news will spread across the globe and those who see them and cannot deny the truth of what they say, will also realize that these same pieces of news represent many of the other unexplained incidences that have taken place for many years. It will open them up to how to interpret many of the news items that have been told. Also they will see many of the pieces of information that have seemed to be of value, and now are seen to be of value in only one way, and that is that they represent the evidence of the manipulation that is no longer being done. They will know that it cannot be done because the ones who did it for so long are no longer in power.
My dear ones, I have shared with you today what is going to be a powerful flow of opening you to the truths that you have either felt to be coming or have seen as a surprise, yet believable. It is part of what you have given me and others the freedom to bring forth, for your souls see that it is time for you to come forth in your power and be the strength of your ability to become a leader of the process in your own lives of the freedom and truth that you are destined for. Have a wonderful and joyful rest of the day, on into forever. My heart is with you all!
Thank you dear St. Germain,
Much Love, Nancy Tate
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Maestros Ascendidos,
Nancy Tate,
St. Germain
Jennifer Hoffman - Cómo te libera la verdad - 17 de Agosto 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Mientras más aprendo sobre la verdad con respecto a lo que sucede en el mundo, más quiero correr y esconderme a veces. Pero no resolverá nada y para ser honesta, veo que cada verdad que aprendo se convierte en fuente renovada de empoderamiento y determinación en mi camino de amor, paz, alegría y plenitud. La verdad nos libera revelando todas las ilusiones que podamos estar utilizando y viviendo, para poder crear nuestra propia verdad fijando nuevos límites energéticos e intenciones en nuestras vidas. Existe la verdad universal de que somos seres divinos, poderosos y el resto son todas versiones diferentes de una verdad individual. Tenemos que decidir que será verdadero para nosotros en nuestras vidas. Justo al igual que somos arquitectos de nuestra realidad, también somos arquitectos de nuestra propia verdad.
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El Gran Cambio,
Jennifer Hoffman
jueves, agosto 27, 2015
Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 8-29-15
Dear Friends,
Full Moon is Saturday, August 29 at 12:35PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).
The theme of this full moon is FAITH and TRUST. What are you doing to deepen your spiritual practice and anchor a greater faith and trust in spirit? This is an important full moon as what you do with it has the potential to set you up either really well or not so well for some of the influences of the next few months.Rather than organizing, consolidating and prioritizing your external world, this time frame is more focused on organizing, consolidating and prioritizing your internal world. What is important? What do you value? What are you not paying enough attention to that serves as your foundation in this life?
With that said, it is also a beautiful time to spend in community and to allow yourself to receive the support around you that will help build that faith and trust. So use this full moon to get your internal and spiritual priorities straight, and set some practices in motion that will help you focus on building that important trust and faith in spirit. If you use this full moon time well, it will help you to transition through these last days of August with more focus.
Remember that evolution only goes in one direction so regardless of what it may seem like out there in the world with people acting badly, we actually are as a whole moving forward. Trust. Faith.
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Lena Stevens
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Saludo - Día Uno Hawaii– 16 de agosto de 2015
Este tipo de mensajes se da especialmente para quienes se sientan frente a mí, y otros pueden escucharlos. Mi socio se aparta para que yo pueda darles la pureza y la emoción de lo que está sucediendo ahora. Lo que sucede no está apartado de ustedes; con esto quiero decir que todos los que se sientan en las sillas en este salón son parte de un sistema de crecimiento. Algunos están aquí para ver lugares, tal vez para experimentar su increíble belleza, pero no saben realmente lo que hay aquí. Quiero contárselo.
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Lee Carroll
Lauren C. Gorgo - Se Abren las Puertas Doradas: la gran preparación - 22 de Agosto
Traducción: Fara GonzálezDifusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Como se esperaba el 8/8/8 (la Puerta del León) fue bestial…de la mejor forma posible.
Durante esa semana súper cargada, atronó a través de los cielos y la tierra nueva y más elevada información de luz, penetrando cada nivel y capa de nuestra existencia multidimensional, infundiendo todas y cada una de las células de nuestro ser con nuevos códigos de creación y ampliaciones esenciales necesarias para los 12 meses próximos en dedicación a la maestría de la magia.
La activación 888 de este año está depertando dentro de nuestro ADN la memoria colectiva del conocimiento sagrado perdido/olvidado necesario para construir la próxima Era Dorada.
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El Gran Cambio,
Lauren C. Gorgo
Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - August 27, 2015
(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. This week I think we have such a potent Full Moon and it’s Full Moon in the psychic sign of Pisces. It’s actually full on August 29. However there are many times that this teaching will apply as well. So essentially it’s about the dream state, whether it be your conscious dreams for yourself or the ones that are shown by the unconscious during your sleep state. And this is a time when dreams come true.
Alright. This week I think we have such a potent Full Moon and it’s Full Moon in the psychic sign of Pisces. It’s actually full on August 29. However there are many times that this teaching will apply as well. So essentially it’s about the dream state, whether it be your conscious dreams for yourself or the ones that are shown by the unconscious during your sleep state. And this is a time when dreams come true.
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miércoles, agosto 26, 2015
Ronna Herman - Archangel Michael - We Offer You a Stream of Love/Light - 26 August, 2015
Beloved masters, returning to the narrow path of Ascension in
consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites where there is
no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within
the accepted spectrum of duality. As an
empowered, functioning Self-master, you will make only the highest and
best choices for the benefit of ALL. Slowly, but surely, the
imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are
being rectified. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and
humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now
prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by
you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly
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AA MIguel,
Ronna Herman
martes, agosto 25, 2015
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (7) - Calgary, Canadá, 23 de Mayo de 2015
Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Yo sé dónde estoy, sé quién está escuchando, sé para qué están ustedes aquí. Este es un tiempo, y todo lo que es, un tiempo corto, que es un tiempo de homenaje; no solamente homenaje femenino. Se trata de un tiempo específico que tiene que ver con lo que ahora vuelve a ocurrir en el planeta.
La razón para que estén aquí sentadas - y ya hemos dicho esto antes - es que empiezan a reflejar algo de la sabiduría que había en el lugar que llamamos Lemuria. Para que yo pueda hacer esto de la forma que lo hacemos, les recuerdo otra vez que no tengo género; les recuerdo que les hablo ahora con una voz de varón porque eso es todo lo que tiene mi socio (se ríe). Yo no tengo género.
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Lee Carroll
Brenda Hoffman - Aplicando Su Nuevo Conjunto de Habilidades - 10 de Agosto 2015
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Quizás les preocupe que no estén revoloteando con suficiente rapidez entre diversas dimensiones o frecuencias. Que su vida sigue siendo más de lo mismo. Aunque esto no sea cierto, ustedes no pueden discernir cuán diferente es su ser del que era hace seis meses.
El primer día de prescolar o primer grado posiblemente no pudiesen leer o calcular los números. No era así al final de ese año escolar. Ustedes evolucionaron físicamente, intelectualmente y emocionalmente, sin embargo se sentían como si fuesen el mismo ustedes.
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Brenda Hoffman,
Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - August 25, 2015
from PAO
Ummac Dan
3 Caban, 10 Uo, 12 Manik
Selamat Balik! The present world is one in which the old ways are still strong. Both financial and cultural events are getting ready to occur. The dark ran this surface world for nearly 13 millennia. Such a lengthy degree of control has set a number of cultural precedents that now need to be adjusted. You are to be freed from a seemingly endless debt slavery and a constant need for survival. These two items are to end with a debt jubilee and a coming prosperity. The dark cabal understands that its basic underpinnings are to be transformed and that they are to be isolated from you. These things are an anathema to them. Their fight-to-the-death attitude may have delayed things, but their fate is truly sealed by Heaven. The dark sits in a corner of its own making. It is bankrupt, filled with a useless fiat currency and unable to maintain its lies and massive innuendos. In short, it is quickly setting the stage for its demise. Forces are currently reviewing a number of scenarios by which all this is to end. This is to involve arrests, scandals and a reform of governance that is to permit you to learn the truth of what happened since the end of World War II.
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Selacia's article: Super Full Moon Tips - Bridging Worlds - August 25, 2015
Super Full Moon Tips
- Bridging Worlds -
by Selacia
Heading into our first of three Super Full Moons on August 29, it's helpful now to take stock of where things are in your life. Most likely our recent up-and-down energies have stimulated more than one relationship challenge and had you questioning your status quo. Perhaps you have initiated some bold new steps, too, taking advantage of positive potentials of this month's energy cycle.
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El Gran Cambio,
Suzanne Lie - About New Earth--El Morya and Theta Wave Meditation Video - 8-25-15
found this message from El Morya that must have been written years ago. The
information makes much more sense in today’s world than it did then. The
“truth” is that which does not change. However, truth is more easily understood
by a reality on the cusp of return to a higher dimensional expression.
Message From Ascended Master El Morya
of our earth masters are feeling the pull of New Earth for you are, indeed,
moving into a frequency of reality that is not adhesive to such low frequency
patterns as the third dimension. The
higher levels of the fifth dimension create continuous, circular, and infinite
energy patterns that expand and transmute.
the other hand, the lower frequencies of the third and fourth dimensions create
energy patterns with progressive interruptions as the energy field travels down the frequency range into the
third dimension.
interruptions occur because humanity’s thought-forms of "time" create
the illusion of “space” between the manifestations of light. In reality, time and space
are ONE and are only perceived as two different dimensions through your
third/fourth dimensional consciousness.
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El Morya,
Nueva Tierra,
Suzanne Lie
lunes, agosto 24, 2015
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (9) - Baltimore, 20 de junio de 2015
Mi socio se retira hacia otro lugar, por acuerdo, y es un lugar benévolo. Tiene que hacer esto para que se quiten sus filtros humanos, de modo que los mensajes sean tan puros como sea posible. Canalizar; aún se trata del ser humano, con su cultura y su idioma, la sinapsis misma de su cerebro; proviene de su experiencia como humano y debe ser dejada de lado tanto como sea posible. Cuando se retira, queridas, lo primero que siente de mí es un amor abrumador y una benevolencia hacia él. Se siente seguro; eso es lo que quiero para ustedes.
El tema ahora es lo que ha pedido Melli-ha. Ella lo estableció más temprano. Mi socio dijo, "Qué te gustaría impartir a quienes hoy se sientan frente a ti? No voy a contarles lo que dijo; en cambio les hablaré de ello.
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Lee Carroll
Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (6) - Salem, 16 de mayo de 2015
Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Sé dónde estoy, y también sé quién está aquí. Obviamente, esto ha sido grabado antes de su reunión, pero yo sé quién está aquí. Siento la calidez de sus personalidades, de sus expectativas, de los hermosos pensamientos que tienen. Conozco el talante de la dulzura que está aquí.
Tantas veces como hago esto, las llevo a una época específica en esas regiones que llaman Lemuria, y les recuerdo que Lemuria permaneció durante cierto tiempo, sin embargo nos concentramos en una época amable en Lemuria. Un tiempo antes que comenzara a sumergirse; tiempo de estabilidad, de madurez, un tiempo en que estaba activa la Hermandad.
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Lee Carroll
Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - The Meaning of Divine Timing - 24 August, 2015
The Gabriel Message card for this week:
Without Patience you will never understand the meaning of Divine Timing.
Patience is so tricky sometimes. It is often difficult to allow the situation to be as it is and surrender to the process that is afoot. Sometimes I need to allow myself the experience and let myself just expand into spacious Beingness, especially in Nature. This spaciousness allows me to move into an expanded perspective and provides a lovely experience of being supported and inspired by the beauty in the world. Being in Nature raises my vibrational frequency and allows me to feel happy and uplifted. The process of creation is simplified if I allow myself this space.
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AA Gabriel,
Shanta Gabriel
Brenda Hoffman - Where Do You Rank? - August 24, 2015

Dear Ones,
You are most likely having difficulties shedding the need to outshine, out sparkle others.
When you were of the Old Age, you needed to prop yourself up. Not because you were not as capable as anyone, but because your society purposely pitted you against others. There was always an ‘in’ group and those considered beneath or less worthy than the in group.
Even though the in group shifted with the times, the intent remained the same. Someone was wise enough, strong enough, rich enough or charismatic enough to outshine others, until they were not.
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Brenda Hoffman,
Ancient Mayan Statue Has Code On Face
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Anna Merkaba - URGENT MESSAGE TO GROUND CREW - Sirius - August 24, 2015

;Greetings everyone!
Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note: I want you to know that you are amazing, beautiful, breathtakingly exquisite beings of light and love. I want you to know that you are all loved beyond measure and that all of you are incredibly brave souls to have come onto this planet and share your light with all inhabitants of GAIA.
I want you to know that you are manifesting miracles onto this plane of existence, and that if it wasn’t’ for you none of this would ever be possible. I want you to know that right now is an incredible time of manifestation and transcendence into another reality.
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Anna Merkaba,
Christine Day - Pleiadian Broadcast August 2015
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Christine Day,
Benjamin Fulford Update - August 24, 2015
A review of the current alliances of secret societies and visible power centers
Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Emergency news updates will only appear if necessary. Regular reporting will resume in September
In preparation for what is sure to be a busy autumn, now is a good time to review the world’s secret and public power structures and alliances. In order to provide value added to subscribers, this report will be based mainly on first-hand experience with various secret societies and public power structures.
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Benjamín Fulford
domingo, agosto 23, 2015
Judith Dagley - More ANSWER to GOOD QUESTION # 2– Getting OUT of Enslavement Programming! - 8.23.15
Finally feels like “right timing” to continue answering GOOD QUESTION #2 in the Master’s Class of Being the Sovereign Reality Creator You Truly Are and Creating the Life You Truly Want Because It’s NOW or Never!
How do I get OUT of my own enslavement program?
“Right timing” is one of the first concepts I learned in my shamanic apprenticeship. It basically means “in alignment on an energetic level with readiness to be received and used in the most expedient and impactful way.”
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El Gran Cambio,
Judith Dagley
Abraham Hicks 2015 ペ Being in the Receptive Mode of God
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Esther Hicks,
John Smallman - Jesus - As children of God each one of you is a very powerful energy field of Love.- August 23, 2015
Many are feeling that the illusion is strengthening its hold on humanity as the mainstream news media continues to report – apparently with great satisfaction – on wars, conflicts, economic fears, corruption and dishonesty in high places, and myriad other unhappy events and occurrences. These reports do certainly refer to numerous ongoing global events, but they are truly only a very small proportion of planetary activities. The current flows of the Tsunami of Love, which has been enveloping the planet since late in 2012, are much more far reaching in their uplifting and inspiring effects than any of the supposedly “bad news” events on which the news media attempts to focus your full attention. As children of God each one of you is a very powerful energy field of Love. You each have free will and can therefore choose to engage with your field of love or to deny and ignore it as you go about your daily lives as humans within the illusion that you collectively built so many eons ago. The choice you make in this regard – and whether you are aware of it or not you are making and remaking this choice in every moment – directly affects how you experience life. Increasing numbers of you are now choosing engagement, and the effects of this engagement are visible all across the world.
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Jesús-John Smallman
sábado, agosto 22, 2015
Ann Albers - Love Shifts - 22 August, 2015
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Everything in your life serves a purpose whether or not you can see it at the time it occurs. In every joy and every pain, there is reason, and the deepest reason beneath all things is that your soul is traveling towards a greater awareness of its union with God's love. There are deep layers to your being many of which are not present to your conscious mind. So you may say, "Oh yes, I know I am one with God's love," but in truth you do not yet feel it, experience it and have the joy of knowing it as a reality in which you find heaven on earth. This is the point and purpose of all things, and indeed of your life on earth - to return to the awareness and experience of your oneness with God's love.
Everything in your life serves a purpose whether or not you can see it at the time it occurs. In every joy and every pain, there is reason, and the deepest reason beneath all things is that your soul is traveling towards a greater awareness of its union with God's love. There are deep layers to your being many of which are not present to your conscious mind. So you may say, "Oh yes, I know I am one with God's love," but in truth you do not yet feel it, experience it and have the joy of knowing it as a reality in which you find heaven on earth. This is the point and purpose of all things, and indeed of your life on earth - to return to the awareness and experience of your oneness with God's love.
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Ann Albers,
Healing due to God's Grace
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Translated from: Gottes-Bilder erlösen, ICH BIN Gegenwart erlangen
Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Light!
Living Images of God!
In God’s current hour of Grace we detach ourselves from
In God’s current hour of Grace we detach ourselves from
all pictures of a punishing God, of an angry and vengeful
God, who down
from Heaven meets human Beings on earth
with distrustfulness, whim and
displeasure, as human Beings
are not willing to follow his directives and
Illusion of a Punishing God
A picture of God, how it could not be more wrong, more perverse.
Mankind was held away from the kernel of life by means of misleading
“sacred” writings and false religions, whereby the direct experience of
God, which enables for everyone the direct encounter with God and
which forms the goal of one’s long journey through time and space
for everyone. For a long time this game of deception dominated and
what has already been revealed to you, will be confirmed today,
here and now, by myself, who has been amongst you from the
very beginning of time and acts as one of you.
It is known to you that this dark God does not exist and yet
the primal fears of such a God are stored and deposited in
your cells; and today we want here and now to redeem these.
Illusion of a Punishing God
A picture of God, how it could not be more wrong, more perverse.
Mankind was held away from the kernel of life by means of misleading
“sacred” writings and false religions, whereby the direct experience of
God, which enables for everyone the direct encounter with God and
which forms the goal of one’s long journey through time and space
for everyone. For a long time this game of deception dominated and
what has already been revealed to you, will be confirmed today,
here and now, by myself, who has been amongst you from the
very beginning of time and acts as one of you.
It is known to you that this dark God does not exist and yet
the primal fears of such a God are stored and deposited in
your cells; and today we want here and now to redeem these.
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Jahn J Kassl
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