September starts off with some interesting dynamics. First, every planet is in some aspect of retrograde, either directly or by cycle. That says a lot about how we’re starting the 9th month of the year, where 9 is the number of completion. And we have the second of three Venus/Mars conjunctions on September 1. Even with Venus retrograde, it’s a rather rare and very potent combination, the movement from the human male/female to divine masculine/feminine. And they connect three times in 2015, which is quite rare, the 3rd is on November 1, in Virgo, together with Jupiter.
The two most important cycles this month are Jupiter in Virgo, starting a new cycle from 2003, and Saturn grinding out the last degree of Scorpio, completing its cycle from December 2014 and 1982. Do you remember your 2015 new year’s intentions? You may want to get them out this month because now you can put them in action.
The Jupiter in Virgo cycle is important because it goes back to 1991 and then 2003, both important moments in this ascension cycle. 2003 was when Archangel Uriel first visited me and in 1991 I started channeling and acknowledging my intuition and spiritual gifts. What were you doing in 2003 and 1991? Were they some of the worst years of your life — 2003 was for me, it was the year I was broke, nearly homeless, and unemployed. I cried myself to sleep every night for 6 months, begging God to ‘take me home’ until I decided to take another approach. Then I got a job and created my free trip to France (which you can read about in my book, 30 Days to Everyday Miracles).
Any time we have Jupiter in Virgo there is a spiritual awakening and the first two were rough, this one can be different. We’re so much more awake and aware now, so we can really align with and integrate this energy. No more ‘sissy spirituality’ or Martyred Healers, it’s empowered mastery time. What do you want to create in your life now as a fully integrated divine spiritual human?
Saturn leaves Scorpio on September 16, I think I will get the party hats out for that one. It has been a long, hard grind and not just for the past two years of Saturn in Scorpio. There is a particular kind of (misery) learning with Saturn in Scorpio and this is repeating cycle that goes back to 1917, 1950, and 1982. On September 16, when Saturn enters Sagittarius we end that cycle and get to apply its learning to our new paradigms. Don’t stop at being ‘glad it’s over’, take that next step to use what you have learned to do things differently now. We can’t change anything if we don’t make any changes.
Let’s talk about eclipses, which are super energized moon cycles, and we have two this month. We haven’t had any eclipses since March so these may be a wake up call. We’ll certainly feel the one on September 13th, which opposes Chiron, the Wounded Healer, exactly. Old wounds come up for review and release or repetition. This is also a good time for secrets to be revealed. The eclipse degree, 20 Virgo, is where we will see the 3rd Venus/Mars conjunction and Jupiter on November 1, so pay attention to what happens here. Whatever seems to be finished may come around again. The second eclipse is on September 28, at 4 Aries, which is close to the zero point, or beginning, of the zodiac. With the activity during this month’s final two weeks, energetic, social, and political, I think we’ll see some new beginnings happen.
The Equinox on September 23 is opposite the degree of the March 20 eclipse at 29 Pisces, bringing matters started at that time to resolution. Starting in October 2014 each new moon was at 0 degrees, with February 2015’s at 0 Pisces. Also in February 2015 we had the first Mars/Venus conjunction at 0 Aries, the beginning of the zodiac. This is one more area of healing for us, clearing the drama, trauma, chaos, and pain around our most difficult relationships. All of the energy of the past 9 months is now building up to a big crescendo. It’s time for the doors to open wide.
But we have a Mercury retrograde this month too, which, with all of the other retro action, seems like overkill to me. It’s in Libra and goes from 15 degrees back to 0, highlighting both eclipses in March and April this year. Have you noticed that everything this month is about repeating cycles? Libra is the sign of balance and anywhere we have been unbalanced, which includes not serving our needs, we will see it and have an opportunity to fix it by putting our needs first. This is a time to be self-ish, meaning taking care of ourselves. You can read my article on being ‘self-ish’ here.
The standard Mercury retro rules apply, leave extra time for travel, it isn’t a good idea to start new projects or buy big ticket items, read the details carefully before you sign, and expect things done under a Mercury retro to be re-done in some way after the retro is over. In this case, Mercury retro ends on October 8, and the shadow period ends October 25. You can still do things in a Mercury retro period but delays and upsets are more likely to happen now.
‘Having balance’ includes being out of alignment and out of integrity with ourselves, in every area. Are you angry about your past? Then you are out of balance in the present. Do you feel taken advantage of or used by others? Then you’re out of integrity with your needs and how you state them. Saying ‘no’ requires more courage than saying ‘yes’ at times, and sometimes we say ‘yes’ a lot because we don’t want to disappoint others. But if doing that makes you angry and upset, then you’re better off saying ‘no’ and letting them deal with their own consequences. And you’ll have a lot of opportunities in September to see where that applies, because with all of this retro action something is bound to come up.
If all of this back and forth makes your head spin, think of the karma wheel that turns around and around until someone decides they have been spinning long enough. ‘What goes around comes around’ and eventually it stops when the individual or collective wants to do something else. The time is ripe for change and we are supported by the energy in so many ways. But change happens when we decide to do something else, which is one step beyond realizing how unhappy we are with the current situation, and that one step is what takes us off of the karma wheel.
Our global rulers think that the week of September 23 is so important that they are meeting in several different venues to announce new global policies. They have been trying to do this for decades, the last such big announcement was in 1991 (Saturn in Scorpio) and that didn’t work. I don’t think that replacing Agenda 21 with Agenda 2030 is going to be any different, especially since we don’t want the 3D paradigms to continue and we have already disconnected from them on so many levels. While they won’t stop trying to force their illusions of greed, domination, and control on the world, we can operate beyond their radar by staying true to our desire for empowered, multi-dimensional, intentional living that promotes peace, joy, love, and compassion. That’s the world I want to live in and what I give my energetic consent to, anything else is a forgettable minor detail.
Many of the topics I have been addressing in the past few months come to bear in September. Energetic consent, energy boundaries, releasing ‘sacred cows‘, finding our own truth center, releasing the past so we can get clear on the present — we can’t have a foot in both worlds, past and present, and make any profound commitments to creating change for the future. September’s keywords are alignment and integration — what energy flows do we want to be in line with and how do we fit them into our lives? It may be time for some emotional and energetic housekeeping so we can make room for the changes and opportunities that are waiting for us to allow them into our realities. If love, joy, wealth, prosperity, abundance, and peace are knocking at your door, are you going to let them in?
We’re moving from the new age to the new earth, from light workers to light beacons, and from the density of destiny to the bright light of creation. Instead of wondering where to start, focus on the outcome you want to create to start the energy flow – make it big, bold, and beautiful, reach for the stars and keep shining your light. Have a wonderful month.
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